OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DIOCESE OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA www.diosef.org Volume 41 No. 6 December 2010 Photo by Thomas Winter Diocesan Convention celebrates, expands mission partnerships By Mary W. Cox, editor Convention coverage online The 41st Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southeast Florida, held Nov. 12-13 at St. Mary’s, Stu- Go to www.diosef.org and click on the art, was all about mission — and about the diverse Diocesan Convention link on the left side of the diocesan family coming together to celebrate our page to find links to: shared ministries. ■ Bishop Leo Frade’s address to convention “I was very happy about convention,” Bishop Leo ■ Resolutions approved Frade told the diocesan Executive Board at its Nov. ■ Approved budget for 2011 30 meeting, “happy about our spirit of unity in diver- ■ Elections and ratified elections/appointments sity.” ■ Youth Commission Report Welcoming bishops of our companion dioceses; ■ Convention photo galleries approving a new companion relationship; recognizing congregations that are offering outstanding hospital- ity to their neighbors and service to their communi- Bishop Laish Boyd of the Bahamas and Turks and ties; hearing the enthusiastic reports of youth and Caicos, and his wife, Joanne; Bishop Todd McGre- mission teams — all focused on our common mis- gor, area bishop of Toliara in the Diocese of Antana- sion: “To make known to all people the transforming narivo, Madagascar, and his wife, the Rev. Patsy power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, including all, ex- McGregor; and Bishop Jean Zaché Duracin of Haiti cluding none.” were present throughout the convention. Bishop Julio Reflecting the convention theme, “Global Partner- Holguin of our fourth companion diocese, Dominican ship in Mission,” bishops from three of the four dio- Republic, was unable to attend. ceses with which our diocese now has companion The convention enthusiastically approved the pro- relationships joined diocesan clergy, delegates and posed resolution to formalize the many connections guests for convention business, worship and a festive banquet in the Pittenger Center at St. Mary’s. See CONVENTION,Page2 2 The Net, December 2010 THE News NET www.diosef.org CONVENTION from Page 1 between the Diocese of Southeast Florida and the Diocese of Haiti in a companion diocese relationship. “We in Haiti are so grateful for what you have done for us,” Duracin told the opening session of the convention. After the resolution was passed, he again thanked the convention and said, “I think you will enjoy our companionship.” Another guest from an overseas diocese was Maria Gonzalez, wife of Fr. Emilio Martin, rector of San Francisco de Asis in Cardenas, Cuba, who was to have attended the convention but was unable to have his visa approved in time. With Bishop Leo Frade as her interpreter, Gonzalez spoke briefly to the conven- tion, saying that she brought greetings and “a big hug” from her parish. She told of her work with addicts and AIDS pa- tients and with the terminally ill. “God has put this in my heart,” she said. She said of her ministry, “All we ask every day is one more day to serve.” As a clergy spouse, Gonzalez was also welcomed by the clergy spouses at their breakfast gathering on Photo by Mary Cox Photo by Thomas Winter Saturday morning. Standing Committee President Fr. Hallock Martin Clockwise from upper left: drew applause and cheers when he began his intro- “Chef Marty”—Dean Marty Zlatic was duction of Frade in Spanish, then repeated his re- called away from the banquet preparations marks in English, concluding, “I give thanks for the to receive a gift from the convention: a per- foundational strength our diocesan bishop has given sonalized chef’s toque blanche. us in his absolute acceptance of all.” “I have very good news for you,” Frade told the Communion—Bishop Todd McGregor and convention. “We are growing! his wife, the Rev. Patsy McGregor, serve He noted statistics showing growth in both Aver- communion. age Weekend Attendance (AWA) and plate and pledge offering from 2008 to 2009, most significantly Clergy spouses—At the Clergy Spouses’ among congregations participating in the Nehemiah Breakfast Cuban guest Maria Gonzalez (left), whose husband, Fr. Emilio Martin, was Process. This program began in 2003 and has now in- unable to attend the convention, talks with volved nearly half of diocesan churches in a two-to- Deacon Marivel Milien, deacon-in charge of three-year commitment to a process focused on both Iglesia Episcopal Trinidad, Miami, who is reaching out to those without a faith community and also a clergy spouse; her husband, Fr. nurturing growth within the congregation. Smith Milein, is priest-in-charge of St. Paul The bishop also spoke of a number of other signs et les Martyrs d’Haiti, Miami. of growth in the past year: regional ministries; the Photo by