----- ·empl e Bt: th- EL. Broad & Gl cnh~m St$. Only An51lo-Jewi1h Serving 30,000 Newspaper in This State in Rhode Island VOL. XXXIV, NO. 5 FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1949 PROVIDENCE. R. I . TWENTY-FOUR PAGES 7 CENTS THE COPY Sopkin to Lead '49 Drive; UJA Caravan Train Here Li'I Abner Creator, Miss America Here Sun. Speakers ·Stress Capacity Crowd Need of U. S. Aid Attends Rally The a ppointment of Alvin A. j know that you will not refuse. Sopkin as chairman of the 1949 ; ' "We have it within our power fund-ra ising campa ign of the I to make "Homecoming-1949" the General J ewish Committee of realization of our dreams and Providence was announced Tues­ hopes of the past decade." day during the visit of the "Cara- I Economy In Danger van of Hope" train to this city. The need of United States aid This will m ark the fifth straight i to Israel and the DP's was the year that Sopkin has headed the keynote of the addresses delivered GJC's annual drive, which will by the speakers at Tuesday even­ start on Labor Day. ing's rally. Max Lerner, noted In his acceptance address, made columnist , author and lecturer, Tuesd ay evening at the Rhode told the packed throng that the Island School of Design auditor­ DP camps of Europe must be ium, where the "Caravan of Hope" e m p t i e d this year. Terming program was held before a capa­ Europe a cemetery, Lerner asserted city audience, Sopkin urged all , that if we fail to get the DP's contributors to the 1948 campaign f out of the camps, "their blood to pay their pledges at once, in I ALVIN A. SOPKIN will be on our hands." order that the funds may be I _ _____________ Lerner emphasized that Israel's ,). rushed to Israel, where they are economy is in grave danger of col­ badly needed. cooperation and support of the lapsing because of the tremendous BESS MYERSON AL CAPP "I consider it a real honor to entire Jewish community. influx of homeless Jews into the have been chosen again to be "From this point on, we roll up country. He pointed out that 130,- 'na1· readers follow the fortunes of the chairman of the GJC campaign," our sleeves and go to work again. 000 immigrants· reached Palestine Al Capp B Dogpatch people every day in the Sopkin said. "I am fully aware of Very shortly, I will announce the last year, that 40,000 now a.re in papers of the nation and his the responsibility involved. I ac- appointment of various division temporary quarters and that 30,- creation, the "Shmoo", is now a cept with the understanding that, i chairmf'n of our campaign. When 000 are arriving every month. He 1 as i~ the past.I will have the full · you ar~ called upon to work, l con,pared tha drain on Israel's 8 rith Entertainer nag~;;1!~;~ 0 :~swer you if you resources with the problem that ask him if Li'! Abner will ever would arise in Rhode Island should Roger Williams Lodge, B'nai marry Daisy Mae, but he will keep the population jump by 30 per­ B'rith. will present a star packed you entertained with a host of Herald Bowling Tourneys April 18,May 2 cent. program featuring the famous stories about how he created his Other speakers stated that con­ cartoonist, Al Capp, and Bess characters and how he flunked The three Temple bowling lea­ session. which • was inaugurated tinued aid from the U. S. is es­ Myerson, Miss America of 1945 Geometery nine times in the pub­ gues-Beth-El, Beth Israel and last year, will be all Jewish bowl­ sential if Israel is to survive its this Sunday evening at Planta- lie schools of Bridgeport. His visit Emanuel-will battle for the 1949 ing leagues in the Providence area economic problem&. tions Auditorium starting at 8 :30 to Providence will be one of his championship and the Herald tro­ with the exception of the leagues In addition to Sopkin and Ler­ o'clock. rare public appearances. phy on Monday evening, April 18 ta king part in the April 18 a ffair. ner. the program included :t>4ajor It might be possible to describe Miss Bess Myerson is the lovely at the Casino Alleys when the Applicat ions for entry in th is Yerouham Cohen, Hagana h war Al Capp as a big, lovable, curly- and glamorous personality who fourth annual Herald Bowling tourney must be received by the hero; Marcel Kirschner, veteran headed. handsome, mightily-mus- was selected Miss America