"Index." Social, Casual and Mobile Games: The changing gaming landscape. Ed. Tama Leaver and Michele Willson. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. 291–297. Bloomsbury Collections. Web. 25 Sep. 2021. <>. Downloaded from Bloomsbury Collections, www.bloomsburycollections.com, 25 September 2021, 01:28 UTC. Copyright © Tama Leaver, Michele Willson and Contributors 2016. You may share this work for non-commercial purposes only, provided you give attribution to the copyright holder and the publisher, and provide a link to the Creative Commons licence. Index 868-Hack xi , 33 , 38–9 , 41–3 asynchronicity 6 , 78–9 , 81–2 , 86 Atari 42 , 45 , 196–7 Action Button xi , 33 , 40–1 augmented reality see ARG Activision Blizzard 201 , 226 , 235 , 238 Australian and New Zealand addictive/addiction 123 , 245 Communication Association ixx advertisement 64 , 128 , 201 , 206–7 , avatar xiv , 38–9 , 80 , 119 234 , 237 Affect 7 , 106–8 , 118 –29 , 142 Baby Kissing 95 affection games xii , 6 , 89–103 Bad Piggies 2 , 216–17 , 219 affective labour 118 , 126–7 badges 8 , 151 , 156 , 159 , 161 , 180–1 , AI: Artifi cial Intelligence 56 , 92 183 , 185–6 , 190–2 ‘air drop’ missions 172 Baldwin, Adam 279 Alexander, Leigh 127 , 130, 285–6 Bam Buddy 199 aliens vii , 4 , 31 , 33 , 35 , 37 , 39 , 41 , 43 , Barbie 37 , 48 , 123 45 Bee Cave Games 256 , 258 All Comm xi , 138 Bejeweled xi , 197 , 264 ambience 105–8 , 114 Betting Millionaire xi , 252 ambient intimacy 106 , 109 Big Fish Casino xi , 247 ambient play viii, ixx, 7 , 105–9 , 111–15 Big Huggin 97 , 102 Android 3 , 93 , 102–3 , 108 , 135 , 170 , Blizzard 34 , 201 , 226 , 235 213 , 233 , 246–7 , 254 , 261 , 270 BragBet 244 Angry Birds viii , xi , 2 , 9 , 21 , 32 , 35 , Brightkite 179 39–41 , 45 , 61 , 105 , 111 , 116 , 197 , Brough, Michael xi , 33 , 37–40 , 44–5 213–24 , 245 , 273–4 , 283–4 , 286 burgerandfries chat room 279 , 281 Star Wars 220–2 Bushnell 196 Stella 222 business model 2 , 62–3 , 68 , 72 , 118 , Transformers 222 120 , 129 , 183 , 185 , 187 , 204 , 212 , Angry Rebels 220 226–7 , 229 , 231 , 233 , 235 , 238 , anti-gambling campaigns 10 240 , 262–3 , 270 , 272 AP (action points) xiv , 117 , 121 , 123 , 126–8 , 137 , 144 , 151 CaesarsCasino.com 255 , 257 Apple 9 , 31–2 , 37–9 , 44 , 61 , 63 , 71 , Cake Mania 284 91 , 93–4 , 102–3 , 112 , 198–200 , Call of Duty 278 213 , 215 , 224 , 228 , 231–3 , 235–7 , Candy Crush ix , xi , xiv , 2 , 10, 80–1 , 87 , 240 , 248–9 , 252 , 266 , 270 , 273 117 , 123–5 , 127 , 130–1 , 226 , 245 , ARG (Augmented Reality Game) 7 , 257–8 , 261–74 135–6 , 147 cheating ix , 9–10 , 143 , 241 , 261–5 , Aristocrat 256 , 258 , 279 267–73 , 287 99781501310607_Ind_Final_txt_print.indd781501310607_Ind_Final_txt_print.indd 229191 111/3/20151/3/2015 110:39:470:39:47 AAMM 292 INDEX China xii , xv , 9 , 114 –15 , 139 , 141 , 198 , developers v , vii , xv , 4–5 , 9 , 17 , 27–8 , 205 , 208–9 , 214 , 217 , 223–4 37 , 53 , 58 , 61–73 , 91 , 93 , 101 , CIs, (creative industries) 214–15 112 , 122 , 167 , 199–201 , 208 , city planning 8 , 170 210–11 , 226–9 , 231–8, 240 , Clash of Clans 62 255–6 , 270 , 279 cloud-based 208–9 digital affection games 89–93 , 95 , 97 , CMC (computer mediated 99 , 101 , 103 communication) 