Email: [email protected] Direct line: 01403 215465 Development Control (South) Committee Tuesday 18th August at 2.00pm Conference Room, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Councillors: Brian O’Connell (Chairman) David Coldwell (Vice-Chairman) John Blackall Gordon Lindsay Jonathan Chowen Timothy Lloyd Philip Circus Paul Marshall Roger Clarke Mike Morgan Paul Clarke Kate Rowbottom Ray Dawe Jim Sanson Brian Donnelly Ben Staines David Jenkins Claire Vickers Nigel Jupp Michael Willett Liz Kitchen You are summoned to the meeting to transact the following business Tom Crowley Chief Executive Agenda 1. Apologies for absence 2. To approve as correct the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 21st July (attached) 3. To receive any declarations of interest from Members of the Committee – any clarification on whether a Member has an interest should be sought before attending the meeting 4. To receive any announcements from the Chairman of the Committee or the Chief Executive To consider the following reports of the Development Manager and to take such action thereon as may be necessary: (a) Appeals (b) Applications for determination by Committee: Item Ward Reference Site No. Number A1 Billingshurst and DC/15/1325 Nyewood Court, Brookers Road, Billingshurst Shipley A2 Billingshurst and DC/15/0501 Land at Five Oaks Farm, Stane Street, Billingshurst Shipley A3 Chantry DC/15/0698 Lupin Cottage, Storrington A4 Chanctonbury DC/15/1376 Dell Cottage, Heather Lane, West Chiltington A5 Chanctonbury DC/10/1314 Abingworth Nurseries, Thakeham 5. Items not on the agenda which the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as urgent because of the special circumstances Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1RL Telephone: 01403 215100 (calls may be recorded) Horsham.gov.uk Chief Executive – Tom Crowley DCS150721 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL (SOUTH) COMMITTEE 21st July 2015 Present: Councillors: Brian O’Connell (Chairman), David Coldwell (Vice- Chairman), John Blackall, Philip Circus, Paul Clarke, Ray Dawe, Roger Clarke, Brian Donnelly, David Jenkins, Liz Kitchen, Gordon Lindsay Timothy Lloyd, Mike Morgan, Kate Rowbottom, Jim Sanson, Ben Staines, Claire Vickers, Michael Willett Apologies: Councillors: Jonathan Chowen, Nigel Jupp, Paul Marshall DCS/19 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on the 16th June 2015 were approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman. DCS/20 INTERESTS OF MEMBERS Member Item Nature of Interest Councillor Jonathan DC/14/1920 Prejudicial Chowen Councillor Mike DC/15/0267 Personal – Member of an objectors’ Morgan family DCS/21 APPEALS Appeals Lodged Written Representations/Household Appeals Service Ref No Site Officer Committee Recommendation Resolution Jack Dunckley’s Birchfield DC/14/2007 Nursery, Kidders Lane, Grant Refuse Henfield Yew Tree Cottage, DC/14/1944 Refuse Delegated Billingshurst Road, Ashington 1 Gorse Bank Close, DC/14/1770 Refuse Delegated Storrington Appeal Decisions Ref No Site Decision Officer Committee Recommendation Resolution Douglas Lodge, SDNP/14/03 Parham Park, Dismissed Refuse Delegated 753/LIS Pulborough DC/13/2437 Brook Place, Horsham Dismissed Refuse Delegated Development Control (South) Committee 21st July 2015 Road, Cowfold Brook Place, Horsham DC/14/0049 Dismissed Refuse Delegated Road, Cowfold Bartram House, Station Allowed Permit Refuse DC/13/0764 Road, Pulborough DCS/22 PLANNING APPLICATION: DC/15/1242 - MINOR MATERIAL AMENDMENT TO PLANNING PERMISSION DC/10/1314 (DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND REDEVELOPMENT OF THE ABINGWORTH NURSERY SITE FOR 146 DWELLINGS, COMPRISING OF OPEN MARKET DWELLINGS, 51 DWELLINGS FOR THE 55 PLUS AGE GROUP, 12 AFFORDABLE DWELLINGS, 20 KEY WORKER DWELLINGS, VILLAGE HALL BUILDING (INCLUDING SHOP AND DOCTORS SURGERY), PRE-SCHOOL FACILITY, COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS/STUDIO (957.5SQM), SPORTS PITCHES AND CHANGING ROOMS, CRICKET PITCH AND PAVILION, CHILDRENS PLAY AREA, ACCESS ROADS, OPEN SPACE AND LANDSCAPED AREAS (INCLUDING FOOTPATHS)) FOR A REVISED LAYOUT FOR 21 DWELLINGS IN THE NORTHERN PART OF THE SITE, RELOCATION OF THE APPROVED LOCAL EQUIPPED AREA FOR PLAN (LEAP), SPORTS FIELDS AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES, VILLAGE HALL AND SHOP, AMENDMENT TO THE APPROVED VILLAGE HALL AND SHOP TO SEPARATE THE FACILITIES INTO TWO BUILDINGS AND REMOVE THE DEDICATED DOCTORS SURGERY SPACE AND AMENDMENT TO THE APPROVED FOOTBALL CHANGING ROOM BUILDING SITE: ABINGWORTH NURSERIES, STORRINGTON ROAD, THAKEHAM APPLICANT: VANILLA THAKEHAM LTD C/O ABINGWORTH DEVELOPMENTS LTD The Development Manager reported this application sought minor material amendments to DC/10/1314 for the redevelopment of the Abingworth Nursery site for 146 dwellings, village hall (including shop and doctor’s surgery), pre-school