1001867 This Booklet contains 32 printed pages. AF16-XV Question Booklet No. 1Sl'~~32~~~1 !I':f-~~~ EXAMINATION-8TPGT SUBJECT: HISTORY Do not open this Question Booklet until you are asked to do so. ~, ~~ ~'f ~ PIT~ ~ ~~'lji'f ~ ~ PITI Read carefully all the instructions given at the back page and on the front page of this Question Booklet. 1Sl'~~ ~ ~ '8 ~~ ~ ~-sm~ f.klf"lI<t~ ~')f ~ ~ I Instructions for Candidates 1. Use Black Ballpoint Pen only for writing 1. 1Sl'~~ ~ \l!RJ 1Sl<f~OMR~~ ~ particulars of this Question Booklet and ~~~~~~~~~ marking responses on the OMR ~~I Answer Sheet. 2. 1Sl'~~211-tt30MI~orro 2. This test is of 2 hours and 30 minutes 150fijMCQ~~~I~~~1 duration and consists of 150 MCQ-type ~I questions. Each question carries 1 mark. 3. rr~ ~ c<Wf'8 ~'fl¥l5 ~ ~ PITI 3. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer. 4. ~~~~~~~~~ 1<PC~Ct(~~) ~ <fim~ I 4. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the Question Booklet for the 5. ~~~~OMR~~~~~I same. ~~~~~~~~ 5. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR 'bl<t~~"1~~ I~~ 1Sl~~<fim~ Answer Sheet only. Mark your responses C~ c<Wf'8 'bl<t~IC~'~ ~ <IT~~~ ~ carefully since there is no chance of ~PITI alteration/ correction. 6. ~-~~<IT~~-~~~ 6. Use of eraser or whitener is strictly ~~'1~1 prohibited. 7. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ 7. Candidates should note that each question is ~-~ ~~I6<IT~)~ I~,~~-~~ given in bilingual form (English and Bengali). <IT~-~~'f c<Wf'8 ~ ~ ~~ ~ In case of any discrepancy or confusion in the medium/ version, the English Version will be ~~~~~,~~~~~~~ treated as the authentic version. ')f'lJ~1 Name of the Candidate (in Capitals) : --:- _ ~~~(~~) Roll No.: _ OMR Answer Sheet No. : _ Cinif~ OMR~~~ Full Signature of the Candidate with date Signature of the Invigilator with date ~~~1~~ A~",,<piil 7JT'IR ~ /8 Directions: Answer the following questions M'~: ~~~~~~~~ by selecting the correct option. ~ lfl\$ I 1. The author of the Rajatarangini was 1. '~I'Sf'!l~fSt~' ~ ~ ~ (A) Bilhana (A\ ~ (B) Kalhana (B) ~ (C) Nagarjuna (C) -on~ (D) None of them (D) I.!Tm~~ 2. Which one is a pre-Mauryan inscription? 2. ~~-~~~~? (A) Boghaz Koi Inscription (A) ~~CQM (B) Junagarh Inscription (B) ~~ CQM (C) Hathigumpha Inscription (C) ~~~ cal~ (D) None of the above (D) ~9fm C<PI"'1~ om 3. The author of Si-yu-ki was 3. ~-~-f.f ~ ~ ~ (A) Fa-Hien (A) <n-~ (B) Hiuen Tsang (B) ~~C~"'1 ~~ (C) I-tsing (C) ~-~~~ (D) None of them (D) I.!Tm~~ 4. The most important feature of Neo- lithic Age is 4. ~~ ~~ '~~'1'f'~ (A) domestication of animals (A) ~~ (B) food production (B) ~~~~ (C) use of weapons (C)~~ (D) None of the above (D) ~9fm C<PH~ om 5. The use of which one of the following 5. ~ C<PI"'1ro~~ ~ >i\!)J'!lI~ ~~<lI~~1 was not known to the people of Indus Valley Civilization? 'Sf1"'1C'!l"'1-on? (A) Bronze (A) ~@l (B) Iron (B) ~ (C) Copper (C) ~ (D) None of the above (D) ~9fm C<PH~ om /8 2 6. Which one of the following is the 6. ~_~~~~~~c<llf? first Veda among the four Vedas? (A) ~ (A) Yajurveda (B) ~ (B) Samaveda (C) ~ (C) Rigveda (D) ~~ (D) Atharva Veda 7. 