Political Reviews Micronesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 taberannang korauaba, kelly g marsh, clement yow mulalap, christina sablan, tyrone j taitano Polynesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 lorenz gonschor, margaret mutu, christina newport, forrest wade young The Contemporary Pacic, Volume 27, Number 1, 209–293 © 2015 by University of Hawai‘i Press 209 political reviews • polynesia 257 Cook Islands Party being out-polled References by the Democratic Party, the result highlights “the disparity in the value CIH, Cook Islands Herald. Rarotonga. Weekly. of a vote across the Cook Islands” (CIN, 23 July 2014), with the balance CIN, Cook Islands News. Rarotonga. Daily. of power sitting with smaller voter Cook Islands Government. 2013. constituencies. Kaveinga Tapapa: Climate and Disaster The Democratic Party, now with Compatible Development Policy 2013– eight seats, saw their leader Wilkie 2016. August. Rarotonga: Office of the Rasmussen lose his seat by 10 votes. Prime Minister. http://www.mfem.gov The Mitiaro seat they won on election .ck/images/Climate__Disaster_Compatible night came back tied after the recount, _Development_Policy_Final_copy.pdf [accessed 23 June 2014] with both candidates garnering 50 votes each (CIN, 18 Jul 2014). A by- Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority. election will be needed to sort out the 2014. Frequently Asked Questions. deadlock unless a petition to the court http://www.seabedmineralsauthority.gov proves successful for either party. .ck/index.php/about-us/15-faqs [accessed 1 July 2014] On that note, by the 25 July dead- line, nine electoral petitions had been Fayle, Tom. 2014. Cook Islands Solar lodged with the Cook Islands High Energy Project Causing Concerns. Court. As the post-election caretaker Interview with Steve Anderson, Radio government, the Cook Islands Party Australia, ABC, 2 January. http://www will now have to wait for the outcome .radioaustralia.net.au/international/radio/ program/pacific-beat/cook-islands-solar of the court actions. With the con- -energy-project-causing-concerns/1241848 stitutional provisions to enable the [accessed 30 June 2014] caretaker government to operate with one quarter of the 2013–14 govern- pifs, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. ment appropriations until the end of 2013. Forty-fourth Pacific Islands Forum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands. September, the pressure is now on the Forum Communiqué. Suva: pifs. judiciary and Chief Justice Thomas http://www.forumsec.org/resources/ Weston, rather than the voting public, uploads/attachments/documents/2013 to determine the country’s govern- _Forum_Communique_Final.pdf ment for the next four years. While [accessed 1 July 2014] the year has featured a full range of political challenges and government- led reforms that have been contested and debated by the public, it is likely French Polynesia that the upcoming celebrations of fifty years of Cook Islands sovereignty will The political situation of French provide a positive focus for 2014–15. Polynesia during the period under christina newport review was in two ways fundamen- tally different from previous periods. First, as a result of May 2013 elec- tions, there is a two-thirds majority for Gaston Flosse’s anti-independence 258 the contemporary pacific • 27:1 (2015) Tahoeraa Huiraatira Party in the mittee of the UN General Assembly, legislative assembly that is most likely which is charged with decolonization to remain for the full term, setting issues. On 14 October, the commit- the present situation apart from the tee adopted a draft resolution to be preceding decade-long instability introduced to the floor of the 68th caused by constantly changing politi- UN General Assembly as a follow-up cal majorities. Yet the pending retrials to the reinscription resolution of the of President Flosse (who was earlier previous session in May. The draft sentenced to jail terms for corruption, followed Temaru’s and Tuheiava’s which he had appealed) as well as his advice in recommending a long period advancing age (he turned eighty-three of political education in order to over- in June 2013) make it doubtful that he come decades of French indoctrination will retain the presidency for the entire and propaganda before a meaning- five-year term. ful referendum of self-determination Second, due to the tireless efforts of could be conducted in the country Flosse’s pro-independence predecessor (United Nations Web tv 2013; ti, 9 Oscar Temaru and his administration Oct, 21 Oct 2013). to reinscribe the country on the United While the resolution was tabled to Nations list of Non-Self-Governing be voted on by the General Assembly Territories (nsgts), which succeeded floor, attempts by President Flosse and literally on