Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1937 The Anchor: 1930-1939 12-1-1937 The Anchor, Volume 51.06: December 1, 1937 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1937 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 51.06: December 1, 1937" (1937). The Anchor: 1937. Paper 15. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1937/15 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 51, Issue 6, December 1, 1937. Copyright © 1937 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1930-1939 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1937 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. tw'-. tmmm'm mm; f-fSw ; mm®* mm: • • • •_, - ••• • • «lFi . AK- '• ^" • '.•*••' •:.»- 5»VHV*! wtffn- me. ' msi ' J- = December 1, 1937 •>, U Fifty-first Year of Hope College, ==================== = Koch Presents Classical Club to Here's How It's Done, Girls Dutch Treat Week This Afternoon at 'our To Start Monday Song Recital In The Classical Club held its meet- g November 17, in the Alethean As Females Cheer Chapel Tonight m at four o'clock. Latin tongs were sung and a report on the ora- Program Includes Bowling, Baritone Soloist to Give was given by Harriet Lem- Church Attendance, Program of Varied Icuil. Florence Meengs rendered a olin solo, and an informal talk Theater Party Classical Music on the auguries was given by Heath Goodwin. Everyone was then By GENEVIEVE NAFE By DOROTHY VANDEN BOUT invited to visit the oracle, who Next Monday, December 6, is would foretell the future. Co-chair- the date set for the beginning of Tonight Holland concert-goers Hope's annual Dutch Treat Week, will hear Raymond Koch, baritone, men for the meeting were Alice Munro and Florence Meengs. co-sponsored by the Stodent Coun- as he presents his song recital in Laura Van Kley and Loraine cil and the Anchor. Women of the the Memorial chapel at 8:15. Pomp are co-chairmen for the campus will be given their yearly Charles Lurvey, who last year ac- meeting to be held this afternoon opportunity to air their secret pas- When Frances Price, left, Helen Becker and Margaret Allen, sions. , companied the Chamber Opera Raymond Koch, Baritone at four o'clock in the Alethean right; go after their man they really land him. Mayo Hadden, the company, will be at the piano. room. A more elaborate program has prey, looks like he enjoys being roped in for Dutch Treat Week. oeen arranged than heretofore. Mr. Koch sang the bass in the Three days will be set aside for Messiah here two years ago, and Paul Boyink, Harrington, SHEDULED PARTY DATES special dates in place of the prev- waa also heard with the - Cadman and Fransen to Hospital ious one evening of mass dating. quartet which appeared in Holland Friday Nights Six Seniors Chosen Pres. Wichers Gives At a meeting of the Student' last year. Hia program for the A sick list headed by three prom- Cosmopolitan December 8 to Write Articles Thanksgiving Party Council Monday night, arrange- evening follows: inent members of the student body Delphi January 7 On Religious Ideals A group of approximately 30 ments were made for an all-col- was reported early this week. Saturday'Nights lege Bowling Party. Reduced rates 1. Vergin, Tutto Amor Durante Both Paul Boyink and Harry Six senior representatives have students who were not able to go December 11 home for Thanksgiving vacation for Dutch Treaters have been an- Der Tag Ist Hin Bach Fransen underwent tonsilectomies Fraternal been chosen to write one thousand found their refuge in President nounced by the bowling alley, Turn Ye to Me err. Lawaon at the local hospital a week ago Sorosis January 8 word articles for the Intelligencer- Wynand Wichers' home where a James Prins, Independent Council Richard of Taunton last Friday, according to the col- Sibylline January 22 Leader on the subject, "A College delicious buffet luncheon was representative, said Tuesday. Next Deane arr. Molloy lege office. Fransen was confined Emersonian Jan. 29 | Student Looks at Religion." Dr. Wednesday has been tentatively served at 6:30 o'clock. Mable Leak- there for several days because of Bernard J. Mulder, editor of the sej; as the time for the bowling feldt poured. After the luncheon 2. An Die Leier Schubert complications. Boyink returned to Mickey Lemke in Charge paper, wishes to run the articles date. Mrs. Wichers led the spirited group Die Mainacht Brahms school immediately, faithfully mas- consecutively. His object in this of French Club Meeting in a series of games, some of which The second event on the sched- The Goat - Mouesorgeky ticating a stick of gum to counter- selection is to give the people of tested