Star WarsTM Customizable Card GameTM Complete Card List Key To Rarity Set Release C Common R Rare The following lists all American cards available for the Star Wars Alternate Image F Fixed U Uncommon Customizable Card Game, up to and including the Reflections III Foil P V Preview card UR Ultra-Rare expansion (November 2001). The list is sorted by side, card type and Alternate Image Foil PM Premium card XR Exclusive Rare then card title (alphabetically) and shows set and rarity. Japanese Foil Special Admiral’s Orders DARK Chief Bast Premiere, U1 Gamorrean Guard Jabba’s Palace, C Lott Dod Coruscant, R Battle Deployment Death Star II, R Chief Retwin Cloud City, R Gardulla The Hutt Coruscant, U Lt. Pol Treidum ANH, C1 Black Sun Fleet Reflections II, PM Chokk Coruscant, U Garindan Premiere, R2 Lt. Shann Childsen ANH, U1 Fighter Cover Death Star II, R Chyler Special Edition, U Gela Yeens Special Edition, U Lyn Me Special Edition, U Fighters Coming In Death Star II, R Cloud City Engineer Cloud City, C General Tagge Premiere, R2 M’iiyoom Onith Premiere, U2 Intensify The Forward Batteries Death Star II, R Cloud City Trooper Cloud City, C General Veers Hoth, R1 MSE-6 ‘Mouse’ Droid Premiere, U1 Nothing Can Get Through Are Shield Theed Palace, R Colonel Davod Jon Death Star II, U Ghana Gleemort Tatooine, U Major Hewex Endor, R The Deflector Shield Is Too Strong Theed Palace, R Colonel Dyer Endor, R Giran Jabba’s Palace, R Major Marquand Endor, R We’re In Attack Position Now Death Star II, R Colonel Jendon Death Star II, R Gragra Tatooine, U Major Mianda Death Star II, U Characters DARK Colonel Wullf Yularen Premiere, U1 Grand Admiral Thrawn Reflections II, PM Major Rhymer Death Star II, U 2X-7KPR (Tooex) Special Edition, C Comm Chief Dagobah, C Grand Moff Tarkin Premiere, R1 Major Turr Phennir Death Star II, U 3B3-1204 Theed Palace, U Commander Brandei Dagobah, U Greeata Special Edition, U Makurth Special Edition, F 3B3-10 Theed Palace, U Commander Desanne Cloud City, U Greedo ANH, R1 Malakili Jabba’s Palace, R 3B3-21 Theed Palace, U Commander Gherant Dagobah, U Grotto Werribee Coruscant, R Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand EJP, PM 3B3-888 Theed Palace, U Commander Igar Endor, R Guri Reflections II, PM Mercenary Pilot JPSD, PM 4-LOM Dagobah, R Commander Merrejk Death Star II, R Hem Dazon ANH, R1 Mighty Jabba JPSD, PM 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle ECC, PM Commander Nemet Dagobah, U Herat Jabba’s Palace, R Moff Jerjerrod Death Star II, R 5D6-RA-7 (Fivedesix) Premiere, R1 Commander Praji Premiere, U2 Hermi Odle Jabba’s Palace, R Mosep ANH, U2 AT-AT Driver Hoth, C2 Corporal Avarik Endor, U IG-88 Dagobah, R Motti Jedi Pack, PM AT-ST Pilot Endor, C Corporal Derdram Dagobah, U IG-88 With Riot Gun ECC, PM Murttoc Yine Jabba’s Palace, R Abyssin Jabba’s Palace, C Corporal Drazin Endor, U IM4-099 Special Edition, F Myn Kyneugh Death Star II, R Admiral Chiraneau Death Star II, R Corporal Drelosyn Endor, R IT-O (Eyetee-Oh) ANH, R1 Myo Premiere, R2 Admiral Motti Premiere, R2 Corporal Grenwick Special Edition, R Iasa, The Traitor Of Jawa Canyon Special Edition, R Nal Hutta Operative Special Edition, C Admiral Ozzel Hoth, R1 Corporal