MILITARY ADAPTIVE SPORTS RESOURCES INDEX Index 2 About Warfghter Sports 3 Sports Ofered 4-5 National Adaptive Sport Organizations 6-9 Community Based Adaptive Sport Organizations 10-23 Equipment Resources 24-25 Competition and Paralympic Development 26-27 2 Military Adaptive Sports Manual ABOUT WARFIGHTER SPORTS Warfghter Sports, a program of Disabled Sports USA, ofers sports rehabilitation for wounded CHALLENGE MAGAZINE warriors with permanent physical disabilities in military hospitals and communities across the U.S. in partnership with a nationwide network Challenge Magazine is a publication of of over 125 community-based chapters. Since Disabled Sports USA, providing adaptive 1967, Disabled Sports USA has proudly served sports information to adults and children with wounded warriors, including those injured in disabilities, including those who are visually the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, ofering over impaired, amputees, spinal cord injured 50 winter and summer sports at more than (paraplegic and quadriplegic), and those who 100 events each year. Warfghter Sports have multiple sclerosis, head injury, cerebral rebuilds lives through sports by improving self- palsy, autism and other related intellectual confdence, promoting independence and uniting disabilities. From those learning adaptive families through shared healthy activities. sports for the frst time to dsiabled athletes on the US Paralympic team, Challenge Magazine Contributions cover all expenses for participation encourages anyone with a disability to participate of the warrior and a family member, including in sports! individualized adaptive instruction and adaptive sports equipment. Since 2003, more than Sign up for your free subscription of Challenge 12,000 of the most severely wounded and their Magazine at challengemagazine.org! families have been served, including those with amputations, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, visual impairments, and signifcant nerve and muscle damage. For more information, visit warfghtersports.org. HAVE QUESTIONS? Bre Podgorski Warfghter Sports Program Coordinator [email protected] 301.217.9842 This resource booklet may not include every adaptive sports organization available to veterans. This booklet should not be seen as an endorsement of the included organizations by Disabled Sports USA. Military Adaptive Sports Manual 3 SPORTS OFFERED 4 Military Adaptive Sports Manual SPORTS OFFERED Air Rife Rafting Alpine Ski Rock Climbing Archery Rowing Basketball Rugby Biathlon Running Boccia Sailing Bowling Scuba Canoeing Skateboarding Climbing Sled Hockey Cross-Country Skiing Snowboarding Curling Snowshoeing Cycling Soccer Dance Stand-Up (Amputee) Hockey Disc Golf Strength Training Downhill Skiing Surfng Dragon Boating Swimming Equestrian Table Tennis Fishing Tai Chi Fly Fishing Tennis Goalball Track & Field Golf Triathlon Hand Cycling Volleyball Hiking Water Aerobics Hunting Water Skiing Kayak Fishing Wheelchair Basketball Kayaking Wheelchair Curling Lacrosse Wheelchair Fencing Martial Arts Wheelchair Racing Mountain Biking Wheelchair Rugby Nordic Ski Wheelchair Softball Paddleboarding Whitewater Rafting Power Soccer Yoga Military Adaptive Sports Manual 5 NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 6 Military Adaptive Sports Manual 6 NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS The following national organizations ofer programming or adapted sport resources in multiple locations or services for disabled Veterans & Members of the Armed Forces living across the US. Disabled Sports USA (Warfghter Sports) Freedom Hunters Multisport Hunting Trips warfghtersports.org freedomhunters.org 1touch Project Heroes On the Water 1Touch Self-Defense Workshops Kayak Fishing 1touchproject.com/veteranspage.html heroesonthewater.org Achilles International Hope for the Warriors Handcycling, Running Outdoor Adventure Activities, Races achillesinternational.org hopeforthewarriors.org Adaptive Golf Academy Mission Redefned: VA Adaptive Sports Golf Program adaptivegolfacademy.com Multisport va.gov/adaptivesports Adaptive Canoe Association Canoeing, Kayaking National Amputee Golf Association americancanoe.org Golf nagagolf.org Adaptive Sports USA Running, Triathlon National Wheelchair Basketball Association adaptivesportsusa.org Wheelchair Basketball nwba.org Blinded Veterans Association Ice Skating Oscar Mike Foundation bva.org/BVA/ Multisport oscarmike.org Carlisle Academy Integrative Equine Therapy & Sports Paradox Sports Para-Dressage, Para-Driving, Coach Climbing Development paradoxsports.org carlisleacademymaine.com/veterans/ Paralyzed Veterans of America Challenged Athletes Foundation Multisport Archery, Cycling, Surfng, Triathlon pva.org operationrebound.org Military Adaptive Sports Manual 7 Path International University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Equine Adaptive Tai Chi Chuan pathintl.org adaptivetaichi.org/classes