i . ■■■ 1 i t M a 1 1 ' T ^ i f k •Hill =±==5 3 P E N N Y . IKKGJfc.. a s i- 3 Sell Your Old Gold. Ip it advisable to store bid'gold or Imlnary. Junior, of no further use. boh:the gold can 'DlDationa, also be exchanged ?Pr D iPMSlfcf . and for the We are preparec aluo old gd!Id _ of the Royal large or Rtnall qhfti titles* fijee of CISC go of Mask and to give cash or £1iheqluo pay in. exchange for it. Use after lei glieh Liter — Mnthetn* U and .Tennis Cluba. W, Bruford & Son ARB RECEIVED, 00, Ternrinns-rd, K-.wl.boqrtp aturday, January 30th andd 241,2 Hid > to see Parents on WedneB- Telephone 452. 'W. Q .RI! BNOROFT E L L E S 6 P B N M R R 0 A 0 SS8 (Late1 of 82, Thie Avenue), •AD Home iSIchool .for ! the, Daughters.v[„ -- . of GSnTT-tlem«n, »fi wishes to ahnoinco that she h ns arranged to'partuenddp tii-i eusuiug teruk Miss C. A. a). M A C H I N E M A RESUM[ED HER CLASSES FOR CpflLDREN DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN pA ILY. an.jy.ao.p.. blX. Gam, and Mr«. Cameron, Astler Roberts, Bar, L.R.O. P., end Hr*. Artie, Academy, Medallist. GIVES IN THK SAFFRONS ROOMS) 0^ O’Brien Harding. EmlTV.P., M.B.O.P., L.R.O.P., alnting'olbher Privately or It ____ l, and Mb . Holuna, the Bet. 0. and Mr*. Honbnrsh, Miss Shaw holds positions as Visiting Teaoher In At-Three p.rn. 19 & 21, CHURCH STREET; 15, PEVENSEY ROAD 75, SEASIDE. r n i K * Jameson, W. J. 0. Merrr, Esq., M.D., Boys; and Girls’ Schools In London, and Is open to LESSONS GIVEN.. SCHOOLS i.\TRENDED - Gaihome Orr. K*e., and Mr*. Orr, the Be*. Urllns engagements tii Eastbourne and dlstrtob. Pnpile have ton, the Be*. F. A William*, M A. (Head Master obtained hlghesb awards In competition with sohools In For parpculars address,28, South .-t rcct, Khslboume. T el. 169. the UnitedsdKli Kingdom.—13, * ---- ] i-road," —Eastbourne. ■ DANCING : RHV.MIO EXERGIBSS. T ISS ELSIE S. M. REED, Certificated | | , Under Royal Pa'ronage, '• SS BALLS, L.L.A., Advanoed Grade Associated Board R.A-M and FREDK. S. SHELLEY, M? 1, SPENCER ROAD. K.C. ( t Piano and Organ (Honours), Assistant Organist at ■ j ]i I St. Saviour’s Chnroh, Eastbourne, Aooompanlsojto the IS S ELEANOR RATOLIFFE Builder, Decorator, Plumber, Gas, Hot Water and Electrical Engineer. Successful in Examination Work. Eastbourne A mateur Operatio Society. Opon for Engage­ M WILL llj'OLD ment as Accompanist. GIVES LESSONS In PIANO­ HOLIDAY CLASSKS | j Contractor for General House Repairs. COACH KS IN SPECIAL SUBJECTS OR TAKES FORTE and ORGAN PLATING and in HARMONY FOK I !?■ BEGINNERS AND BACKWARD PUPILS. and THEORY. BALLKOOM DANCING Office and Showrooms 8, 'TERMINUS PLACE. atradents prepared for the various Musical Examination?. Highest References. 4; Kilrurn Terrace (3 minutes from Station), AT THE i PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS. Eas tbourkk. DEVONSHIRE PARK, Tuesday ^.nd Friday Afternoons, commencing Dec. 22nd. : SAVIOUR'S CHOIR SCHOOL, «3S B. NO AKES, Certificated in Harmony and Counterpoint (Senior Local, Associated Board Juniors! under 15 years of age, 2.45 p.m.; St ”iors over 15 . j’ BOOTH STREET, j j'i of. thA RA.M. and R.O.M.), GIVES LESSONS ton the years of !ago, 3.45 p.n.; Babies, Friday : Mornings, 11 BOYS TOFORTB and American Organ, and in Harmony 1:1 o’clock. iCcminenpiug Deij:. lothb IRE TAKEN FROM THB AGE OF EIGHT. trms: 21s. thd Couijso of S(jc Lp^soni. 1 Fees R6 peb Annum. and Counterpoint.