
K3ZZM x LaAa t r V 4 w - nii aMmmmp o s ID fa t ft - - S Zr - - u ace aK MWalia IlTsrrjr HVJntmlaj- TIornIc n - Mar raaawav W1 A il ii TIHrfOlKn allaaaiaraav PER Mae j e at iTFlVEtfDLLMS NCi tin IUtrrOlaa lt Maj - -- V t i tt m 3a - ee- pa ri Btx 4 7 rt scr 35W i ij TaeIVeCMaae 3 to SI asa JU Ca a innil e jmk ar sirelcn frnraerlberaS700 a aaaa Hwaa aMta herb alludes IIP tVW - naaar t poUpi rresals 0U Jeei ef KVlfKrtlMnW t AS a4iillraaai aart in ia BtrVr 25 27 O taieraetW fa m a araaea a OEco In Gnrette Bnilkir rT tcl a i niaaaa VOL XVIII N0 7 taa TVraefaarraaeat av Merchant Street HONOLULU WEDISTESDAY FEBRUARY 15 1S82 IsTo 892 nalltwm W laaan - II WHOLE mlltlaaaaayfcaKammtm tViilaiitliagtfy Iookln Sack gusinesi Tards giitiiiess fair were tae dfcrraatfe44ayaT oM gards tJfletlanical arfc gitsnnnre fjaticts tttanct Koikes ertigu rgjclirts la rcb e tb rad s B DOLE JOM1 II lATIi ROWE Bfth at and Xof rD c Boston Board of rnderwrittrs 3 CouuUor Lv air Public KOTASY PITBLIC and COXJtlSSIOSES of DEEDS House and Painter Paper Ate Oae u tL cenrr f rort and 31 trcaxvi btirrt Ho Cajitorala Sln Hasher tor the Hawaiian Islands WILDER iTcoV WILUXXS DISOSD CO w aM ahaairaf n tt Far lie tutu of and Xew York H3re at ACKSTS C ESEVtEK CO IXanolnln lr nft f UK 64 tte Bank r Blittp Jt o Hc potala V KCKiac Street IloDOlcla I llaMalian lalaal41ar wfctt wfi aa4 lite Mu Iftm t m ly Rt SalpplBK aad Coaratbsioa XtrttaHs Tirlb tar aM wear aa ia Areatly EDWARD PRESTON - AVM era Jlcenl tribe ni- JOIltXt rtilladclphia Board of CndrnrrlttrSs esaw 31 rn wm t tVejLa- tayaee e Attornej- - Conissellor i iikk SW zii CsrWerafs Tree n Fwe aw aad at Lav 3MTorcl3Lrv3 GKSTS far the Hawaiian Islands Mutual Lifo MT Sv S Fori St belowitDr SUann ikTr SSS tr C BKKtv Elt Jt CO Insurance Compy TTatrrniwnwBmttwOlw HtaiM i l ly rottStrfrt Hojollt fJ Artit toukt Ackanrledcraents to LabcrCostncti TailorIt A W E CSOSSXSJ ft 333 Tae ara WkMgvr kiir ASD ii aVtcKi a or ew Tonit jt co j a r iiAiri COMMISSION MKRCHA37S rnef SS1 ree CeraerotiviiiikTtrl llocolaht CENERAL BUSINESS ACENT unXTnrDrttncn Kaardof Cdrrwrltera Largest Safest and Most ne id Citn iiwi oaet ra Vakeer Blrxk corner Qaeen aact cL i3i3ra3rAlakea Streetiviatxeh itV Axent of lwdpa Hoard of rnderwrlr lt Chaiaaee siaeeet Swr Tnets 2itnaieJlfMe Piinti Oils Salt SaUdinj Mreet HoaoJatc Kihanaa ef Board of UadrmriUt a lBtareoMfdear Ixbcr Null asd H4 It One door below Hotel Street Aral icnaa ECONOMICAL LIFE IKS CO XeOnats Cassle Ceaka andX T-- Warjltum a - SSilT Ktrin1of TfrTfciTifl- - Clalait rtnt Inarmnrc Compank wtthla lae Jari- - seairr iaa w - JAMKb ii MOSAnilAT Farakare of all deeripllons nue and repaired on res dicnoa of the atwre Hoard of I sdrwrttrn will have i e i a eoeble t nn Beet wvekvanaain caanntecd te be certUed to trr the above Afeatwiaakt tbu IN THE WORLD MlvtvUcfaLp5iit cIIAxllK t Attorney and Counsellor at Law ai ly aWd ly sr Importers A Commission Merchants fSpecial ttlealk taW Io the ne otlattoa et Lnaat Casli Assets over SOOCCOOCO SV SZVEBA5CE I OceTeyascinc aai all matter appemiaincloKeal y nilXIAM FENNEIX Ba wtlUa Carnal to 1 Dalton I Insurance Notice areere Oo For informstioa oaeeior the Ceeieaay aad Kotary Public and Ccmmltiloner or Xteeda No 92 Street Honolulu