ABCDEFG 1 CSSA "HASELTONIA" ARTICLE TITLES #1 1993–#26 2019 AUTHOR(S) R ISSUE(S) PAGES KEY WORD 1 KEY WORD 2 2 A Cactus Database for the State of Baja California, Mexico Resendiz Ruiz, María Elena 2000 7 97-99 BajaCalifornia Database A First Record of Yucca aloifolia L. (Agavaceae/Asparagaceae) Naturalized Smith, Gideon F, Figueiredo, 3 in South Africa with Notes on its uses and Reproductive Biology Estrela & Crouch, Neil R 2012 17 87-93 Yucca Fotinos, Tonya D, Clase, Teodoro, Veloz, Alberto, Jimenez, Francisco, Griffith, M A Minimally Invasive, Automated Procedure for DNA Extraction from Patrick & Wettberg, Eric JB 4 Epidermal Peels of Succulent Cacti (Cactaceae) von 2016 22 46-47 Cacti DNA 5 A Morphological Phylogeny of the Genus Conophytum N.E.Br. (Aizoaceae) Opel, Matthew R 2005 11 53-77 Conophytum 6 A New Account of Echidnopsis Hook. F. (Asclepiadaceae: Stapeliae) Plowes, Darrel CH 1993 1 65-85 Echidnopsis 7 A New Cholla (Cactaceae) from Baja California, Mexico Rebman, Jon P 1998 6 17-21 Cylindropuntia 8 A New Combination in the genus Agave Etter, Julia & Kristen, Martin 2006 12 70 Agave A New Series of the Genus Opuntia Mill. (Opuntieae, Opuntioideae, Oakley, Luis & Kiesling, 9 Cactaceae) from Austral South America Roberto 2016 22 22-30 Opuntia McCoy, Tom & Newton, 10 A New Shrubby Species of Aloe in the Imatong Mountains, Southern Sudan Leonard E 2014 19 64-65 Aloe 11 A New Species of Aloe on the Ethiopia-Sudan Border Newton, Leonard E 2002 9 14-16 Aloe A new species of Ceropegia sect. Rhytidocaulon (Apocynaceae) from Hanacek, Pavel & Bruyns, Peter 12 southern Yemen V. 2018 24 51-54 Ceropegia Yemen A New Subspecies of Hylocereus undatus (Cactaceae) from Southeastern 13 México Dios, Héctor Cálix de 2005 11 11-17 Hylocereus A New Taxonomic Treatment of the Genus Trichocereus (Cactaceae) in 14 Chile Albesiano, Sofía 2012 18 116-139 Trichocereus 15 A Quick and Easy Imaging Method for Documenting Flower Characters Metzing, Detlev 2004 10 30-37 Flower 16 A Reclassification of Caralluma R. Brown (Stapelieae: Asclepiadaceae) Plowes, Darrel CH 1995 3 (8) 49-70 (64) Caralluma A Revision of the Species of Delosperma (Aizoaceae) in Gauteng, South 17 Africa Hartmann, HEK 2009 15 53-68 Delosperma A synopsis of Astroloba Uitewaal (Asphodelaceae: Alooideae): species, Molteno, Stevern w Gideon F. 18 types, and infrageneric classification Smith & Estrela Figueiredo 2018 25 72-83 Astroloba 19 A. A. Nichol–Student of Arizona Flora Mitich, Larry W 1996 4 32-38 Nichol Jimeno-Sevilla H David, Carrillo-Reyes, Pablo, Pérez- Calix, Emmanuel & Cházaro- 20 Additions to the Crassulaceae of the State of Veracruz, Mexico Basánez, Miguel J 2012 18 140-152 Crassulaceae 21 Agave attenuata ssp. dentata (Roezl) Ullrich Ullrich, Bernd 2006 12 22-30 Agave Agave azurea (Agavaceae), a New Species from Baja California Sur, 22 Mexico, wth Notes on Other Agaves on the Vizcaíno Peninsula Webb, Robert H & Starr, Greg 2014 19 89-96 Agave 23 Agave decipiens, Endemic to Florida Zona, Scott 2001 8 24-29 Agave ABCDEFG 1 CSSA "HASELTONIA" ARTICLE TITLES #1 1993–#26 2019 AUTHOR(S) R ISSUE(S) PAGES KEY WORD 1 KEY WORD 2 Agave delamateri (Agavaceae) and its role in the Subsistence Patterns of Pre- Hodgson, Wendy C & Slauson, 24 Columbian Cultures in Arizona Liz 1995 3 130-140 Agave 25 Airampoa picardoi, the Correct Name for Opuntia picardoi