7. Where did Buddha give his first ~~~~~~~~~~? sermon? (A) 'eS1SSi~~ (A) Ujjain (B) ~ (B) Vaishali (C) <lif~ (C) Kapilavastu (D) ~~ (D) Sarnath 8. Among 24 Tirthankaras of Jainism, Parshanath was the (A) ~~ (A) 1st (B) ~~~ (B) 12th (C) ~~~ (C) 23rd (D) ~8~ (D) 24th 9. Which of the following were included 9. ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~ in the Sixteen Mahajanapadas? ~ ~~ '6lt!l~'&~? Koshal, Anga, Kalinga, Panchal ~,~,~,9f~ (A) 2 of the above (A) ~~ zfij (B) 3 of the above (B) ~~ alU (C) All of the above (C) ~~~ (D) None of the above (D) ~~ C<PI~~ ~ 10. All of Girivraja, Rajagriha and 10. ~, ~~ '8 ~~ ~ c<fiR. Pataliputra were the capitals of which kingdom? ~~~~? (A) Kashi (A) ~ (B) Kuru (B) ~ . (C) Matsya (C) ~~~ (D) Magadha (D) ~'if~ /8 3 [ P.T.O. 11. Who was the ruler of the kingdom 11. ~ '8 m~ ~~~ ~ c<fi between the rivers Jhelum and ~? Chenab? (A) '5l1CC7j<fl'811'(S1~ (A) Alexander (B) 'i>&1~~ (B) Darius III (C) King Porus (C) ~~ (D) None of them (D) ~~~ 12. Who was known as 'Devanampiya 12. '~9ffi~'~~"c<fi~? Piyadasi'? (A)" RRt>11?4 (A) Bimbisara (B) R,'11?4 (B) Bindusara (C) Ajatashatru (C) '5l'811~~ (D) None of them (D) ~m~~ 13. The author of the book, Arthashastra 13. ~~'~~~ was (A) ~ (A) Bishakhadatta (B) Kautilya (B) ~ (C) Chandragupta Maurya (C) ~~ 00( (D) Megasthenes (D) ~~ 14. The religion patronised by Kanishka 14. "<flffl ~ ~ ~~ <fl?4C~~, ~ ~ was (A) ~tf4' (A) Jainism (B) ~tf4' (B) Buddhism (C) Hinduism (C) ~tf4' (D) None of the above (D) ~9fUrn C<flH~-;m 15. Who were known as 'Andhra- 15. ~-'i>~J' ~ <film ~ ~ ? Bhrityas'? (A) ~~\"l (A) Chalukyas (B) Pallavas (B) ~~\"l (C) Satavahanas (C) >11~:ql~"'l ~\"l (D) Cholas (D) ~~\"l /8 4 16. Kalidasa was not the author of 16. ~ ~ ~ ~lfcil'Tl>j~ ? (A) Malabikagnimitram (A)~ (B) Raghuvansam (B) ~~ (C) Kiraiarjuniuam. (C) f<jsm~/~~~ (D) Meghadutam (D) ,~~t~~ 17. Which king of Thaneswar was killed 17. by Sasanka? ~IC~~'~~ ~~~~~~? (A) Rajyavardhana (A) ~${ (B) Prabhakarvardhana (B) ~${ (C) Harshavardhana (C) ~${ (D) one of them (D) I1ivrn ~ ~ 18. The author of the book, Pabandut 18. '~'~~WR was (A) ~9fM (A) Bijaypal (B) C~ (B) Dhoyi (C) ~1i71C'T;q (C) Bishaldev (D) Ramchandra (D) ~ 19. Kulinism in Bengal was introduced 19. <fI~i71I''T'''1~ ~~ ~ ~ by (A) ~~ (A) Ballala Sena (B) ~'f ~ (B) Lakshmana Sena (C) ~~ (C) ijaya Sena (D) ~~ (D) Samanta Sena 20. ~~ ~~ ~ ~ '~R~IISf'1:;m 20. Which ruler of the Gupta dynasty f.k{l~'i71~ ?. took the title of 'Kaviraja'? (A) Ramgupta (A) ~~~ (B) Samudragupta (B) ~~~ (C) Skandagupta (C) ~~ (D) Chandragupta (D) D'jf~~ /8 5 [ P.T.O. 16. Kalidasa was not the author of 16. ~ ~ ~ <fil~'fl>l "R ? (A) Malabikagnimitram (A)~ (B) Raghuvansam (B) ~~ (C) Kiratarjuniuam. (C) f<jsm~I~~~ (D) Meghadutam (D) ,~tJt~~ 17. Which king of Thaneswar was killed 17. ~IC~'ilC~~ ~~~-r:mn~~? by Sasanka? (A) ~$T (A) Rajyavardhana (B) Prabhakarvardhana (B) ~$T (C) Harsbavardhana (C) ~$T (D) one of them (D) ~m~"R 18. The author of the book, Pabandut 18. '~'~~~ was (A) ~9fM {A) Bijayrpal (B) C~ (B) Dboyi (C) ~latC'f<l (C) Bishaldev (D) Ramchandra (D) ~ 19. Kulinism in Bengal was introduced 19. "<I1~atIC'fC"l~ ~~ ~ ~ by (A) ~~ (A) Ballala Sena (B) ~c:r~ (B) Lakshmana Sena (C) ~~ (C) Vijaya Sena (D) ~~ (D) Samanta Sena 20. ~~ <l~ ~ ~ '<pR~II8f' ~'1Wf 20. Which ruler of the Gupta dynasty f.k~~'at~?. took the title of 'Kaviraja'? (A) ~~~ (A) Ramgupta (B) Samudragupta (B) ~~~ (C) Skandagupta (C) ~~ (D) Chandragupta (D) ~~ /8 5 P.T.O. 16. Kalidasa was not the author of 16. c<W{ ~ ~ <plfal'tl>t ~ ? (A) Malabikagnimitram (A)~ (B) Raghuvansam (B) ~~~ (C) Kiratarjuniuam (C) f<t;iiII~liSjIfi~~ (D) Meghadutam (D) ,~tJt~~ 17. Which king of Thaneswar was killed 17. by Sasanka? '<llcel'i1C~~ c<W{ ~ ~ t:mn ~ ~ ? (A) Rajyavardhana (A) ~$t (B) Prabhakarvardhana (B) ~$t (C) Harshavardhana (C) ~$t (D) None of them (D) ~~~~ ~ ~.d"#'~~~~~~Ar7 ~~~~~ was (A) ~9fM (A) Bijaypal (B) C~ (B) Dhoyi (C) W11ii1C't<1 (C) Bishaldev (D) Ramchandra (D) ~ 19. Kulinism in Bengal was introduced by (A) <mM ~ (A) Ballala Sena (B) ~'l ~ (B) Lakshmana Sena (C) ~~ (C) Vijaya Sena (D) ~~ (D) Samanta Sena 20. ~~ <f~ c<fiR. ~ '<pR~IISf' ~m 20. Which ruler of the Gupta dynasty f.k~~Cii1~ ? took the title of 'Kaviraja'? (A) Ramgupta (A) ~~~ (B) Samudragupta (B) ~~~ (C) Skandagupta (C) ~~ (D) Chandragupta (D) ~~~ ~ 5 P.T.O. 21. Where is Angkorvat situated? (A) Kamboj (A) ~ (B) Siam (B) 1CfN (C) Champa (C) ~ (D) None of the above (D) ~~ C<PI~~ ~ 22. Where can Chariot Temple be found? 22. ~~-fic<fi!~ ~ 9fT-sm ~? (A) Kanchi (A) "<tST~ (B) Madurai (B) ~ (C) Mamallapuram (C) ~~ (D) Tanjore (D) ~~ 23. The founder of the Rashtrakuta 23. ~~~~~ dynasty was (A) Gobinda I (A) ~~C~ (B) Dhruba (B) ~ (C) Gobinda III (C) 'il&i~C~ (D) Dantidurga (D) ~'if 24. The struggle between Harsha- 24. ~$T '$ ~ ~O'jC<Pifrn ~~ ~~ vardhana and Pulakesin II is men- tioned in ~~ (A) Aihole Inscription (A) ~l~C~iiI ~ (B) Allahabad Inscription (B) Uliill~:ql'f~ (C) Nasik Prashasti (C) -nm~ (D) None of the above (D) ~~ C<PH~ ~ 25.. Vikramshila Mahavihara was established by (A) ~ (A) Sasanka (B) ~$T (B) Harshavardhana (C) Devapala (C) CI1<f9fM (D) None of them (D) ~vrn~~ /8 6 26. Who was credited for establishing 26. 1£l"C~ 'if~ ~ ~ ~ ? democracy in Athens? (A) ~~ (A) Pheidippides (B) C~ (B) Pericles (C) C'<1~~I~>i (C) Themistocles (D) >iCJl>I'&>i (D) Socrates 27. 27. Which of the following is not ~~~? correct? (A) C~ ~ =_ ft >i1f>iJCIf~ (A) Gerousia was A Spartan Council I£l~~ of elders (B) ~ ~ I£l~ <nf<ti ~ ~ ~~ (B) It comprised of men over the age of 60, except two (C) ~~~~~-n (C) Spartan kings were not its (D) aj~<tll~'ifPfI£l~ ~ members 28. ~ (D) L curgus was its founder (;<l)~? (A) ~ "11>i<PC'T~ ~ AA ~ 28. Who was Spartacus? RCl!itl~~~ (A) He led the Slave Revolt against (B) I£l~ ~1R;c~~ the Roman rulers (C) (A) (B) ~ ~ (B) gladiator I£l~~ (C) Both (A)and (B) are true (D) ~~ C<Pl"l~ om (D) ~one of the above 29. >il~&~lffil<p ~ ~ ~ 29. The serfs in a feudal system were (A) ~ (A) soldiers (J?) ~~ (B) missionaries (C) 1Sl~~I~ (C) explorers (D) ~ (D) labourers 30.
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