Cork City and County Archives Alphabetical List of Freemen of the City of Cork Transcribed from existing collection (Ref. U.11) ‘Index/Digest to Council Books of the Corporation of Cork With alphabetical list of Freemen’. Original and typescript by John O'Shea. Date of freemen admission from the 31st October 1710, to the 25th October 1841, the last assembly of the old Corporation as constituted previous to the coming into operation of the Municipal Corporations (Ireland )Act 1840, which introduced local democratic elections. The power of admitting Freemen only by birth or right also ceased in 1841. Surname Christian Name/sRemarks Date Abbott Abraham Gentleman 21/6/1781 Charles Right Hon. Speaker of the House of Commons (1814) (afterwards Lord Colchester) “in a Gold Box, as a Public Testimony of the High Opinion this Board entertain of his great Abilities and Steady Attachment to our Glorious Constitution Abbott Joseph Gentleman Abbott Paul Merchant Abbott Samuel Jnr. Gentleman Abbott William Merchant 19/7/1782 Abbott William Merchant Abell Abraham Merchant Abell James Merchant 19/11/1773 Abell John Merchant 10/1/1777 Abell Joseph Merchant 5/5/1740 Abercromby Ralph Right Hon. Sir, K.C.B. 22/1/1798 Commander in Chief in Ireland “who is to be in the City this” (22nd Jan. 1798) day” (Silver Box) Abernethy Richard Sadler Acheson Nathaniel Esquire. Founder of “The Pitt Club” (Silver Box) Acheson Robert Shark Esquire Acteson Arthur Cooper 29/7/1772 Acteson Thomas Penrose Cooper Adams Captain His Majesty’s Ship “Resistance” now © Cork City and County Archives 2007 List of Freemen of Cork City 1710-1841 Page 1 of 187 Cork City and County Archives (July 1808) in Harbour Adams Ephraim Merchant Adams Francis Wigmaker 3/12/1730 Adams Francis Jnr. Victualler 23/4/1790 Adams Francis Butcher 28/11/1775 Adams Jonathan Chandler 12/5/1748 Adams Michael Goold Esquire Adams Richard Wallis Esquire Goold Adams Roger Merchant 19/9/1777 Adams Roger Merchant Adams St. Leger Merchant 29/7/1788 Adams Wallis Esquire Adams Wallis Gentleman Adams Wallis Esquire Adams William Robert Merchant 23/4/1790 Addis Fenton Esquire, Barrister 7/3/1760 Addis John Jnr. Gentleman. 30/8/1725 Admitted on the Statute during Residence. See Head “Protestant Stranger”. Aickin George Watchmaker 1/9/1778 Airay Richard Gentleman 15/2/1739 Alcock Maskelyne Esquire Aldridge John Esquire Aldridge Robert Esquire, Collector of Cork Aldwell Revd. John Aldwell Theobald Butler Esquire Aldwell William Gentleman Aldworth Christopher Esquire 28/8/1792 Aldworth Revd. John Aldworth Richard Esquire, of Anne 16/11/1784 Grove Aldworth Richard Oliver Esquire Aldworth Robert Rogers Esquire Alexander Alexander 27/9/1796 Alexander John Alexander Nicholas Captain Royal navy Alexander Thomas Captain Royal Navy Alexander William Shoemaker 29/7/1788 Alexander William Junr. Alexander William Thomas Medical Student Allen Abraham Gentleman 21/6/1781 Allen Aylmer Brewer 9/2/1779 Allen Aylmer Brewer 11/8/1795 Allen Aylmer Wrixon Gentleman Allen Christopher Brewer 19/12/1765 © Cork City and County Archives 2007 List of Freemen of Cork City 1710-1841 Page 2 of 187 Cork City and County Archives Allen Christopher Gentleman 