Guiggi, Alessandro 2007 13 89-90 Opuntia Airampoa Smith, Gideon F, Klopper, 26 Aloe arborescens (Asphodelaceae: Alooideae) and Cites Ronell R & Crouch, Neil R 2008 14 189-198 Aloe Aloe elkerriana (Asphodelaceae), a New Ethiopian Species from the Type 27 Locality of Aloe jacksonii Dioli, Maurizio 2007 13 34-37 Aloe Aloe jibisana (Asphodelaceae), a New Species from an Isolated North 28 Kenya Mountain Newton, Leonard E 2006 12 19-21 Aloe Aloe omavandae (Asphodelaceae), a New Species from the Kaokoveld, 29 Northwestern Namibia Jaarsveld, Ernst J van 2004 10 41-43 Aloe Aloe rubrodonta and Aloe kahinii (Asphodelaceae), Two Notable New 30 Species from Somaliland McCoy, Tom 2007 13 29-33 Aloe Aloe scorpioides; a New Range Extension to the Sierra Das Neves, South- 31 West Angola Jaarsveld, Ernst J van 2015 21 68-71 Aloe 32 Aloe section Anguialoe and the Problem of Aloe spicata LF (Aloaceae) Glen, HF & Hardy, DS 1995 3 92-103 Aloe Aloe sergoitensis, a new species of Aloe (Asphodelaceae) in Kenya, with 33 forked marginal teeth on the leaves Newton, Leonard E 2018 25 125-127 Aloe Aloe werneri and Aloe ampefyana, Two New Aloe (Asphodelaceae) Species 34 from Madagascar Castillon, JB 2007 13 23-28 Aloe Aloe xinopinata Gideon F.SM., N.R.Brouch & Oosth., (Asphodelaceae) Smith, Gideon F, Figueiredo, [Aloe arborescens Mill. xAloe chortolirioides A.Berger var. chortolirioides]: Estrela, Crouch, Neil R, A Nothospecies from the Barberton Centre of Endemism, Eastern South Oosthuizen, Delia & Klopper, 35 Sfrica Ronell R 2016 22 55-63 Aloe Aloe xscheimperi Tod. (Aloe maculata All. X Aloe striata Haw.), the Earliest Name Applicable to the Common and Invasive Nothospecies Figueiredo, Estrela & Smith, 36 Known as Aloe xschoenlandii Baker (Asphodelaceae: Alooideae) Gideon F 2016 22 9-17 Aloe Aloiampelos ciliaris nothavar. gigan (Asphodelaceae subfam. Alooideae), a Smith, Gideon F w Estrela 37 new status for Aloe ciliaris f. gigas Figueirado 2019 26 36-38 Aloiampelos 38 Altamiranoa into Sedum (Crassulaceae) Moran, Reid 1996 4 46 Sedum Anatomical Features, Other than Wood, in Subfamily Opuntioideae 39 (Cactaceae) Mauseth, James D 2005 11 113-125 Opuntioideae Annotated bibliography for the Colorado Hookless Cactus (Sclerocactus 40 glaucus) Riley, Nancy D 2015 21 102-111 Sclerocactus Cavalcante Cardoso, Weverson, Calvente, Alice, Ferreira Dutra, Anthropic pressure on the diversity of Cactaceae in a region of Atlantic Valquiria & Sakuragui, Cassia 41 Forest in Eastern Brazil Monica 2018 24 28-35 Cactaceae Brazil 42 Apocynaceae and Asclepiadaceae: United they Stand [View Points] Endress, Mary E 2001 8 2-9 Apocynaceae Asclepiadaceae 43 Aporophyllums Meier, Eckhard 1994 2 111-131 Aporophyllums Aptenia cordifolia (L. f.) Schwantes (Mesembryanthemaceae) in Zulu Crouch, Neil R, Smith, Gideon 44 Traditional Medicine—an Overview F & Smith, Mike T 2000 7 30-36 Aptenia ABCDEFG 1 CSSA "HASELTONIA" ARTICLE TITLES #1 1993–#26 2019 AUTHOR(S) R ISSUE(S) PAGES KEY WORD 1 KEY WORD 2 45 Aputative intercladal Echinopsis s.l. (Cactaceae) hybrid from Andean Chile Eggli, Urs & Giorgetta, Mario 2018 24 7-15 Echinopsis Architectural Effects on Floral Traits in Sedum praealtum DC. Hernández-Ramírez, Angélica 46 (Crassulaceae) in Mexico María 2017 23 25-38 Sedum Evans, Lance S w Catherine A. 47 Areole changes during bark formation for columnar cactus