NASA TECHNICAL NASA TM X-3308 MEMORANDUM CO CO I X c PHYSIOLOGIC RESPONSES TO WATER IMMERSION IN MAN: A COMPENDIUM OF RESEARCH James Kollias, Dena Van Derveer, Karen J. Dorchak, and John E. Greenleaf Ames Research Center Moffett Field, Calif. 94035 ^ *" /V NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION • WASHINGTON, D. C. • FEBRUARY 1976 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. NASA TM X-3308 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date February 1976 PHYSIOLOGIC RESPONSES TO WATER IMMERSION IN MAN: 6. Performing Organization Code A COMPENDIUM OF RESEARCH 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. A-6038 James Kollias, Dena Van Derveer, Karen J. Dorchak, and John E. Greenleaf 10. Work Unit No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 970-21-14-05 NASA Ames Research Center 11. Contract or Grant No. Moffett Field, Calif. 94035 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Technical Memorandum National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington, D. C. 20546 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract Since the advent of space flight programs, scientists have been searching for ways to reproduce the zero-gravity effects of weightlessness. Brief periods of weightlessness up to 1 minute were feasible using Keplerian trajectory, but comprehen- sive study of the prolonged effects of the weightless state necessitated the development of other methods. Thus far the two approaches most widely used have been complete bedrest and fluid immersion. Surprisingly, these simulated environments have produced essentially all of the symptoms found in astronauts. This compendium contains reports appearing in the literature through December 1973. When the author's abstract or summary was adequate, it was used. If these were not available a detailed annotation was provided under the subheadings: (a) purpose, (b) procedures and methods, (c) results, and (d) conclusions. The annotations are in alphabetical order by first author; author and subject indexes are included. Additional references are provided in the selected bibliography. Two other related compendia have been published: Greenleaf, J. E., C. J. Greenleaf, D. Van Derveer, and K. J. Dorchak, ADAPTATION TO PROLONGED BEDREST IN MAN: A COMPENDIUM OF RESEARCH, National Aero- nautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. .94035, NASA TM X-3307, 1975. Dorchak, K. J. and J. E. Greenleaf, THE PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY OF TOTAL BODY IMMOBILIZATION IN ANIMALS: A COMPENDIUM OF RESEARCH, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. 94035, NASA TM X-3306, 1975. 17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(s)) 18. Distribution Statement Water immersion Unlimited STAB Category 52 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price" Unclassified Unclassified 90 $4.75 For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161 "Page missing from available version" TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 ANNOTATED REFERENCES 2 ADDITIONAL SELECTED REFERENCES 75 INDEX OF TERMS 77 INDEX OF AUTHORS 84 111 PHYSIOLOGIC RESPONSES TO WATER IMMERSION IN MAN: A COMPENDIUM^)? RESEARCH James Kollias* Dena Van Derveer,** Karen J. Dorchak,** and John E. Greenleaf Ames Research Center INTRODUCTION Since the advent of space flight programs, scientists have been searching for ways to reproduce the zero-gravity effects of weightlessness. Brief periods of weightlessness up to 1 minute were feasible using Keplerian trajectory, but comprehensive study of the prolonged effects of the weightless state necessitated the development of other methods. Thus far the two approaches most widely used have been complete bedrest and fluid immersion. Surprisingly, these simulated environments have produced essentially all of the symptoms found in astronauts. A comparison of the physiologic effects of weightlessness with bedrest and water immersion procedures is beyond the purpose of this review. However, both simulated states lead to a deterioration of the circulatory system similar to that observed with prolonged weightlessness in space flight. Two discrete differences between true and simulated weightlessness of water immersion are immediately apparent: (a) hydrostatic forces exerted on the body surface produce a state of negative pressure breathing which shifts blood into the intrathoracic circulation and (b) gravitational influences during water immersion are still present but bodily movements require reduced muscular effort. Conversely, similarities between weightlessness and water immersion also exist: (a) prompt involuntary diuresis together with body weight and plasma fluid losses occurring within a few hours after immersion closely