WESTCHESTER’S OLDEST AND MOST RESPECTED NEWSPAPERS Vol 108 Number 47 www.RisingMediaGroup.com Friday, November 30, 2018 Will Westchester Benefit Congressman Engel to Chair From Amazon Coming to NYC? Foreign Affairs Committee And All That Comes With It Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announce Amazon’s decision to build a headquarters at Long Island City, Queens. By Dan Murphy Blasio made the announcement that Amazon will The decision by online retailer Amazon that it receive $1.7 billion in state incentives, and $1.3 has selected Long Island City, in Queens, as one of billion from NYC. Real estate in Queens, which Congressman Eliot Engel with veterans, County Legislator Catherine Parker, Assemblyman its two new headquarters was big news across the has already been booming over the last 10 years Steve Otis and members of the Rye City Council. country. As a result, Long Island City will receive due to millennials priced out of Manhattan, in- $180 million in infrastructure improvements and creased again in the two weeks since the Amazon The “blue wave” of progressive-democratic the ranking democrat on the Foreign Relations 25,000 new jobs will come to its New York City announcement. victories on election night across the county re- Committee, and over his four decades of service locale. Westchester was one of hundreds of American sulted in democrats retaking the majority in the has traveled the globe to get a firsthand look at Gov. Andrew Cuomo and NYC Mayor Bill de Continued on Page 8 House of Representatives. Westchester Con- our relations with governments, dictators and al- gressman Eliot Engel, based on his 30 years of lies of the United States. seniority in the House, will now chair the For- In addition to reviewing U.S. foreign pol- eign Relations Committee. icy, the Foreign Relations Committee can also Give Back This For the last six years, Engel has served as Continued on Page 9 Holiday Season County Budget Priorities: Staying Within Tax Cap Latimer Proposes Sale of Parking Lot, Not Parkland In Westchester, the holiday season is a time to 2. SERVE A HOLIDAY MEAL. Most soup give back to others – if you have the ability to do kitchens and shelters serve special holiday meals so. In this issue, and over the next three weeks, we to hundreds of people. Carve out a few hours of will highlight just a few of the worthy community your family’s day to wash dishes, ladle gravy, or groups and organizations that make the holidays a welcome folks in from the cold with a warm smile The parking lot in question is just that, a parking lot, with no loss of parkland. little brighter for those who need it most. and hot drink. Mentalfloss.com penned the following sug- 3. MAKE CHANGE. Now’s the time to grab By Dan Murphy gestions of where you can make a difference: that old cookie jar of quarters and dimes, bring it But the latest opponent to step into the ring Westchester County Executive George Lat- You don’t have to be a billionaire philanthro- down to the bank or coin machine, and donate the against Latimer is the daily newspaper of record in imer loves a good political argument, and the pist to make the world a better place. Here are 15 proceeds to a food bank or shelter. Westchester, the Journal News, and “Tax Watch” give-and-take on the issues. Latimer sparred with simple things anyone can do to help out. 4. PHONE IT IN. Making small donations is reporter David Mackay Wilson. Latimer has pro- former County Executive Rob Astorino last year 1. DONATE. Many banks and credit card easier than ever in the Internet age. Many nonprof- posed a 2019 budget for Westchester County that whenever given the opportunity, and did so with companies offer charitable giving cards, which its offer a text-to-donate option, which is as easy as keeps the tax increase below the state-mandated 2 success against any of his opponents when he ran make donations to nonprofit organizations with dialing a few numbers while you’re waiting in line percent property tax cap, but includes the sale of a for State Senate. Even Bill O’Shaughnessy, owner every purchase. Continued on Page 8 county-owned parking lot. of WVOX 1460 AM radio in New Rochelle – a Wilson has sounded what many believe is a longtime friend of Latimer – has had “discussions” false alarm about the sale of the parking lot, writ- with the county executive on social media about ing headlines like “Are Westchester County Parks Happy Chanukah! President Donald Trump. Continued on Page 8 County Legislator Calls for Deregulation of Marijuana Laws Photo by Robert Kalfus. (L-R) Hannes Stein lighting Chanukah candles with his son Yonatan Stein at the annual Chanukah party at the Modern Orthodox Synagogue. The Jewish holiday of Chanukah, the Festival darkness. of Lights, starts this year at sundown Sunday, Dec. “What is true of the individual is true of a Should low-level marijuana offenses be decriminalized? 