EXHIBIT - 2 20 100m 300m 500m 700m 900m N 0 10 50 200m 400m 600m 800m 1000m MAG-MER N15° 21' 06.39" E77° 55' 39.80" 31 A 30 N15° 21' 05.02" B E77° 55' 30.11" GH 29 AREA OF NO MINING ZONE N-1699276 28 C 474 477 CBH-1 AREA OF NO MINING ZONE 480 27 471 26 483 486 32 N15° 21' 01.86" D EBH-5 E77° 55' 41.58" EBH-6 25 33 24 DTH-3 DTH-1 N15° 20' 59.33" E77° 54' 57.78" 23 15 E AREA OF NO MINING ZONE 480 m 14 OLD PIT 16 FRL 465 m 13 35 N15° 20' 57.51" 17 N15° 20' 57.25" 34 E77° 55' 41.35" E77° 55' 08.95" 477 N-1699076 12 G 22 20 11 18 F EBH-7 10 19 474 CBH-2 21 AREA OF NO MINING ZONE EBH-4 GG 471 462 DTH-5 DTH-7 DTH-4 DTH-2 36 N15° 20' 54.46" H9 E77° 54' 49.06" 468 459 89 FZ 8 465 AREA OF NO MINING ZONE 90 AREA OF NO MINING ZONE MZ 453 88 EBH-3 CBH-3 37 91 42 N15° 20' 51.48" FRL 464.5 m 38 5 7 92 OLD PIT E77° 55' 43.38" N15° 20' 51.56" 87 EBH-9 EBH-8 39 4 OLD PIT E77° 54' 40.21" I 94 95 3 6 FRL 465 m EBH-2 40 N-1698876 93 FRL 462.2 m 43 EG 456 EA AREA OF NO MINING ZONE DTH-6 96 453 459 DQ 86 85 465 CE 462 462 465 97 98 84 41 468 44 BA 99 2 A 83 DTH-8 468 57 H I Z AREA OF NO MINING ZONE AREA OF NO MINING ZONE 100 AREA OF NO D' 46 MINING ZONE 110 I' AREA OF NO MINING ZONE 108 101 82 465 1 107 58 45 111 109 102 59 EU 459 N15° 20' 48.18" Assumed EBH-1 Bench Mark 106 103 76 81 E77° 54' 39.87" 105 104 462 ET 56 RL - 456m 75 N15° 20' 47.06" E77° 55' 22.60" 77 47 N15° 20' 45.77" 73 74 79 C' 49 E77° 54' 49.23" 72 459 60 69 78 80 62EM E' N15° 20' 45.73" 48 E77° 55' 12.87" 55 N15° 20' 45.00" E77° 55' 43.19" 71 AREA OF NO MINING ZONE NA 63 N-1698676 EL 61 CBH-4 50 468 70 EJ 465 462 AREA OF NO 64 N15° 20' 43.74" MINING ZONE 54 51 50 m E77° 55' 27.62" B' 53 N15° 20' 43.25" OR 465 468 E77° 55' 41.88" 65 N15° 20' 43.22" A' AREA OF NO MINING ZONE 52 EH EI 471 F' E77° 55' 08.14" 462 50 m 66 50 m AREA OF NO MINING ZONE G' N15° 20' 41.25" H' E77° 54' 50.70" 68 67 N-1698476 E-812505 E-812705 E-812905 E-813105 E-813305 E-813505 E-813705 E-813905 E-814105 E-814305 L E G E N D MODIFIED MINING PLAN FOR DOLOMITE LEASE BOUNDARY A A' SECTION LINE Project Proponent : M/s Sri Balaji Works 7.5m BARRIER ZONE 50M BUFFER ZONE FROM FOREST Mg.Partner : Sri M Subba Reddy CONTOUR m.AMSL OLD PIT Over an extent of 73.113 Hect. in Sy.No. 622, 633, 635, 636/A, 636/B & 637/B of Kocheruvu & 695/B, 732/1,2, 733/1,2, 734/1,2, 735, 736 & 737 of Malkapuram (V), BASIC SILL ROAD Dhone (M), Kurnool (Dt), A.P. TOP SOIL STREAM MAP SHOWING AREA OF NO MINING ZONE DOLOMITE 15M STREAM BUFFER ZONE SCALE: 1:2,000, Contour Interval 3m QUARTZITE 50M ROAD BUFFER ZONE Certified that the above plan is prepared based on the LITHOLOGICAL BAOUNDARY PROPOSED BORE HOLES (CBH / PBH) lease map authenticated by the State Government A BOUNDARY PILLAR WITH No. EXPLORATORY BORE HOLES ABM ASSUMED BENCH MARK AREA OF NO MINING ZONE Map Datum WGS - 84 3UHFLVLRQP PROJECT PROPONENT RQP EXHIBIT - 3 EXHIBIT - 3 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) INDEX S. No. Description Page No. 1 Introduction 1 2 Overview of Mining Activity in the District 8 3 The List of Mining Leases in the District with Location, Area and Period 10 of validity 4 Details of Royalty and Mineral Revenue received in last three years 223 5 Details of production of sand or Bajari or Minor Mineral in last three 228 years 6 Process of Deposition of sediments in the rivers of the District 249 7 General Profile of the District 249 8 Land utilization pattern in the District: Forest, Agriculture, 252 Horticulture, Mining etc 9 Physiography of the district 255 10 Rainfall & Climate 255 11 Geology, Hydrogeology and Mineral wealth 259 12 Project Team 268 LIST OF TABLES Table-1 Members of DEIAA 1 Table-1A Members of DEAC 2 Table -2 Salient Features of Kurnool District 7 Table- 3 Kurnool District Exiting Leases with location and Area 10 Table - 4 Kurnool District Existing Leases with Location, Extent ,validity 23 Table - 5 O/o ADM&G, Banaganapalli Existing Leases with location, extent and 123 its validity Table - 6 List of Prospecting Leases (In Force) in the O/o ADM&G, Banaganapalli 131 Table -7 Banaganapalli O/o ADM&G Existing Leases with Location, Extent and 219 its validity Table - 8 Mineral Revenue Collection for the last seven years pertaining to O/o 223 ADM&G, Kurnool I Table – Mineral Revenue Collection for the last seven years pertaining to O/o 224 8A ADM&G, Banaganapalli Table- 9 ADMG wise Mineral Revenue Collections from 2014-15 to 2017-18 225 Table-10 Targets and Achievements for the year 2015-16, 16-17, 17-18 225 Table-11 Production and Revenue Collections for the last