tJhrJsfmasileals! Christmas Sealsl Buy and Use Them Buy and Use Them V.OL. XIX, No. 41 WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1937 PRICEE CKNTS Arranges Tests OUR Tuberculin-Testing Starts Monday At High School SILENCE BY AMBOY In County Leagues Scientific War On * White Plague9 ON TREATMENT FEE ill FRONT ON AVENEL SIGNAL and 576 affirmative replies were Nicklas Reports Response received. All Expenses Are Paid By WINDOW Highway Department Will To Invitation Exceeds The purpose of the plan is to at- Middlesex Unit From Local Officials' Request 29 Applicants T© Be Exam- tempt to detect tuberculosis in. its IS J< Seek Means Of Reduc- All Expectations earliest stage and when it is more Xmas Seal Receipts For Waste Disposal w ** ined At State Police ing Accidents easily susceptible of cure. Hos- year students. The Seniors are Charge Unanswered Training School A Letter To Santa WOODBRIDGE — Tuberculin pitals throughout the country are 1L Franklin. D. Roosevelt, Esq., CIRCLE ISTONSIDERED testing--, of approximately 600 filled with patients, hopelessly tu- selected because of the fact this PROJECT "STALEMATED m APPOINTMENTS DEC. 20 Whit* H<*use Freshmen and Seniors at the bercular, who might have been is their last year in school and the t"-. Washington, D. C. * AVENEL—A four-week survey, Woodbridge Township High School restored to health had examina- League is anxious to detect any WOODBRIDGE—No word has WOODBRIDGE Twenty-nine is expected to . start on Monday sign of tuberculosis among them Dear Mr. President: to continue 24 hours a day, will tions such as those to be made been received to date from Perth applicants for six vacancies in the be started next week by the State and continue through Tuesday. here Monday and Tuesday had before they disband. The Fresh- Amboy on the administration's re- Woodbridge Township police de- When I was a little boy | Highway Department at Avenel The examinations are afforded been afforded. men also are included since they quest for a price to treat Fords, partment will submit to mental I always wondered where through the Middlesex County Tu- are at the age in which the dreaded Hopelawn and Keasbey sewage Street and the Super-Highway in It should be remembered, since germ is apt to first become notice- and physical examinations today an effort to determine the most berculosis League and will be made this is the season when the Tu- and for this reason all plans to at the State Police training school Santa Claus got all the by Dr. C.H. Rothfuss and Dr. able. divert drainage from this section money he spent every Christ- effective type of traffic signal for bei-culosis League is distributing at Wilburta. Colonel Mark O. this dangerous intersection. Henry Belafsky. Christmas seals, that it is the pur- In the event sufficient funds are away from Raritan River and Bay Kimberling, superintendent of the * * * * are at a standstill. mas on presents. My wor- The request for the check was chase of these seals which Inances available in future years it is State Police, is expected to con- ries on this point became fur- made, state authorities revealed, Supervising Principal Victor C. the work being done here. The planned to extend the examination The request was made several duct the tests. Nicklas said yesterday that un- to the Junior class. weeks ago at a conference of local ther complicated by a. per- by Chief of Police George E. Keat- entire cost of the project is borne Commissioner Nier All of the men have previously ing who characterizes the area in usual interest and co-operation in by the League. # * * * and Perth Amboy officials, in ac- been examined by Drs. Rothfuss, petual fear that wherever ;£ ;{' :£ ^c question as "the most dangerous the program was being shown by Mr. Nicklas said the response cordance with instructions from Spencer, Mark and Hutner and was the source of these holi- in the township" from a traffic parents. There were 700 invita- The League is confining- its to the examination invitations here Washington which made a grant of were given a sufficiently high rat- day funds the time might standpoint. tions for the examination issued work at present to first and last was unusually high. $81,000 for use as part payment ing to win a chance to take the in constructing the sewer condi- Trenton test which was arranged come when the treasury In the meantime the Department tional on the completion of such by Police Commissioner Ernest W. would be empty and that no is going ahead with its plan to in- stall a center safety aisle fom arrangements. The total .cost of Nier, at no expense to the Town- matter how good I was all the Clover