• $ p sac. c. 4 2 Aft th~ Nawi of Ii AN thePointtts Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ~WS Complete News Coverage uf All the Pointe, Home of the 'II.U.ll04 I' $Ico,,4 CIeIS Metter at till VOL. 40-NO. 36 :Uc '0' Copy 'olt Office at Detroit. Mkllite. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDA Y, SEPTEMBER 6, 1979 $10,00 , .. Yea' 32 Pages-Two Secti~ns-Section One I Donation Aids Big Program at Poupard I iBoth Sides HEADLINES i ..-... ~ 0 0 of the ·Park, Woods iOptImIstIC WEEK ,lOver Talks As Compiled by The j Considering i -- I Grosse Pointe News i But Money, Procedures over Layoffs Still Sep- Thursday, August 30 arate Bargaining :Ballot Iterns Teams BRITISH PRIME MINIS. TER Margaret Thatcher paid By Susan McDonald a visit to Northern Ireland GPP Council Concurs with City Attorney's Rec- vowing that thJ murderers of While teacher walk- • ommendation That Charter Amendment Lord Louis Mountbattoen "will outs spread throughout never be allowed to win." . Question Governing Federal Funding the tri-county area this Mrs. Thatcher's visit, how. Be Separated; GPW Solons Sched- week, G r 0 s s s Pointe ever, marked the first time teachers returned to the for~ a British prime minister uled to View Advisory Question to \:isit HDandit country." an on Benefits of Cable TV clas5ro~""n \vithcut a con- area so dangerous in the tract and without the Irish Republic that even By Joanne N. Gouleche and Roger A. Waha immediate t h rea t of British soldiers are flown in A charter amendTQent that may appear on the strike. and out by helicopter. Mean. November ballot in TIe Park. and would prevent Lon2 hours at the bar~ain- while, two suspected Irish the council from accepting federal monies without ing table over the Labor Republican Army terrorists voter approval, drew some criticism from City Day weehnd failed to prcr were arrested for their al. Attorney Herold M. Deason at the Monday, August duce the hoped for settle. leged involvement in the 27, council meeting. ! ----------- ment in Grosse Pointe. murder of Lord Mountbatten aboard his yacht in Northern !Ilr. De a son questioned 1 C I J 0 ! Two prime issues-money Ireland, i whether ihe amendment was e e lratJ.n.11' I and procedures relating to . • • I i in violation of a mandate ...... - - 0 ]teacher layoffs - still sepa- I which res t r i c t s cha.rter FamloZI-es I rated the two local teams as Friday, August 31 I amendments to be confmed teachers reported for their UA W PRESIDENT Doug- I to one issue. U d I first day of school l'uesday. las Fraser called it "one of I He further recommended 11 er'lVay i September 4. the wisest moves Chrysler i to the council that they adopt . I Pleased with Progress has made in some time." Mr '\ a resolution that would place I Further talks are not sched_ F r a s e r was referring t~ Elementary students returning to Poupard son Eastland store represented by manager each subjed separately on the Publication Project Only \ uled until late next week. In Chrysler chairman John Ri. School this week were greeted b'" a new oppor- CHARLES MACGREGOR h I ballot. the meantime, both sides will J ,w 0 presents a check \ 0 ne 0 f SIPevera a rtS closel... watch e con 0 m ic cardo and president Lee A. tunity to learn math and language skills on one tJ Poupard student LINDA PENSZYNSKI. In Offers OPPllrtunit~. f 0 . Wh I . Iacocca's cut l'n thel'r $360 f hId I' The petl'll'on ad">resseo I't. 0 ynamlc 0 e '\ trends .estabUshed b)' settle- ,- 0 tree computers insta Ie this "ummer, Pur- the baCK row (from left to rl'ght) are P d L.. 0 C m ts th h 1 000 a year salary to $1 a " oupar,' self to federal. state and f or ommunity ,.en. In 0 er area sc 00 chase of the Commodore PET's was made pos- teacher SUE MACK, Principal DR. PETER ' ' n,dr,,'" ~~:~: \\~~eco~~i~~:i~:S;e:~~:~ sible by a wide ranging community project that WHARTON and Superintendent of Schools DR. i coun.t~ loans or grants, a.nd --- 1\ -D~iie the ladt of a ~ttle. included a $1,000 donation by the J. L, Hud- WILLIAM COATS. I, spe~iflcally would p~ovlde: By Susan McDonald ment, this year's talks have bonuses over the two-year -----------1 i resId~nts ~~e opportunity t? \ When Linda Sullivan proceeded smoothly and with- period that the pay cut is in - .------ \ e.xam.