resemble changes observed in astronauts during space flight and (b) body deconditioning and orthostatic intolerance following prolonged immersion or weightlessness are very similar. A true weightless condition cannot be achieved through water immersion alone, however, a fundamental advantage of immersion is the rapidity with which physiologic mechanisms respond and adjust to immersion and closely duplicate the weightless state. This compendium contains reports appearing in the literature through December 1973. When the author's abstract or summary was adequate, it was used. If these were not available a detailed annotation was provided under the subheadings: (a) purpose, (b) procedures and methods, (c) results, and (d) conclusions. The annotations are in alphabetical order by first author; author and subject indexes are included. Additional references are provided in the selected bibliography. Two other related compendia have been published: Greenleaf, J. E., C. J. Greenleaf, D. Van Derveer, and K. J. Dorchak, ADAPTATION TO PROLONGED BEDREST IN MAN: A COMPENDIUM OF RESEARCH, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. 94035, NASA TM X-3307, 1975. Dorchak, K. J. and J. E. Greenleaf, THE PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY OF TOTAL BODY IMMO- BILIZATION IN ANIMALS: A COMPENDIUM OF RESEARCH, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. 94035, NASA TM X-3306,1975. National Academy of Sciences Post-Doctoral Fellow Foothill Junior College Work-Study Student ANNOTATED REFERENCES Adams, C. R. and G. K. Bulk. Zero-buoyancy: simulation of weightlessness to evaluate the psycho-physiological and anthropometric parameters that affect space station design. Aerospace Medical Association Preprints, 1965, p. 1-3. Purpose: To evaluate psycho-physiological and anthropometric effects of weightlessness on orbital crewmen. Procedures and methods: Space station mockups were immersed in water to enable a neutrally buoyant, completely immersed crewman to perform in simulated weightlessness. Conclusions: - The proper use of existing hardware and arrangements of controls and displays obviates exact operator-to-panel-type orientation; thus the design of controls and displays that can be operated and interpreted from all orientations is not needed. To keep the crewmen from floating or drifting about while asleep, a comfortable body restraint is required, but his position can be independent of the space-station interior orientation. The type and amount of restraint depends on the specific task. Various experimental data from tasks performed during a Keplerian trajectory and an air bearing indicate that, in general, a man can perform tasks as accurately and as quickly during zero-G during normal 1.0 G condition if restrained. Velcro tape is satisfactory in some situations where less restraint is needed. Appropriately placed hand-holds and rails can provide casual restraint. A firmer restraint can be achieved by inducing a compression load between the rail or hand-hold and the deck. Most operational maintenance, assembly, experimental, and crew support tasks require a restraint that leaves both hands free. Some methods investigated showed that reactive motions were.eliminated by a waist belt-ring device, a special tie-down quick connect-disconnect device mating with the shoes, and various handrails for arm and/or leg support. The crewman must be constantly attached to the space station for extravehicular operations. Large or small structural components can be aligned or adjusted by by loosely attaching each part to its approximate position until the structure is grossly assembled; then each test item can be made firm, adjusted to fit, and calibrated. Exercises can be performed in any orientation using available surfaces for compression and tension restraints. Most intravehicular and extravehicular tasks can best be achieved by planning the steps with a function and task analyses, then executing the plan on a time-line basis. This procedure would establish the initial basic parameters for an economical and effective methodology compatible with the design of the space station and paraphernalia. Stress, aversion, or discomfort were not apparent during the tests, a very pleasant and enjoyable experience. Evidence indicates that if vision is the only component providing accurate orientation information, it predominates over other perceptions, and the crewman can be well oriented by vision alone. 2. Agostoni, E., G. Gurtner, G. Torri, and H. Rahn. Respiratory mechanics during submersion and negative-pressure breathing. Journal of Applied Physiology 21:251-258,1966. Authors' abstract: During submersion up to the neck the expiratory reserve
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