BOYS BASKETBALL LEADERSHIP Southwestern Conference champion Amherst beats Lorain County Difference Lorain County League champ Keystone SPORTS, C1 Makers feted LOCAL, B1 SATURDAY, February 20, 2021 $1.25 LORAIN ATM THEFT CASE Euclid woman arraigned Dave O’Brien Tyra Parker, 24, of Parker’s attorney was, though court Police Department spokesperson. company’s policy by not parking in an The Chronicle-Telegram Euclid, was arraigned records said she had one. Parker told Lorain police that she area that had video surveillance. LORAIN — A Cuyahoga County in Lorain Municipal Lorain police said this week the was making deliveries to ATMs in Police said the theft is tied in some woman who is accused of steal- Court on Friday on alleged crime is tied in some way to Lorain on Feb. 3 when $200,000 went way to the Feb. 13 slayings of Abril charges including the shooting deaths of two women in missing sometime between her first ing $200,000 in ATM cash deposits Mills and Jerhonda Edwards in Mills’ felony aggravated a residence on F Street in Lorain on and third deliveries. in Lorain earlier this month posted residence on F Street, but did not $150,000 bond Friday and was theft, tampering with Feb. 13. She didn’t immediately report the elaborate on how the crimes were released from Lorain County Jail as evidence and mis- Lorain Police Detective Sgt. Tabitha missing cash and instead drove back Parker police continue to investigate the demeanor obstruct- Angello confirmed Friday that Parker to where she had made a prior deliv- connected. alleged crime’s ties to a double homi- ing official business, is a former Cleveland police officer. ery and asked to check the store’s Contact Dave O’Brien at (440) 329-7129 cide in Lorain. according to court and jail records. A message seeking more informa- cameras. or [email protected]. Follow him Former Cleveland police Officer It wasn’t immediately clear who tion on Parker was left for a Cleveland She reportedly also violated her @daveobrienCT on Twitter. LORAIN Police chief investigated for remarks Carissa Woytach been can- The Chronicle-Telegram celed repeat- LORAIN — Lorain Police edly due to Chief Jim McCann will attend the COVID-19 training following allegations pandemic. he used inappropriate lan- The investi- guage against a police officer. gation cost the Late last year, Officers Kyle city $5,973. Shawver and Kyle Gelenius filed McCann In a pre- complaints against the chief, pared state- alleging he had made jokes and ment, McCann accepted full derogatory remarks based on responsibility for his actions, Gelenius’ sexual orientation. and he said he will comply An investigation by the con- with the opportunity for fur- KRISTIN BAUER / CHRONICLE sulting firm Clemans-Nelson ther training. University Hospitals is building a cancer facility at the UH Avon campus, pictured Friday. Construction is cleared McCann of the bulk of “The turmoil and tension expected to be completed by September. the complaints, but found he from national events has made had a history of using “loose” it difficult for not only the pub- language with officers that lic, but our officers as well,” he could have fueled the com- stated. “Change is never easy, plaints. especially when it happens so University Hospitals building According to the investiga- quickly. I’ve had to make prag- tor’s final report, it was found matic business decisions, and “more likely than not” that I know it has been difficult for McCann called Officer Jamie my officers and for me person- Ball a “whiny b----” regarding ally. As much as I have tried to a union dispute, and mispro- cultivate unity, I have received new cancer center in Avon nounced Gelenius’ name as substantial resistance from The Chronicle-Telegram raphy and X-ray), plus labo- “Gay-lenius” as a joke. some members of the police Safety/Service Director union. Although I take full University Hospitals will ratory services, urgent care and a medically based fitness Sanford Washington’s let- responsibility for my actions, open a new cancer center in ter to McCann regarding Avon in September. center. I suspect this complaint is Approximately 40 caregiv- Clemans-Nelson’s findings driven more by resistance to A facility under construc- noted the report demon- tion on the campus of the UH ers will be employed at the recent decisions by LPD man- new site, according to a news strates “that you have made agement than any real offense Avon Health Center, near the several ‘loose unprofessional intersection of Detroit Road release from UH. related to my comments.” “Our intent was to create comments’ in the past, and it During the meeting with and state Route 83, will be the was also noted that this may newest UH Seidman Cancer a brand new, state-of-the-art The Chronicle, McCann refer- facility, which will provide the have occurred recently, which enced new initiatives within Center. caused the investigator