GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE & FARMERS WELFARE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE COOPERATION & FARMERS WELFARE DIRECTORATE OF PLANT PROTECTION, QUARANTINE & STORAGE Non Compliance Report: January-2019 Non Compliances Due to Pest Interceptions Country Commodity Plant Part Name PSC No. & Issuing PQ Station Non Compliance Significance Date QP/NQP/ Exotic Australia Animal feeds (animal Animal feeds 0000617, 21/12/2018 Cochin Intercepted Tribolium castaneum NQP feeds) Pea Grains 8806207, 18/12/2018 Chennai Intercepted Medicago denticulata NQP (Pisum spp.) Grains 8816173, 27/12/2018 Chennai Intercepted Medicago denticulata NQP Total=3 Belgium Fraxinus americana Timber logs BE/EX/VLI/2018/2599/0326#, Mundra Intercepted Tomicus piniperda 19/12/2018 QP Populus nigra Timber logs BE/EX/OVB/2019/2576/0009#, Tuticorin Intercepted Carabidae QP 11/01/2019 Intercepted Armadillidium sp NQP Intercepted Pharatora laticollis Exotic Timber logs BE/EX/ANT/2018/4784/7343#, Tuticorin Intercepted Armadillidium sp NQP 30/11/2018 Timber logs BE/EX/OVB/2019/2165/0001#, Tuticorin Intercepted Armadillidium sp NQP 02/01/2019 Intercepted Cerambycid larvae QP Intercepted Pharatora laticollis Exotic Timber logs BE/EX/VLI/2019/2351/0001#, Tuticorin Intercepted Armadillidium sp NQP 03/01/2019 Intercepted unidentified curculionidae QP Timber logs BE/EX/ANT/2018/4725/7787#, Tuticorin Intercepted Armadillidium sp NQP 19/12/2019 Intercepted Passalidae QP Intercepted Pharatora laticollis Exotic Intercepted Silvanus unidentatus Exotic Intercepted Staphylinidae QP Intercepted unidentified Coleopteran QP larvae Timber logs BE/EX/OVB/2018/1058/0281#, Tuticorin Intercepted Phratora laticollis Exotic 12/12/2018 Timber logs BE/EX/ANT/2018/4784/7343#, Tuticorin Intercepted Phratora sp Exotic 30/11/2018 Intercepted Staphylinidae QP Total=08 Brazil Teak Logs Timber logs 00058802/2018/CF- Tuticorin Intercepted Nitidulidae QP (Tectona grandis) UVGPVDC/PA, 29/10/2018 Intercepted Powder post beetle QP Timber logs 00016705/2018-SVAPPNG-PR, Tuticorin Intercepted Silvanus unidentatus Exotic 22/11/2018 Total=02 Cameroon Gilbertiodendron 0059448, 20/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Platypus sp QP (Gilbertiodendron 0059449, 20/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Platypus sp QP preussii) QP Intercepted powder post beetle- Bostrichidae 0059447, 20/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Platypus sp QP Intercepted Silvanus unidentatus Exotic Padauk logs Timber logs 0018243/ A14059/018, Tuticorin Intercepted Powder post beetle QP (Pterocarpus soyauxii) 01/11/2018 Intercepted Brachypeplus QP Intercepted unidentified Coleoptera QP 0018242 / A14060/018, Tuticorin Intercepted Brachypeplus QP Timber logs 01/11/2018 Intercepted Powder post beetle QP Intercepted unidentified Coleoptera QP 0055527/A4621/018, Tuticorin Intercepted Brachypeplus sp. QP Timber logs 20/11/2018 Intercepted Brentidae QP Intercepted Powder post beetle QP 056687/A4347/01812, Tuticorin Intercepted Brachypeplus sp QP Timber logs 02/11/2018 0058312/A0641/018, Tuticorin InterceptedPlatypus sp QP Timber logs 29/11/2018 Intercepted Silvanus bidentatus Exotic 0033249, 29/10/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Xyleborus sp QP Timber logs 0055527/A4621/018, Tuticorin Intercepted unidentified Curculionidae QP Timber logs 20/11/2018 Tali Timber logs , 0033249, 29/10/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Trochoideus