Leaf to East Grand Avenel Youth 'Borrows' Tipsy Truck the improvement is estimated at ship. year there might be no gifts. Street, Railway, through Avenel in $181,000. According to present plans, the hope of reducing the high ac- The administration has refrained Absence 01 Ball Player eight men will be added to the de- It isn't that I'm naturally fickle To Take A Tipsy GETS LOCAL BOOST from taking any definite action in such matters but I've decided to cident frequency on this section of From Carteret Prevents partment at the regular meeting of the. busy New York-Philadelphia looking toward compliance with the Township Committee Decem- switch my allegiance from Santa Prisco Reports Wide Co- an order from the State Depart- Service Of Capias Claus to you because I'm more con- thoroughfare. Possibility of pro- One Lands In The Ditch, ber 20. Two of the eight, Joseph viding additional or "brighter lights ment of Health directing the pol- Casale and Daniel Panconi were fident that you can always find Other In The Hospital; Operation In Town; lution . of the Raritan River be CARTERET—The absence from funds to reward the faithful. You along the roadway is also under the borough of Joe Medwick of previously appointed but were sus- consideration. Cops Laud Chivalry Sale Continues stopped pending advice from Perth pended as an act of economy. They always do around election time and Amboy on the annual cost to the Union Street, St. Louis Cardinal so I'm going- to take a> chance on Circle Is Possible WOODBRIDGE—With tabula- ace recently voted the most valu- will be restored to the force, and AVENEL—-There's at least no taxpayers here for treatment. because of their status as first you for Christmas. While it is believed a change in doubt about one thing over at Po- tions as yet incomplete, Nicholas Project Unnecessary able player in the National Neague, the signal light arrangement at A. Prisco, chairman of the local has called a temporary halt in the claimants to any vacancies, they Last year, I had a long Christ- lice Headquarters and that's that Noses Out Zullo, 3 Other were not required to take the ex- mas list which I didn't think would the intersection may be a solution 19-year old Oscar Large of George Christmas Seal drive, stated yes- So far as can be ascertained proceedings by which Ernest C. of the current problem it may be Aspirants On His Esti- terday that returns indicate wide there is no immediate cause for Burrows of Woodbridge seeks to aminations. , present much of a problem to any- Street is a very chivalrous young Identity Withheld one who was interested in me at that construction of a traffic circle man. mate Of $5600 generosity and interest on the part the huge expenditure for the obtain $10,000 damages for al- at Avenel Street may be deemed of hundreds of residents. drainage system or for the disposal leged assault and battery. The Commissioner Nier last night all, but nothing much hapuened. Everybody agrees, too, it was refused to divulge the identity of For your information, Santa Claus the best method of improving WOODBRIDGE—Nilholas Lan- Mr. Priseo urged that every except the whim of the State De- case has not been dropped how- safety conditions. Because of the too bad the truck Large was using gan nosed out Anthony Zullo by partment of Health. In the first ever, Mr. Burrows stated last night the 29 who go to Trenton today. pia<l no attention to it whatever to drive his girl-friend home to piece of mail sent out during the Each of them has been assigned a and although I'm not really mad at expense of such a change, however, •$390 in his bid for the garbage re- Christmas season bear a seal, not place, Woodbridge Township has at his home, 551 Maple Avenue. and the relative infrequency of Rahway had to turn over. moval contract in Woodbridge no funds with which to do the work number, which will be used to iden- him I must admit I felt he should But beyond . these two points, only as a reminder of the splen- An attempt was made to serve tify them throughout the tests. have done better by me. He might Avenel Street traffic this possibil- Township for 1938. Mr. Langan did work being accomplished by and it must contract a huge debt in Medwick with a capias to insure ity is regarded as remote for the doubt is rife. has held the contract several times order to comply with the ruling. Mr. Nier stated this system is be- have been shy of currency but if Did Large, for instance, have the Middlesex County Tuberculosis his appearance at the time of the ing employed so that no charges you were in the same predicament time being.
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