to — MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, June 24. 1986 t \ fX MANCHESTER FOCUS TAG SALE SIGN O’Neill turns up Earl Odom likes Rerun at Fenway Are things piling up? Then why not have a TAG SALE? to help ‘Big Mac’ crowded cooking as Yankees waltz The best way to announce it is with a Herald Tag Sale ... page 3 ... page 12 Classified Ad. When you place your ad, you’ll receive . page 15 ONE TAG SALE SIGN FREE, compliments Of The Herald. STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE, 1 HERALD SQUARE. MANCHESTER MISCELLANEOUS I HOMES I HOMES I I CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE I FOR SALE FOR SALE BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECIORY Mattress — Fits hospital 1972 Plymouth Duster- iManrlTFBlrr HrralJi Manchester — A City of Village Charm Excellent starter — Cov­ Oversized — Manchester, bed. Brand newconditlon. Air, 6 cylinder, running. entry, S75,900. Nice 3 bed­ $149,900. Rooms Including $75. Call 643-8555 after $500 Call 6496161. room starter ranch In 2, 14x18 bedrooms with 6 p m . □ quiet location. Large built-in dressersand book­ I CARPENTRY/ iHEATINa/ MiSCELUNEOUS Honda 1980-5 speed, excel­ 12x17 living room and shelves highlight this 3 CHILOCARE REM00ELIN6 PLUMNNR SERVICES Two 275 Gallon Fuel lent condition, $2,000. Coll Wednesday, June 25,1986 10x14 enclosed heated bedroom Cape. 13x20 fir e - Tanks. One with 100 gal­ 649-6238. 25 Cents porch. Home Is In good placed fam ily room. 2 full Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ Odd Jobs-Pointing, win­ lons fuel In It. Both for condition and only 5 min­ baths, large rear deck, 2 throom remodeling; In­ dow {Cleaning, hedge- $99.00. 6 4 9 3 1 10.O 1974 Thunderbird - full utes to the water. Re­ car garage and much stallation water hooters, /lown cutting. Coll Mark power, $800. Call 649-9404, duced for quick sole.D.W. more.O.W. Fish Realty, Independent Construc­ garbage disposals; faucet 649-5695 omriime. Gas Fired Boiler — Four 647 1340 and 647-0080. 643-1591 o r 871-1400.O w ill do bobvsitting In my Fish Realty, 643-1591 or Licensed Manchester tion Co. General Contrac­ repairs. 6494539. Vlsa/M- years old. Large size. 871-1400.D 1981 P ly m o u th C h a m o -4 Board home. (Verplanck School tors, custom home build­ osterCord accepted. Buyer must remove. Call Aid to contras Areo). Coll 646-3793. ing and remodeling, 9:30 am . to 4:30 pm . $99.00. speed twin stick, A M /FM , Cleon — Manchester siding, excavation, etc. 647-8003.0 air conditioning. 65,000 $92,900. Nicely decorated INVESTMENT Double A Fence Co. Ex­ miles. New clutch, brakes PROPERTY Certified nurses aide Colt 4564865 or 456-7215. RH8CELLANE0U8 pert stockade ond roll older 3 bedroom Colonial. I would like to babysit 1 Baby Carriage and and radlals. $2500. 646- 12x18 living room and SERVICER fencing, repair or Installa­ Stroller combination. 6332. nixes Remodellng/Carpentry child In m v home full tion. Call Tony Albert. 14x20 dining room. Conve­ Three stores and Six time. 649-6604. Work. Additions, decks Beige and white. Excel­ hinging on nient to busline and shop­ apartments. Newer 400 and repairs. Coll David Odd lobs. Trucking. 649-9906. lent condition. $55.00. 647- 1981 Olds Cutlos-Four ping. Nice level backyard. AMP service, newer roof. Cormier, 649-6236. Home repairs. You nome 8203 o ffe r 4 p m .o ________ door, black. Air condi­ Licensed daycare pro­ A. Henry Personalized tion, power steering, Excellent home In this Black 8i stucco construc­ vided. Hove full time op- It, we do It. Free estl- price range.D.W. Fish tion. Needs cosmetic ■6 motes. Insured. 643-0304. Lawn Care-Complete power brakes, stereo, hockey e r ^ for child, 2 years or Realty 643-1591 or 871-1400. work. The figures work!_ lawn care and landscap­ ENDROLLS $3,195. 643-0110. □ ofoer In Manchester ing. Free estimates, fully 27'h width - 258 Some owner flnonctno home. Loving family en­ IPAINHN8/ Hawkes Tree Service — several votes Insured, all work guaron- 13V4 width - 2 for 258 possible. Call for all de­ vironment. I am o mother PAPERINB Bucket Truck & Chipper. ITRUCKS/VANS By Alex GIrelll Manchester — $97,900. tails. $189,900. Strano Real Stump Removal. Free Es­ teed, senior citizens dis­ M U ST be picked up at the with professlonol child­ counts. 647-1349. Lawrence L. Knutson and changed his vote.” O'Neill Associate Editor Cope Cod. Cute Cope Cod Estate, 647-7653.0 ren's librarian expe­ Name your own price — timates. Special consider­ Manchester Herald Office I FOR SALE home waiting for the right ation for Elderly and Han­ before 11 A M. ONLY. The Associated Press said. "He had never talked to a rience. Lunch and 2 Father end son. Fast, Spring Clean Up Done. Richard Dyer argued that the family. Thr^ bedrooms, snacks provided. 