2. The Lubavitcher Rebbe wrote regarding Chanu- nation, especially this great United States, united kah and religious freedom in our United States of under God, and generously blessed by God with America: material as well as spiritual riches. It is surely the By Dan Murphy marijuana arrests in communities of color, spe- “The Chanukah Lights remind us in a most duty and privilege of this nation to promote all the County Legislator Christopher Johnson re- cifically black and Hispanic males. obvious way that illumination begins at home. But forces of light both at home and abroad, and in a cently wrote a letter to Westchester District At- “Your office was already aware of that though it begins at home, it does not stop there. steadily growing measure. torney Anthony Scarpino asking him to reevalu- fact, as you were quoted in an article saying Such is the nature of light that when one kindles a “Let us pray that the message of the Chanu- ate his office’s policy on prosecuting persons for the ‘Westchester County District Attorney’s Of- light for one’s own benefit, it benefits also all who kah Lights will illuminate the everyday life of ev- low-level marijuana offenses: fice is very aware how people of color and the are in the vicinity. Indeed, the Chanukah lights are eryone personally, and of the society at large, for a “As you are aware, the WESPAC Founda- poor may be adversely impacted by the justice expressly meant to illuminate the ‘outside,’ sym- brighter life in every respect, both materially and tion, Westchester Coalition for Police Reform system,’ and while your office has taken some bolically alluding to the duty to bring light also to spiritually. With esteem and blessing in the spirit and Drug Policy Alliance has recently released steps in the right direction to stem the tide of the those who, for one reason or another, still walk in of Chanukah.” a report about the disproportionate effects of Continued on Page 8 PAGE 2 - PELHAM RISING - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2018 Stepinac Students Take Polar Winter Wonderland Plunge for Special Olympics Open for Holiday Fun Stepinac students at the Polar Bear Plunge. It was one of the coldest mid-November sports teams – have closely identifi ed with and days on Long Island Sound, resulting from be- generously supported Special Olympics New Holiday offerings and toy soldiers await your arrival at Westchester Winter Wonderland. low-normal temperatures and a recent record- York’s cause of providing year-round sports breaking snowfall, but that that did not deter training and athletic competitions for children 30 Stepinac High School students from braving and adults with intellectual disabilities,” said Westchester County Executive George Lat- August. the chilly waters to support Special Olympics Principal Paul Carty, who again led Stepinac’s imer joined with the Westchester Parks Founda- Westchester’s Winter Wonderland is open New York in the ninth annual Westchester Polar contingent. tion and the Westchester County Parks Depart- through Monday, Dec. 31. This one-of-a-kind Plunge (Freezin’ for a Reason). Stepinac’s participation in the 2018 Polar ment at Kensico Dam Plaza in Valhalla on Nov. holiday experience features an exciting lineup Following a Stepinac tradition of support- Plunge helped Special Olympics New York 23 to celebrate the opening of Westchester’s of entertainment and activities for all ages, in- ing the non-profi t, this year’s group raised about achieve the goal of raising $125,000. Currently, Winter Wonderland that included the lighting cluding the new FUNderland Village, the Santa $5,000 by either taking the plunge at Glen Is- the regional non-profi t has 68,547 athletes train- of a 40-foot Christmas tree and the opening of Experience, unlimited skating on its outdoor ice land, New Rochelle, or helping to raise dona- ing and competing year-round in 22 Olympics- FUNderland Village. rink, the Winter Wonderland Holiday Circus, tions. style sports. The athletes and their families are Thanks to the event’s presenting spon- nightly magic shows, favorite holiday rides, local “From the very start nine years ago when not charged to participate. sor, Westchester Medical Center, Latimer and food trucks and more. Proceeds from this event the Polar Plunge began, Stepinac’s students – For more information on Stepinac High Westchester Parks Foundation welcomed a spe- benefi t WPF and allow the organization to fur- especially members of the Crusaders varsity School, visit www.stepinac.org. cial child to help him light the tree: 7-year-old ther its mission to advocate for and invest in the Yorktown resident Liam Brady, a former pa- preservation, conservation, use and enjoyment of tient at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital, which the 18,000 acres of parks, trails and open spaces is a member of the Westchester Medical Center within the Westchester County Parks system.
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