Temaru’s last day in Office his government to undo, block, or stall in May 2013, French Polynesia is the UN decolonization process were now regarded by the international not successful. Despite yet another community as a territory to be decolo- resolution passed by Flosse’s two- nized, although France keeps resisting thirds majority in the French Polynesia what it regards as UN interference in Assembly on 28 August denouncing its domestic policies. The new inter- the UN activities as “interference in national status of the country gives the bilateral issues between France the pro-independence opposition and French Polynesia” and lobbying unprecedented possibilities to expose efforts by Flosse to influence Pacific the country’s problems before interna- Island leaders during the Pacific tional audiences and to promote their Islands Forum meeting in September long-term goals of building a sover- in Majuro to support this position (ti, eign state. 28 Aug 2013), the leaders preferred Temaru and his confidant, Senator to be silent on the issue, and the final Richard Ariihau Tuheiava (one of the communiqué of the Forum did not country’s two representatives in the contain any mention of French Poly- French Senate), thus continued their nesia (pifs 2013). Previously, at the lobbying at UN institutions, where Polynesian Leaders Group (plg) meet- they are now able to be admitted as ing in Auckland on 30 August, Flosse, official representatives of an nsgt who became president of the orga- and no longer need to find a friendly nization for a year on a principle of country to include them in its national alphabetical rotation, had convinced delegation. On 8 October 2013, the the other leaders of the Polynesian two testified before the Fourth Com- countries to include in their communi- political reviews • polynesia 259 qué a note acknowledging “the resolu- him personally by alluding to his black tion adopted by the French Polynesia Caribbean (= slave descendant) heri- Assembly reaffirming the democratic tage. Lurel was infuriated and accused choice of its population to remain the Temaru’s Tavini Huiraatira, the largest strongly autonomous overseas country constituent party within upld and that it is” (plg 2013), although the official local ally of the ruling French PLG declined to make any concrete Socialist Party, of disloyalty (TPM, Dec commitments in support of Flosse’s 2013). The minister seemed to forget, position in the international arena. however, that it was the Socialist Party The French government, on the that broke the partnership agreement other hand, also frustrated Flosse, in the first place by opposing UN rein- since his demand for an immediate scription, which the two parties had referendum on independence that agreed to in 2004 and 2011. Temaru’s would not restrict the electorate to party had hitherto dutifully fulfilled its long-term residents—which most part of the agreements by constantly likely would turn out a majority lending local support to Socialist poli- against independence—fell on deaf ticians on the French national level. ears. When Minister of Overseas A year earlier, in a similar speech Territories Victorin Lurel visited Tahiti before the Congress of New Caledonia in late November and gave a program in Nouméa, Lurel had admitted that speech before the French Polynesia France “never knew how to decolo- Assembly, he declared that there nize” but added that “here [in New was no reason for any independence Caledonia] we are inventing a new referendum, neither according to UN formula” (ti, 24 Nov 2012). Given standards on decolonization nor under the attitude of his government toward current French electoral law. Instead, French Polynesia throughout the year, Lurel asked all local political forces to as well as other recent colonial poli- collaborate with the French govern- cies such as the départementalisation ment in developing the country (ti, (ie, annexation as a supposed part of 30 Nov 2013). metropolitan France) of the Comorian Temaru and his coalition of opposi- island of Mayotte in 2011 despite its tion parties, Union Pour La Démocra- contested international legal status, tie (upld), boycotted and protested one could conclude that France is Lurel’s visit, insisting that the Flosse creating a “new formula” only for government was illegitimate since it New Caledonia but remains clueless was run by the “mafia” (referring to on how to decolonize the rest of its the multiple criminal convictions of crypto-colonial “overseas” empire. Flosse for corruption, all of which In the old colonial fashion of were undergoing appeals at the time). his right-wing predecessors, Lurel Some protestors went as far as depict- accepted and replicated Flosse’s ing Lurel, a Socialist politician from discourse
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