MAGAZINE OF THE GEOLOGISTS’ ASSOCIATION GAGA Volume 5 No. 3 September 2006 FFeessttiivvaall ooff GGeeoollooggyy GGAA mmeeeettiinnggss OOccttoobbeerr,, DDeecceemmbbeerr GGAA FFiieelldd ttrriippss ttoo SSoouutthh WWaalleess,, FFoossssiill FFeesstt IIIIII.. GGAA LLoonnddoonn GGuuiiddee MMaapp RReevviieeww EEmmppttyy QQuuaarrtteerr F G HHoollsswwoorrtthhyy ‘‘GGhhoosstt’’ L O EO A L IV O T G S Y E F 4 t 6 h N 00 ovember 2 Magazine of the Geologists’ Association GAGA Volume 5 issue 3, 2006 is published by the Geologists’ Association. Four issues are CONTENTS produced in the year. ISSN 1476-7600 3. The Association Production team: Paula Carey, John Cosgrove, John Crocker, Vanessa Harley, Bill French 4. GA Meetings October / December Printed by GRAYAM PRESS, Billericay. 5. FESTIVAL OF GEOLOGY The GEOLOGISTS’ ASSOCIATION does not 6. South Wales Field Trip (part2) accept any responsibility for views and opinions 8. In Pre-war days ......... expressed by individual authors in this magazine. 10. Rockwatch The Geologists’ Association The Association, founded in 1858, exists to foster the progress and 12. Fossil Fest III diffusion of the science of geology, and to encourage research and the development of new methods. It holds meetings for the read- 13. The Obelisk ofzs Prague ing of papers and the delivery of lectures, organises museum demonstrations, publishes Proceedings and Guides, and conducts 14. New GA Guide to the London Area field meetings. Annual Subscription for 2006 are £39.00, Associates £29.00, Joint Members £57.00, Students £17.00. 16. GA - Guests of the Oman GS For forms of Proposal for Membership and further information, apply to the Executive Secretary, The Geologists’ Association, 17. Seismic Atlas of S. Britain - review Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0DU. E-mail [email protected] 18. Al Rub ‘al-Khali’ Telephone 020 7434 9298 Fax 020 7287 0280 Website: http://www.geologist.demon.co.uk 20. Histories of Cephallonia President: Mike Benton 22. The Holsworthy ‘Ghost’ Executive Secretary: Sarah Stafford 23. Awards 2006 / In the Proceedings Cover picture: © The Geologists’ Association. Small scale ripples migrating across the summit All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be of a star dune - Roger Dixon reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in - see article on page 18 any form or by means, without the prior permission in writing of the author and the Geologists’ Association. LAST Copy dates for the Circular ADVERTISEMENTS While precautions are taken to ensure the validity of advertise- March Issue January 14th June Issue April 22nd ments the Association is not responsible for the items offered, for September Issue July 22nd December Issue October 21st any loss arising or for their compliance with regulations. Please note that the dates given are for the Circular. They also represent dates at which the magazine will go to press. However, NOTICE CONCERNING FIELD MEETINGS: because of the greater time required to set the magazine, items The Association now has a mobile phone for should be submitted as soon as possible and not targeted on these dates. We welcome contributions from Members and others. We are emergency communications concerning field currently limited to 24 pages. Pictures for publication can be as slides, pho- meetings (UK only). If you have to cancel on the tographs or high resolution digital images - preferably on CD. day, or are lost or late for the start of a field meeting, please call the GA mobile phone (07724133290). The mobile phone will only be switched on just Advertising Rates before and during field meetings. Full Page £360 Half Page £190 Quarter Page £100 Other sizes by arrangement. (For routine enquires, please call the Field Meetings Secretary on the usual number.) 2 GA Magazine of the Geologists’ Association Vol. 5, No. 3, 2006 THE ASSOCIATION REPORT FROM COUNCIL year. 3150 Schwedt (Oder); 4742 Riesa; A vote was taken, Mr Le Voir and Dr 4750 Cottbus; 5502 Köln; 5542 During the period covered by this Oates performed as Tellers and the Dresden; 5550 Gorlitz; 7918 report, the GA has a new President, results were 68 in favour, none Stuttgart-Sud and 8710 Freiburg-Sud. Mike Benton, who thanked those against, and 3 abstentions. My first thought on looking at the members of Council who have retired next item in the German parcel was and welcomed the new ones taking FROM THE TREASURER that it was perhaps rather specialised their place. This is also the time of for the general geological traveller: year when Council has to approve the Hydrogeological map of Mongolia Although the official rate of inflation is accounts for the previous year and 1:1,000,000. Explanatory notes only about 2.6%, the items which con- agree to the budget for the coming (Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe C, Heft cern