Misik Endor, R Imperial Commander ANH, C2 Navy Trooper Endor, C Admiral Piett Death Star II, XR Corporal Oberk Endor, R Imperial Gunner Hoth, C2 Navy Trooper Fenson Endor, R Advosze ANH, C2 Corporal Prescott Special Edition, U Imperial Helmsman Dagobah, C Navy Trooper Shield Technician Endor, C Ak-rev Special Edition, U Corporal Vandolay Dagobah, U Imperial Pilot Premiere, C2 Navy Trooper Vesden Endor, U Aks Moe Coruscant, R Corulag Operative Special Edition, C Imperial Squad Leader ANH, C3 Nebit Special Edition, R Amanaman Jabba’s Palace, R Coruscant Guard Coruscant, C Imperial Trooper Guard Premiere, C2 Neimoidian Pilot Coruscant, C Amanin Jabba’s Palace, C DS-181-3 Death Star II, U Imperial Trooper Guard Dainsom Cloud City, U Niado Duegad Special Edition, U Anoat Operative Special Edition, C DS-181-4 Death Star II, U Infantry Battle Droid Theed Palace, C Nikto Jabba’s Palace, C Aqualish Jabba’s Palace, C DS-61-2 Premiere, U1 J’Quille Jabba’s Palace, R Nizuc Bek Jabba’s Palace, R Arica Reflections II, PM DS-61-3 Premiere, R1 Jabba Special Edition, R Nute Gunray Coruscant, R Aurra Sing Tatooine, R DS-61-4 ANH, R2 Jabba Desilijic Tiure Reflections III, PM Nute Gunray, Neimoidian Viceroy Theed Palace, R Bane Malar Jabba’s Palace, R Dannik Jerriko ANH, R1 Jabba the Hutt Jabba’s Palace, R Nysad Jabba’s Palace, R Barada Jabba’s Palace, R Dantooine Operative Special Edition, C Jabba’s Prize Reflections II, PM OS-72-10 Special Edition, R Baron Soontir Fel Death Star II, R Danz Borin ANH, U2 Janus Greejatus Death Star II, R Officer Evax ANH, C1 Barquin D’an Special Edition, U Daroe Tatooine, R Jawa Premiere, C2 OOM-9 Theed Palace, U Baskol Yeesrim Coruscant, U Darth Maul Tatooine, R Jawa Coruscant, C Ord Mantell Operative Special Edition, C Battle Droid Officer Theed Palace, C Darth Maul With Lightsaber Theed Palace, R Jodo Kast EJP, PM Orn Free Taa Coruscant, C Battle Droid Pilot Theed Palace, C Darth Maul, Young Apprentice Coruscant, R Kashyyyk Operative Special Edition, U Ortugg Jabba’s Palace, R Beedo Jabba’s Palace, R Darth Sideous Theed Palace, R Keder The Black Coruscant, R Outer Rim Scout Special Edition, R Bib Fortuna Jabba’s Palace, R Darth Vader Premiere, R1 Kessel Operative Special Edition, U OWO-1 With Backup Theed Palace, R Bib Fortuna Reflections III, PM Darth Vader With Lightsaber EPP, PM Kiffex Operative Special Edition, U P-59 Coruscant, R Biker Scout Trooper Endor, C Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith SpecialEdition, R Kir Kanos Reflections II, PM P-60 Coruscant, R Boba Fett Cloud City, R Dathcha Premiere, U1 Kithaba Jabba’s Palace, R Passel Argente Coruscant, C Boba Fett Special Edition, R Daultay Dofine Coruscant, R Kitik Keed’kak Premiere, R1 Pit Droid Tatooine, C Boba Fett First Anthology, PV Death Star Gunner ANH, C1 Klaatu Jabba’s Palace, R Ponda Baba Premiere, U1 Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter Reflections III, PM Death Star Trooper Premiere, C2 LIN-V8M (Elleyein-Veeateemm) Premiere, C1 Pote Snitkin Jabba’s Palace, R Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle EPP, PM Defel ANH, C2 Labria Premiere, R2 Prince Xizor Reflections II, PM Boelo Special Edition, R Dengar Dagobah, R