even the mental capacities of ule will be the all-college theatre Don Juan's Serenade act after-effects. On December 9 at 7:80 o'clock the church supporting the college the students who were supposed to party. Dates will meet at Voorhees Tsehaikowsky Irvele Harrington is seriously ill the French club will meet in the some idea as to what the represent- be on vacation. To increase the in- hall Friday night at 7:30 p. m. with a ruptured appendix. He has Alethean room in Van Raalte hall ative seniors.on the campus are terest and initiative of the contest- and proceed in a body from there 8. Tha Legend of the Sage- been confined to the hospital for to combine its Thanksgiving and thinking of this phase of life. ants, prizes were given to the win- to the Holland theater. No definit3 (Juggler of Notre over two weeks. According to re- Christmas meetings into a gala The six seniors chosen are June ners of each game. plans have been made for holding l) Massenet ports received last Wednesday, he Christmas program. Pomp, Marjorie Van Westenburg, The evening was concluded by an the customary open house at one las not yet been allowed to re- Margaret Lemke is in charge of Eunice Sluyter, Paul Holleman, hour of singing under the leader- of the fraternity houses after the 4. Kvt Eyes -Gibbs the entertainment, which will fea- Del Te Paske, and Kenneth Hesse- theater party, but Dean Elizabeth ceive visitors. ship of Howard Lubbers. All the Minnelied Kramer ture French songs and games in link. Lichty said yesterday that she Other students are anxiously students left the party with an up- My Native Land Jtoun keeping with the season as part of would extend the usual 11:30 leave waiting to hear the results of x- Each article is intended to dis- lifted feeling, almost forgetting the program. Inez Von Ins is in for dorm girls if necessary. rays necessitated by positive reac- cuss individual attitude toward re- they did not have the opportunity 5. Tha Fiddler of charge of the refreshments and tions to the tuberculosis test. ligion, the function of the church to go home. Unprecented will be the church Dooney Andrews Catherine Marcley is chairman of On Thursday noon those students date-attendance which is suggested I Hold Her Hands .Russell the decorations committee, consist- jn organized society, and the prob- A co-ed at Texas Christian Uni- who did not have dinner invitations for the last Sunday in Dutch Treat Goin' to Hebben Wolfe ing of Olive Van Eenwyk and Eliz- ms at present most pressing for versity has 50 boy friends. She is were entertained by Prof. Thomas Week. While several churches were abeth Denison. lution. discussed by the Council it has Ib building his program, Mr. combination mascot and official Welmers and Miss Laura Boyd. o been suggested that Dutch Treat Koch is constantly awake to the in- lostess for the Horned Frogs' Speech Forum Held Dates attend Third Reformed. ^ tereata of his audience, and his ex- sand. She goes on all their trips, A -college edocation WllMn' pri- Rules for the week remain the planatory informal remarks befoi? parades with them^ marches on the Monday,-NovemberK urns from Greenland son walls appears in prospect for same as in other years. '""some of his songs prove most il- field at the half, and at home a 19-year-old prisoner at Walla games, takes the visiting queen in Approximately forty students at- 1. When a date is requested and luminating and contribute to the Dr. H. J. Costing, an alumnus j Walla, Wash., who became a life- obtained by a girl, all ex- enjoyment experienced by his land to see that she has a tooth- tended the Speech Forum in charge of Hope, has just returned from term convict at the age of 12. Ar- brush and a handsome date. of the freshmen last week Monday. penses must be shared on a hearers. an extensive research expedition to rangements will probably be made fifty-fifty basis. The program, under Mary Bolema, Greenland. He is a member of the to bring college studies to the He is a master of the oratorio 2. When a date is requested and chairman, was in the form of a botany department of Duke Uni- youth. style but it is on the operatic stage Plan Christmas Pun obtained by a fellow, he must that his dramatic versatility is radio presentation, with Stanley versity. On his return he stated o Slingerland as station announcer pay all expenses, as usual. most pronounced. He has the happy at Voorhees Dorm his preference of a winter in the AnchoriteS to Hear and Henry Voogd as program an- 3 All those desiring to make use faculty of being able to bring be- ft South to a summer in the North.
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