UVERNEUVERNE ALUMNIALUMNI NEWSNEWS CommunityCommunity EducationEducation VolumeVolume 28,26, IssueIssue 42 JanuaryJuly 20182016 FundedFunded byby LuverneLuverne HighHigh SchoolSchool AlumniAlumni ContributorsContributors andand FriendsFriends Go Online Today! Have you checked out the Luverne Alumni News at www.alumninews.info LUVERNE…THE EARLY YEARS lately? This is the second article of a series that will share the rich history of You are able to read your Luverne as this community prepares to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Alumni News online. its founding in 2017. Please feel free to contact the Luverne Area Chamber Now that it is available, let us at [email protected] if you would like to participate in the planning of the celebration or have information to share. know you would like to The following article was written by E.A. Brown, one of Luverne’s early discontinue the hard copy leaders. In addition to serving as Luverne’s fi rst mayor, Mr. Brown was the to go green (save postal active head of the Minneapolis commission house of E. A. Brown & Co., the expenses and a tree). Please president of the German State Bank, of Ellsworth, Minnesota; vice president email Patti Pierson at of the First National Bank of Luverne; president of the Luverne Pressed Brick On [email protected] 3 only the steel bleacher framescompany; remained. vice The president new bleachers of the Luverne are scheduled Automobile to arrive company; later this vice month. president of the Luverne Realty company; and president and leading stockholder in the Luverne Telephone company. LHS grads share memories of high school bleachers Inside This Issue: HISTORY OF LUVERNE By Mavis Fodness will be installed later this summer. which line both sides of the gym FROM 1867 TO 1880 For 62 years students and “WhenBy E.they A. built Brown these, they and on the stage. They are the residentsNews in Luverne School used no pneumatic tools. It was all permanent folding type, which District Honorwatched Roll of Alumni sporting wrenchI have work,” been said requested Paul Fabian by the of means that they fold back against events, musical programs and ConstructionHistorical Club Specialties. of Rock County the wall when not in use,” the graduationsNews Contributorsfrom the wooden to furnishThe some“new” of thebleachers history of were article stated. “With the new gym, bleachersWhat first We’ve used Heard when the highlightedthe early settlement in the ofNov. Luverne. 8, 1956, seating arrangements and other While I wasn’t one of the earliest school openedRemembering in 1956. our edition of the Rock County Star athletic facilities, the Cardinals For two days last week, six Herald.settlers, I was acquainted with most will now be able to host the next workmenClassmates with Construction of themThe and story in that waycommemorated acquired district tourney on their floor.” Specialties New of Dollars Alexandria for manually theconsiderable opening of of their the history, new whenjunior Pictures of the recent they came, who they were, and loosenedScholars thousands Endowments of nuts and high and high school facility. The dismantling that took place July bolts, disconnecting the 3,125 newmore andor less updated about their features families. were 2-3 were shared on the Star Herald linear feet of Douglas fir wood highlighted,In writing theincluding history ofthe new Facebook page and generated from the steel-framed bleachers. bleachers.any people or country it must reader response. All the bleacher materials necessarily“Some deal2,200 with persons people, can as itbe were recycled. The new bleachers seated in the folding bleachers, Bleacher removal/see page 4 (Continued on page 6) Philo Hawes Honor Roll of Alumni News contributors Compiled by Johnna Ahrendt During this past quarter ending June 30, 2018, the Alumni News received money in the form of memorials, and gifts totaling $1,785. In the memorial Balance 3/31/18 $629.94 section below, the individual being memorialized is printed in bold print, fol- lowed by the individual or individuals who made the gift. Contributions given Donations: 1,785.00 by graduates and friends follow the list of memorials. THANK YOU, READERS! DFS Support: 2,038.09 NOTE: Expenses: If you have recently made a contribution to the Alumni News and your name Printing: 919.08 does not appear on this page, please let the staff know. Chances are your Postage: 1,397.42 contribution was received after this page was compiled. Please watch for the Labels: 700.04 next issue, October 2018, for additional names of Alumni News contributors. Publication Software 600.00 Database: 42.50 Paypal fees: 10.63 Memorials and contributions may be sent to: Alumni News 709 N. Kniss Avenue Balance 6/30/18 $783.36 Luverne, Minnesota 56156 Memorials Contributions Katherine (Enger) Franklin ‘32 Allen Holling ‘59 