701 . LYNN UNIVERSITY Conservatory ofMusic Sponsored by Dr. Catherine Gold Chamber Music Sergiu Schwartz violin Laura Wilcox viola Johanne Perron cello Tao Lin piano 7:30 p.m. December 8, 2000 Amarnick-Goldstein Concert Hall A LA ZINGARA . (Composers Inspired by Gypsy Hungarian Music) FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN Piano Trio _in G Major, Op. 73, No. 2 Andante Rondo ~ll'ongarese FELIX MENDELSSOHN Piano Trio in D Minor, Op. 49 Molto allegro ed agitato Andante con moto tranquillo Scherzo - Leggero e vivace Finale -Allegro assai appassionato INTERMISSION JOHANNES BRAHMS Quartet, Op. 25 (for Piano and Strings in G Minor) Allegro Intermezzo -Allegro ma non troppo Andante con moto Rondo al/a zingara SERGIO SCHWARTZ Violin Sergiu Schwarrz's acrive international career has raken him ro major music cenrers on 3 concinenrs, includ!ng 20 European counrries, Israel and over 40 U. S. srares, as soloisr wirh over 200 leading orchesrras, in recirals and chamber music concens. He has appeared in prestigious concen series wirh distinguished artists such as lrzhak Perlman, Yo-Yo Ma and Jose Carreras. Recenr solo orchesrral engagements include rhe Dresden Sraarskapelle, Jerusalem Symphony, London Symphony Orchestra, London Soloists Chamber Orchestra, Sarajevo Philharmonic, Dresden Philharmonic, Slovak Philharmonic, European Communiry Chamber Orchesrra, Florida Philharmonic, Chicago's Granr Park Fesrival, among numerous orher distinguished ensembles in rhe U.S. and worldwide. Mr. Schwarn has collaborared in performances wirh preeminent conducrors, including Sergiu Comissiona, James Judd, Perer Maag, Giuseppe Sinopoli, and Bruno Weil. He has performed in major concen halls, including Llncoln Cenrer, Carnegie Reciral Hall, and 92nd Srreer Y (New York); Kennedy Center (Washingron, DC); Barbican Hall, Queen Elizaberh Hall and Wigmore Hall (London); Kravis, Broward and Gusman Centers for rhe Performing Ans in Sourh Florida. Mr. Schwanz is a frequent guesr ar narional and internarional music fesrivals, including Aspen, Newporr, lnterlochen (U. S.), Israel, Interlaken (Swirzerland), Kuhmo (Finland), Prusia Cove (England), La Gesse (France), Brasov (Romania), Sofia and Plovdiv (Bulgaria). He has been fearured in broadcascs for major radio and 1V srarions, including rhe BBC, NPR and CNN, and has recorded for Vox, Gega-New, Arcobaleno, CRS Records, and Discover/Koch lnternarional. Sergiu Schwanz srudied ar rhe Rubin Academy in Tel Aviv, where he also gained exposure ro world-class arrisrs such as Isaac Srern and Yehudi Menuhin during masrer classes ar rhe Jerusalem Music Center. He continued his studies wirh Yfrah Neaman ar Guildhall School in London, and in 1981, he was awarded scholarships from rhe Arnerica­ lsrael Culrural Foundation and The Juilliard School ro srudy wirh Dororhy Delay. Mr. Schwarrz's honors include major prizes in inrernarional violin competitions in London, Swirzerland, Chile, and rhe Unired Srares and awards from rhe National Endowment for rhe Ans and rhe National Foundation for rhe Advancement of the Ans. He is an honorary supponer of rhe Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchesrra, along with conductor Zubin Mehra and rhe !are Yehudi Menuhin. A reacher of prize winning students in prestigious international competitions, including Premio Paganini (Italy), Pablo de Sarasate (Spain), Prix d'Europe (Canada), and Coleman and Carmel Chamber Music Competitions (California), Mr. Schwanz combines his performing career wirh his position as Anisr Faculry-Violin at rhe Lynn Universiry Conservarory of Music. He is in demand for masrer classes and courses worldwide and serves as juror in narional and internarional compecirions. LAURA WILCOX Viola Laura Wilcox is a graduare from $UNY-Purchase School of Music in New York and McGill Universiry in Monrreal. She has srudied wirh Emanuel Vardi, Lorand Fenyves, Roben Levin, Charles Casdeman, Paul Rolland, Douglas McNabney, and John Graham. Furrher studies include coaching wirh members of rhe Emerson, Juilliard, Cleveland, and Orford suing quanets. Her recirals and solo appearances in Canada, rhe Unired Srares, Latin America, and Europe have been qualified as " oursranding... , a true virruoso ... , brilliant..., unique beauriful sound ... , sensirive... , eloquent.. .". She has received awards from rhe Canada Council for rhe Ans, the Chalmers Foundation, rhe Laidlaw Foundarion and' rhe Ontario Arts Council. Besides mosr of rhe classical repertoire for viola, Ms. Wilcox has performed an extensive lisr of contemporary works, several ofwhich have been commissioned or wricren for her. She has recorded for rhe labels SNE, Empreintes Digirales, and York. Ms. Wilcox is anisr-faculry (viola) ar Lynn Universiry's Conservarory of Music. Recendy performed works include rhe world premiere of Sergio Barroso's Cowerro for Viola and Orchesrra, Penderecki and Barrok viola concerros, die Norrh and Sourh American premieres of rhe Sonara for solo viola by Gyorgy Ligeri, and compositions by Xenakis, Barroso, Piazzolla, Henze, Yun, Feldman, and Cage. Recenr major performances include solo appearances wich the Sao Paulo Srace