EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM 2014-15 GOVERNMENT OF GOA Directorate of Planning, Statistics and Evaluation, Panaji –Goa. I N T R O D U C T I O N For the year 2013-14, under the Plan Head, as against the Budget Estimate of ` 4451.92 crore, the Revised Estimate is pegged at ` 3863.36 crore. The Budget Estimate under Plan Head for the year 2014-15 is ` 4389.25 crore. Demand-wise and Major Head-wise brief description of various Plan Schemes, to be implemented during the year 2014-15, is given in this document. Under each Demand, initially, a brief statement indicating Major Head-Wise Plan allocation for the year 2014-15 has been provided. Against each scheme, on the right hand side, the detailed budget head of the scheme has been provided in a box for the convenience of the reader to locate the scheme in the Budget document. Annexure ‘A’ provides Sector-Wise and Sub-Sector-Wise Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates for the year 2013-14 and the Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 under Plan Head. Annexure ‘B’ gives Department-Wise Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates for the year 2013-14 and the Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 under Plan Head. Annexure ‘C’ contains Demand-Wise and Major Head-Wise break-up of Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates for the year 2013-14 and the Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 under Plan by Revenue, Capital and Loan components. Annexure ‘D’ provides Demand-Wise, Major Head-Wise and Scheme-Wise break-up of Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates for the year 2013-14 and the Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 under Plan, in respect of Central/Centrally Sponsored Schemes. C O N T E N T S Sr. Demand Department Page No. No. No. 1 2 General Administration and Coordination 1 2 3 District and Session Court – North Goa 4 3 4 District and Session Court – South Goa 5 4 7 Settlement and Land Records 6 5 8 Treasury & Accounts Administration (North Goa) 9 6 10 Notary Services 10 7 11 Excise 11 8 12 Commercial Taxes 12 9 13 Transport 14 10 15 Collectorate – North Goa 19 11 16 Collectorate- South Goa 20 12 17 Police 21 13 18 Jails 23 14 19 Industry, Trade & Commerce 25 15 20 Printing and Stationery 35 16 21 Public Works 36 17 22 Vigilance 70 18 23 Home 71 19 26 Fire and Emergency Services 72 20 27 Official Language 73 21 31 Panchayats (including RDA) 77 22 32 Finance 87 23 33 Revenue 89 24 34 School Education 90 25 35 Higher Education 105 26 36 Technical Education 112 27 37 Government Polytechnic, Panaji 116 28 38 Government Polytechnic, Bicholim 119 29 39 Government Polytechnic, Curchorem 121 30 40 Goa College of Engineering 123 31 41 Goa Architecture College 126 32 42 Sports 128 33 43 Art & Culture 139 34 44 Goa College of Art 154 35 45 Archives & Archaeology 155 Sr. Demand Department Page No. No. No. 36 46 Museum 157 37 47 Goa Medical College and Hospital 158 38 48 Health Services 162 39 49 Institute of Psychiatry & Human Behaviour 180 40 50 Goa College of Pharmacy 182 41 51 Goa Dental College 184 42 52 Labour 185 43 53 Food & Drugs Administration 189 44 54 Town & Country Planning 191 45 55 Municipal Administration 196 46 56 Information and Publicity 202 47 57 Social Welfare 207 48 58 Women & Child Development 219 49 59 Factories & Boilers 230 50 60 Employment 232 51 61 Craftsmen Training 234 52 62 Law 241 53 63 Raj Sainik Board 243 54 64 Agriculture 244 55 65 Animal Husbandry 257 56 66 Fisheries 273 57 67 Ports Administration 286 58 68 Forests 291 59 70 Civil Supplies 298 60 71 Cooperation 301 61 72 Science, Technology & Environment 310 62 74 Water Resources 317 63 75 Planning, Statistics and Evaluation 336 64 76 Electricity 343 65 77 River Navigation 349 66 78 Tourism 350 67 79 Goa Gazetteers 356 68 80 Legal Metrology 357 69 81 Tribal Welfare 358 70 82 Information Technology 371 71 83 Mines 381 72 84 Airport 384 Appendix Appendices Page No. A Development Head-wise Details of Plan Outlays 385 B Department-wise allocation of Outlays including 389 WGDP C Major Head-wise breakup of Plan Outlay under Revenue, 392 Capital and Loan Components D List of Central Plan Schemes/ Centrally 406 Sponsored Schemes ` Demand No. 02 General Administration And Coordination DEMAND NO. 02 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND COORDINATION Major Head wise Budget Estimates Major Head Name B.E. 2014-15 (` in lakh) 2052 Secretariat General Services 310.00 3451 Secretariat Economic Services 1000.00 4059 Capital Outlay on Public Works 907.90 4250 Capital Outlay on other Social Services 30.00 Total 2247.90 Major Head – wise and Scheme – wise, Explanation Major Head: 2052 – Secretariat General Services 1. Welfare/Pension Scheme for Seafarer 2052/800/03 This scheme