AC forltatesof latatsace sjily to WILUKi COMMISSION MERCHANT SCKGEON ASD BOJCEOPilHIC IHTElCIiK For Kinr KXT FOR TIIK BKITI9II tte Stater ef Calforata and XrwTotk baddle and Ila Bf Maker aad Iraperter of Leather TDK Marine lataraae Corniay UmllnlhatFf leal Asenta er MaCaafaraUi t wa rrailase fat Oac Cmtt Ttn ttsi Btrruaii t- - lloeotah iirOSLce So Kaaaanaaa fru naaeeala H 1 aad dderf Hardware Alt ark done in me recelred fnstmctfoc u the of la J Z WlhJLVi aaaS rw tTly eatabltf hant I nailer ray direct aarerTtrioa aad taranee Vetweea IJmotata aadeirfPort ia theltirPacific sad ltetttaa Areas eMadtaeWirc ic f will ate rar b t endeeore to pleaec ray eoeioTier if now prvpaiTs to reites at ibe lowri i rate FILVXK H ACSTIS Jt CO i i HONG CCON tEE ONG EB tiheraea al StT who a peciai reaccuon on irvisat oerstc THE Sfttotr THE - a3rlnV Acclioseer and Conmissiozaai Herchtst Autiorircd GoTennaent Sliipriuj Amenta VaVLinuedUVERPODL and LONDON and GLOBE j Comissioii crefcaat xnA rot- Of Laborer fo FUnliUonf or other Linda of labor xl irniiAii tZlj Arent Brit- - For Hp Qcrwi Mrrrt Horolehj 1 ISTTOETEH JASTrACTTJKEB DPHOtSTEKEB lllcellan eon Oce at So SS KInc Mteet telew the Matkm Hoae - - taertreet- - S51 ASD SEALES IS iiaiiiiii2ii- itiinii INSURANCE CO TIfaaBaH- a co aefoitendeef PTTcTT IWCTTTeAVp p MTJCM A IlllOT ta UUIOTU SL ITIKI 1 s r r ef iisrctsooed saeets in Ireland ncroKiixsii iiuriciii4iiit FURSITURE OF EVERT DESCRIPTIOH u WC a m 3W4 asd cokkissiox keschasts I Assets - i W Qt H I ly iiIIAH KUKIRTOt Farnltnre v 61 Fort M Work bbop at SS04U1UO7U aslraasears rraaa the KawsHs tslaada faifltst r- a Hclln ATTOKKEY AT LAV t MUi Tbe Warraaa ed 0 jMetlest tarar Serwixise salary ASD COUSSELOJ the old aland oa Hole trw L vrnisnjNri iiavimi ninxAr rsTaniiaiirn ax ix lsen Prora 4 aM Jalss lassaaS M r w Will Tun Asents of the abore Company are pre HonInln for the Hawallse Itaadsaewtand tbe na tt Ji aad hUf tbe frJi be caught T ZXXXBAS CO altead the Tenn of Cewrt en ike other llnd Order from the other Inland promptly attended to pared at tw r Moore to lead n ilonrare- - of KreeboM apOFllCE to tnure nLs alnrt lire on Mnite and ItrirW dersiraed are oreoarnlta wrila rlks seal at bmtMtm U was a baHe ba player for tbe Importers and Ccmmiraion Slerdianta ilercbant from Dr frtanrenwalde liainxadoa yterchMnille stored therein on n n p jrrnvFKT - S3b STdra the laroraole terms For partlcaUrs apply Ut fdtcbtd in Ibe uildmKea 3 Nnarm rrrt If PIONEER STEAM wxl at tae fllil UHLIIIMiJ JtrlslUlAIStiAlU Attorney andc BreMiheb llJhi eta oace of ly F A sCHKtEK A CO I ITPC Ceoaatier at taw There are 1 JOW amwuHM wriU in CallfwriiK Alt A A Co HOLXISXER CO- - Candy Manufactory Bakery Iltffl Ol Caansnea 8S n YaIIct and HAMBURC MACDEBURC On Vr erfhy taaa Aaseraee Wtaw m i sas Cbsn mf fubM4ixrrn SUAOr 7leyaiee iKrcKtmCillliivn iAicBa ix favorable terms llwelllna Jllk lreellltr MB to 2M feet deep Drueclsts Apotltecnrlea x Exom3 rnTTT IlelaehedaelliarsandcoBteatalasarrd far a period LaBf nla aed T ted Mass aaajns Csan n asd taroaraaa cr Practical Ccafeeticner Paltry Cook aad Safccr XAXLrirtmn XnOUXLilAljrjrnn X Ihreeyear- - for Iwo preralams In aje Sotissfcy OcnoralAlcrclinudiao - Co RB Tl HmgMrrTtbfa-e-- bUllirAOnrniTT adsaee