POLISH TECHNICAL REVIEW WOMEN IN POLISH SCIENCE KOBIETY POLSKIEJ NAUKI The first election of the authorities of the universities after of Music, Rhythmics and Piano Improvisation and manager of the entry of the Constitution for Science into life had place in non-stationary studies. Apart from the Academy activity she 2020. The higher education schools carried out the election of is the expert of Polish Accreditation Committee (since 2016) Rectors for the period of 2020-2040; everything indicates that and consultant of the Centre of Artistic Education in the field of it will be a cadence different than all others. The universities rhythmics (since 2019). Since 1988 she has been the lecturer became headed by historically high number of women. at the Acting Faculty of the Leon Schiller National Film School in Łódź. For the first time in the history, more than 20 women became She delivers the lectures and runs the workshops and the heads of universities. Moreover, such situation has never had methodological consultations in the field of rhythmics, improvi- place in certain scientific units – e.g. in Białystok University of sation and composition of movement and piano improvisation. Technology where Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk was the first wom- She is the author of interpretation of movement music pieces, an at this post in spite of 70 years-old history of the mentioned uni- including, inter alia, the work of Johann Sebastian Bach, Lud- versity. What is more interesting, the situation was unprecedented wig van Beethoven, Gioacchin Rossini, Frederic Chopin, Johann at Polish technological universities because two women competed Strauss, Modest Mussorgsky, George Gershwin, Zbigniew Pre- for the post of rector. There are more described situations what is isner, Wojciech Kilar and Steve Reich. a proof that the position of women in the university world becomes Source: http://perspektywy.pl/rektorzy/article/prof-elzbieta-aleksandrowicz- to change. We hope that cadence of 2020-2024 will commence a nowym-rektorem-am-w-lodzi new, good trend among the university authorities. The silhouettes of some from the newly elected Their Magnificences are presented below (source: http://perspektywy.pl/rektorzy). dr hab. (PhD) Milenia Fiedler THE NATIONAL LEON SCHILLER NATIONAL FILM SCHOOL IN ŁÓDŹ dr hab. (PhD) Elżbieta Aleksandrowicz, PhD Milenia Fiedler (born in Associate professor, THE GRAŹYNA AND KIEJSTUT BACEWICZ 1966) is an editor. In 1989, she MUSIC ACADEMY IN ŁÓDŹ graduated the Faculty of Film Prof. Elżbieta Aleksandrowicz and TV (FAMU) at Academy of (born in 1964) is a graduate of Performing Arts in Prague. She Music Academy in Łódź, spe- is also the graduate of Film Ed- cialist in the method of Emil iting Faculty FAMU in Prague. In Jacques-Dalcroze. In 1989, she 2005, she obtained the degree of obtained the title of Master of doctor of film art and in 2009 – Arts (M.A.) in rhythmics. When the degree of habilitated doctor (PhD) of film art. She has been studying, she finished also, si- related to film school for more than 20 years. She is a lecturer multaneously, Pedagogic Study and 2-year course of dance at the Department of Film Editing of the Faculty of Film and instructors, conducted under the patronage of the Department TV Directing and of Film School in Łódź. Since 2016, she has of Culture and Arts of the City Hall of Łódź. Since 1990, she performed the function of the Head of Department. has been employed in her alma mater. She is a lecturer at the She is the member of Polish Film Academy and the Euro- Faculty of Creative Arts, Interpretation, Education and Produc- pean Film Academy. She is the co-author of more than 240 fea- tion of Music and at the Faculty of Performing Arts. In 2002, ture films, series and spectacles of TV theatre. She cooperated she obtained the title of habilitated doctor (PhD). Since 2012 with the prominent directors such as Andrzej Wajda, Janusz she has been the Vice-Rector for didactic affairs of the men- Majewski, Wojciech Marczewski, Jerzy Stuhr and Janusz Za- tioned above Academy (since 2019, the range of her duties has orski. She was 4 times nominated to Polish Film Award for the included also science problems). Since 2019, she has been the best editing. She received Eagle (Polish: Orzeł) distinction for President of the Commission for granting the degrees in the the work at production of “Weiser” in 2002. She received also Academy. During the earlier years, she performed the follow- the award for the mentioned above film during the Festival of ing functions: Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Composition, Theory Polish Feature Films (2001). In 1997, she received the award 32 Polish Technical Review No. 1/2021 POLISH TECHNICAL REVIEW for “Czas zdrady” (eng. Betrayal Time). Besides it, she was lau- reate of Women’s Independent Film Festival in Los Angeles, for prof. dr hab. Bogumiła Kaniewska film”Umbra” in 2016. She was awarded four times for editing THE ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIWERSITY IN POZNAŃ during the Festival of