647-0536. dependable service. dicapped. 647-7553. 1976 Ford, 4 wheel drive, president head to head and he told garage. In-ground pool. Painting done. Trees cut snow plow, 60,000 miles. WASHINGTON - House us, ‘I was so thrilled. I thought I sport deserved "one last chance,” Painting, Paperhanging down. Attics and cellars Call today for details. I REAL ESTATE 8i Removal. Call 646-5761. Delivering clean farm $4,000. 649-9404 and 647- Speaker Thomas P. O’Neill Jr. was talking to the pope.’” but the Manchester Board of Won’t lastIJoyce G. Ep­ loom; 5 yards $75 plus tax. cleaned. Yards cleaned 1340. said today a lobbying blitz by Asked to predict the outcome. Education voted 8-3 Tuesday night WANTED I CARPENTRY/ and lunk removed. 647- TAG SALES stein Real Estate, 647- Commercial Painting Also sand, stone, and President Reagan has convinced O’Neill said that, with several not to restore field hockey to the 8895.0 REM0DEUN8 gravel. Call 643-9504. 7607 after 5pm. athletic program at Manchester Wanted to buy a house for Contractors-lnlerlor and Tag Sale Saturday June Nomrod Tent Trailer- at least two more House Demo­ hours remaining until the vote, exterior pointing. 20 years High School. Executive Colonial — lo­ $76,000 thru CHFA In M an­ Farrand Remodeling — Need A Good Tenant? 28. 10am to 4pm, Rain or sleep s \'4 to 6, con o p e, crats to vote for a $100 million aid "it’s 212 to 212 with the rest chester or Coventry. No In business. Fully Insured. Zimmer management will Shine. Moving selling ev­ spore tire, good condi­ plan (or Nicaragua’s Contra reb­ undecided.” 'The vote came on a motion by cated on Thayer Road. Cabinets, rooting, gut­ Free Estimates. 742-8628. M int canditlan resident of Real Estate agnts Please. ters, room additions, find a well qualfled, good erything. 55 Virginia Rd., tion, $450. 643-6034. els, leaving the House divided He said that those Democrats board member Dyer, who sought 7 spacious rooms. Must be 647-1105. decks, all types of remo­ D 8i O Landscaping. Vaca­ paying tenant for your M a n c h e s te r._______________ 212-212 on the issue with the shifting to support Reagan had to reinstate the girls’ sport if a seen I We guarantee our deling and repairs. FREE tion cuttings, hedge trlm- rental property In East of remaining 10 members undecided. voted with the Democratic leader­ coach could be found by Aug. 1. homes! Blanchard & Ros- Centered acreage estimates. Pu IIid Insured. mlono, Pruninos, flower the River area. Many ^ C A R S Reagan appealed to Congress in ship when the House last consi­ Before the vote, the board heard Wanted. For residential lELECTRICAL years of experience. Very setto Real Estate, 646- Telephone 643-6017, after 8i shrub plantings. Free FOR SALE a televised address Tuesday and dered aid to the Contras. a new report by the school 2482.0 development. Either sin­ 6pm, 647-8509. reasonable fees. Call for I MOTORCYCLES/ estimates. Call 659^2436 zeroed in on possible swing votes in Reagan on Tuesday declared administration, which continued to gle family or condomi­ Dumas Electric— Having after 5:30pm. particulars. 646-3778 or IM0PED8 recommend against reinstating nium. Call 346-4216. a series of telephone rails and that failure to approve the aid Younger Colonial — 3 Carpentry and remodel­ Electrical Problems? 8724115. Ask for Usa. the sport. The board also heard Bookeeplng fuMcharoe 14 private meetings and O ’Neill said package Will guarantee the Soviet b e d ro o m , 1 ’/2 baths, alum ­ ing services — Complete Need a lorge or a small 1981 H o n d o - C B 650 cus­ renewed arguments in favor of inum sided house In 8th home repairs and remo­ Repair? We Specialize in years experience for Buyer meets seller In “ there is no question in my mind” Union its first military base on the 1985 S-10 Blazer 2x2. Auto tom. King and queen field hockey by Michael Whefton. district! Rec room and deling. Quality work. Ref­ Residential Work. Joseph small business. Write C 0i Classified ... ond It's seats. Like new. Plexofer- that the president’s efforts had an mainland of the Western treed lot! We guarantee N Bookeeplng, 47 Teresa IKKBPV meeting for both. Irons, AM-FM radio, air an East Hartford attorney repres­ Rentals erences, licensed and In­ Dumas. Fully Licensed. cond., beige with tan Inte­ rlng. $1500. 649-1634. impact. Hemisphere. our homes! Blanchard & Rd„ Manchester, CT. 643-2711. enting girls who want to play for sured. Coll 6464165. Free Estimates. 646-5253. rior. Under 14,000 miles In “ One of our Democrats had a But opponents were prepared to Rossetto Real Estate, 646- their school.
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