dR DEP:IRTA-r1-WT TEc:HNIC3L AlWNUAL TM 9-000 Thin Toplsnlcsd Manual supersrdX TIN 9-1940 . dated S Joly 1$42. end Chsngax No, 1, dalad August I943; OST 0-ie . l+ola, 1 to 5, inrl ., rlsta d October 1742; OFSTb 1944-11, dated L3 ]neaunry 1943 ; OFSTII 1904-13, dated 23 April 1943 ; WL>TB 9 1940-11, Anted 21 April 1943 ; nY&Tlt 1940-1G, dated 11 Juua 10431, OFSTE 1900-17- tlwted 20 September 1943 ; WDTB 9-1}LO-14, dalad S August 1944 ; and l4iWA ORD 51, dated i hdprrft 1943. This Technivat ]annual auparsedea pnsiirmt, of WDTB ORD 194 {9 irprint of OF5TO 1940-tfl), dated 5 Camber 1943 WDTB ORD 214, dated 38 Octoher 1444; gi,d WDTB ORD 349, dated 1 FrLruary 1445 . GENERAL 1'11 "A 1t IM1'.IR a'M E.'1T 0 J UN E 1945 RESTRICTED. DISSaMINdTION OF RESTRICrED bfdTTER . No person is endtled tl*iy by virtue of his grade or ppsidan to 6rmkdga ,or pussrsgion of rlauified matuz Such matter is entrusted aaly to tbo& individual9 whose uflcaal duties mguira such kliowledge or powmion- (3ac also paragraph 23% AR 38D-5, 15 March 1944.) WAR DEPARTMENT Washington 25, D, C, 18 June 1945 T 9-1900, Ammunition, General, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. A.G 300,7 (22 Aug 44) 0.0.300.713890 BY ORDER of THE SCARY OF WAx: G- C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL: EDWARD F. WITSELL, Major General, Acting Tho Adjutant General. D=RmuTiox: AAF (5); AGF (5) ; ASF (2), S Div A5F (1); T of Opn (10) ; AA,F Comd (2) ; Arm & Sv Bd (1); Tech Sv (2); SvC (10) ; FC (1); BU (1); 1?E, Ord 0 (5); Dist O, 9 (5) ; leg O, 9 (2) ; Establishments, 9 (5) except Am Establishments (2) ; Decentralized Sub-0, 9 (2) ; Gen & Sp Sv Sch (10) ; A (10) ; C14Q (10); D (2) ; B 2, 4-6, 18, 44 (1) ; F 2, 4-11, I7-19, 44,55 (1); En 2-11,17-19,44,55 (1) ; C 2-11,17-19, 44, 55 (1) ; AF (2)1 W (1) ; G (1) ; S (1) ; LS (1) ; F (1) . (For explanation of symbols, see FM 21-6.) TM 9-19000 CONTENTS ac.OWaFYa " ago& CHAPTER 1. GENERAL . .. .... .. 1- 58 1- 53 SECTION I. Infaduction . , . , . 1- 3 1 II, General discussion . .. .. .. 4-- 10 2- 25 III. Military explosives . .. .. 11- 15 26- 31 IV. Propellants . .. 16- 23 31-- 37 I . Highexplosives . ...... .. .. ... 24-- 4a 37- 48 ' V1. Chemical agents . 49- 58 48- 53 CHAPTER 2. CLASSBs OF AMMUNITION .... 59--158 54-212 SECTION I, Small-arms ammunition ... 59- 80 54- 75 II. Orenades . ... ... .. .. .. 81- 91 75- 85 III, Mortar arnmunition . .. .. .. .. 92- 96 86- 92 IV. Artillery ammunition .... .. 97-148 93-131 V. Bombs . .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. 109-119 131-160 VI. Pyrotechnics . ...... .. .. 120_-138 160-181 VII. Rackets . .. .. .. 139-146 181-193 VIII. Land mines . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 147-153 194-204 IX. Demolition materials . .. 154-158 204-212 7M 9-1900 roroaroo. re,., CHAPTER 3, CAKE, HANDLING, AND PRESER- VATION . .. 159-223 213 SECTION 1. General safety precautions . 159-166 213--225 II. Storage . 157-174 225-260 111. Storage at supply paints and dumps . .. .. 175`176 261-2153 IV. packing and marking . .. 177-X82 263-270 v. Shipping . .. .. 183-190 270-283 VI. Inspection and surveillance... .. 191-206 283--290 VII. Renovation . .. ... .. .. 207-214 294--294 VIII. Precautiona far practice firing. 215-223 295-305 I I I CHAPTER 4. DESTRUCTION OF AI++rmuNrrtom IN ZONE OF 'THE INTERIOR . 224--242 306-322 CHAPTER S . REFERENCES . .. ... .. .. 243-245 323^329 INDEX . ... .. .. ... .. .. .. 330-335 i TM 9-1900 Pars. 1-3 Tbie Technical Mp.,u*l supersedes TM 9-1900, dated 3 July 1943, end ChXges No, 1, dated August 1943; O&T 9-18, Vats. I to 5, ioal ., doled October 1942 ; OA'&'I`S 1400-11, dated 13 Jsouary 1443 : OFST13 1000-13, dated 32 April 1943 ; WDT3 4"190013, dated 22 Aprit 190; 47FSTJ3 J4pX18, dated It June 1948 ; 4FS1TJ lQ00-17, dntod 34 lleptetlibrt 1943 ; WD" 9-19fl4 .19, dated 5 August 1944 ; aid WDT8 ORD y1, dated 9 5darch 1943 . This Technical Manual aapcrsedes pprOnm or WD'TH ORD 194 S P FOVent of OFSTE 1904-t11 ], doled 6 Norrmber 1943 ; WDT13 ORI3 214, dated 28 Octolxr 1944 ; pad WDTJ3 ORD 249, ,laud I N'ebruary 1945. CHAPTER 1 GENERAL Section 1 INTRODUCTION a. This manual is published for the information and guidance of Army personnel concerned with ammunition. Those responsible for the handling of ammunition should become thoroughly familiar with its provisions, h. The requirements of this manual will apply to Class 1, II, and III installations. The requirements of the Ordnance Safety Manual (O,O. Form 7224) Will govern Class IV installations under the control of the Chief of Ordnance . 2. SCOPE. The information cootalmed in this text is of a general technical nature . It concerns the several types of ammunition, their general characteristics, means of identificatin, care in handling and use, storage, surveillance, parking and marking shipping, and the destruction of duds and unserviceable ammunition . 