13/11/1799 Allen Edward Gentleman 23/4/1788 Allen Edward Capt. 10th Regt. 23/4/1788 Allen Edward Junr. Shipwright 12/9/1791 Allen Francis Attorney Allen George Merchant 14/8/1770 Allen Henry Brewer 27/9/1796 Allen Henry Esquire Allen Henry Allen James Gentleman 19/2/1761 Allen James Woolcomber Allen John (Admitted on Statute 20/2/1735 and paying Fines). See Allenett John Allen John Clothier (on payment 15/2/1739 of £5) Allen John Gentleman 31/1/1758 Allen John Gentleman Allen Hon. Joshua Silver Box 8/5/1722 Allen Philip Gentleman Allen Philip Gentleman 19/9/1777 Allen Richard 7/4/1729 Allen Richard 1/11/1787 Allen Richard Junr. Clothier 13/5/1752 Allen Samuel Merchant 13/6/1797 Allen Thomas Merchant 21/8/1755 Allen William Chandler 3/6/1752 Allen William Brewer 16/11/1784 Allen William Esquire of Greenfield 17/81785 Allen William 1/6/1792 Allen William Merchant Allen William Henry Gentleman Allen William Henry Gentleman Allen William Junr. Allenett John Tanner see (Allen 19/2/1761 John) Allenett Moses 20/2/1735 Alleyn Henry Esquire Alleyn Thomas Attorney 14/9/1749 Alleyn Thomas Gentleman 16/9/1794 Allin Edward Shipwright 22/4/1784 Allin Francis Clothier 18/5/1751 Allin Richmond (not free of tolls for a 11/7/1715 certain time) Allin Samuel Junr. Gentleman Allin William Shipcarpenter 18/6/1784 Allman Francis Cotton Manufacturer Allman Francis Cotton Manufacturer © Cork City and County Archives 2007 List of Freemen of Cork City 1710-1841 Page 3 of 187 Cork City and County Archives Allman James Cotton Manufacturer Allman William Cotton Manufacturer Amhurst John Captain H.M.S. “The 28/4/1757 Captain” 70 Guns (1759) (Silver Box) Anderson Sir James Caleb Baronet Anderson John Merchant “A 7/6/1787 Protestant Stranger” Anderson John “On the Statute” 7/9/1787 (Probably the same person admitted as a Freeman at large) Anderson John Esquire Anderson William Esquire Andrews Rt. Hon. Francis Provost of Trinity 26/8/1761 College, Dublin, now in this City (1761) (Silver Box) Andrews Henry Captain 12th Dragoons “for his Gallant Conduct at the Battle of Waterloo” Andrews Thomas Merchant 14/8/1770 Anglesea Marquis of Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (1828). It is singular that, in the instance of this noble man (previously) invariable practice of presenting the Freedom to Lords Lieutenant in a Gold Box appeared to have been departed from.” Annesley Hon. Arthur Major General Annesley Earl of (1795) 24/1/1795 Anstace John Butcher 3/6/1752 Arbuckle George Gentleman Arbuckle George Junr. Arbuthnot Sir Thomas Commanding the Forces Fermoy (1823) “in testimony of the High Opinion entertained of his Exertions in the preservation of the Peace” Arbuthnot Sir Thomas K.C.B. Major General “now (1833) © Cork City and County Archives 2007 List of Freemen of Cork City 1710-1841 Page 4 of 187 Cork City and County Archives commanding this District”. Si. Bx. This is identical with the other and why (except thro’ inadvertence) the Freedom was twice granted, it is difficult to conjecture Archer Revd. Forester 16/9/1794 Archer John Merchant 7/9/1787 Archer Richard Archer Robert Lieut., R.N. Archer Thomas Carpenter (Cooper) 7/6/1781 Archer Thornhill Merchant 12/11/1778 