JOURNAL / ^ V OF THE Society tor Psychical Research VOL. xxxni 1943—1946 • For Private Circulation among Members and Associates only * ' r . THE SOCIETY'S ROOMS 31 TJFISTOCK SQUJRE, LONDON, W.C. i .1 All rig/its reserved / ' CONTENTS , > PACE ( I ' Annual Report of the Council for 1942 - - - - > - i A Note concerning the Nature of Paranormal Awareness - - 12 A Percipient's Account of some Guessing Experiments - - 18 2." Case : Two Dreams apparently conveying Paranormal Impressions - Case : Haunted Plouse -- -- -- -34 Annual Report of the Council for 1943 ----- 42 " " Displacement : Some Comments on Mr Russell's Paper - 52 " " Case : An Out-of-the-Body Experience - - - - 58 Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Research - - - 60 - - - - - Case : Apparition -- 72 A Note on Negative Deviation ------- 74 Fallacies in a Criticism of E.S.P. Assessment - - - - 77 Case : An apparently Precognitive Incident in a Dream Sequence 88 The Sensitivity of Card-guessing Experiments - - - - 91 Annual Report of the Council for 1944 ----- 99 Some Recent Investigations into the Borley Rectory Case - - 107 Precognition and the Uncertainty Principle - - - - 121 Some Recent Communications received through Miss Geraldine Cummins - - - - - - - - -126 A Discourse given through Mrs Leonard and attributed to Sir Oliver Lodge - - - - - - - - -134 Case : A Hallucination including a Veridical Element - - 160 " The Reality of Psychic Phenomena " - - - - - 161 Reflections on Mediumship - - - - - - - 16(1 A Case of Prediction of Illness - - - - - - -177 " " An Out-of-the-Body Experience - - - - - - 179 Annual Report for 1945 - - - - - - - -187 Experiments in the Relief of Pain - - - - - - 194 Oxford Phantasmological Society 208 B.B.C. Telepathy Experiment - - - - - - - 216 Questionnaire -------- - 220, 270 Hauntings - -- -- -- -- - 222 Case : Poltergeist - -- -- -- -- 224 Case : Telepathic Dream ------- - 230 Case : Veridical Messages through Automatic Writing - - 236 Case : Recognised Apparition seen by two Percipients - - -39 Broadcast Experiment proposed ------ 250 Case : Prevision - - 254 Research Officer Appeal ^ ^ ^ - : r - 2t;6 327025 • .Ill', Contents . ' »l ^ ' I . PAGE Survival, Dr Gardner Murphy on, - - - - - ' - 256 Case : Malvern Poltergeist 25^^ Donations - 372 New Members ; 10, 17, 26, 33, 49, 57, 72, 87, 98, 118, 126, 157, 166, 173, 186, 205, 234.249 ' . Meetings of the Council I, ID, 17, 33, 50, 87, 98, 118, 126, 158, 166, 174, 1S6, 206, 235, 250 Meetings of the Society 8, II, 18, 34, 51, 52, 72, 88, 99, 119, 126, 155, 158, 159, 174, 186, 187, 207, 208, 221, 233, 249 Correspondence - 54, 62, 79, 92, no, 122, 130, 171, 175, 200, 252 Reviews - - 13, 23, 30, 40, 56, 68, 84, 172, 179, 203, 242, 263, 271 Obituaries - - - - - 11, 26, 58, 99, 166, 174, 193 Index 273 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH for Private Circulation amongst Members and Associates only January-February 1943 Vol. XXXIII—No. 590-591 CONTENTS PAGE New Members - I Meetings of the Council - - I Annual Report of the Council for 1942 I Accounts for 1942 - - - - 4 Experiments in the Relief of Pain 8 Proposed Meetings for Discussion 8 NEW MEMBERS . {Elected 12 December 1942) Cowan Mrs., 1 5 West Parade, Lincoln. {Elected 7 January 1943) Hunter, Mrs., Rails, Thaxted, Essex. MEETING OF THE COUNCIL The 390th Meeting of the Council was held at 31 Tavistock Square, London, W.C. i, on Thursday, 7 January 1943, at 3 p.m. The President in the Chair. There were also present : Professor C. D. Broad, Mrs Goldney, Sir Lawrence Jones, Bart., the Hon. Mrs Alfred Lyttelton, G.B.E., Miss I. Newton, Mr G. Redmayne, Mr W. H. Salter, Mr S. G. Soal and Admiral the Hon. A. C. Strutt ; also Mr Kenneth Richmond, Editor of the Journal, and Miss E. M. Horsell, Assistant-Secretary. The Minutes of the last Meeting of the Council were read and signed as correct. One new Member was elected ; her name and address are given above. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR 1942 (1) General. To the war-time difficulties mentioned in the Annual General Reports of the last three years must be added restrictions on paper which have seriously curtailed the amount of matter which can be printed in either the Proceedings or the Journal. (2) Research. Notwithstanding this and other troubles, much useful research work has been done. {a) Mr Richmond reports as follows : The group of percipients work- 2 Journal of Society for Psychical Research jan.