Official Gazette Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

Official Gazette Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF TEE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA. Published under the authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate sf Kenya. [VoL XXI11.-No. 7881 NAIROBI, September 7, 1921. [Pnrce 25 GENT^] Registered ct a Xewspapr at the 6.P. 0. Publish~ilevery WeBnesday. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Govt. Notice No. 332-Arrivals, Dapart~lresand Appointments, etc. ... ... 775 Proclamation No. 124-L'he Native Llquor Orilnance, 1921 ... ... ... 779 Procla,mation Nos. 12.5-132-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 3906 ... ... ...7 79-780 Govt. Notice No. 333-334-The Legislative Council Ordinance, 1919-Appointments ... 780 335-The Native Liqaor Ordinance, 1921-Appointment ... ... 781 336-Law Exaniination-?ass in . ... ... ... 781 337-Order-in-Councll-The Kenya Uolony Order-in-Council, 1921 . ,781-783 338-Order-in-Council-'Phe Kenya Colony and I'rotectorat'e (Boundaries) Order-in-Council, 1921 ... ... 7P3 339-Order-in-Council-The Treaty of l'eace (Bulgaris) (No. 2) Amendment Order, 1921 ... ... ... ...783-784 340-Order-in-Council-The Treaty of Peace (Anstria) (No. 2) Amendment Order, 1921 ... ... ... ...784-785 341-Order-in-Counvii-The l'reaty of Peace (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 1921 . ... ... ... .. 785 342-0rder-in-C0uacil-~J!he Treaty of Peace (Balgaria) (hmend- ment) Order, 1921 ... ... ... 785 343-Order-in-Council-The Treaty of Peace (Austria) (Amend- ment) order, 1921 ... .-. ... ... 786 344-Order-in-Cc~uncil-The Treaty of Peace (Bmendinent) Order, 1921 *. ... ... ... ... 786 343-The Legislative Counril Orcllnance, 1919-Notice re Poll in Plateau North Electoral Area . ... ... ...786-787 346-The Aerial Navigation Ordinance, 1920-Order ... ...787-788 347-The Natlve Tribunal Rules, 1913-Appolr~tnleot of Councils of Elders ... , . , ... ... ... 788 848-The h'ative Autl~ority'ordinance, 1912, and The Native 'I'ribunal liules, 1913-Appointments ... ... ... ribb ,i 349-The Natlve Authority Ordinance, 191%-Appointment of Official Sub-Hrad~nen... ... ... ... ... 788 350-The Natlve Tr:bunal Itules, 1912-Appointment of Councils 1, :1 7 , of Elders . ... ... ... ... ... 789 Gen. Notices Xos. 1000-1013-Miscellaneous Notices ... ... ... ... .. .789-791 z;s THE OFFII/IAL GAZETTE Septernller 7, 19:1. GOVEIIXMENT NOTICE N O. 332. ll.ank. Miss V. E. 'itoar h. Littlew oocl F . G . Robin qon Mi s E. A'ndergozl lt. J. Uarley-Mason A. iltly G. V. M axwell Leave do do do do APPOINTM ENTS. M AGISTERIAL W ARRAN TS. S. 187 45 H OLLRSTER GRATTON OLI)FIsT,:D, Assîstant District Com - m isyicmer, to be a Magistrate of the 2nd Class with power to ' hold a Subordinate Courtj of the 2nd Ciass wL11st holding his ' present appointm ent as ztssiskant Distriet Com m issioner; Kituip U kam ba Provinee S . 