3 . REFERENCES. Further information concerning specific types of ammunition is Contained in specific Technical Manuals and Field I+danuals. A complete list of references appears in chapter 5. Par. 4 TAt4 9-1900 General 5eation 11 GENERAL DISCUSSION 4. Y0111[CNCLATURE. a. SNL greupp. Standard nomenclature is established so that every item supplied by the Ordnance Department may be specifically identified by name. It consists of the type, size, and model of each item. Its use for all pur es of record is mandatory, except where use of AIC symbol (par. 4 h) is authorized. Ammunition nomett. cloture is published in ORD 11 Standard Nomenclature Lists (SN1,'s) of groups P, R, 5, end T, and its exact use will keep to a vninimurn errors in the shipment, storage, issue, recording, and use of ammu- nition items. (1) Group F contains Isis of ammunition for medium and heavy field artillery (155-mm gun and above), Coast artillery, and anti- aircraft weapons. (2) Group R contains lists of ammunition for light and medium field, tank, antitank, and aircraft artillery weapons (Mrnrn guts through 155-mm howitzer), mortars, mines, and demolition material. (3) Group S contains lists of bombs, grenades, pyrotechnics, and rockets. (4) Group T contains lists of ammunition for small-arms wcapo", h. Amnsulution Identifica tion Code nynihole . The Anitnunition Identification Code (AIC) symbol has been established to facilitate the supply of ammunition in the field. Code symbols assigned to each item of ammunition in a specific packing are to be used in messages, requisitions, and records, These code symbols are published basically in ORD 11 SNL's of groups P, R, S, and T. A full explana- tion of the composition and use of the AIC symbol will be found in SB 9-AMM 5 and changes thereto. TM 9-1900 Tars. 5-6 CCeneral 5. CLASSIFICATION. a. General. Ammunition is classified according to use as service, practice, blank, or drill (ar dummy) . It may also be classified according to type of Mier as explosive, chemical, or inert. 16. Service ammunition, Service ammunition is intended to be fired for effect in combat. Such ammunition (except small-arms ammunition) may be further classified according to type as high- explosive, high-explosive-antitank, armor-piercing, gas, smoke, canis- ter, incendiary, illuminating, or pyrotechnic. e, Practice. ammunition . Practice ammunition is fired for effect in simulated combat and is provided for training in marksmanship. The projectile in this type of ammunition may have a sinall quantity of low-explosive filler to serve as a spotting charge, or it may be inert. {1, Blank ammunition. Blank ammunition is provided in small and medium calibers for saluting purposes and simulated fire. It has no projectile. e. Mill anitkwunidon. Drill or durnrny arnrnunitioa is used for training in handling and loading ("ser+rice of the piece"), It is com- pletely inert, 6. IDENTIFICKiTION. a. General. Ammunition is completely identified, except as to grade, by painting and marking on original packing Containers . For purposes of record, the standard nomenclature of the item, together with its lot number, completely identifies the ammunition . Once removed from its packing, ammunition may be identified by the painting and marking on the ammunition items. Other essential information may also be obtained from the marking on ammunition a For. 6 TM 9.1908 Germraf items. The murals velocity of projectiles may be obtained frorn the firing tables and ammunition data cards; in the case of some rounds of snxaller caliber, the muzzle velocity may appear on the packing box. Included in tenth the marking and the standard nomenclature are (1) A brief description of the type or quitable abbreviation thereof. (2) Caliber, weight, or size. Model desipatorL (4) "Where required, such additional information as the model and type of fuze, the model of the cannon in which the item is fire$, the weight of projectile for which a separate-losding propelling charge is suited, etc, (5) The lot number is marked on the ammunition but is not a part of the nomenclature . However, when referring to specific ati'Imu nition, it is necessary to mention the lot npmber as well as the standard nomenclature . h. Mark or model. To identify a particular design, a model designation is assigned at the time the model is classified as aim adopted type. This model designation beootttes an essential Part of the nomenclature and is included in the marking of the item. The present system of model designation consists of the letter "M" fol- lowed by an arabic numeral, for example, "M1." Modifications are indicated by adding the letter "A" and the appropriate arabic numeral.
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