109 digital games xiii–xv , xvii , 15–19 , 26 , co-presence 7 , 35–6 , 106 , 108–9 , 115 28 , 58 , 72 , 77–8 , 87 , 89–91 , 99 , Code Masters 201 102 , 165 , 167 , 239 , 262 , 272–4 , collective memory 158 278 , 282–5 , 288 competitive advantage 64 Digital Games Research compulsive consumption 245 Association xiii–xv , xvii , 272–3 console xii , 8 , 16–17 , 22 , 24 , 32–3 , digital media ix , 9 , 113 , 243–5 , 247–9 , 37 , 42–4 , 63–4 , 90 , 119 , 162 , 251 , 253–7 , 259 168 , 195–9 , 201–4 , 213 , 218 , Diner Dash 99 , 102 225–6 , 228–32 , 235 , 240 , 272 , distraction 34 , 36 , 106–7 , 110 , 115 , 284 126 , 223 consumer protection law 70 Dodgeball 179 convenience 64–5 , 92 , 119 , 167 , 205 , Double Fine Adventure 71 226 DoubleDown 200 , 244 Cool Pizza 44 DoubleDown Interactive 200 Corrypt 37 , 44 doxxing 280 Cosmopolitan 91 Dungeon Keeper 65 , 72 Cow Clicker 284 , 287 Dungeons and Dragons 282 critical refl ection 89 Duolingo 181 cross-platform xiii , 6 , 198 crowdfunding 62 , 68–9 , 73 EA 226 , 234 Crowley, Dennis 179 , 182–8 , 191 Eco, Umberto 168 , 172 , 177 cultural lens viii , 6 , 89 , 96 Edge xvii , 31 , 39 , 44 , 64 , 148 curation of cultural heritage 150 , 153 , Electronic Arts 200–1 , 235 155 , 158–9 , 161–2 electronic gaming machines (slots) xiii , customization xvi , 64 , 115 245 , 258 Cut the Rope 32 Eliss 44 emotion 107–8 , 115 –16 , 120 , 243 , Dabney 196 251 Daily Show 123 , 131 emotional bonds 123 , 127 dark design pattern 266 Endemol 256–7 Dark Souls 34 Enlightened, the 135 , 137 , 139 , 150 dating simulation 89–90 , 93 Entertainment Software Rating DayZ xiv Board 1 , 11 dead-time viii , 6 , 77 , 79, 83–8 European Commission 70 , 211 death threats 280 EVE online xiv , 263 , 272 , 274 Depression Quest 279 EverQuest 198 designer-agent 5 , 48 , 51–4 , 57 , 70 exercise, incentivizing 17 , 55 , 157 , 167, designer-gamer 5 , 48 , 51–2 , 56–7 , 70 177 , 250 Destiny 229 , 238 extra-game affection 94 Develop 67 eye-gaze xiv 99781501310607_Ind_Final_txt_print.indd781501310607_Ind_Final_txt_print.indd 229292 111/3/20151/3/2015 110:39:470:39:47 AAMM INDEX 293 F2P (free to play) see freemium gamer vii , xi , xvii , 1–5 , 10–11 , 15–27 , Facebook xi–xii , xiv , xvi , 1 , 3 , 17 , 51 , 29 , 34 , 43 , 48 , 51–3 , 56–7 , 69–70 , 78–9 , 81 , 85 , 87–8 , 112 , 124 , 83 , 111 , 117–19 , 128–9 , 136 , 163 , 128–9 , 131 , 179 , 181 , 186 , 199– 168–9 , 198 , 210 , 238 , 249–50 , 200 , 214–16 , 226 , 232 , 234 , 237 , 253 , 255–6 , 277–88 243 , 245–8 , 252 , 254 , 256 , 261 , gamer identity 10–11 , 277–82 , 287–8 264 , 268 , 280 GamerGate ix , 10–11 , 17 , 27 , 277–82 , Faction Comm 138 , 140–1 284–9 Fahey, Mike 268 , 273 GamesforGirlsClub.com 93 family bonding viii , 6, 77 , 87 GameView Studios 121 , 123 , 131 fantasy xiii , xvi , xviii , 6 , 34 , 90–1 , 96 , gamifi cation 179 , 181 , 183 , 185 , 187 , 98–101 , 206 189 , 191 fantasy games xiii , xvi , xviii gateway drug 248 Farm Heroes Saga 87 , 226 gender vii , xv , xvii , 4 , 6 , 11 , 15 , 17 , 19 , Farmville (Zygna) 3 , 11 , 21 , 189 , 245 , 22 , 25 , 27–9 , 93 , 98 , 101 , 139–40 , 254 , 261 , 283–4 , 286 144 , 147 , 226 , 232 , 248 , 277–8 , female game developer xv , 279 287–9 female player 1 , 17–18 , 22–3 , 