Beth (Gibson) Lilja ‘82 Arlene Lee Wesley Pierson ‘58 Barb Miller Betty (Wulf) Justin ‘46 Eldon & Becky (Lammert) Bernard Heikes ‘62 Bill Frakes ‘66 Kruger ‘79 Daniel ‘76 & Dawn Gene & Karen Rosenberg (Iveland) ‘78 Petersen Drue (Gilbertson) Denham ‘54 Gloria (Hansen) Boelman ‘65 Fred & Carolyn Eugene ‘53 & Rose Marie (Bartels) Illa Biteler (Goembel) Wilkens ‘66 James ‘59 & Ila Ahrendt ‘53 Meyer Jan Flowers Robert VandenHoek ‘66 Janice Schei ‘57 Class of 1966 Gary Boisen ‘74 Ken & Ardie Bowan James ‘66 & Carol Marilyn (Hatting) Holland ‘55 Mabel (Tofteland) Overgaard ‘45 (Aanenson) ‘66 Hatting Ollie Enger Joe Rowe ‘63 Mark Remme ‘78 Virgil Smit ‘62 David Corwin ‘42 Valere (Iveland) Byerly ‘68 Kathryn Corwin Daniel ‘76 & Dawn (Iveland) ‘78 Petersen Art Groth ‘43 Eunice (Groth) Witry ‘45 Diana (Matthiesen) O’Toole ‘71 Elda (Jauert) Trisko ‘45 Gordon (Sam) ‘65 & Randy ‘62 & Cheryl Creeger Joyce (Aanenson) ‘65 Hansen Thank you for your support Arlene (Burmeister) Mann ‘51 Dan Gath ‘73 There are expenses incurred with Ben Cousyn ‘51 Dawn Maxwell ‘73 printing, mailing and database Barbara (Newton) Ball ‘51 Class of 1959 deceased support, and these costs are paid Ben Cousyn ‘51 classmates for with generous contributions Curtis Dooyema ‘59 from our alumni and readers. Stanley Rolph ‘58 Eleanor (Rober) Class of 1958 VanGuilder ‘59 Mary Ann (Woodley) Hustad ‘58 2 What We’ve Heard ... Compiled by Jane Wildung Lanphere Allen Krahn (LHS 1962) of Bakersfield, CA sent an update about his surgery and recovery to Luverne alumni: On May 1st I had surgery for the partial amputation of my right great toe. Went into surgery at 2 pm, out at 2:40 pm and discharged home at 3:30 pm. Obviously everything went well (Thank the Lord). No complications this time. The “unveiling” happens on May 11th when I see my podiatrist/ surgeon. He tells me things couldn’t have turned out better. While I Nancy Stearns Blomgren (LHS 1966) sent two wonderful photos of days gone by. She writes: am heavily bandaged and Nancy“The Stearns first photoBlomgren is a picture (LHS 1966) of the sentkids twoat a wonderfulcountry school photos where of days my gonegrandmother, by. She Hazelwrites: wearing a special boot Norton, “The taught first in photo about is 1915. a picture The of country the kids school at a country was around school Luverne where ormy Magnolia grandmother, Township.” Hazel to keep pressure off the Norton,“The taught second in about photo 1915. is a pictureThe country of the school women was who around worked Luverne in the Rockor Magnolia County Township.”Courthouse in area, I am on minimal pain about 1944“The orsecond 1945. photo My aunt, is a pictureJoan Stearns, of the women is the younger who worked looking in the one Rock in the County white blouseCourthouse on the in medication and walking leftabout front 1944 row. or Joan1945. worked My aunt, in the Joan County Stearns, Auditor’s is the Office.younger I don’tlooking know one any in the of thewhite other blouse people on thein well. Thanks to all of theleft frontphoto row. but maybeJoan worked someone in the reading County the Auditor’s Alumni NewsOffice. could I don’t identify know them.” any of the other people in you for your prayers and the photo but maybe someone reading the Alumni News could identify them.” thoughts! Sincerely yours, Allen. Ken Fitzer (LHS 1971) responded back to Alumni News about this photo that was in the April 2018 ofKen the Fitzer paper: (LHS 1971) responded back to Alumni News about this photo that was in the April 2018 Eunice Skyberg Wynn of the paper:“I can identify two. Selma Skyberg (my great aunt) is in the back left in the black coat. (LHS 1960) sent a Judge of“I canProbate identify (also two. my Selma great aunt)Skyberg is middle (my great front aunt) in the is light in the colored back leftsuit. in Shethe blackwas Judge coat. of message about the photo. ProbateJudge of from Probate 1937 (also until my 1980. great At aunt) the time is middle of her front retirement, in the light she coloredwas the suit. only judgeShe was in Minnesota Judge of The lady in the withoutProbate a from law degree.”1937 until 1980. At the time of her retirement, she was the only judge in Minnesota light colored suit, in without“ a law degree.” middle, front row is Julia “ Jensen Skyberg. She Let’s Hear from YOU! was the mother of Edith Skyberg Else and Eunice Let us know what you are doing and we’ll pass it on to other Skyberg Wynn along alumni. Include your name, year of graduation, address, with the moth of 11 other siblings who graduated phone number and email (also let us know if you would from Luverne. like your email included in our directory of alumni). Kris Fitzer (LHS 1967) wrote that Judge Send your news to: Helga Skyberg is the lady Alumni News in the suit the second from 709 N.
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