the GA have nearly all increased year. The Treasurer warned Council of 69, 2003). Well no, within its 50 by very much more than that. Our the problems of the increase in many pages the geography, including detail auditing costs have nearly doubled in expenditures beyond our control which on the climate, is followed by 10 nice- three years due to new Government meant that, in order to not have a ly succinct pages on the geology rules following Enron. London salaries deficit, the subscriptions would have before the 13 pages on the hydrogeol- again increased by ~3.25% this year, to be increased. It was agreed that an ogy kick in. So here is a good little postage has increased 10% for the increase of only £1 would be proposed overview to keep in mind if you ever cheapest 2nd class and 6.7% for the at the Special General Meeting (see decide to take a side trip south from cheapest 1st class with even bigger below) this year but the Treasurer the Trans-Siberian Railway. warned that further increases would increases for A4 sizes etc. Lecture the- atre hire costs have leapt up and pub- be necessary to balance the books. Elaine Bimpson The GA, like many societies, is hav- lication costs have increased by 3-4%. ing problems in maintaining its mem- So the 2.5% sub increase for 2007 will CURRY FUND bership. A group has been set up with- almost certainly have to be followed in Council to consider what can be by a larger increase in 2008. done to reverse this trend. As was Bernard Leake There were five new applications to stated last year our financial problems the Curry Fund at its June meeting. Avon RIGS group requested a grant of could be ameliorated if all members FROM THE LIBRARIAN recruited an extra person. £1,063.50 towards the cost of a leaflet The group organising the Festival of on "The Geology of the Bristol Region". I have mentioned the complications of The Committee was very supportive of Geology, incorporating the Reunion, the numbering of Swedish 1:50,000 have had a number of meetings and this, but deferred a decision pending Bedrock Maps before so, more having more information and sight of draft have produced a number of ideas rolled in, I will only give the briefest which should make this a very exciting text prior to printing. Marble Arch details. SGU Serie Af 214 and 215 Caves European Geopark was awarded and successful event – see page 5 for cover the far south of the country more details. a grant of £750 towards the cost of an around the towns of Ystad, Tomelilla educational project on The Ice Age. A The plans for the Sesquicentenial are and Simrishamn. A short English progressing and sources of funds are grant of £2000 was awarded to Dorset summary warns that outcrops are “few County Council towards the cost of being investigated which would sup- and poor”, but there is always the port the various activities. funding a geological display at shore to explore. Much further north Sherborne Castle. Dr. Robert Hosfield Fortunately, a replacement for the we have eight sheets covering the Overseas Field Meetings Officer has requested a loan of £3000 towards the Gävle and Sondersfors areas: SGU cost of publishing a monograph on The been found, Mike Ridd, whose first Serie K 32-35 and 36-39. No English trip will be to Thailand. Lower Palaeolithic Site at Broon (a summary here - the only extra benefit Middle Pleistocene/Lower Palaeolithic Rockwatch continues to be very suc- we get, especially on the Gävle sheet, cessful thanks to the hard work of site). This will be repayable within two is the continuation of faults offshore years and was granted. The Friends of Susan Brown and the office. though no other offshore geology is John Crocker Quarr requested a grant of £1000 given. towards the cost of an interpretation General Secretary Hop across to north-eastern board for Quarr, a Dorset RIGS once Germany and we find that the maps providing building and roadstones for SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING are startlingly different. The standard Sherborne, which was agreed. October 6 2006 mapping in the series Geologische The Curry Fund Committee also con- Übersichtskarte CC includes very sidered a request from the GA detailed delineation of the Quaternary Treasurer for the Visitor's Fund to be The Treasurer, Professor Bernard with the solid geology shown in cross- Leake, introduced the subject of the transferred to the Curry Fund. This sections with beautiful Zechstein salt was agreed. It will no longer be a sep- SGM, which was for the Membership domes rising through the Jurassic and present to approve the increase in arate fund and any requests for fund- Cretaceous. Happily the mapping has ing which were previously covered by subscriptions of £1 for all the classes been continued across the border with of membership.
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