facility, community workshops, sports facilities and children’s play area. The application had been initially agreed by the Committee in September 2012. (Minute No. DCS/54 (04.09.12) refers). The proposed amendments included: · two football pitches, instead of three, would replace the approved cricket pitch in the north west of the site, thus retaining the two existing football pitches; · the approved cricket pitch would be slightly enlarged and moved to the north east of the site; · the 21 dwellings in the north west of the site would be moved to the north east so that they still surround the cricket pitch. Some of these dwellings would be re-orientated; · there would no longer be an area for a scout hut at the far north east of the site; 2 Development Control (South) Committee 21st July 2015 · the village hall building would be moved further north, between the football and cricket pitches; · the village shop and village hall would become two separate buildings, and the village hall would have less office space and no longer include a bar area or dedicated space for a doctor’s surgery and waiting room; · the children’s play area (LEAP) would be relocated to the north of the site, just to the south of the football pitches, and the areas where the village hall and LEAP play area had been proposed would become green public open space; · the access road in the northern part of the site would be moved to south of the cricket and football pitches, providing an access point to Storrington Road just south of Rose Cottage. The previously approved northern access would serve parking adjacent to the football pitches only; · there would be 46 additional parking spaces provided for the relocated community and sports facilities. The site was located outside the built-up area of Thakeham, east of Storrington Road and north-west of Abingworth Hall Hotel. There was agricultural land to the north, south and east. The boundaries were edged by hedgerows and trees, though the southern and part of the northern boundary were more open. Chesswood Farm, the site of permission DC/12/0841, was to the west and there were residential properties along Storrington Road. Details of relevant government and council policies, as contained within the report, were noted by the Committee. Relevant planning history, in particular the links between DC/10/1316 and DC//12/0841, was noted. The responses from statutory internal and external consultees, as contained within the report, were considered by the Committee. At the meeting it was reported that HDC drainage comments were received post-publication of the report, raising no objection subject to drainage conditions, which were included in the officer’s recommendation. WSCC Rights of Way requested a bridleway link to Strawberry Lane. The plans showed a footpath link to Strawberry Lane and recommended condition 21 required details of improvements to the rights of way network in the vicinity of the site in consultation with WSCC. Officers considered this was sufficient to address WSCC requirements in terms of rights of way. It was noted that the financial contribution for community and recycling would no longer be forthcoming and that these facilities were no longer to be provided. The Parish Council supported the application, which it considered to be a significant improvement on the previously agreed DC/10/1314. Two letters of objection and one of support had been received. The applicant addressed the Committee in support of the proposal. Members considered the officer’s planning assessment which indicated that the key issues for consideration in determining the proposal were: the 3 Development Control (South) Committee 21st July 2015 DCS/22 Planning Application: DC/15/1242 (Cont.) impact of the changes to the sports facilities; the relocation of the 21 dwellings and its impact on the landscape; the changes to the village hall, including the deletion of the doctor’s surgery and waiting room; the changed location of the LEAP play area; highway matters; and landscape and ecology. Members considered the extent of the amendments and their impact on the overall scheme and concluded that the proposal was acceptable in principle. RESOLVED (i) That a legal agreement, in the form of a Deed of Variation, be entered into to amend the legal agreement attached to DC/10/1314. (ii) That on completion of (i) above, planning application DC/15/1242 be determined by the Development Manager. The preliminary view of the Committee was that the application should be granted. DCS/23 PLANNING APPLICATION: DC/15/0268– RESERVED MATTERS APPLICATION FOR 102 RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS TOGETHER WITH ASSOCIATED LANDSCAPING, OPEN SPACE AND ACCESS (PURSUANT TO OUTLINE DC/13/1266) SITE: LAND EAST OF MANOR CLOSE, HENFIELD APPLICANT: CROUDACE
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