Archer Warner Purser Royal Navy Arden Rt. Hon. Lord, (1806) Ardovin Peter Merchant 1/10/1746 Ardovine Mathurin Gentleman 4/7/1730 (?Ardowine) Armagh George Archbishop of (1753) 16/5/1753 One of the Lords Justices. (Gold Box) Armstead Francis Esq. (?Armistead) 28/8/1772 Armstead William Merchant 1/10/1746 Armsted John Merchant 23/11/1727 Armstrong Charles Armstrong Edmond Esquire of Ennis, Clare 18/9/1776 Armstrong John Armstrong Edward Esquire Armstrong George Merchant 5/5/1740 Armstrong Revd. George Armstrong John Cooper Armstrong Julius Esquire Armstrong Philip M.D. Armstrong Robert 27/1/1728 Armstrong Robert Esquire 24/7/1797 Arthur Robert Cooper 23/9/1784 Artwright Henry Esquire “Collector of 11/2/1716 the Port of the City” (1716) Ash Robert 16/7/1717 Ashe Edward Esquire Ashe Jonathan 12/11/1779 Ashe Richard 19/7/1763 Ashe Richard Lieut., 71st Regt. Ashe Richard Gentleman Ashe Robert 2/12/1741 Ashe Robert Gentleman 3/6/1728 Ashe Roger 27/1/1728 © Cork City and County Archives 2007 List of Freemen of Cork City 1710-1841 Page 5 of 187 Cork City and County Archives Ashton Gough Aston Henry Harvey Esquire, High Sheriff 14/10/1768 of the County of Chester “now (1768) in the City”. (Silver Box) Aston Rt. Hon. Richard Chief Justice of the 10/3/1762 Common Pleas and Judge of Assize (1762) (Silver Box) Athill Revd. William Atkin John Drew Gentleman Atkin Maurice Esquire of Leadinton 8/9/1788 Atkin Maurice 23/2/1790 Atkin Walter Esquire 11/5/1787 Atkin Walter Lieut. North Cork Militia Atkin Walter Esquire Atkin Walter Esquire Atkin Walter Esquire Atkins Charles Esquire Atkins Edward Late Capt. 50th Regt. Atkins George Clothier 20/12/1739 Atkins George (at the request of the 25/9/1740 Court of D’Oyer Hundred) Atkins George Merchant 8/2/1791 Atkins George Merchant Atkins George Junr. Merchant Atkins Howard Esquire Atkins James Admitted free paying 13/5/1730 Five pounds Atkins John Cotter Merchant Atkins Philip Going Esquire Atkins Richard Cooper 16/9/1780 Atkins Robert Gentleman 7/3/1769 Atkins Robert Junr. (Marrying a 28/11/1719 Freeman’s Widow would appear to give little to Freedom) Atkins Robert Cooper 24/7/1797 Atkins Samuel Gentleman Attridge Andrew Shopkeeper Austen Francis Gentleman 31/1/1783 Austen Henry Austen John Sealy Pewterer Austen Joseph Gentleman 21/2/1780 Austen Revd. Robert 5/7/1793 Austen Sampson 21/8/1775 Austen Sampson © Cork City and County Archives 2007 List of Freemen of Cork City 1710-1841 Page 6 of 187 Cork City and County Archives Austen Samuel Merchant 20/1/1745 Austen Samuel Adams Esquire Austen Samuel Junr. Merchant 11/7/1783 Austen Thomas Gentleman 3/6/1777 Austen Thomas Junr. of Waterfall 19/7/1782 Austen Thomas Watch and Clock Maker Austen William Esquire Austen William George Esquire Austin Joseph William Austin Robert Gentleman 1/10/1746 Austin Samuel 7/6/1714 Austin Samuel Brewer, (Austen?) 24/10/1788 Austin William 22/12/1735 Austin William Gentleman 21/7/1762 Austin William Esquire Babington Thomas Linen Draper Babington William White Linen Draper Backster George 7/4/1729 Bagnell Henry Merchant 16/8/1786 Bagnell Henry Esquire Bagnell John Merchant Bagnell - Lieut.
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