2 2 3 0 1 CH-kslazs BERTIU Z/I Al-A.T7?uyJws tç) 1)e a, Afagisfrate of t,ite Seconcl Ciass with power to llold a Subordinate Court of the Second I'Iowzmrx Plç'xwo-xo, to bq Acting Deputy ClaBs in the Nyanza Province and tlte District of Mavine effeet f rom let September, 1B21. w hilst holding his presenb appointm ent of Assistamt Resident. Comnaissioner, Kisunan. S. 22462. SAlp Bwl.rAsHkr-ilN, to be M udie, Changam we, with ' MBARAK BIN SW AHILI EXAM IN. ATION. I'feet from 1st August,'lgzt l'rïcc Said bin Gmar, transferred e , Lowslt s'mxozkxs swaursz (rAss). t() Tiwi Area, 'Vanga District (appointed by Government . xotice dated 1st December, 1S20) . I & C. .X.. Jkwxs, Assisbant Auditor. 8. 22331. y-klo s1x OMAP;, to be Mudir, Tiwi Area, Vanga bistrict, with eeect froxn lst August, 1921, Vice Mbarak bin Sa'itl Bahas- huain, bransferred to Chaugamwe (appoînted by Government Noti cedated June 2ud, 1906). * SXCRBTARIAT, G. A. S. NORTG COTEI, NMROBI. Acting Secreiary. '* 7th Sepiember, 1921. S,eptember 7, 1921. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE SOLO8? ldô F8OYEéJO8ITE OF 4Ed?l' Pzttlclaztlu rrzox N o. 1P4. S 2 1 9 ;5 .'-) l/ .'5 Pzttlcf-ztAlztrlo.s- No. 127. '1'HE DTSEASES OF ANIAIALS ORDTNANOE , P It ocL .xzlxltTlox. 1906. NVH EREAS by Seetiorl 3 clf the Nafiva Liquor PllocLAMATzox. Ordinanee, 1921, it is providecl that the aqforesaicl IN EXERCISE. et' the powers thereunto enablizlg Ordirlance rzaay by order of the Goverzzor-in-ceuncil laae f htareby cleelare. tihe following f am'zl in the b e applietl to any area in t'' e Colony and, P rotee- N aivasha Provlkce to be a.n inf eeted area 'i . (F oot and torate. -klouth Di sease) 1 or the purposes. ()'f the af oresaid And whereas it is 'expedient that, the aforesaicl Orclinanee . 'Ordirzanee shall apply to atnd have effect in tlae ad- m inlsrtraiive area' ltnolwn as tllm. M om basa Township. East Afriean Landy! # Develcpnaent Cornpany's Falma, Gilgil. Now therefore , T, W illiam Kilrrzister Notley, Cornpanion of tlhe Distinguished Service Orclem, Given under n&y hand a.t N airobi this 24t,h day o.f Acting Governor of the Oolony ci Kenys, having Augusg., 1-9 21 . obteiuecl the ada-iee .of m y Executive Couneil d.o ortler aric't proclaim that the sfoeesaid Ordinance MT. KENNEDY, shall applz to antl have effect in M ombasa Tckî.vl'k- Oltiej FpfcrfAtcz'z/ Omoer. S y)i. F, . Givan under m )y hand ats Nairobi this Blslt, day cff August, 1921. 17: lt ( ) C qI z A ?r1' A rl * I (.I N X..T O . S. 1067 W . K . NOTLBY, Acting t7t)'pc?'z2,t)?' anLl Co#?zozJ??Jc?'-?'x.-Cè?'cJ. GOD BAVE TH E KING . P ItGCLAMATION. IN EXEIRCISE d-tlle powers. theriaunto enabling PltocguztwIzt'rlox m e 1 hereby declare that, tlàe lollowing Proclams- tion be revokec't : . TH E DTSE ASE S OF AN IM ALS ORDTN AN CE , P roclam ation N' o. 72 datiecl the 19th day of' 1906. A fayr 1921 (Decladng Farm No. 38 (A 'lr. eT. Cowling) Uasin Gishu , to be an infeeted area PROCLAMATION. (Contagious Bovine Pleuro-pneumonia) ) . .T2f ZXEAOTS.E c'f tll& powers tèlaereunto enabling 'me 1 hereby cleelal'e the following f arm in the Given ltucler l'ny hozlcl atj N airobi this 2' 4th day cpf Na..l-t.vasha. frovince to b.e an infeetetl srea. tlRincler-,st, 1921. ' pest) f cfr the purposes of tlhe afotcezaid Ordiylanee :- W . KENNEDY, Alr. G. Cclvile's Farm , Erdabibi, Na.ivasha. Chief Fdfcdrlrp Omcer. .