—For Teri ’ 8. Oalverley-road. ADUL"? CLASS every Friday Evening at tljie Saffrons OETZMAN N Main Choral Scholarships, some of whioh oover ’ t the whole amount of the Fees. itqomsi S.:?i). I, | ■ |- M. GRAHAM SCHOFIELD, Address: The Ohutsworth Hotels Eastjjourne. & C Q ., L t d ., Training for Business Life. M Diplfimeo, Paris — i * r ■ F ir Proepeotus and other Information apply (1st Glass Certificate), DANCING AND PHYSICAL KXHBCISBS. THE WARDEN. | Nr. TOTTENHAM COURT EOA3), LONDON, W. Giv< LESSONS In PRACTICAL DRK98CUTTING 18^ HUTTON MOSS and Milis PAINE and ING, FRENCH PATTERN MODELLING will resume theii1 I.ASXBOURiNE Telegrams i " OETZMANN LONDON.” Telepl osa: MUSEUM " ONE." and MILLINERY, j CLASSES January 25tli. N GARRY, 3, GRANGE ROAD.— Mias lohofleld has had 14 years’ experience vrith private Children’s Class at the GY MN ASIUM, Vpp.X ROAD, GL!SMALL CLASS is held at the above address • pupils and In olass teaching In schools, M! for the CHILDREN OF GKNTLitPKOPLE only, I Blouse Patterns a Speciality. on SATURDAYS, at i.45 p ut., commencing Jan. 27Liu Pupili prepared for the Preliminary Cambridge Looal Special arrangements made for Adult, i Classes. Exam in 2, CORNFIELD TERRACE ation. 39a.,, HARRINGTON ROAD, LONDON, S.W. A BOOK ON rUBNIHHIHG” Begin lers reoelved. : YOUR BUSINESS PRINTING. r 1 GRATIS AND POST FRE C. Apply by letter to MISS Ej CLEATHER. nting i; DANCING AND ELOCUTION. 1< ind is equiS _____ ______ _____ ____ _$no. T t / f A d a m e v a n d y c k ’s c l a s s e s TAN CLADPOLE’S TRIP TO ’MERRICUR. F arjncombe & Oo.. Ltd, ihronicle ” Printing yVorks, A.TJL | are now resumed 4) n xt to the world-wide popularity of “ Oladpole’s Souiht-8treet, are fully pre ed to meet these raquire- 1 At DEVONSHIRE PARK. Jurney So Lunnon,” this work has had a larger sale than merits, having their works fitted with machinery- - Caapable Special Glasses for Operatic D^nciug {Rusk an Method!* £ 5 PREPAID ORDERS CARRIAGE PAID TO ANY any oth 3r Sussex Book. The interest in both these works of oxijicditiously turning out! high-class work. I Holiday Classes during XujJU.Hoiiif ays. unabated. New edition now ready, price 6d.— Letterpress ]and Lithographic Printing For pfarticulars apply Farncoinbe & Co., Limited, and all Booksellers. RAILWAY STATION IN ENGLAND OR WALES. 2, HAEEWOOD PL^CE, HANOVER So u Arpj, w . HYSICAL EDUCATION for t D elic a te Children at | tljieir own HOMES (any mart of P England); including Dancing, Graceful [ Deportment', Walking and Exercises. A Lajdy, with twenty years’ experience! in the Court Circles jof Society, will .forward Tong List qij Patronesses ANGLO - RUSSIAN and Terms upon application. ' (Proprietor: A. DUDjKIN), SAVE YOUR COAL 227, ** Chronicle ” Office, South-strpet. I! li/flS S MINA HpDSON, Cert0 V6d.