E422 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 12, 2016 In times like these I am reminded of the com- Land, TX for being accepted into the National Dr. Jones also served as: co-chair of the Fi- forting words of John 11:25 ‘‘Jesus said to Academy of Future Scientists and Tech- nancial Aid Appeals Committee, for students her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Who- nologists to represent the state of Texas at the that are not meeting satisfactory academic ever believes in me, though he die, yet shall Congress of Future Science and Technology progress; chair of the MVSU Behavioral Inter- he live.’ ’’ leaders. vention Team; Advisory Board Member of the f Tejes attends William B. Travis High School Boys and Girls Club, Inc. (MVSU Unit); and and is one of 13 high school honor students also a statutory member of the Mississippi HONORING SHELLEY MARTIN FOR selected from the Twenty-Second Congres- Blues Commission, where she was appointed HER SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE sional District of Texas. These students were in 2013. OF CALIFORNIA’S 36TH CONGRES- selected as Texas delegates at the Congress Dr. Jones has presented at several state SIONAL DISTRICT of Future Science and Technology Leaders. and national conferences, which included: the This program was designed for high school United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) HON. RAUL RUIZ students to be recognized for their hard work 2010 in Miami, Florida; the White House Initia- OF CALIFORNIA in school, as well as to support their aspira- tive Policy Planning meeting in 2010, where IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions of working in a science or technology she was selected to serve as the Historically field. The National Academy was founded by Black Colleges and Universities’ representa- Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Richard Rossi and Dr. Robert Darling; Mr. tive; and most recently, at the 2015 National Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, today it is my honor Rossi currently serves as president. The Con- Association of Student Affairs Professionals to congratulate and recognize Ms. Shelley gress is being held at the Tsongas Center at conference (NASAP) in Huntsville, Alabama. Martin: a generous and selfless individual who the University of Massachusetts, Lowell from In Dr. Jones’ dissertation, ‘‘An Examination worked as an integral part of my team for over June 29th through July 1st. Tejes was se- of Academic Variables that Explain Persist- three years. lected by a group of educators to be a dele- ence to Graduation for Students who take Re- Shelley is a long time resident of my con- gate for the Congress thanks to his dedication medial Courses in Higher Education’’, she ex- gressional district. She grew up in the Hemet to his academic success and goals of pur- amined academic variables between two Valley and graduated from Hemet High suing science or technology. We are proud of groups of students (students that were re- School. She then attended The Lee Strasberg Tejes and all of his hard work, and know he quired to take remedial courses and students Theatre and Film Institute in Los Angeles, and will make Sugar Land proud. that were not required to take any remedial later returned back to her hometown to serve On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- courses) at public four year institutions to de- her community. sional District of Texas, congratulations again termine if there was a significant difference in For over three years, Shelley was the gold to Tejes for being accepted into the National their persistence to graduation. Utilizing a standard for constituent services in my office. Academy of Future Scientists and Tech- quantitative design, she examined the success She dedicated many hours and energy to con- nologists. Keep up the great work. of the students taking remedial courses as stituents, finding solutions in the most difficult f measured by graduation and the number of cases involving social Security, Medicare, and HONORING YOLANDA JONES years it took them to meet their graduation re- Veterans. quirements. While working for the People of California’s She is a scholar/practitioner who continues 36th Congressional District, Shelley paid spe- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON her research in this area as well as in the OF MISSISSIPPI cial care and attention to veterans in our com- areas of retention, student persistence and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES munities. Shelley spent countless hours advo- student success among college students in cating on behalf of veterans who served our Tuesday, April 12, 2016 hope of providing practical application that will country honorably. She treated each con- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- assist in increasing the gap in college attend- stituent who sought help from my office with er, I rise today to honor Yolanda Jones, who ance and graduation rates of all students that the patience, care, and respect due to them. is a director, counselor and educator. enroll in institutions of higher learning. Jones Shelley’s selfless dedication to serving those Yolanda Jones grew up in Greenwood, Mis- hopes to use her doctorate in order to expand in need in my congressional district is com- sissippi, and after graduating from Greenwood her influence in higher education administra- mendable and a model for public service. High School she enrolled in Grambling State tion, developing strategies that increase stu- Shelley remains passionate about serving University. dent retention and promote student success. the community she calls home. In her time Although she recalls her time at Grambling ‘‘Strategic planning is crucial!’’ she empha- with my office, Shelley successfully managed fondly, it was her first experience living away sized. There has always been a plethora of all community engagement in the communities from home and she oscillated between being issues in higher education; however, it is piv- of San Jacinto and Hemet. She is diligent and focused on schoolwork and being distracted otal that higher education institutions began thorough, and goes above and beyond the call by the more social aspects of college life. making extraordinary efforts to meet students of duty to serve our communities, working Eventually, she left Grambling before finishing where they are, with special emphasis on the hard to ensure that my constituents have the her degree, working a number of odd jobs, ‘‘under-prepared’’ students, in which schools resources that they need. both in Greenwood and Jackson, before de- are admitting in alarming numbers every Her selfless dedication and hard work will ciding to re-enroll in JSU in 1999 under a pro- year.’’ be greatly missed. However, her love of public gram called Academic Second Chance, which Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me service will not be forgotten. Shelley has is a program that allowed students, who failed in recognizing Dr. Yolanda Jones, a Director, transformed the lives of countless individuals to return and complete their bachelor’s de- Counselor and Educator, for her dedication to and families in my district, and for that I am gree, to be under a strict retention plan. serving others and giving back to the African truly grateful. The next year Jones, who is fluent in sign American community. I thank Shelly for her dedication and service language, received her B.A. degree in Disabil- f to the constituents of the 36th district. I wish ities Studies and Hearing-Impaired Education her well in her future endeavors and look for- graduating summa cum laude. She also TRIBUTE TO COLLIN R. BARNES ward to seeing her future accomplishments. earned a master’s degree in rehabilitation f counseling from Jackson State University in HON. DAVID YOUNG 2002. She began her career as a counselor in OF IOWA NATIONAL ACADEMY OF FUTURE 2002 at MVSU and currently serves as the Di- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SCIENTISTS AND TECH- rector of the Comprehensive Counseling Cen- NOLOGISTS—TEJES SRIVASTAVA ter, a position she’s held since 2007. Jones Tuesday, April 12, 2016 also has received a master’s degree in crimi- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. PETE OLSON nal justice from Mississippi Valley State Uni- today to recognize and congratulate Collin R. OF TEXAS versity. Barnes for being named a 2016 Forty Under IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Additionally, Dr. Jones has also been af- 40 honoree by the award-winning central Iowa forded the opportunity to study abroad In the publication, Business Record. Tuesday, April 12, 2016 summer of 2012, she studied in Beijing, Since 2000, Business Record has under- Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to China, at the University of Trinidad and the taken an exhaustive annual review to identify congratulate Tejes Srivastava from Sugar University of West Indies. a standout group of young leaders in the VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:47 Apr 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12AP8.025 E12APPT1 smartinez on DSK9F6TC42PROD with REMARKS April 12, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E423 Greater Des Moines Area that are making an advocate for those suffering from mental ill- itics and economics at Balliol College of Ox- impact in their communities and their careers. ness, and was awarded Orange Police De- ford University in London. Each year, forty up-and-coming community partment’s John Q. Wilson Award for Commu- Lester Thurow graduated with first class and business leaders under 40 years of age nity Policing for these efforts in 2015. honors from Oxford University in 1962. are selected for this prestigious honor based Chief Gustafson also made the Five Pillars In 1964, Lester Thurow earned his doctorate on a combined criteria of community involve- for Success the Department’s standard.
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