Symphony Orchesrra and the Esprir Orchestra in Toronro, and recitals ar rhe Narional Arts Centre in Onawa, Montreal Pollock Hall, Porto Alegre '98 International Festival of New Music, International Festival "Campos do Jordao", the 1999 World Viola Congress, Montreal Chapelle du Bon-Pasteur, Sao Paulo Teatro Sao Pedro, Toronto Glenn Could Studio, and the 1999 Rio de Janeiro "Seculo Vinte" Festival. Laura Wilcox has also performed at Guadearnus, Bravo!, Scotia, Aspen, Grand Teton, ISEA, Made in Canada, and Sound Symposium festivals and has given numerous recitals across Canada with live recordin~s for CBC "Two New Hours". She was founding member of the Atlantic String Quanet, principal viola with Jeunes Vinuoses de Montrial and the Ensemble Concempomine de Montrial, member of Les Violons du Roi in Quebec City, and principal viola with the Sao Paulo State Symphony Orchestra in Brazil. JOHANNE PERRON Cello Johanne Perron is well established as an imponant anist and teacher, enjoying a career at an international levd. She has appeared with orchestras and in recitals in Canada, Brazil, the United States, and Europe, and currently maintains a concen schedule as a soloist and chamber musician. She has been featured O!l nationwide radio and tdevision, and has won top prizes in numerous competitions. Born in Quebec Province, Canada, Ms. Perron made her debut in Montreal with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra at the age ofseventeen. She continued her studies at the Conservatory of Quebec with Pierre Morin, and-in.1978 received first prize in cello and chamber music, which was the result of a unanimous decision of the jury. She pursued her studies with Aldo Parisot at Yale University on ·a scholarship from the Ans Council and the Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Canada, and in 1981 she received her master of music degree from Yale, together with the coveted "Frances G. Wickes Award." She won the Prix d'Europe in 1984 and was given first ,rrize in the string division of the "Tremplin International des Concours de Musique du Canada. She has participated in master classes with distinguished artists Janos Starker in Banff, Canada; Pierre Fournier in Geneva, Switzerland; Fritz Magg, Nathaniel Rosen, and Paul Tortelier in Los Angdes, California; and she subsequently became a special student of Leonard Rose at The Juilliard School. As a Jeunesses Musicales artist, Ms. Perron has toured her home ,country, performing both as a recitalist and as a soloist with major orchestras. Her concerts have taken her to Portugal, Switzerland, Italy, Brazil. as well as over 20 American states, where she has always been well received by the critics. Ms. Perron joins her husband, cellist Claudio Jaffe, in their "Duo Cellissimo!," on tour since 1986. The critics ofMusical America described her as "a player of extraordinary musical dimension, compelling intensity, and deep inner serenity." She has served on the faculty of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and has taught cdlo at summer festivals in both Canada and the United States. TAO LIN Piano A frequent and heralded performer in nearly a hundred pro~rams each year, Tao Lin was born into a musical family in Shanghai, China. Admitted to the Shanghai Conservatory at eight, his progress was rapid and resulted in his winning prizes in numerous competitions - including the Alexander Tcherepnin Award. He was a founding member of the Shanghai Trio, which was a finalist in the First International Chamber Music Competition in Osaka, Japan. He came to South Florida in 1990 to pursue undergraduate studies under Robena Rust at the Harid Conservatory (where he received the Award for Outstanding Performance) and graduate studies under Ivan Davis at the University of Miami. As winner of each School's concerto competition, he performed Mozart's Conceno No. 24 and Rachmaninoff's Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, and was a prize winner in competitions of the National Society ofArts and Letters, the Music Teachers National Association and Florida Symphonic Pops and in the Eighth Annual Palm Beach International Invitational Piano Competition. Tao Lln made his European debut in 1995 with a concert tour ofNorway . Enthusiastically received by critics and audiences, he was invited back for another tour in 1997. In the U.S., he has panicipated in the Aspen, Round Top, Sanibel and Highlands Music Festivals (working with such teachers as David Nonhington, Joseph Kalichstein and Stephen Hough). and appeared as guest anist in both the Tennessee and Virginia Music Teachers Association Conferences as well as three times in the popular Mainly Mozart Festival. Recently, Lin has recorded Beethoven's 32 Variations in c minor, Schubert's Sonata in A Major (D664), Brahms' Handel Variations, Mozart's Rondo (KS l l) and Sonata (K333), and Balakirev's Islamey for Piano Lovers on CD. He has also appeared on a CD titled "Harid's Award Winners: which is available through the Conservatory's Ticket Office. The recording includes a solo performance of Prokofiev's Toccata. .
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