^.O.LM ATX ; Mem, 1.8.M., 36 and 31, Western Road RECEl PUPIL8 fr>r SINGING, VOICE CULTURE - The Parliamentary W ar Savings’ Committee in their HINTS- and P] OFORTE PLAYING in Londjpn and East^ . bour»o.Vir«ii wti e\ I ^ . I ! TO HOUSEHOLDERS,” says Ladies Choir. Cholij Training given b sjrrangement. Preparation for Musical Examinations. i\ anv successes ■ V.i USE GA8 COKE wherever possible in jtead of coal and honours. Bpedal arrangement fi n Visitors. Commnnloatlons should bo addressed to Bliss Hudson, unuet uoacn uaetDonme uouege, 1 FORI TWO WEEKS 0 care of; Messrs. Clift IGildredge-ruad; or The Library,: Bnj.iARTi TaiIlhi Rx-Covered and Repaired. COAL and COKE mixed in equal proportions give a Daltoto-telrrace, Moads street. | fuel which will last long longer than coal alone. I0T0HKI88 A BON. Patronised by Royalty. ot Ktn^ IN GINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, ICANTIC SA THE MORE COKE IS USED the greater will be TH E GYMNASIA WM>rt PATTERN OF School o r P hysical E ducation MAKERS, the production of the by-products which are required iAD, Eastbourne (near Town Ball), Tel 81’, ery snohas fo r making explosives for the Army "and Navy. IHRWENT ROAD, MEADS (Tel. 1297), Also at B Ekiil LL. | ie Lifts,Ac. FUR COATS braneh of Physloal Eduoatlon scientjlflcaliy taught iURNE. - qualified and experienoed Instruutor and Lady ' iers, under the dlreotion of Mr. Mosa, a Medloal Gymnasium attached for Remedial EASTBOURNE GAS 00. and Swedish Massage, under the direction of FUR STOLES and MUFFS F. 0. Charle?worth, M.G.T.L, MiN.S.P.B. rE CONTRACT TO CLEAR PREMISES OF Q O K E. | :■ (Q O K E. Beetles, Cockroaches, s Maxes the Hottbst Fire. SWEEPING REDUCT THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS. Nevrh Blocks the Kitohenkb Flues. Most Easy to Wear. No Steel Spring. Mi^ kii with a Little Coal Make! Splendid Ants, Bugs, AT PRICES MUCH B^LOW WHOLES ALE. Dininq and Drawing Room} F ires. Send for Illustrated Price Lists, post free. ANY NOISOME INSECT VERMIN. \ P eb Chaldron, D elivered i .. 16 6 1 • | . I , „ I „ Meads <& H ampden P ark 17/3 WE DESTROY UNDER OONTRAOT : ■ | - I / , i . 1 The Stock consists of about 1,000 STUB COATS and THOUSANDS of LINDSEY & SONS, P er Sack, 1/10 ; Meads, RATS AND MICE. | - ’ | j ’ I I f I . EUB SETS of every description of Skin made up in th!e very Latest New 7, Terminus-buildings, Eastbourne The abitvs Fricta are subject to Alteration without Notice, For Terms address the Creation Models. I — SURGICAL & ORTHOPAEDIC INSTRUMENT MAKERS. K i r i ft. Eastbourne Gas Company. INSPECTION INVITED WITHOUT OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE, SEAMLESS SPIRAL EL. ITIC ALSO AT AMERICAN COCKROACH Co., HOSIERY, BELTS, & London and Brighton. C H E A Is S ’ ' (i 124, Southwark Street, London, •f i • ! U ' MONEY. E stablished 1879. WARDROBES. FOB FIRST-CLASS And at LIVERPOOL, LEEDS and GLASGOW. PUBCHASES OP £2 OE OVE MONEY. WARDROBES. T f ‘ K ’fi 1 W. T. LAMB & ! SON, AMENTAL TBEE8, I i CASH ADVANOED PROMPTLY j Pawnbrokers, Jewellers• andr-l General| P Salesmen, 1 SOSES, APPLY to the Oldest Readout Lender, 40, SEASIDE ROAD (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBOURNE, ]a .
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