Polish Radio Theatre of Radio and Polish Prof. Bogumiła Kaniewska (born TV Theatre “Two Theatres” in Sopot for the following pieces: in 1964) graduated the literary “Spiskowcy” (2018); “Marszałek” (2018), “Bezdech” (2013) and studies at the Adam Mickiewicz “W roli Boga” (2010). University in Poznań in 1988. In Source: http://perspektywy.pl/rektorzy/article/dr-hab-milenia-fiedler-nowym- 1995, she obtained the degree of rektorem-pwstit-w-lodzi doctor in human sciences (PhD) on the grounds of the dissertation: “The first-person narration in Pol- ish contemporary prose”. In 2001, dr hab. (PhD) Mirosława Jarmołowicz she submitted the dissertation “Following the footsteps of Associate professor, ART ACADEMY OF SZCZECIN Tristram Shandy” what gave her a title of habilitated doctor PhD Mirosława Jarmołowicz (at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań). In 2015, she (born in 1958) graduated archi- received the title of professor of human sciences. In the pe- tecture studies at the Faculty of riod of 2005-2012, she was the Deputy Head of the Institute Construction and Architecture of Polish Philology. In 2012, as the first woman, she took the of the University of Technol- position of Dean of the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philol- ogy of Szczecin, and obtained ogy and since 2016 – the Vice-Rector for Students’ affairs of the title of M.Sc. in engineer- the Adam Mickiewicz University. She is the Head of Depart- ing in 1984. She was granted ment of the Semiotics of Literature. a doctor’s degree in 2002 at She is specialized in history of literature, contemporary the Academy of Fine Arts in literature and theory of literature. She is connoisseur of litera- Poznań, in the field: fine arts, discipline: interior design. In 2020, ture, theoretician on literature, researcher of contemporary on the grounds of the decision of the Senate of Artistic Univer- literature and, recently, also literature for children, translator sity in Poznań, Mirosława Jarmołowicz obtained the title of ha- of English-language prose, mainly literature for children; the bilitated doctor in fine arts (PhD). Since 1996, she was the lec- latter subject is also her scientific interest. turer in Academy of Applied Arts where she was a Vice-Dean of Source: http://perspektywy.pl/rektorzy/article/prof-bogumila-kaniewska- the Department of Interior Design in the period of 2006-2007. nowym-rektorem-uam-w-poznaniu Since 2010, she has been the lecturer at the Art Academy in Szczecin. In the years 2010 – 2013, she played the function of the first Dean of the Faculty of Visual Arts; at present she is the Head of Department of Interior Design and Virtual Space. Artistic interests of Mirosława Jarmołowicz include design prof. dr hab. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk of interiors and buildings architecture as well as activities in BIAŁYSTOK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY space of urban interiors of the 19th-century constructions of Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk Szczecin in the context of meaningful social role of art in de- (born in 1971) is a gradu- graded public space. In 2017, she commenced artistic proj- ate of Bialystok University of ects in public space: City for art – city for everybody within the Technology, Faculty: engineer- frames of the project, announced by the city authorities of Szc- ing, speciality: building and zecin: Levelling of infrastructural errors via street art. Mirosława engineering constructions. In Jarmolowicz is also involved in drawing and painting, travel and 2002, she obtained a doctor’s artistic photography and, also, photography inspired by geom- degree in technical sciences etry. The recent activity was many times rewarded in the suc- in discipline: construction, cessive editions of the Competition: “Mathematics in Camera” speciality: concrete constructions, building materials; in 2014, in the years 2010-2016, organized by the Faculty of Mathemat- she was granted the title of habilitated doctor of technical sci- ics and Physics of the Szczecin University and being annually ences (PhD) on the grounds of monograph “Evaluation of the presented during post-competition exhibitions “Mathematics in degradation of constructional concrete, subjected to frost de- Camera 2010-2016”. Since 2017, she has been the member of struction”. She commenced to work in Białystok University of the Jury of the mentioned competition which since 2012 has Technology in 1995 at the post of assistant in Department of become the international competition. Concrete Constructions at the Faculty of Building and Environ- Source: http://perspektywy.pl/rektorzy/article/dr-hab-miroslawa-jarmolowicz- ment Engineering where she is employed until now (as asso- nowym-rektorem-akademii-sztuki-w-szczecinie ciate professor). In the years 2004-2006, she conducted the Polish Technical Review No. 1/2021 33 POLISH TECHNICAL REVIEW lectures at the Ełk branch of Higher School of Finances and of the Academy’s publishing office.
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