The Chanticleer Kappa Sig party attracts big crowd and police The fraternity provided free taxi By MIKE LIVINGSTON service, checked IDS and had fenced News Writer in their yard to limit access to the no..,.. A recent party at the Sigma to several stud en^ at House which attracted over 1,000 '"zicorcording the party, everyonewas well behaved. people resulted in complaints from Most of the trouble occurred when residents that live around the Greek non-students started to anive at the house after 10:30 p.m. According to Lee Thomas, Assistant Jacksonville Police Chief Tommy Director of Student Activities, the Thompson said he was at the party Kappasigma brothers had taken steps and left around 10:30 p.m. to keep the party from getting out of "There was around 700 people when control but they were not successful.. I left and the real problems didn't "Around 10:30 p.m. a lot more people start until later when more people showed up at the party than they arrived," said Thompson. could handle and the fence they were Thompson also explained that using was trampled on and the broth- Kappa Sigma violated the city noise ers could no longer restrict access to ordinance after 11:OO p.m. The band the party ," said Thomas. had already stopped playing. "When you have only 60 brothers and 1,000 people it is hard to control See Kappa Sig, p. 4 what is going on," added Thomas. UIine suffers injuries in tractor accident One on one By SHEILA LYNCH News Writer President talks about campus issues Learning can be a painful experi- ence. Carol Uline, a professor in the since the mid-eighties but he doesn't question issimpleanddirect. "I don't department of education lived that By SHANE McGRIFF feel that the expansion is out of hand. see a Division I program (here)." maxim Sept. 2. News Editor "There really is no great potential for McGee said that an alumni com- Uline was bushhogging part of her overgrowth out there," McGee said. mittee is studying the issue, and will 28-acre farm in Cedar Springs when Harold J. McGee sits at the helm of "The high school graduating classes make a report later this year. He said the Ford tractor she was test-driving a university in transition. are shrinking. Our concern now is that eventually the board of trustees ran over her, breaking her right ankle Expanding enrollment, changing holding enrollment at the 8,000 stu- will decide on the proposal. McGee and the femur in her left thigh. said money is the holdup. "My feel- Uline left the tractor in neutral while academic standards, and an ever more dent level." Carol Uline visible push by alumni to move the JSU's student population has grown ing is that any plan coming from the she walked to open the fence gate for from about 6,300 in 1985-86 to ap- alumni group won't contain the fi- her neighbor Joel Prickett. Just as she Hospital and underwent surgery on athletic program to Division I, are her broken leg. Her ankle was set in a just a few of the challenges for JSU's proximately 8,400 this year. McGee nancial resources to make the move. rmched the gate, Prickett shouted to said the administration's plan for We don't use any state funds for the her that the tractor was moving. Ul- cast. Despite the pain, Uline seemed president in the 1990-91 academic to be in good spirits last week. Her year. growth includes an additional 100 to athletic program and there just isn't ine, trying to prevent the tractor from 200 students per year until the year enough revenue potential to make di- damaging her fence, raced toward hospital room was filled with plants, McGee acknowledges that JSU's flowers, balloons and cards. Many enrollment has grown significantly 2000. He said that much of thegrowth vision one sports sustaining," he said. the machine and tried to leap on it. anticipated would come from gradu- McGee said that football is the only Before she could jump on the trac- were from concerned students and ate students, transfers, and part-time sport that might benefit from a move tor, a wheel caught her right ankle faculty members. students. up the ladder. The football program and pulled her under the huge tires. "Everybody has been just marvel- The athletic program, like the stu- could compete with schools in I-AA. One of the tractor tires ran over her ous. My major concern was my classes. My department head, Stan Editorialslp. 6 dent body, has made significant There is no such division in other left thigh, breaking the femur, before strides in the last five years. JSU has sports. That would mean JSU would she could roll out of the way. Prickett Easton, said teachers volunteered to what is arguably the best program in compete with schools twice its size in reacted quickly and raced to his home cover my classes along with their own full loads," she sad. Featureslp. 13 division two athletics. Now, many basketball, volleyball,andall theother and told his wife to call 9 11. alumni and students alike are calling sports. The tractor went through the fence Judy Berry, Marsha Zenanko, for a move to Division I. Several The basketball team, McGee said, and hit apower pole causing the lines Selinda Yohe and Mary Williams are filling in during Uline's absence. Comicslp. 19 schools in the Gulf South Confer- would have to waiteight years toplay to break. "It was like the Fourth of ence, includingJSU's arch-rivalTroy in the NCAA Division I tournament July. There were sparks everywhere," Uline was looking forward to her StateUniversity,aremaking the move if the program were to move up. "As Uline said. "The impact of the tractor release from the hospital. She will be to the "big leagues" of college athlet- good as the basketball program is, hitting the pole almost ripped the bedridden for at least six weeks. "I Sportslp. 9 have always been very active ,ad ics. power lines out of my house." prided myself on being indepenwt. McGee's answer to the Division I Uline was taken to Jacksonville t See McGee talks, p. 3 .. -.+ 2 Thursday, September 20,1990 The Chanticleer andl lord unhappy with student tenants By DAWN SHELL Holcomb said that some students we try to handle problems on the News Writer "feel the need to show off to their lowest level-at conception. In doing friends" in the apartment complexes. this, 90 percent of our problems are It's only the fourth week of the fall She said that she would like to see an alleviated." semester and some students are al- arbitration board between students Creel said the job of handling dis- ready in ~ouble-not with grades- and landlords which would put some- putes in off-campus housing should with their landlords. one from the University between the be settled by the students and land- Gena Holcomb, manager of Jackson two to act as a mediator. lords. Trace Apartments, has received over Ray Creel, the associate director of Not everyone off-campus has prob- 30 complaints over the past few days residence life, said problems arising lems with their student tenants. conderning noise, parking and trash. in on-campus housing qe handled Donald Golden, a realtor for Gold Holcomb said that police have been immediately by hall directors. Creel Key Realty, said that his organiza- called to handle parties that got out of put some of the blame for off-campus tion "has never had to evict any stu- control and tow trucks have been problems on the landlords. "Absen- dents" and that they have never heard employed to remove cars that were tee landlords contribute to the prob- any complaints from people living parked in tenants' zones. lem," said Creel. "Here on campus around a house rented by a student. Lackof funding kills co-op program to oversee the program is impossible evaluate the cooperative needs for By SHANNON COOPER because the amount of funding fluc- each institution. News writer tuates so much annually. One year, An internal budget is currently the JSU's Cooperative Education the grant could be enough to finance only support of the program. The Department will not receive a grant a program director and the next, al- planning and placement department from the federal government for the lotted funds would dw~ndleand the receives funds annually, but gradu- 1990-91 school year. position would be eradicated. ate job-placement and part-time job Due to the instability of govern- Jenkins went on to describe the placement needs have priority over ment grants from year to year, the co- process of applying for and receiving cooperative needs. op program at J S U is almost obso- thegrant. Every school with a federal Jenkins said that the order of rank- lete. interest in their co-op programs must ing was reasonable, but he hopes that Marvin Jenkins, college placement apply annually for the funds. The ap- director, said that a full-time position plications go before a panel that will See co-op program, pa Do you think the new dorms should be co-ed? "Yes, I do. Because of "It shouldgive guys and "No, I don't think they "No, I don't think we "That'll be great. I think the fact that it isn't fair girls a reason to inter- should be co-ed, ltcould should. We have it'll be a change around for boys and girls to act more and be com- cause problems be- enough problems as it campus.
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