PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 00002 Gainesville, Texas The ECRWSS Weekly News of Cooke County © 2020 The Weekly News of Cooke County Volume 17, Number 28 Cooke County, Texas December 9, 2020 Cooke County’s LARGEST and MOST READ Newspaper! King County Reports Six More Around Coronavirus Deaths Friday By Delania Raney cember 4 was 52 and the num- logged 96 cases of Friday. of COVID-19-related hospi- Town Th e Weekly News ber of residents currently hospi- County case numbers by gen- talizations. Th e state is divided talized was 21 according to the der indicate 131 are male, and into Trauma Service Areas. Areas GAINESVILLE – Cooke Coun- Cooke County Pandemic Infor- 156 positive cases are female pa- which have had seven consecu- by Grice King ty Pandemic offi cials revealed mation page. tients. tive days of COVID-19 hospi- some grim statistics as six more Th ere have been 1,609 total A notice from Cooke County talizations exceeding 15 percent people died last week due to cases reported since data com- Judge Jason Brinkley noted Texas of total hospital capacity will re- On this day, many, many, the coronavirus. Th e number of pilation for the pandemic began Governor Greg Abbott issued an turn to 50 percent occupancy for many, many, many years ago, coronavirus deaths is now listed earlier this year. Gainesville has executive order October 7, 2020 businesses including restaurants, my beautiful wife Nikki came as 18, up from 12 Monday, No- the highest number of total cases which superseded a previous or- retail stores, offi ce buildings, into this world… vember 30. reported with 154 individuals der for public safety including manufacturing facilities, gyms Wow what an opening line! Th e number of new laboratory testing positive for the virus. Un- the operation of several types of and exercise facilities and classes, And one that will probably get confi rmed coronavirus cases in incorporated areas of the county businesses based on the number (Continued on Page 5) me in a lot of trouble too! I just Cooke County as of Friday, De- had to joke around about it be- cause she is so much younger than me and birthdays this year could use a bit of comic relief. But yes, on December 9, my lovely wife Nikki will cel- ebrate another 29th Birthday. She is the best wife I could ever have hoped for. She is the most amazing mother my children could have hoped for. So I just wanted to wish her a special thanks and happy birthday all in one! We all love you Nikki, hope today is a happy day! Here is some more of what’s happening around town this week. ++++++++ Come check out Winter Muenster Christmas Pa- Wonderland Ice Skating on rade - Crowds lined Main December 12 from 10:00 am Street Sunday, December 6 to 6:00 pm at Heritage Park for the city’s Christmas parade. in Muenster. General Admis- (The Weekly News Photos) sion is $5, Kids 5 and under are Free. Th ere will be arts and crafts, food vendors, ugly sweater contest, dance perfor- Gainesville Council Tables Partial mances, Christmas tree con- test, food and toy drive, and of course….ICE SKATING! Heritage Park is located at 301 N. Ash Street in Muenster. Vacation of King Estates Addition For more information, call 940-759-5299. By Delania Raney “I feel that this action will have the quality and the favorable provide property owners with Th e Weekly News an adverse eff ect on my property outcome of the development,” the assurance that “certain-sized ++++++++ value… the thing that worries me he said. He said deed restrictions (Continued on Page 10) GAINESVILLE - During its is when they vacate the property, Concord Church of Christ, Monday, December 1 regular the deed restrictions go away on 8376 Highway 82 in Gaines- meeting, Gainesville City Coun- that property, and there will be ville is hosting its 2020 drive- cil voted to table a resolution al- potentially smaller homes or through food giveaway from lowing the partial vacation of lots non-conforming homes that are 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, De- in the King Estates addition. Th e built on that and it could even be cember 19. Fifty bags of food approximately 10.27 acre plot a mobile home or something like will be given away fi rst come, is at FM 372 and is within the that. And that bothers me, and I fi rst served. Menu items in- extraterritorial jurisdiction of the feel like this needs to be consid- clude mashed potatoes, stuff - city of Gainesville. ered some more from the P&Z.” ing mix, gravy mix, vegetables, Two people spoke about the King Estates resident George dinner rolls, cranberry sauce proposed vacation including Bryant also discussed his opposi- and cookie mix. resident Dan “Sparky” Flint