NEWSLINES www.thomas-hardye.dorset.sch.uk Page 2 Newslines We are now nearly at the tance of homework and them have been involved in end of the first term for Year keeping up with the work the Sport for All competition 9 at Thomas Hardye School. rather than leaving it all to and coming along on Thurs- I am pleased that the stu- the last minute. There are day lunchtimes to play Bas- dents have settled in to their homework clubs which run ketball. As well as all the studies and are starting to after school, and a large other clubs and activities become more independent majority of the students are they belong to, please con- in their learning. attending these, but if your tinue to support them with We were pleased to see so son/daughter is not then this. many parents at the Consul- please encourage them to You will be surprised to tation Evening in November. do so. From experience learn that we start the Op- We appreciated your posi- their final GCSE marks can tions process for Year 9 tive comments and also the be affected greatly by the quite early, and this is linked helpful suggestions you work ethic they adopt early in with the next set of Re- made. We hope that you will on in Year 9. views which will go home in feel able to contact us if you STUDENT VOICE—a group of the spring term. Therefore, have any questions you students who meet regularly some important dates for need to discuss, as commu- with Dr. Melvin and the Year you to put in your diaries for nication between home and Co-ordinators have been next term are: school is vital in supporting elected by members of the your daughter/son, not only various Year Councils. This FEBRUARY 9TH – REVIEWS academically, but also so- group meet regularly and go home this week. cially within the school envi- have their own intranet FEBRUARY 23RD – OPTIONS ronment. Please also look space on the school website EVENING. at your son/daughter’s pro- and their email address is SUBJECT CONSULTATION file on TH Direct using their [email protected] EVENINGS – student user name and hardye.dorset.sch.uk please Half year ‘J’ - Tuesday 3rd password. Hopefully you feel free to email them with MARCH can access everything prop- any thoughts/suggestions Half Year ‘K’ – Thursday 5th erly now. you have—the parent voice MARCH ACADEMICALLY—The stu- is important too. dents are well in to their EXTRA CURRICULAR—The We hope you have an enjoy- studies with the various students have involved able Christmas and wish you courses they are studying in themselves in a vast array of a Happy New Year from the Year 9. We would appreci- extra-curricular activities this Year 9 team. ate your help in ensuring the term. In particular I am students realise the impor- pleased that so many of Mrs Chittenden It was very encouraging to On Wednesday 10th Decem- 10VW finished worthy cham- see so many parents at the ber a group of over 40 stu- pions but each tutor group recent Tutor Consultation dents attended The Clothes played their part. Our thanks Evening. We hope you found Show at the NEC in Birming- go to Mr Goulding for run- the evening informative and ham to complement their ning this lunchtime competi- worthwhile. Any issues technology option of Tex- tion. raised with the tutors should tiles. Our end of term Presenta- now have been addressed. Unfortunately the Year social tion Assembly is due to be Please feel free to contact event due to take place this held on Tuesday 16th De- the School if you have any term has had to be post- cember. During this special questions you need to dis- poned until 6th February assembly students will be cuss as communication be- 2009. This will give the Year recognised for their achieve- tween home and school is Council more time to sell ment and commitment over vital in supporting your son/ tickets and promote the the last term. This year the daughter both academically event. We hope the year school is awarding special and socially within the group support this worth- ties in four categories: School. while charity fundraiser Academic achievement, A large number of students event. Our thanks go to Mr Community involvement, from Year 10 were involved Bewley and the Year Council Performing Arts and Sport- in the Science Modular ex- who have put in a lot of work ing achievement. Each de- aminations on Thursday 20th towards this event. partment within the curricu- November. Hopefully these The Sport For All competi- lum has the opportunity to students will receive the tion has been well sup- nominate students who de- results they deserve. ported by the Year Group. serve recognition for their www.thomas-hardye.dorset.sch.uk Newslines Page 3 work and effort in their stud- Tutor groups have been pre- The Year Ten Team of Year ies as well as contribution to paring and collecting items the extra curricular side of for Christmas Hampers Co-ordinators and Tutors school life. This is a new which are distributed to would like to take this venture for the School fol- families in the community. opportunity to wish all par- lowing discussions raised The School would like to ents and students through Student Voice meet- thank you for your contribu- ings. tions on behalf of the recipi- a very Happy Christmas and ents who live in Dorchester. best wishes for 2009. Year 11 This has been a very busy pressures from these are go to the staff who gave half term for all Year 11 stu- now over, there are contin- their time and effort to es- dents. The tutor consulta- ued demands for course- tablish this opportunity. tion evening directly before work. It is essential that Our final Presentation As- half term was very well at- students now start to plan sembly this term will be in- tended, providing an oppor- and use their time wisely in troducing the new Rewards tunity to discuss progress, the build up to the final ex- System which has been the provide guidelines for aminations next year. ‘brain-child’ of Student coursework, examination A reminder to parents that Voice. Students will be preparation and revision Reports are due home to- nominated to receive ties for and options at 16+. wards the end of January achievements in the follow- The returns for next year’s 2009, closely followed by ing categories: Performing Sixth Form have proven to Subject Consultation Eve- Arts, Community, Academic be very high, with 80% of nings on 29th January and and Sport. the Year Group indicating 3rd February. Miss Civil has taken on the their intention to return here For the Remembrance Ser- onerous task of compiling a to study. A Sixth Form vice on November 11th, over Year Book for the students. Taster Day was organised on 2,500 students assembled A number of students have the 15th December, which outside the School memorial placed orders – but the has enabled all students to gates. Their exemplary be- more we get, the cheaper experience ‘Life and Study’ haviour clearly showed the the final product, so if your in the Sixth Form. The indi- respect they give to this oc- son/daughter is still vidual experience was based casion. ‘thinking about it’, please around choices they have Twenty Year 11 students encourage them to bring in already indicated for next have now successfully been their £10 deposit. year. We also felt it impor- trained as Mentors and A big thank you for your con- tant to provide alternative some were invited to attend tributions to the Christmas opportunities for those stu- the First Anti-Bullying Con- Hampers. These have been dents who have opted to ference in October. Two delivered to Social Services leave Thomas Hardye next letter boxes have been es- for distribution amongst year. Over fifty students tablished in school and an e families in need and the ventured to Weymouth Col- mail address set up for stu- elderly in and around Dor- lege, where they had hands- dents who wish to access chester. on experience on a variety of this excellent service which With the end of term now vocational choices. A fur- has been co-ordinated by Mr finally in sight, we are look- ther sixteen students were Dean. ing forward to our final day given a guided tour of King- We congratulate Sean Bone, at Tower Park. A selection ston Maurward College and Rob Farmer, Conner McKee, of the latest release films visited Paragon Training in Jake Gale and Ed Godrey on has been booked. Weymouth for further infor- their winning entries in the We would like to take this mation on apprenticeships Films for Learning Competi- opportunity to wish stu- and ‘on the job’ training. tion. This was sponsored by dents, staff and parents a Students have recently com- Microsoft. Merry Christmas and look pleted external modular ex- Year 11 students linked to forward to welcoming, what aminations in Maths and the George Green School promises to be Science GCSEs. The stu- Project had an exciting and a very success- dents’ conduct and positive rewarding experience on ful 2009. approach to these was most their return visit to London encouraging. Although the earlier this month. Thanks T. Brook www.thomas-hardye.dorset.sch.uk Page 4 Newslines Sixth Form Madrid—A group of Year 13 we took a late plane back to Tutors are working with the Historians and Spanish stu- London returning in the students in academic tutori- dents visited Madrid at Half early hours of the morning als to discuss how they Term.
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