Project Healing Waters US Biathlon Fly Fishing Biathlon, Nordic Skiing projecthealingwaters.org teamusa.org/us-biathlon Ride 2 Recovery US Paraequestrian Association Cycling Equestrian ride2recovery.com uspea.org Salute Military Golf Association US Paralympics (Local Paralympic Sport Golf Clubs) smga.org Multisport teamusa.org/US-Paralympics/fnd-a-club Semper Fi Fund Multisport US Quad Rugby semperffund.org Rugby quadrugby.com Military Warriors Support Foundation Golf, Hunting, Outdoor Recreation US Rowing militarywarriors.org/skills4life Rowing usrowing.org/domesticrowing/adaptiverowing Team Red, White & Blue Running, Triathlon US Sailing teamrwb.org Sailing ussailing.org Team River Runner Canoeing, Kayaking USA Archery teamriverrunner.org Archery teamusa.org/USA-Archery/Programs/Adaptive- Tee It Up for the Troops Archery Golf teeitupforthetroops.org USA Badminton Para-badminton United States Association of Blind Athletes teamusa.org/USA-Badminton/Para/Schedule Multisport usaba.org USA Boccia Boccia United States Curling Association, Inc. usaboccia.org Wheelchair Curling usacurl.org USA Fencing Wheelchair Fencing United States Tennis Association usfencing.org Tennis usta.com/en.home/play.html USA Hockey Sled Hockey, Stand-Up (Amputee) Hockey usahockey.com/sledhockey 8 Military Adaptive Sports Manual USA Shooting Target Shooting usashooting.org/about/paralympicshooting USA Swimming Swimming usaswimming.org USA Table Tennis Table Tennis (Ping Pong) teamusa.org/usa-table-tennis USA Triathlon Paratriathlon usatriathlon.org USA Volleyball Sitting Volleyball teamusa.org/usa-volleyball/usa-teams/sitting- volleyball VET Sports Multisport vetsports.org Wheelchair Lacrosse USA Lacrosse wheelchairlacrosse.com Wheelchair Sports Federation Multisport wheelchairsportsfederation.org World T.E.A.M. Sports Bike Rides worldteamsports.org Wounded Warrior Project Multisport woundedwarriorproject.org Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation Fishing, Hunting wwiaf.org Military Adaptive Sports Manual 9 COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS 10 Military Adaptive Sports Manual COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS All organizations denoted with an asterisk are members of Disabled Sports USA’s chapter network. ALABAMA CALIFORNIA Lakeshore Foundation* Achieve Tahoe* lakeshore.org achievetahoe.org Birmingham, AL Truckee, CA University of Alabama Adaptive Athletics Adaptive Sports & Recreation Association* alabamaadapted.com adaptivesportsandrec.org Tuscaloosa, AL San Diego, CA Amazing Surf Adventures* amazingsurfadventures.org ALASKA San Luis Obispo, CA Challenge Alaska* Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program* challengealaska.org borp.org Anchorage, AK Berkeley, CA Southeast Alaska Independent Living* Break the Barriers, Inc. sailinc.org breakthebarriers.org Juneau, AK Fresno, CA Central California Adaptive Sports Center* centralcaladaptive.org ARIZONA Shaver Lake, CA Disabled Sports USA Eastern Sierra* Ability360 disabledsportseasternsierra.org ability360.org/sports Mammoth Lakes, CA Phoenix, AZ Disabled Sports USA Los Angeles* Arizona Disabled Sports* unrecables.com arizonadisabledsports.com Los Angeles, CA Mesa, AZ Disabled Sports USA Orange County* Southern Arizona Adaptive Sports* theachievers.org soazadaptivesports.org Irvine, CA Tucscon, AZ Discovery Blind Sports* discoveryblindsports.org Pioneer, CA Military Adaptive Sports Manual 11 Far West Wheelchair Athletic Association US Driving for the Disabled* fwwaa.org usdfd.org San Jose, CA Arroyo Grande, CA Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation Wheels to Water* jimmymillerfoundation.org wheelstowater.com Manhattan Beach, CA Cambria, CA Loma Linda University teampossabilities.org Loma Linda, CA COLORADO Northern California PGA Foundation Adaptive Action Sports* ncpgafoundation.org adacs.org Vacaville, CA Copper Mountain, CO Riekes Center for Human Enhancement Adaptive Adventures* riekes.org adaptiveadventures.org Menlo Park, CA Lakewood, CO San Diego District Tennis Association Adaptive Athletics Specialists sandiegotennis.org teamaas.org San Diego, CA Steamboat Springs, CO San Diego Rowing Club Adaptive Sports Association* sandiegorowing.org asadurango.org San Diego, CA Durango, CO Shared Adventures Adaptive Sports Center of Crested Butte* sharedadventures.org adaptivesports.org Santa Cruz, CA Crested Butte, CO Shasta Disabled Sports USA* Aspen Camp (Deaf & Hard of Hearing)* shastadsusa.org aspencamp.org Mount Shasta, CA Aspen, CO Timpany Center Aspen Valley Ski/Snowboard Club sjsu.edu/timpany teamavsc.org San Jose, CA Aspen, CO Triumph Foundation Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center* triumph-foundation.org boec.org Santa Clarita, CA Breckenridge, CO US Adaptive Recreation Center* Challenge Aspen* usarc.org challengeaspen.org Big Bear Lake, CA Snowmass Village, CO 12 Military
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