who tion to the resolution. lives on south FM 372 in King He said he and his wife pur- ++++++++ Estates. chased property in 1994 which “My wife and I oppose this is adjacent to the property up for Th e Gainesville Chamber of resolution and feel this matter partial vacation. Commerce is hosting Th urs- needs to be tabled and returned “We were attracted to this de- days After Dark on December back to the [planning and zoning velopment because of the lot siz- 10 and 17 around downtown commission] for some additional es and the quality of the homes,” Gainesville until 7:00 pm. consideration,” Flint said, adding he said. “We were quite aware of City of Gainesville Employee of the Month - Gainesville City Come check out all the great he “didn’t know anything” about the deed restrictions whenever Manager Barry Sullivan, right, presents the Employee of the deals and great businesses. the item until he read a report of we bought our land and viewed Month Award for December to Gainesville Police Department Don’t forget to Shop Small, the council agenda in the media. them as necessary to maintain Offi cer Daniel Stief. (The Weekly News Photo) Stay Safe and Shop Local this year for the Holidays! Early Voting State Senate Runoff Election Polling Locations Update By Delania Raney COOKE COUNTY – Early in candidates Shelley Luther and Precincts 4, 26, 37 Hillcrest Th e Weekly News person voting for the December Drew Springer. Church of Christ, 1712 East 19, 2020 Special Runoff Election Th e following are December O’Neal Street. Editor’s Note: One of the poll- for State Senator, District 30, 19, 2020 polling locations: Precincts 6, 9 Callisburg Vol- ing locations for the December unexpired term begins 8 a.m. to Precincts 1, 3, 5, 31 Gainesville unteer Fire Department, 116 19, 2020 Special Runoff elec- 6 p.m. Wednesday, December 9 Civic Center, 311 S. Weaver Street. McDaniel Street. tion has changed. Th e following at the Cooke County courthouse Precincts 2, 30, 34, 35 First Precincts 7, 28 Tabernacle is an updated list of polling lo- annex at 112 South Dixon Street. Christian Church, 401 North Baptist Church, 305 CR 194. cations. On the ballot are Republican Dixon Street. (Continued on Page 5) The Weekly News 216 W. Pecan • Gainesville, TX 2 December 9, 2020 Offi ce: 940.665.2320 Catfish Louie’s NTMC Sets up New Try us... You’ll be hooked 4 pc. Fried Catfish COVID Testing Tent $5.50 Regularly $6.95 (Limit 2) ExpiresExpires 10/31/202012/31/2020 GAINESVILLE - Now to provide a sheltered closure was erected on the using for the same pur- that the cold weather is place to collect specimens southwest corner of the pose. here, North Texas Medical for COVID-19 testing. To hospital next to the park- NTMC is very apprecia- Center (NTMC) wanted achieve this, a 3-sided en- ing spaces we have been tive to the leadership of Catfish Louie’s Cooke County for help- Try us... You’ll be hooked ing to obtain the enclosure and for helping them be able to continue outpa- Chopped Bar-B-Q tient COVID-19 testing without exposing the pa- $3.99 per pound tients and staff to inclem- Regularly $6.50 (Limit 2) ent weather that winter will bring. Expires 12/31/2020 10/31/2020 In order to be tested at the site, a patient must 1825 E Hwy 82 Gainesville, Texas Ph. (940)665-6789 fi rst see their primary care provider (PCP). If the PCP determines CO- Commercial & Residential VID-19 testing is neces- sary, the PCP will place an order with NTMC’s laboratory and give the patient instructions to follow for getting tested. Th e new enclosure is only for scheduled, outpatient COVID-19 test specimen FREE MOBILE SERVICE collection. Anyone expe- • Insurance Claims riencing a medical emer- • Lifetime Workmanship Guarantee gency should present to an • Truck & Heavy Equipment CASA Director to • All Makes and Models emergency department for • Rock Chip Repair immediate care. • Fully Insured A vaccine is coming, but won’t be widely avail- Shower & Tub Enclosures • Mirrors able for at least a couple of Doors • Storefronts • Home Window Retire at Year End Repair • Courteous Service • Fully months. So please remem- ber to wash your hands, Insured • Serving Cooke County and GAINESVILLE - CASA place to watch special things behalf of the CASA Advo- Surrounding Areas of North Texas’ long stand- happen because people give cates, Volunteers, Staff and properly wear an appro- ing executive director, Vicki of their time and their re- Board, past and present I priate mask and maintain E-mail: [email protected] Robertson, will retire eff ec- sources just because they want to congratulate Vicki social distancing until the tive December 31, 2020 care”.
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