VOL. XX., No. 15 [PRICE TEN CENTS] JANUARY 3, 1918 Dean Mann Reports Need of Research in Agriculture Time for Alumni Trustee Vote Shortened a Month Central Board Approves Inter- collegiate Athletics ITHACA, NEW YORK CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS The Farmers' Loan and Herbert G. Ogden Jas. H. Olίphant & Co. E. E., '97 Trust Company ALFRED L. NORRIS, FLOYD W. MUNDY '98 Attorney and Counsellor at Law J. NORRIS OLIPHANT Όl 16, 18, 20, 22 William St., New York Patents and Patent Causes J. J. BRYANT, jr., '98, FRANK L. VAN WIE Branch, 475 Fifth Ave. 120 Broadway New York Members New York Stock Exchange ί 16 Pall Mall East, S. W. 1 and Chicago Stock Exchange LONDON ΐ 26 Old Broad Street, E. C. 2 PARIS 41 Boulevard Hanssman Going to Ithaca? New York Office, 61 Broadway Chicago Office,711 The Rookery LETTERS OF CREDIT Use the "Short Line" FOREIGN EXCHANGES between CABLE TRANSFERS Auburn (Monroe St.) and Ithaca Cascadilla School The Leading Better Quicker Cheaper Direct connections at Auburn with Preparatory School for Cornell New York Central Trains for Syra- Located at the edge of the University Do You Use cuse, Albany and Boston. campus. Exceptional advantages for college entrance work. Congenial living. Press Clippings? Athletic training. Certificate privilege. For information and catalogue address: It will more than pay you to secure our extensive service cover- W. D. Funkhouser, Principal ing all subjects, trade and personal Ithaca, N. Y. and get the benefit of the best and Trustees most systematic reading of all Franklin C. Cornell Ernest Blaker papers and periodicals, here and abroad, at minimum cost. Charles D. Bostwick Our service is taken by progres- sive business men, publishers, au- The price is now thors, collectors, etc., and is the The Sign of card index for securing what you need, as every article of interest Good Print Shop is at your command. THECSϊαOA Write for terms or send your ^ PRESS17 One Dollar order for 100 clippings at $5, or ITHACA.NY. 1,000 clippings at $35. Special a set rates quoted in large orders. The Manhattan Press Clipping Bureau SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER 320-322 Fifth Avenue ORDER ARMS TO RIGHT SHOULDER ARMS New York City Arthur Cassot, Proprietor Established in 1888 ITHACA TRUST COMPANY ASSETS OVER THREE MILLION DOLLARS COMMAND:-1 RigW^Shoulder 2. ARMS Pres., MYNDERSE VANCLEEF Vice-Pres., E. L. WILLIAMS EXPLANATION ™" Vice-Pres. and Treas., C. E. TREMAN Sec. and Treas., W. H. STORMS THE LACKAWANNA RAILROAD Lackawaππa operates steel electric lighted sleeping cars between New A dollar will now bring a set of York and Ithaca daily, leaving New York 8:30 P. M., these charts to a prospective Railroad arriving Ithaca 7 A. M., and leaving 10:00 P. M., arriving soldier and help him to become New York 7 A. M. an officer. Charts are 11 x 14. There are 25 in the RAILROAD AND PULLMAN TICKETS set. Edited by Lieut. Col. Simonds. can be purchased in advance at 1465, 1183, 237 and 84 Broadway, New York; Endorsed by General Wood. 505 Fulton Street, Brooklyn; and Broad and Market Streets, Newark Ithaca City Ticket Office - - 213 East State Street National Army School 314 E. 23d St., New York CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XX., No. 15 ITHACA, N. Y., JANUARY 3,1918 PRICE 10 CENTS ' J f N explosion in an economizer on and money, as well as of foods that are January 10. The question is, "Govern- ψ \ Friday night so damaged the scarce, and thus to enable housewives to mental restriction of the expression of power plant of the Ithaca Gas carry out from day to day the national opinion in war-time is wise." On Jan- and Electric Corporation that the city conservation program. Accompanying uary 11 the musical clubs and the Uni- during sixteen hours was without electric the menus is a series of questions asked versity orchestra will be heard in a joint service of any kind. With the help of by women of the state about emergency concert. This is likely to be the only University power, stores and houses had foods, with answers by specialists in public appearance of the musical clubs lights again on Saturday, but people on domestic economy. this year. A plan for concerts at various the streets at night found their way, until army cantonments at Christmas time THE OLD YEAR came to an end in a Wednesday, only by snow and moon. was given up by reason of lack of ac- period of unusual cold. Whereas the Intermittent trolley service was started commodations; and the abandonment average December temperature in Ith- on Sunday. The explosion killed one of the Easter recess makes a spring trip aca for the past thirty years is 28 