Thomas Winter growth of the Haitian congregation at St. Paul et les Martyrs d’Haiti, Miami; the development of a new unions, but at the same time I am also committed to 2006-2009. Hispanic Task Force; the beginning of Portuguese- make this diocese an inclusive place where gays and Sixteen others received awards for growth in the language ministry; the “exporting” of Cursillo to Ja- lesbians — indeed, ALL people — will be respected year 2008-2009. maica; the continued expansion of outreach ministries and have full participation in the life of our church.” Archdeacon Bryan Hobbs, on behalf of the Ne- with the support of Episcopal Charities; the growing He also responded to speculation about when he hemiah Process, gave recognition to congregations program and planned expansion of facilities at the might retire. “This past month I turned 67 years old that have shown significant increases in “four Key In- Duncan Center; youth ministries at the diocesan, and the mandatory retirement age for an Episcopal dicators (AWA, Easter attendance, plate/pledge offer- deanery and parish levels; and mission teams sharing Bishop is 72. If my math is correct, then if God wills ing, operating revenue),” or in one of the four. the gospel both locally and in collaboration with our it I’ll be here for a while longer. I love working in this He also recognized six clergy for “Excellence in mission partners around the world. diocese and I love the people who make Southeast Applying Nehemiah Principles” — Fr. Jack Stanton, He outlined the developing long-term diocesan Florida a lively, exciting, hardworking, believing dio- priest-in-charge, St. James the Fisherman, Islam- Strategy for Growing a Healthier Ministry, which will cese.” orada; Dean Debra Maconaughey, St. Columba, include a new program, the “Bishop’s Ministry “We are now beginning to see the fruits of our Marathon; Fr. Smith Milien and Deacon Marivel Nat- Grants,” planned to provide one million dollars over a labors for Christ after many years of hard work, even era Milien, St. Paul et les Martyrs d’Haiti, Miami; four-year period to strengthen the leadership and in- in the midst of financial disaster, anger and dissen- and Dean Richard Aguilar, St. Margaret’s and San frastructure within the congregations of the diocese. sion in our Church — and hurricanes,” he concluded. Francisco de Asis, Miami Lakes, and Fr. Horace Awards will be granted to approximately 10 congre- “I challenge you — because I believe our Lord chal- Ward, Holy Family, Miami Gardens, for Nehemiah gations, as well as regional ministries, or special proj- lenges all of us — to complete the work we have mentoring. ects. begun for him, to make certain that the ministries in Praising Nehemiah participants for their creativity, Addressing the issue of blessing of same-sex progress continue to bear fruit in the years ahead.” Hobbs said, “Nobody in the country is doing what unions, the bishop said, “I have authorized the bless- (The complete text of the bishop’s address is on we’re doing,” ing of marriages of same-sex couples who have a pp. 10-12.) (See box on page 4 for a complete listing of HII marriage certificate and have been married legally in The bishop honored nine congregations whose and Nehemiah Awards.) a jurisdiction where that is allowed,” adding that an growth has demonstrated outstanding “Hospitality, In addition to the resolution calling for the com- authorized liturgy for such blessings is available upon Invitation and Incorporation (HII)” over a period of panion relationship with the Diocese of Haiti, the request from the Diocesan Office. several years. All Saints, Ft. Lauderdale, was recog- convention approved proposed legislation that called “Let me make myself very clear,” Frade said. “I nized for its growth of nearly 45 percent over five for: am committed to work with and respect those who years, 2004-2009, and seven other congregations may be in disagreement with the blessing of same sex were honored for growth over the three-year period See CONVENTION Page 3 News www.diosef.org THE 3 NET The Net, December 2010 CONVENTION from Page 2 Elected at Convention Ratified at Convention Changes to diocesan Canons to comply with changes made by last year’s General Convention to Standing Committee: Clergy — Fr. Horace Deanery Elections to Executive Board: Title IV, the section of the Canons of the Episcopal Ward, Holy Family, Miami Gardens; Lay — North Palm Beach — Lay Representative, Church dealing with clergy discipline; Kathy Walker, Incarnation, Miami; John Cox, Julie Bird Winchester, Good Shepherd, The establishment of a Diocesan Committee on St. Margaret’s, Miami Lakes Tequesta Higher Education Ministry that would investigate and General Convention Lay Deputies: (1) Tom South Palm Beach — Lay Representative, report to Executive Board the feasibility of establish- O’Brien, Bethesda-by-the-Sea, Palm Beach; Bill Unger, St.
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