species MaDonough 2019 26 7-13 Areole Evans, Lance S. & L'Abbate, 48 Areole changes during bark formation on Saguaro cacti Ryan 2018 24 55-62 Saguaro Anderson, Edward F & Fitz 49 Ariocarpus Revisited Maurice, WA 1997 5 1-20 Ariocarpus Axillary Branching of Lateral Cephalia in Cactaceae is not Constrained by 50 Tilting of Shoot Apices Gorelick, Root 2014 19 13-16 Cephalia Gorelick, Root & Machado, 51 Axillary Branching of Lateral Cephalia of Coleocephalocereus (Cactaceae) Marlon 2012 17 35-41 Coleocephalocereus Luz, Jose Luis Léon de la, Biological Characteristics and Nutritive Value of Aborted Flowers of the Domínguez-Cadena, Reymundo 52 Cardón (Pachycereus pringlei, Cactaceae) in Baja California Sur, Mexico & Medel-Narváez, Alfonso 2002 9 9-13 Pachycereus Book Review: Life strategies of succulents in deserts: with special reference to the Namib Desert by DJ von Willert, BM Eller, MJA Werger, E 53 Brinckmann & H-D Ihlenfeldt Lyons, Gary 1995 3 103 Succulents Book Review: Origin and evolution of the Macaronesian Sempervivoideae 54 (Crassulaceae) by Ted HM Mes Uhl, Charles H 1996 4 105-106 Sempervivum Book Review: Phylogenetic implications of chloroplast DNA variation in the 55 Crassulaceae by Roeland CHJ van Ham Wallace, Robert S 1994 2 132 DNA Book Review: The systematic and evolutionary significance of phytochemical variation in the Eurasian Sedoideae and Sempervivoideae 56 (Crassulaceae) by JF Stevens Wallace, Robert S 1995 3 129 Sedum Sempervivum Book Review: Toward a consensus classification of the Crassulaceae by Urs 57 Eggli, Henk 't Hart, and Roto Nyffeler Moran, Reid 1997 5 95 Crassulaceae 58 Bulbine dewetii, a new cliff-dwelling Bulbine species (Asphodelaceae) from Jaarsveld, Ernst J van 2017 23 53-56 Bulbine Griffith, M Patrick, Sustache Sustache, Jose, Francisco- Ortega, Javier & Santiago- 59 Cactus, Succulent, and Pachycaul Flora of Mona Island Valentín, Eugenio 2012 18 56-66 Pachycaul Cavitation and Embolism Repair in the Dimorphic Wood of Rhipsalis Stevenson, Joshua F & 60 lumbricoides (Cactaceae) Mauseth, James D 2001 8 51-57 Rhipsalis Chemical Defense in Cephalocereus senilis (Old-Man-Cactus) Against the Pare, (Paré,) Paul W & Mabry, 61 Cactus Soft Rot Pathogen Erwinia cacticida Tom J 1993 1 61-64 Cephalocereus Chromosome Counts of Opuntia (Cactaceae), Prickly pear Cacti, in the Midwestern United States and Environmental Factors Restricting the 62 Distribution of Opuntia fragilis Majure, Lucas & Ribbens, Eric 2012 17 58-65 Opuntia Chromosome Numbers and Their Significance in Some Opuntioideae and Opuntioideae 63 Cactoideae (Cactaceae) of Mainland Ecuador and Peru Baker, Marc A 2002 9 69-77 Cactoideae Chromosomes ABCDEFG 1 CSSA "HASELTONIA" ARTICLE TITLES #1 1993–#26 2019 AUTHOR(S) R ISSUE(S) PAGES KEY WORD 1 KEY WORD 2 Baker, Marc A. w Donald J. 64 Chromosome numbers in some cacti of Western North America — IX Pinkava 2018 25 29-May Chromosome# Baker, Marc A, Rebman, Jon P, Parfitt, Bruce D, Pinkava, Donald J & Zimmerman, Allan 65 Chromosome Numbers in Some Cacti of Western North America – VIII D 2009 15 117-134 Cacti Chromosomes Pinkave, Donald J, Rebman, 66 Chromosome Numbers in some Cacti of Western North America—VII Jon P & Baker, Marc A 1998 6 32-41 Cacti Chromosomes Chromosomes and Hybrids of Echeveria (Crassulaceae) I.
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