sp QP (Erythorophleum sp.) Intercepted Forficulidae QP Intercepted Powder post beetles QP Timber logs 09753/18, 02/11/2018 Cochin Intercepted Ips spp QP Intercepted Powder post beetles QP Timber logs 08092/A019, 26/10/2018 Chennai Intercepted Xyleborus affinis QP Total=13 Canada Lentils 3236718, 28/12/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Avena fatua NQP (Lens culinaris) Grains Intercepted Avena sterilis NQP Intercepted Hordeum vulgare NQP 3227808, 05/12/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Avena sterilis NQP Grains Intercepted Avena fatua NQP Intercepted Hordeum vulgare NQP 3213742, 07/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Avena fatua NQP Grains Intercepted Avena sterilis NQP Intercepted Brassica sp NQP Intercepted Malva parviflora NQP Intercepted Polygonum convolvulus NQP 3236933, 28/12/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Avena fatua NQP Grains Intercepted Hordeum vulgare NQP Intercepted Avena sterilis NQP Pea (Pisum spp.) 3225027, 29/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Avena sativa NQP Grains Intercepted Hordeum vulgare NQP Intercepted Vicia sp. NQP Total=05 Central African Republic Padauk logs Timber logs 0000192, 12/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Powder post beetles QP (Pterocarpus soyauxii) Timber logs 0000190, 05/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Powder post beetles QP (Bostrichidae). Timber logs 0004211, 30/10/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted unidentified Curculionidae QP Teak Logs Timber logs 0000196, 14/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted powder post beetle- QP (Tectona grandis) Bostrichidae Timber logs 0000194, 14/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted powder post beetle- QP Bostrichidae Timber logs 0000191, 06/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Powder post beetles QP Intercepted Silvanus sp QP Total=06 China Bamboo Stiks 515616533689720, 20/12/2018 Kolkata Intercepted Aspergillus niger NQP (Bambusa arundinacea) Total=1 Colombia Teak Logs Timber logs CFE-10-006956-18, 05/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Elateridae larvae QP Intercepted powder post beetle- QP (Tectona grandis) Bostrichidae Timber logs CFE-10-007078-18, 09/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted powder post beetle- QP Bostrichidae Timber logs CFE - 10 - 007538 - 18, Tuticorin Intercepted Silvanus unidentatus Exotic 29/11/2018 Timber logs CFE-10-007467-18, 27/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Silvanus unidentatus Exotic Timber logs CFE-10-007040-18, 07/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Staphylinidae QP Total=05 Cote d lvoire Cashew nuts (Raw) Nuts/Raw RCI/CP/D-02062/18, Tuticorin Intercepted Cryptolestus ferrugineus QP (Anacardium occidentale) 02/11/2018 Intercepted Ephestia sp QP Intercepted Tribolium sp NQP Nuts/Raw RCI/CP/D-02069/18, Tuticorin Intercepted Cryptolestus ferrugineus QP 02/11/2018 Intercepted Ephestia sp QP Intercepted Tribolium sp NQP Total=02 Egypt Orange Fruits 0701666, 12/01/2019 Chennai Intercepted Aonidiella aurantii NQP (Citrus sinensis) Fruits 0741575, 22/12/2018 Chennai Intercepted Aonidiella aurantii NQP Total=01 Equitorial Guinea Bilinga Without PSC Tuticorin Intercepted Silvanus unidentatus QP (Nauclea diderrichii) Timber logs Without PSC Tuticorin Intercepted Staphylinidae QP Timber logs Without PSC Tuticorin