-feb. 1943 ing for the Precognition Committee has met regularly at the S.P.R. rooms, and thanks are due to its members for giving their time in a period when leisure is not plentiful. The results of the experimental work in which " they are engaged have illustrated, so far, the elusive character of " psi phenomena (E.S.P.) when an attempt is made to induce these to follow a prescribed course, and while the technique employed has elicited some new and interesting effects in the field of paranormal cognition—effects extensively confirmed by similar findings on Mr Carington's re-examining the results of work previously done upon the paranormal cognition of drawings—the attempt to isolate a precognitive effect has not hitherto in these experiments met with success. Experimental work is continuing with a view to exploring the nature of the new effects and at the same time extending the field of search for evidence for precognition. In the summer of 1942 the Society had the opportunity of investigating a number of cases in which painful conditions due to physical causes had been relieved, temporarily or permanently, after treatment of a psychical nature from which suggestion, verbal or other, was to a great extent eliminated. The collected statements of patients and witnesses having shown a prima facie case for medical investigation, this process of the relief of pain has now been under weekly observation for some months at 3 1 Tavistock Square or in the consulting room of a surgeon who is kindly giving regular co-operation in the exact verification of results. These are of distinct interest and include especially the relief of painful and stiffened joints in conditions where such an effect would be well outside medical expectation. It is hoped that further observation may throw some light upon the circumstances, other than those favourable or unfavourable to suggestion, which affect the incidence and the duration of relief. {b) The Council have renewed for another year, till 29 Sept. 1943, the grant in favour of the " Cambridge Committee ". Mr Whately Carington has continued his researches on the Paranormal Cognition of Drawings. Between twenty and thirty independent experimenters have now used the technique recently evolved, with very satisfactory results. This technique has also been regularly used by Mr Richmond in the experiments on pre- cognition, and by Mrs Frank Heywood in a successful series of experi- ments conducted by correspondence with a group of private percipients. Perhaps the most interesting point that has recently emerged is that, when a packet of folded slips of paper, each bearing the name of an object, is supplied to a sub-experimenter, from which the latter selects at random a certain number for actual illustrations as originals, percipients score significantly high on the objects named on the unused slips, though not, in general, so high as on those actually drawn and used. This was first noted in connection with Mr Richmond's experiments, and confirmed by several of Mr Whately Carington's own experiments. In Experiment IX, also, the effect was tried for the first time of using originals drawn in different colours, and there are strong indications that percipients score more freely on originals drawn in red or green than on those drawn in black. A large scale experiment conducted by Dr Gardner Murphy and the American S.P.R. is in process of analysis. Unfortimately, difficulties of paper shortage, etc. have precluded the JAN.-FEB. 1943 Annual Report 3 publication of this work in full, but it is hoped to publish an abbreviated Progress Report in Proceedings shortly. {c) During the summer of 1942 Mrs Goldney and Mr Soal continued the experiments in Precognitive Telepathy with Mr B.S. and further results of striking interest were obtained. The arduous task of statistical evaluation and discussion of data has now been completed. It is hoped that a report on this interesting and important work will shortly appear in Proceedings. (d) In preparation for the F. W. H. Myers Memorial Lecture, which he delivered in October, Mr Tyrrell has submitted to a thorough re- examination the early work of the Society in regard to apparitions as set out in Phantasms of the Living and the Report on the Census of Hallu- cinations. The Lecture will be published shortly. {e) Notwithstanding difficulties of travel spontaneous occurrences in various parts of the country have been investigated. The Council would be glad if members would keep a sharp look out for Press reports of hauntings, poltergeists, apparitions, premonitions etc., and investigate cases occurring in their own neighbourhood ; they would find the advice of the officers of the Society helpful. The Council would also be glad if members would bring to the notice of the officers cases they were not themselves able to investigate. (3) Financial Position. The income from subscriptions has been well maintained as compared with the previous year, in fact it shows a small but welcome increase. Sale of publications has also brought in a larger amount. A saving has been effected in the cost of printing, partly because the cost of an important paper to be published in Proceedings will be incurred in 1943, and not 1942 as originally intended. On the adverse side the rent for the tenancy of the upper part of the building is, as was foreseen, less and rates show a substantial increase. There has further been an exceptional item of expenditure in the cost of gift books for the Forces, mentioned in paragraph 6.
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