25–7 , genre xi–xii, ixx, 2–3 , 6 , 17–26 , 33 , 39 , 93 , 139–40 , 222 , 282 , 284 81 , 89–90 , 93–5 , 101 , 106 , 117 , feminism 102 , 287 123 , 201 , 245 , 262 , 270 , 282 , 284 feminization 4 , 18 , 29 , 289 GDC 67 FIFA 21 , 77 , 234 girlgames.com 90 , 103 Final Fantasy VII 34 Gjoni, Eron 279 Fist of Awesome 69 , 72 Glitch Tank 37 Flappy Bird 9 , 43 , 72 , 227 , 236 gold farmers 198 Flash 51 , 93 , 102–3 Google Community 140 Flickr 118 , 131 Earth 160 Foursquare viii , 8 , 112–13 , 115 , 179–92 Play 63 , 92–4 , 112 , 199 , 213 freemium/F2P xiv , 4–5 , 7 , 61–70 , 117–21 , Plus 135 , 138 , 140–2 , 146 , 151–2 , 123–9 , 195 , 205 , 209 , 225 , 233–5 , 162–3 261 , 266 , 270 , 272 Gowalla 179 Fresh Deck Poker 244 GPS 113 , 135–6 , 166–7 , 176 Fruit Ninja 197 , 217 Grand Theft Auto V 229 Groupon 179 , 185 Galaxy, Samsung 31 Gamasutra 58–9 , 73 , 127 , 130 , 273 , 286 hackers vii , 4 , 31 , 33 , 35 , 37 , 39 , 41 , gambling ix , 9–10 , 87 , 241 , 243–59 , 43 , 45 262 , 274 Halfbrick 217 , 236 Gambling Is No Game (nogame.com. Hanke, John 160 au) 248 Happy Farm 199 game analysis 4 hardcore games 2–3 , 5 , 18 , 33–4 Game Boy 196 hardware 9 , 20–1 , 24 , 28 , 37 , 44 , game designers xiv , 5 , 47–8 , 50 , 53–4 , 197–8 , 206 , 213 , 225–6 , 230–2 57–8 , 101 , 215 , 229 Hay Day 62 Game Lab xv hidden heritage viii , 7 , 149 , 160 game-based revenue models viii , 195 , homosexual 26–7 197 , 199 , 201 , 203 , 205 , 207 , 209 , honorary titles 181 211 Horrocks, Michelle 153 99781501310607_Ind_Final_txt_print.indd781501310607_Ind_Final_txt_print.indd 229393 111/3/20151/3/2015 110:39:470:39:47 AAMM 294 INDEX Hug the Sloth 97 , 102 Kiss Baby 94 , 102 Hugatron 97 , 102 Kissing Games.com 93 Hunt, Nicholl 69–70 , 72 Kissing on a Ferry 98 , 102 hybrid reality games 154–6 , 162 knock-offs 217 , 224 Kongregate.com 93 IAP (in app purchase) 62 , 64 , 233 , 236 , Kotaku 45 , 259 , 268 , 273 , 288–9 261 , 270–2 IGEA (Games & Entertainment Last Chance 153 Association) 249 , 258 LBMG (location-based mobile IGT 255 games) 165 , 167–8 , 170 IITC (Intel Intelligent Total Conversion) LBS (location-based service) 105 , 114 152 , 156 , 162 leader board 181 iJumpman 44 League of Legends 77 immaterial labour 118 , 126–8 Leisure Suit Larry 91 , 102 immersion 33 , 36 , 146 , 169 Lexolous 80 inaccessibility 37 , 43 Line xvi , 6 , 102–3 , 107 , 116 , 143 , 175 , Ingress viii , xi , xv , 2 , 7–8 , 105 , 135–8 , 181–2 , 237 144–58 , 160–3 Loopt 179 Ingress scanner xi , 137 Lucky Cruise Social Casino 255 insideOut 153 Luedorf, Holger 180 Instagram 112 lusory media 106 Intel map xi , 138 , 152 , 156 Interlude, the ultimate experience 91 magic circle 7 , 111–12 , 114 , 116 , 148 , International Telecommunications 167–8 , 175, 177 Society xvi Magnavox 196–7 intra-game affection 94–5 male player 1 , 4 , 18 , 25 , 27 , 93 , 97 , iOS 10 , 38–9 , 65 , 93 , 102 , 108 , 130–1 , 139–40 , 226 , 279 , 283–3 151 , 177 , 213 , 228 , 232 , 235–6 , malware 267 246 , 258 , 261 , 267 marketing 5 , 8 , 17 , 38 , 59 , 64–5 , 92 , IP (intellectual property) 230 , 234 118 , 121 , 127–30 , 179 , 181–3 , 187 , iPad 37 , 39 , 44 , 213 , 217 , 231 192 , 201 , 208 , 211 , 215 , 217
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