Tataceo and Crrar- ArerU for F Lorilltrd aaaa and Fett 2 ly l rMiupalj esre a irrtand VrlCTaJnSs years a t30 Caniff Qafen ml KhBiynn Mrretp ly W sulJuteM aad payable frere than fwtr ibere are bow raorelkaa Klabllo aiilyFairnodwni Coti OK OF IIAVDUnU g eoi myiiur t II Cosaaiee of lass rettf tuyjiM Bttfcee hi ojvntMm II Jaare Haeaaaaa lyle Crlrbralrd n iloaaecee t itiA IIAhflLl A CO tawa PerfaiaerT ot London Uaaipbreya lluaaev- roi MrncifAnitc rirnxi Tbe Wslnsfan Iakt IsfAatryciChtLrlesUtD OEXEKAL C0XTC1SSI0K pathtc BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST KriiaTuxc M4hiary In tor J acia t Fira no tkt GREAT WESTERN THOROUOH BRED ii tliavt hBo ACST ifwetttvAe llorrc Shnveln Carriage most favorsblv icrraik to tk nr tYmffnte rtioi to la M3 jww Mrpt Honolulu 11 T ly it Mrb fujsoeU n ntatHimt in lVloa or Hral-re- - JOS E WISEMAN machinery Ac A JVMbinAntfortenawailaa I eland INSURANCE TXT 3SaI llanlnlioii S COMPANY A II jSnrexn S5t Shop op C ly ASuIjtmprajeruiei- - ma ferofcen up liy a A It Real Estate BrolEer Emalui uient Khc5 tret neit Cllr A otef ly Head Office 60 Wall SL Near Yorlc TSrrOKTKISI AND JJLUKKDHKS OV drrwtjr beri3 vu Jrtied wa ifee dfciif Drnitara GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER Keata Kooaas Cotiare nonrev aad ell aad leatea X TfrOXfrCiH MWiV AesTaU drot jwxteDoreCTiBBad FsvUy Grocery SDtl Fcvu Mole Keal Ertate In al parts of the Marsora Eaineay HONOLULTT IRON W05SS CO Insurance Notice The abore Company an Ilt ftfir alcuH raent foand week In harlatrertabnhed ceaer t Unrktm ana Jeney Cat lie Lrfreatrr ta4 otrt if not too toug Tly Su Fort fortrHre aeckine all tbe rarloat rMJiR NiKn akt IuPARrn noioiala for the llawalian Islands the audinltsw is rajr Mrvt noaolala brtnihe of caueced with taeee Inlands Tin write apoa MerrbaadUe per fin t elas Tesielx amhtwiced panih Xrrla hee n ikbti H I - beiar nfjPr STHlU KCSIn rt AK MILts betweea tae losreept aad write Marine ttishs aw Xer Derltbirr Fiiyaestiw raj l not toslrf m Erf- N tl - Leral IXiccment draan tails CoileetM - this aad Cvt Port coteriae lost or chandlse Frelchu bthT MRS A M MEXXIS nolIrrCt Jrlrw Brutad UtJCuIIsp danacv amtvcatlog iw o moreoa the Treasare l etna Issloas aad Halls lines SprrlUtlea t e disuse are rt4Vc2 by a relicxms joernaiist Boaksand Aceoaats kept andceaeraloCeeworktraae if ia prrceat at enrrent rales J 5 IVALKER cJ mv mbo PaOiioaalile Drcs asd Cloal Malcer acted lalroaace solicited Coiamlvloas rooderate Machinery of Every Description aooad Tale of the whole hipmtat at port of delltery 7 lv r L MTtCKCeeMBseirwa lb KnrSH Stt ba tiuit rnfle -- Arret foo iha Hawallaa 1jDds H K Hooolalnil I 31 SIS Ca NfcUloOrdtr spon faTorahle term P naa tw inn a U citeVfebacriaBArtnibJgoodrrfHii Fett IIM Himoals L Sa J- t ism ges 30 ly BISHOP - Co ISIS 1881 My boy fiaKl a ctcrermaii dont yoa ksev w t rarticular aKenUoa paid to Skip ElaekixitMsp Arrnt of the Firemens Fond lararante Company at 3m IMrtllLLaitEn tl ft wiek t ratch 5b on SoiHiT7 Gors I A CO IXFOKTEES ASDiataici4iaCOHKISSIOS XESCHASTS XifJOl WQRKitftlr trntfeV rtrttilWt UorioialaJaa isa H OXAIi Ia taud ItOlt rlj ant Maacd taeh tb bcr itfaect Shi CtizdltnaziiCoEitiincrKfrthjtti
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