Lando Calrissian Cloud City, R Probe Droid Hoth, C2 Bok Askol Theed Palace, U Dengar With Blaster Carbine EJP, PM Lathe Tatooine, U Prophetess Premiere, U1 Bossk Dagobah, R Destroyer Droid Coruscant, R Lieutenant Arnet Endor, U Quarren Jabba’s Palace, C Bossk With Mortar Gun EJP, PM Djas Puhr Premiere, R2 Lieutenant Cabbel Hoth, U2 R1-G4 (Arone-Geefour) Premiere, C2 Brangus Glee Special Edition, R Dodo Bodonawieedo Special Edition, U Lieutenant Cecius Cloud City, U R2-A5 (Artoo-Ayfive) Special Edition, U CZ-4 Jabba’s Palace, C Dr Evazan & Ponda Baba Reflections II, PM Lieutenant Commander Ardan Dagobah, U R2-Q2 (Artoo-Kyootoo) ANH, C2 Captain Bewil Cloud City, R Dr. Evazan Premiere, R2 Lieutenant Endicott Death Star II, U R3-T6 (Arthree-Teesix) ANH, R1 Captian Daultay Dofine Theed Palace, R E-3P0 Cloud City, R Lieutenant Grond Endor, U R4-M9 (Arfour-Emmnine) Premiere, C2 Captain Gilad Pellaeon Reflections II, PM EG-6 (Eegee-Six) Premiere, U2 Lieutenant Hebsly Death Star II, U R5-A2 (Arfive-Aytoo) ANH, C2 Captain Godherdt Death Star II, U EV-9D9 Jabba’s Palace, R Lieutenant Renz Endor, R RR’uruurrr Special Edition, R Captain Jonus Death Star II, U Edcel Bar Gane Coruscant, C Lieutenant Sheckil Cloud City, R Rachalt Hyst Tatooine, U Captain Khurgee ANH, U1 Elite Squadron Stormtrooper Endor, C Lieutenant Suba Dagobah, R Raithal Operative Special Edition, C Captain Lennox Hoth, U1 Emperor Palpatine Death Star II, UR Lieutenant Tanbris Premiere, U2 Rappertunie Special Edition, U Captain Needa Dagobah, R Ephant Mon Jabba’s Palace, R Lieutenant Venka Dagobah, U Rayno Vaca Theed Palace, U Captain Piett Hoth, R2 Eriadu Operative Special Edition, C Lieutenant Watts Endor, R Ree-Yees Jabba’s Palace, R Captain Sarkli Death Star II, R FX-10 (Effex-ten) Hoth, C2 Lirin Car’n ANH, U2 Reegesk ANH, U2 Captain Yorr Death Star II, U Feltipern Trevagg Premiere, U1 Lobel Special Edition, C Reserve Pilot ANH, U1 Chall Bekan OTSD, PM Fozec Jabba’s Palace, R Lobot Special Edition, R Rodian ANH, C2 Chevin Jabba’s Palace, C Gailid Jabba’s Palace, R Lord Maul Reflections III, PM Royal Guard Death Star II, C Gamall Wironicc Tatooine, U Lord Vader Death Star II, R Rune Haako Coruscant, R Page 1 D E C I P H E R ® The Art Of Great Games ® The information in this document is that of the products of Decipher Inc. and are protected by said company. This document is distributed freely and has no legal connection to Decipher Inc., it’s products, or the content in those products. © 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. Star Wars and related marks are trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. (TM), ® & © 2002 Decipher Inc. All Rights Reserved. Decipher, Customizable Card Game, The Art of Great Games and associated marks and intellectual property are exclusively owned by Decipher Inc. Star WarsTM Customizable Card GameTM Complete Card List Key To Rarity Set Release C Common R Rare The following lists all American cards available for the Star Wars Alternate Image F Fixed U Uncommon Customizable Card Game, up to and including the Reflections III Foil P V Preview card UR Ultra-Rare expansion (November 2001).
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