- Give'n tmder m y hântl at N' airobi this 24 th day o,f A ugtkst, 1921. %M. KENNEDY, la.itocruztiklArialox N (). 1P9. S. 19 67. Chiej F6fczi?zcr?y OjFcer. TH E DISEASES ()1, ANTAIALS ORDINANCE , 49()(J. PSOOLM IATION X t/. 1P6. PaocruMrllqox. T'H E DTSEhA.SES 0F ANIM ALS ORDINANCE, 1906. PROCLAMATION. IN EXEIICISE crf tlle powers thereunto' enablilAg yrle T hefeby declare the following Iarm in the Naivasha. Province bo be an infected az-ea, (Co'n- tagious, Bovine Pleurcspneumonia) for the purp' oses o'f tlle af oresaid Ordizàancte : T'l?e W estern pcttion c)l Farm Farm s Nos. 290 a'lad 291, M essrs'. H azries & Roberts) Uasin Gishu. Sous, N' darugu. Given uncler my hantl at, Nairobi this 25th day of Gi'ven unclez m y hand. at Nairclbi this. 24t11 day os . ' . , ./ . iugust, 1921. Augus't, 1921. ' '$ ( w . xxxxEov, A. G. DOH ERTY, ' . Chiej F6fyrfparp Omcer. /t)?' Chiej Fcfc'rl'ncrp O//àccr.. PttoctawM-crlox No. 130. PaocluztlklztTlou No. t32. TH E DISEASES OF ANIAIALS OIRDINANCE, THE DISE.ASES OF ANIM ALS OIRDINANCE, 1906. 1903. * P ROCLAMATION. PaOCLAI3fATION. IN EXERCISV of the, powers. ilhereunto enayling IN' EXEIRCISE, of tlce pcwers. thereunto, enablirzg ' nle 1 llereby deelaze the. f ollowiug Iarm in the m e 1 hereby declare the lollowing area in the Nyanza. Provinee. to be. an inlectecl area (Rinderpest) Ukamba. Provinee. to be an infeebed 'area, lo'r the purpose.s, o,f the aloresaid Ordinance. pest) fcz' the purposes of the afcresaicl Ordinance. Farm No. 1, 728, M r. E . 'W . H unthlgf ord, N .ulto.Bl. Thatl atrea. boundecl by tlae foll owi'ng Nandi Border, Uasin Gishu. line : --comm ezlcing (?zl Swaznp Road atk tlze bridge Given under' my hantl atj Nairob.i tlnis 31st (lay o.f crc.ssing the Nairol)i l'tivek', thenee following Swam p August, 1921. Road to its jurlettitm with tlle Foz't 1l.a.1l Road, thence f ollowing the Fort! W all Roatl to the' bridge èros.sing the A.f asara, River ihence f ollowing the Afasara Kiver' in an easterly clirectitm as f a,r as t'lce s.o.:1th east; cc'rner o.f M rs. Sapho's sham ba, t'hence in a straight VOVERNAIENT X ()'I'1cE line in a southerly tlirec.ticn to the bridge. crossing TH F, LEGISLATW E COUNCIL the Nairobi Eiver on the roacl leading lo Afr. ORDINAX CE, 1919. Bo,thm a's f'arm , thellee, lollowing tlle Nairobi River .A.pla. 'Ixrlulxl's. upstzeam in a. south westerly clireetion. to a. point IN EXERC.ISE oi tl-te pqwers conferred or1 the where a. Veterinaz'y N'otiee B oarcl has been erectetl Governoz' b), the Legislative Council Ortlinance, below tlle M unicipal incinerators, thenee in a 1919, Seetion 7, 1, W illiam Kilmister N otley, sc'utheriy direetitm to tlh'e M unieipal landies, t.7? enee Companion of the Distinguished Serviee Order, f ollowing tlae road frorn the Alunieipal landies! to the Acting Governor of the tiolorly of K enya, do juncticaa cl River ltoaf.l arul Duke Straeë, thenfre in hereby app. oi'nt tlle following persons to perform a. 1, ortlaerly dire-ction following the Raceeourse l-toacl tlle duties of Presiding Officers under tlle Rules to tlae Nfzrobi River, thenee following the Nairobi containecl in Schedule 1l1 of the saicl Ordirzauce at ltiver tc.

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