Intercepted unidentified Coloeptera QP Timber logs Padauk logs Without PSC Tuticorin Intercepted Forticular sp. QP (Pterocarpus soyauxii) Timber logs Without PSC Tuticorin Intercepted Platypus australis Exotic Timber logs Without PSC Tuticorin Intercepted Platypus flavonis Exotic Timber logs Without PSC Tuticorin Intercepted Platypus sp. QP Timber logs Tali Without PSC Tuticorin Intercepted Ichnemonidae QP (Erythorophleum sp.) Timber logs Without PSC Tuticorin Intercepted Ips sp. QP Timber logs Without PSC Tuticorin Intercepted Silvanidae QP Timber logs Without PSC Tuticorin Intercepted unidentified Coloeptera QP Timber logs Without PSC Tuticorin Intercepted Xyleborus sp. QP Timber logs Total=12 Gambia Turmeric Rizomes 000928, 15/11/2018 Cochin Intercepted Lasioderma serricorne NQP (Curcuma longa) Total=01 France Fraxinus americana Timber logs BE/EX/ANT/2018/4725/7603#, Mundra Intercepted Armadillidum vulgare Exotic (Fraxinus americana) 13/12/2018 Timber logs BE/EX/ANT/2018/4725/7635#, Mundra Intercepted Hylesinus spp Exotic 14/12/2018 Total=02 Germany Pine Timber logs NI_BRV/3783997/2018, Mundra Intercepted Armadillidium vulgare Exotic (Pinus spp.) 10/12/2018 Total=01 Ghana Teak Logs 0020445, 04/12/2018 Chennai Intercepted Brachypelpus basalis Exotic (Tectona grandis) Timber logs 0021206, 11/12/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Brachypeplus glaber Exotic Timber logs Intercepted Silvanus unidentatus Exotic Intercepted unidentified Curculionidae QP 0021573, 27/11/2018 Mangalore Intercepted Cryptoletes sp. QP Timber logs Intercepted Hemipteran bug QP Yemane wood 0021571, 27/11/2018 Kolkata Intercepted Liposcelis sp. QP (Gmelina spp.) Timber logs Intercepted Springtail(Collembola) QP 0018640, 17/11/2018 Kolkata Intercepted Springtail (Collembola) QP Timber logs Total=05 Guinea Bissau Cashew nuts (Raw) Nuts/Raw CN0201/2018/844, 30/11/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Carpophilus sp. NQP (Anacadium occidentale) Intercepted Cryptolestes ferrugenius QP Intercepted Ephestia sp. QP Intercepted Tribolium castaneum NQP Total=01 Guyana Mora wood Timber logs 04341, 07/12/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Pin hole/Shot hole borers QP (Maclura tinctoria) Intercepted Silvanus unidentatus QP Total=01 Indonesia Merbau logs 2018.2.0401.0.K10.E.027074, Bangalore Intercepted Powder post beetle QP (Intsia spp) Timber logs 14/12/2018 Sal/Selanganbatu (Shorea 2018.2.0401.0.K10.E.028620, Kolkata Intercepted Liposcelis sp. QP spp.) Timber logs 31/12/2018 Intercepted Rove beetle ( Cordalia Exotic tsavoana) Intercepted Springtail ( Collembola) QP Total=02 Iran Kiwi Fruit 961307164, 06/01/2019 Mumbai Intercepted Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba QP (Actinidia chinensis / A. scale) deliciosa) 961316988, 22/12/2018 Mumbai Intercepted Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba QP scale) 961316994, 31/12/2018 Mumbai Intercepted Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba QP scale) 961316996, 31/12/2018 Mumbai Intercepted Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba QP scale) 9713431694, 07/01/2019 Mumbai Intercepted Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba QP scale) Total=05 Iraq Dates Dry Fruit 00000527, 06/12/2018 Tuticorin Intercepted Cryptolestes ferrugenius QP (Phoenix dactylifera) Intercepted Ephestia sp QP Intercepted Oryzeaphilus surinamensis NQP Intercepted
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