de- workman instantly, and injured three for the clubs improbable. grees above zero, the average for De- others, though not seriously. The pre- cember 1917 is only 20 degrees. Sim- cise cause of the accident is not yet JAMES H. EDWARDS'S name should ilarly low averages are recorded only known and owing to the death of the have been included in the list of those twice, in 1910 of 21 degrees and in 1876 one man near by, is difficult to determine. present at the meeting of the Adminis- of 19 degrees. Moreover, the tempera- tration Committee of the Board of Trus- AVIATION STUDENTS who spent the ture of 22 degrees below zero on Decem- tees which was held Saturday, December holidays in Ithaca had a really merry ber 30 is the lowest on the records of the 15. Christmas. Presents were distributed local weather bureau; lower by two THE LENGTH and the technicalities of from a Christmas tree in the mess hall; degrees than that of December 20, 1884, the new army questionnaire have made a sermon was delivered by the Rev. and January 10, 1904. necessary much outside help for the local William W. Horn; a special entertain- THIS WEEK'S LECTURE in the course registration board. Many Cornellians ment was provided by the management in the history of civilization is on "The in the city have been in regular attend- of the Star Theater, and contributed to Triple Alliance and the Period of Ger- ance at the board's office during the past by the cadets themselves. On New man Ascendency," by Professor Carl L. ten days. Registrants connected with Year's Eve the cadets attended the Ly- Becker. the University have this week an op- ceum Theater as guests of Manager portunity to complete their answers on Gutstadt. PRESIDENT SCHURMAN has received a letter from London stating that the the hill, aid and advice being given by UNIVERSITY PREACHERS for the four address which he gave before the reserve volunteers from the Faculty under the Sundays in January are the Rev. C. officers' training corps at Madison Bar- direction of Dean Woodruff of the Col- Wallace Petty, of Creston Avenue Bap- racks last Decoration Day is being re- lege of Law. The members of the local tist Church, New York; the Rev. Dr. printed by a War Aims Committee in board are Sheriff Lyman H. Gallagher J. D. Adam, Congregationalist, of the Great Britain for use in that country. '95, Dr. Harry H. Crum '97, and Pro- Hartford Theological Seminary; the Dr. Schurman's address was entitled fessor C. Tracey Stagg '02. Rev. Charles A. Brown, of All Saints' "Why America Is in the War." PLUMBING CASUALTIES in Ithaca dur- Episcopal Church, Bayside, Long Island; ing the cold wave are estimated at four- and the Rev. James S. Williamson, Con- SEVERAL CORNELL ALUMNI of New York City have written to President teen hundred, on the basis of as yet very gregationalist, of Plymouth Church, New incomplete returns. Haven, Conn. Schurman to thank him for the address which he gave last Saturday before the AN ANNOUNCEMENT in the issue of AT THE COLLEGE CHESS Tournament Cornell Club there. His talk was given December 15 of the Army and Navy in New York December 26, 27, and 28, on the occasion of the dedication of the Journal will have a very important bear- Cornell finished third, being defeated in club's service flag. One of these alumni ing on the registration in the College the first round by the College of the City wrote: " was in here this morning of Civil Engineering and in Sibley for of New York, and in the third by Penn- and was so enthusiastic over your the remainder of the year. It is an- sylvania, and being tied with Pennsyl- spirited address of Saturday last that nounced that engineering students of vania in the second. Pennsylvania has he said he was almost tempted to em- draft age now undergoing instruction won the trophy three years in succession. brace you at the close of your talk. It in recognized schools, have been granted was altogether one of the most inspiring VICTORY MENUS are being supplied the same tentative exemption from the addresses in connection with war sub- each week to various newspapers in draft as previously announced for medi- jects that it has been my fortune to New York State by the Extension Bu- cal and dental students. They will be hear." reau of the College of Agriculture in allowed to complete their courses, but co-operation with the State Food Com- THOUGH THERE WILL BE no formal are to be enrolled in the enlisted Reserve mission. These menus, prepared by the observance, Founder's Day will be and may be called to duty upon gradua- Department of Home Economics, are marked by two events as usual.
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