three years i.e. (15-16 226 to 17-18) of ADM&G, Kurnool. Table-12 Details or Production of Sand or Bajari or Minor Mineral in last three 228 years Table-13 Spatial Distribution Of Level-II Land Use/Land Cover In Kurnool 252 District Table-14 Month wise Rainfall during 2015-16 and Normal Rainfall from IMD 256 Sites Table -15 Kurnool District Rainfall data Month wise List of Experts involved in 258 the project Table - 16 Mineral Resources of Kurnool District 263 Table - 17 Mandal wise occurrence of Major Mineral in Kurnool District 265 Table - 18 Drainage system with description of main rivers 266 Table - 19 Salient features of the Rivers and Streams 267 Table - 20 List of Experts involved 268 LIST OF MAPS Figure-1 Topo Map of Kurnool District 6 Figure-2 Mineral Resource Map of Kurnool District 9 Figure-3 Kurnool District Map 251 Figure-4 Land use map of Kurnool District 253 Figure-5 Satellite Imagery of Kurnool District 254 Figure-6 Geomorphology and Hydro Geology Map of Kurnool district 261 II 1. Introduction: The Government of India, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change has made certain amendments in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification No. S.O.1533 (E) dated: 14.09.2006 issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forest vide notification no. S.O.141 (E) dated 15.01.2016 and notification no. S.O. 190(E), dated: 20.01.2016. These amendments led to the constitution of the District Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (DEIAA) at district level for grant of environmental clearances for category B2 projects ( B2 category projects pertaining to mining of minor minerals of lease area less than or equal to 5 hectares) for mining of minor minerals, for all the districts in the country. DEIAA comprises following members: Table-1 1 District Magistrate or District Collector of the district Chairperson 2 Senior most Divisional Forest Officer in the district Member 3 An expert member to be nominated by the Divisional Member Commissioner or Chief Conservator of the Forest 4 Sub-Divisional Magistrate or Sub-Divisional Officer of the district Member Secretary head quarter Ordinary sand other than sand use for prescribed purposes and some other minerals have been specified as minor mineral in Sec 3(E) of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957. The Central Government in addition to some other minor minerals have also declared the ordinary earth (used for filling or levelling purposes in construction or embankments, roads, railways and buildings) and brick earth as the minor minerals. The Government of Punjab vide notification no. S.O.22/P.A.9/1996/S.3/2008 dated: 28.03.2008 have acquired the rights of ordinary clay, ordinary sand other than sand use for prescribed purposes, brick earth and ordinary earth (used for filling or levelling purposes in construction or embankments, roads, railways and buildings) in addition to some other minor minerals.. The DEIAA shall base its decisions on the recommendations of District Level Expert Appraisal Committee (DEAC). It comprises of following members 1 1. Senior Most Executive Engineer, Irrigation Department Chair Person 2. Senior most Sub-Divisional Officer (Forest) Member 3. A representative of Remote Sensing Department or Geology Member Department or State Ground Water Department to be nominated by the Distinct Magistrate. 4. Occupational health expert or Medical Officer to be nominated by Member the District Magistrate or District Collector 5 Engineer from ZillaParishad Member 6 A representative of State Pollution Control Board or Committee Member 7 An expert to be nominated by the Divisional Commissioner or Chief Member Conservator of Forest 8 An expert to be nominated by the Divisional Commissioner or Chief Member Conservator of Forest 9 An expert to be nominated by the Divisional Commissioner or Chief Member Conservator of Forest 10 Senior most Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department Member 11 Assistant Director or Deputy Director or District Mines Officer or Member- Geologist in the district in that order Secretary District Survey Report (DSR) is required to identify the areas of aggradations or depositions where mining can be allowed and identification of areas of erosion and proximity to infrastructural structures and installations where mining should be prohibited and calculation of annual rate of replenishment and allowing time for replenishment after mining in that area.
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