to When it opens to patients residents of Lorain County the department — including a and surrounding commu- believe (it) has led to the cur- renewed Community Advisory in September, UH Seid- rent investigation.” man Cancer Center will give nities leading-edge cancer group giving input on use of care close to home,” said The city ordered McCann force complaints, and a qual- Lorain County residents ILLUSTRATION PROVIDED to attend management train- Ted Teknos, president of UH ity control initiative — as well access to comprehensive and ing within the next six months This is a rendering of the new cancer center under Seidman Cancer Center, in a as constant short staffing and patient-centered cancer ser- and gave him a verbal warn- construction on the campus of UH Avon Health Center. news release. “In addition to changes in staff assignments — vices. ing for violating departmental The $31 million, two-floor facility is scheduled to open medical and radiation oncol- leading to department stress- UH Seidman Cancer Center policy regarding the incident in September. ogy services, patients will ors. is part of the National Can- with Ball. McCann said he’s have access to a vast array of He also said the changeover cer Institute-designated Case The $31 million, receive care there will get ser- attended two sessions already clinical trials, as well as social from longtime Chief Cel Rivera Comprehensive Cancer Cen- 35,000-square-foot, two-floor vices at the adjacent UH Avon and is scheduled for a third work, financial counseling to himself in December 2019 ter at Case Western Reserve during a meeting with The facility will offer both radi- Health Center, including diag- and a myriad of other sup- University, one of 51 compre- Chronicle-Telegram. He plans was a big adjustment for the ation oncology and medi- nostic imaging (MRI, CT scan, portive services.” hensive cancer centers in the to attend a training session department. country. cal oncology. Patients who ultrasound, digital mammog- See CANCER, A2 for new chiefs, one that has See CHIEF, A2 Health officials: Lorain County COVID-19 cases at 21,300 The Chronicle-Telegram There were an additional 38 prob- In Lorain County’s two prisons: ELYRIA — Lorain County has had able hospitalizations, 59 probable n Grafton Correctional Institution said Virtual town halls address misinformation 21,300 total cases of COVID-19 since deaths and 3,668 people “presumed 185 staff members reported testing Correcting dangerous misin- day, Feb. 23, geared toward His- the pandemic began, health officials recovered” in Lorain County due to positive for COVID-19, with four cur- formation about the coronavirus panic Ohioans; Monday, March 1, reported Friday. COVID-19 as of Friday, according to rently positive and 181 recovered as of and vaccines is the goal of four geared toward Asian and Pacific That includes 17,136 confirmed the ODH. Friday. town hall meetings that will be Islander Ohioans; and Tuesday, Lorain County has had 310 con- cases and 4,164 “probable” cases Thirty-four inmates are in quaran- held in coming weeks. March 2, geared toward rural firmed deaths from COVID-19, reported, according to Lorain County tine there, with two having probably The sessions are a chance Ohioans. including 82 confirmed deaths added Public Health and the Ohio Depart- died from COVID-19, four confirmed to hear directly from medical Watch live or afterward at coro- between October and December due ment of Health. to have died from the disease, none experts, community leaders and navirus.ohio.gov/townhall, www. That amounts to 49 additional con- to reporting errors by the ODH. currently positive or in isolation, seven public health professionals. facebook.com/OHdeptof firmed cases reported between Thurs- “This error was not unique to Lorain awaiting test results and 125 recovered They will be held at 6:30 p.m. health or www.youtube.com/c/ day and Friday and an additional 31 County and occurred statewide,” from the disease. Monday, Feb. 22, geared toward OhioDepartmentofHealth1. probable cases reported over that Lorain County Public Health said on African American Ohioans; Tues- — from staff reports same time period. its website. See COVID-19, A2 High of 25. Low of 9. ADVICE ...............B5 CLASSIFIEDS .....D5 CROSSWORD ....D2 OPINION ......... A4-5 CLOUDY, Forecast on A6 INDEX BUSINESS ..........B6 COMICS ......... D2-3 OBITUARIES .......B2 RELIGION ...........B3 COLD WWW.CHRONICLET.COM cyan A1 magenta A1 yellow A1 black A1 A2 Saturday, February 20, 2021 FROM PAGE ONE The Chronicle-Telegram Contracting, Nova Structural CANCER Steel, H&H Land Clearing, Yer- Space Command move reviewed From A1 man & Young Painting, Ther- There is also the Hampson motech Insulation and Mars The Associated Press Colorado Springs. the relocation complied with Air Force Electric Co.
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