aims to provide financial assistance in the form of pension of ` 2,500/- p.m to retired Goan seamen on completion of 60 years of age who were employed on less paid jobs on board the ship. This scheme also includes seamen invalidated from sea service on medical grounds before retirement and widows of deceased seamen on compassionate ground, provided the annual income of family from all sources does not exceed ` 1.20 lakh. Presently 1,832 Seamen or their dependant widows are sanctioned pension under the Scheme. The Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 is ` 300.00 lakh. 2. Uttarakhand Relief Fund 2052/800/04 This is a new scheme introduced during the financial year 2014-15.Under this scheme, amount will be utilized for the purpose of rebuilding the villages of the State of Uttarakhand which has been struck with an enormous tragedy where thousands have been devastated by the flash floods and rain causing loss to human life, landslides, destruction of the properties, roads, etc. The re-builded village will be adopted by the Government. The Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 is ` 10.00 lakh. Explanatory Memorandum 2014-15 Page 1 Demand No. 02 General Administration And Coordination Major Head: 3451 – Secretariat Economic Services 1. Grants to Goa Human Resource Development 3451/800/09 Corporation During the financial year 2013-14, the Government had set up Corporation with a sole intention of generating employment among the unemployed youth and to work towards their welfare and upliftment. The Corporation will deal mostly with unskilled workers of the weaker section who are efficient to work but are exploited by the private contractor. The Corporation will provide trained personnel for all types of services like housekeeping, security, maintenance and operations, gardening etc. for various Government bodies, private firms, individuals etc. The Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 is ` 1000.00 lakh Major Head: 4059 – Capital Outlay on Public Works 1. Contribution to GSIDC- Construction of Goa Bhavan, Mumbai /Vashi 4059/051/03 Under this scheme, construction of Goa Bhavan at Mumbai has been proposed. During the financial year 2010-11 GSIDC has been allotted an amount of ` 10.00 crore. At present the proposal is moved for obtaining approval from concerned statutory authorities. The work will be tendered after receipt of all approvals .The Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 is ` 400.00 lakh. 2. Renovation Goa Sadan, New Delhi 4059/051/04 Renovation of Old Goa Sadan at New Delhi would be taken up on priority in order to carry out the work which is in very bad condition. At present administrative approval has been conveyed to PWD for necessary action. The Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 is ` 20.00 lakh. 3. Renovation of Dirt. of Higher Education in Old Education Department 4059/051/05 This schemes envisages renovation of building of Old Education Department, Panaji for SH providing customs made furniture and for SH Civil Works. An expenditure of ` 1, 13, 28,650/- has been sanctioned for the renovation. The works has been almost completed and pending bills are yet to be finalized. The provision is made towards pending bills for clearance. The Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 is ` 33.90 lakh. Explanatory Memorandum 2014-15 Page 2 Demand No. 02 General Administration And Coordination 4. PWD-Expansion of Secretariat Block 4059/051/06 The Government has approved for expansion of the Secretariat and Ministerial Block during the year 2012-13. A meeting was held under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary wherein the revised plan for the expansion was discussed and it was decided to lay foundation for ground plus three floors. Presently, the PWD has confirmed that the said proposal is at tender stage and is under submission to Expenditure Finance Committee. The Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 is ` 200.00 lakh. 5. Hiring of Premises for Government Offices 4059/051/07 The Government has acquired an area of about 6000-7000 sq. mts. on hire purchase to accommodate various Government Offices. The Government has scrutinized the Technical and Financial Offers submitted by the parties, and accepted the bid offered by M/s Apex Computers & Engineering Services, Panaji-Goa for the premises at SPACES, Plot No. 40, EDC, Patto Plaza, Panaji and for premises at 5th and 7the Floor in Kamat Towers, EDC Patto Plaza, Panaji, Goa. Presently, Lease Deed has been executed and is duly registered before the office of the Sub-Registrar at Panaji. The Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 is ` 254.00 lakh. Major Head: 4250 – Capital Outlay on Other Social Services 1.
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