in T ournament gets under way. The Herald no later than Saturday, of eight years in DP and concen- elect youth, were it not for the 1945. She is an accomplished musi­ tourney will begin _at 8 o'clock. April 16 . t Continued on Page 2) fact that h_is picture accompanies cian, an experienced lecturer and The top 20 keglers of each lea- this story. linguist and a graduate of Hun- gue, who appeared in at least two- Ah th ('h I D d• • (' d He is the creator of Li'I Abner ter College. thirds of their respective 1eague's ava J O om e 1cahon JUn ay a nd is the only cartoonist ever to I She is now devoting much of regularly scheduled matches dur- e s ta b l i s h a n ational holiday- her time to the more serious as­ ing the current season, will be Sadie Hawkins Day, now cele- pects of contemporary life and is eligible to participate. Climaxin g a colorful and mem- bratcd by some 40 ,000 groups all 1 spreading the good work of the The men will be divided, ac- arable progra m for dedication ex­ over the coun try. Forty million (Continued on Page 7) cording to averages, into four ercises for the formal opening of teams of five m en each-called A, th e New Ahavath Sholom Syna­ B, C and D-and teams of similar gogue at Rochambeau Avenue and averages will be pitted against Camp Street this Sunday after­ Cranston Club Passover Festival each other. That is, the top aver- noon, the J ewish community will age clubs of each league will be hear Dr. Israel J acob Harris who Frank Shapiro of Boston, well­ • in direct competition. has accepted an invitation to par- known authority on Jewish hum­ I As in the past each team will ticipate in the ceremonies. or, will speak on "The Humorous bowl three strings a nd one point Dr. Harris was born a nd edu- in J ewi sh Life" at t he Passover will be !:\ Warded for each. A fourth cated in South Africa. He came Festival of the Cranston J ewish 1 point will be given for total pin- to this country for th e first time Community Club. at 8 o'clock, ' fall. The total match points will as a Rhodes schola r a nd attended April 17 at Legion Hall. Other determine the winner. In case of Columbia Unive rsity and Yeshiva guests will be Rabbi Eli A. Bohnen , tie, the league whose teams post University in New York. He was Ca n tor J acob Hohenemser a nd I the highest total pinfnll will be ordained with honors by the R abbi Sam r el H . Workman . declared the winner. Isaac Elchanan Theologica l Sem- Shapiro, a graduate of Harvard In addition to t he league tro- ina ry. University a nd a practicing at- I phy, the individua l bowler who He is n ow in this country on a torney in Boston, interprets J ewish i compiles the best three-string total lecture tour and in furtherance humor. informing his audience as for the evening will receive the of his studies. well as a musing them . Trinkel troph y, awarded a nnually The ceremonies will start at Dr. Morris Botvin will be toast­ by Benj amin H. Trinkel in mem- 1 :30 o'clock at t he old Synagogue master a nd the a ff a ir is open to cry of his son, PFC Berpard J. at Howell a nd Scott Streets with the public. T rinke!, USMC. who was killed on a specia l ritua l prepa red by Rabbi DR. ISRAEL HARRIS In charge of a rrangements a re Iwo Jima durinµ the war. Morris G . Silk, spiritual leader of Ben Woo lf. Albert Cohen. Israel • • the congregation. It will be fol- h on or guard of the G erald Cla- Ka rten . Dr. Daniel Kouffman. SeG ond Tourney May 2 lowed by the traditional orthodox , m on Post 439. JWV. Max Resnick Abel Gurwitz. a nd Dr. Botvin. The second Herald -sponsored Procession of the T orahs. which I is Chief Marsha ll, assisted by Ab­ Mrs. Gordon Schieff er is in tournament, involvi n g leagues not I will _be led by t he Rabbi a nd ' raham Foster and J os?ph Ma rcus. charge of refreshments. RSS !sted participating in the April 18 roll- Archie Smith. presiden t . To the The speRking program will take by MesclR mes Albert Cohen . Joseph off, wtl! be held two weeks later, accompaniment of ba nd music. , place at the new synagogue. and K urtz. Max Greenberg. Martyn on May 2. Time, place and rules I honorar y bearers wtl! carry the will include. in addition to the Zietz a nd Miss Ann Fishman, sec­ will rema in the same.
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