25148 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 18, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS GRAMM-RUDMAN IS ONCE of this terrible legislation-an extension that small cuts in Medicare payments to doctors, AGAIN UPON US could keep it alive through the end of this hospitals and individual claimants and by century. assorted inconveniences to the staffs of the Mr. Speaker, Congress has the constitution­ various federal agencies. Even there, the ex­ HON. C. W. BILL YOUNG pectation is that the reductions will be re­ OF FLORIDA al responsibility to make Federal budget and spending decisions. We find ourselves in the stored when Congress finally reconciles the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES budget. position today where because we abrogated Wednesday, October 18, 1989 that responsibility Medicare payments will be Congress, especially the Senate, deserves Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, at mid­ reduced, aviation safety could be jeopardized, some credit for refusing to be stampeded night the folly of Gramm-Rudman once again the readiness of our national defense is into passing a capital gains tax cut and fell upon our Nation as the computers at the threatened by arbitrary cuts, and other Feder­ other giveaways that scarcely belonged in a Office of Management and Budget made al programs will be curtailed. The Congress deficit reduction bill. It would deserve even $16.2 billion in budget cuts mandated by law has not been willing or able to make the diffi­ more, however, if it were to repeal the because the Congress once again failed to cult and politically sensitive votes to control Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act or at least meet its budget deadlines. Federal spending, reduce our Federal deficit, change it beyond recognition. I opposed Gramm-Rudman when it was and move closer to a balanced budget. The law is a sham. Granted, the necessity considered by the House in 1985 because I What is required if we are to meet these of feigning compliance with it has probably knew Congress would spend more time trying goals is a commitment by this House and the helped to keep overall spending somewhat to skirt the law than it would attempting to Congress to establish Federal priorities and lower than it might be otherwise, but an­ make the difficult budget decisions necessary make the decisions about how we are going other effect has been to encourage Congress to reduce the Federal deficit and balance the to reverse the tide of deficit spending. The so­ and the White House to simply cook the budget. The endless list of examples of cre­ lution lies in the willingness of every Member books. The administration, for example, ative accounting and budget gimmickry is the to cast the difficult votes on authorization and always forecasts the budget deficit on the legacy left us by this heralded budget reform appropriations legislation. It also requires that basis of economic assumptions that are legislation. In the past 5 years, we have seen: we quit relying on phony proposals such as plainly too good to be true, yet Congress pay days moved from September 30 to Octo­ Gramm-Rudman to do the job for us and that always plays along. Another trick is to count ber 1 to push them from one fiscal year to an­ we amend or repeal outright the ineffective one-time revenue, such as a temporary other, pay days moved from October 1 to speedup in tax collections, as if it were per­ Congressional Budget Act and eliminate the manent. Another is to drop the Postal Serv­ September 30 for the exact opposite reason, House and Senate Budget Committees. They ice out of the budget when it happens to funds fenced so that only a portion could be have done nothing to ensure that we meet our show a deficit. In one especially shabby used in 1 fiscal year and carried over to an­ budgetary deadlines and instead have added stunt, the most recent military payday was other, the payment of bills delayed into a new another layer of bureaucracy and another set moved up one day, from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30, fiscal year, new programs established with the of obstacles to our efforts to balance the Fed­ so that it would contribute to the deficit for cost being exempted from Gramm-Rudman eral budget. the last fiscal year instead of the fiscal year deficit targets, and large Federal procurement The solution to out-of-control Federal that began Oct. 1. This is one of the reasons programs stretched out at a significant added spending is simple but the decisions are diffi­ why the actual deficit for fiscal 1989 turned long-term cost to the American taxpayers. cult. The reason we are elected to this House, out to be $160-billion, according to the Con­ This year is no exception as the Congress however, is to cast those difficult votes and I gressional Budget Office, instead of the once again failed to fulfill its budgetary re­ would hope that in the weeks ahead we will $136-billion calculated under the Gramm­ sponsibilities primarily because we have run forego any further consideration of Gramm­ Rudman-Hollings Act a year ago. out of gimmicks and sleight of hand to meet Rudman extensions and other gimmickry and This annual exercise in creative account­ the Gramm-Rudman targets. All the creative get down to the business of casting those ing owes to the fact that Gramm-Rudman­ accounting has been used and now we are tough votes. Hollings applies only to the projected down to the point where we should have been budget, not to how the figures add up at the 5 years ago, the point where we should face GRAMM-RUDMAN: A Dun end of the year. There is no incentive to up to our fiscal responsibilities and make the Congress or the White House to make an difficult decisions about where to reduce Fed­ The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act re­ honest budget and stick to it. Worse yet, the quires federal spending to be cut across the surplus in Social Security collections is used eral spending on a program by program basis. board if Congress fails to meet the annual The St. Petersburg Times, my hometown deadline for cutting the projected deficit to to reduce the apparent deficit even though newspaper, welcomed news that sequestra­ the predetermined amount which this year the surplus is supposed to be reserved for tion took effect today with an editorial that re­ is a relatively modest $110-billion. The dead­ the benefit of workers who will retire in the next century. Since the government is bor­ states many of my same objections to line has passed, triggering the feared doomsday weapon. Washington is abuzz rowing from the surplus to meet military Gramm-Rudman. Following my remarks, I payrolls and other current expenses, the would like to include a copy of this editorial over this. Beyond the Beltway, however, the average American's response would be, "So true annual deficit is still more than $200- entitled "Gramm-Rudman: A Dud" for the what?" billion. One of the more honest budget benefit of my colleagues so they might have a One reason is that the cuts are not really reform proposals calls for taking Social Se­ better understanding of how the people we across the board, or across even half the curity out of the mix and raising the represent feel about this phony attempt by the board. Social Security and federal retire­ Gramm-Rudman-Hollings targets according­ Congress to regain control of the Federal ment are exempt because Congress did not ly. want to have to answer the mail from so budget. But the law would still be essentially inef­ As if the Congress did not learn its lesson many millions of angry citizens who expect their monthly checks on time and undimin­ fectual for lack of a retroactive penalty. from the initial adoption of Gramm-Rudman, 2 Suppose, however, that congressional and years ago we extended its life for 2 more ished. In a fit of conscience, Congress also exempted Medicaid, food stamps and most White House salaries had to be reduced by years through the end of fiscal year 1992. other entitlements for needy people. The the same percentage by which the year's Now, to my chagrin, the leadership of the $16.2-billion to be cut will be absorbed large­ budget was overspent? Or better yet, how House, Senate, and the respective budget ly by unfilled vacancies in the military, by about an automatic compensating increase committees, is discussing a further extension higher processing fees for student loans, by in the top marginal income tax rate? e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. October 18, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25149 AT HOME IN THIS CONTRA WAR soldiers, some children; one was a 17-year­ Land in Nicaragua is for everyone too, I old blown up by a U.S.-made Claymore mine learned from my travels in the countryside. as he returned from work on an agricultural By 1985, more than 45,000 landless Nicara­ HON. EDWARD F. FEIGHAN cooperative. Towns with strange sounding guan families had received access to land on OF OHIO names-Cusmapa, Quilali, Chontales, Jino­ which to grow food for themselves. Nicara­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tega, Mira Flor, San Jose de Bocay-haunt gua's land reform program, which has Wednesday, October 18, 1989 me at night when I think of the civilians proved remarkably flexible and responsive massacred there.
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