~ne terms or condl' \ 'was a little girl her fam- lout the acrimony typical of existence. The move comes Att k 0 'W f F t ' P P k f lions of su~h loa~s or \ ily m::ved far away from the past. about a week after President ac lUg ave 0 U ~lre rogram ar or \ghrants, aCCOilrdlngd~doltsDau- '\the rest of their kin. Tentati ....e agreemer..ts have Jimmy Carter indicated to tor. counc can 1 ate an- Th 1 Ii been reached on all but four Chrysler that it should "re- Dog K10l'ed Brings Computel's into Free Plan' iel A.. Schaitbergel:'.. ey were o~esome ~ . or five iSSUES, li\.'eoniing to constitute its management" I ReSIdents W 0 \A 1 d subse' \her parents. m part.lCU- \ the School Board's chief ne- before expecting financial as- I TF.:7 d CI P d P d quently vote through speeial lar, reg r e t t e d Linda gotiatnr Ronald Tonka H~ sistance from the federal II »' 00 S assroom.s at oupar . ropose elections whether or not they. growing up v,'ithout the. i3 faiIl~ optimistic about the government. I would like to see tI~ose loans Iguidance of a gentle and next few weeks_ --- -------- or grants com~ Into .The Iwise grandmother. "I wish we could have set- .. .. .. Stray Animol.Jumps Of- A First !or E~menta~y Sehool Stude~~s i? Pointe Woods City Adminisfra- Park. Such specIal. elections Their solution: they acropt- tled today. (lb~fi:tst day of Saturday, September 1 t:_~r ..,a,h Pnli~p Learn- I ArrIves WIth Commodore PET; I. rrnclpal tor Petersen's idea would cost th~ cIty abo,:,t, ed a grandma from among sc.bool)." he said. "But ~m A SOVIET BRIGADE ofl " - _._-- . ""', •• A.J 4 $2.000 each hme one IS) the friends in their new still pleased about bow It's 'Ing Afterward It May I Whanon \';ITes Milfty .MIoIyaii,ages V/uiil~ Benefit RS5- . ::::ll::::!. I --,- _.. ~ And t hat going. We're down to basic- 2.000 to 3,000 men have ~ N A h I r 1!C"5w >V~ moved into Cuba, according I Have Been Froteet- o. - .ew .pproac iden+ Senior _. In .a !et~e~. t.o •9~t.rn ~~:~ I grandma came -t-; m~' as r ally 1 economic issues ~d a to U.S. Intelligence, with • L'tt B S M Do Id Citizens I l'iunzJO oJ. vm",. lUJ. """=<Ju,' much to Linda as any "real" few .anguagc propc~ '"9 I er . y usan c na I stated that "even if the ","randparent could. In fact, I Local union leader Curt teStateh Department warn. d b d I ing the Soviets that they are --- Computers-some the size of a cookie-are B Ii amen ment may e rea to. when Linda grew up she Lange also was guardedly strongly opposed to such ac. By Roger A. Waha quickly becoming a part of our everyday lives. y Roger A. Walla deal with. ~ne subj~t, and i named her first daught~r for. optimistic about progress at tion. Sen, Frank Church, D. A mixed breed Golden Tiny devices are now imbedded in toys. telephones A proposed free park- I hav~ dlf!lculty wltl1 suc~, her. I the table .. ."W~'re hopeful s Idaho. chainnan of the Sen- Labrador-German Shep- and appliances. They're speeding up our visits to ing program for resident a readmg. It da: no~ pennlt : Linda has told that story th~ o~tstandIng Issues can he ate Fm~ign Relations Com. herd. which reportedly libraries, grocery stores and banks. senior citizens ,is sched: ~~~~i~~ro~ot~a;e~a~ede~:~~~ i ma~y t~es a~d ,~'11 te~ it ~~~~~,:,n h~h~~~~(( couple mittee. urged "the immedi. had been terrorizing chil- And this fall. for the first -------.~-_.-- uled to be consIdered by sitions as to the availabilit ... ! agam thlS fall In Celebrating "It' t th'. ar w are ate withdrawal of all Russian dren at the end of Cov- time, they're coming into some of thetr ham{;caps an;! the Woods Council at its of state or federal or count). Families: A ManlJal of Ideas, close:/ (;~~ set~I~~el1t) ethan combat troops from Cuba." entry lane near Morning- elementary classrooms as limitations:' sars Poupard's rescheduled reg u 1 a r funds." ,Srtones And Resourees We we were in 1976 or 1973 The new addition of troops side drive for two weeks, well. young principal Peter Whar- meeting Monday, Sep- The council unanimously! tse too StFrengtili~en"And Sup- when school started. But the brings a lolal of some 5.000 b d h 1 ti port ur am es 'formed personnel I'n Cuba was shot and killed after Students at Poupard Ele- ton. tern er 10 a p pro vet e reso u on, I .
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