Modal Prolongational Structure in Selected Sacred Choral

Modal Prolongational Structure in Selected Sacred Choral

MODAL PROLONGATIONAL STRUCTURE IN SELECTED SACRED CHORAL COMPOSITIONS BY GUSTAV HOLST AND RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS by TIMOTHY PAUL FRANCIS A DISSERTATION Presented to the S!hoo" o# Mus%! and Dan!e and the Graduate S!hoo" o# the Un%'ers%ty o# Ore(on %n part%&" f$"#%""*ent o# the re+$%re*ents #or the degree o# Do!tor o# P %"oso)hy ,une 2./- DISSERTATION APPROVAL PAGE Student: T%*othy P&$" Fran!%s T%t"e0 Mod&" Pro"on(ation&" Str$!ture in Se"e!ted S&!red Chor&" Co*)osit%ons by Gustav Ho"st and R&")h Vaughan W%""%&*s T %s d%ssertat%on has been ac!e)ted and ap)ro'ed in part%&" f$"#%""*ent o# the re+$%re*ents for the Do!tor o# P %"oso)hy de(ree in the S!hoo" o# Musi! and Dan!e by0 Dr1 J&!k Boss C &%r)erson Dr1 Ste) en Rod(ers Me*ber Dr1 S &ron P&$" Me*ber Dr1 Ste) en J1 Shoe*&2er Outs%de Me*ber and 3%*ber"y Andre4s Espy V%!e President for Rese&r!h & Inno'at%on6Dean o# the Gr&duate S!hoo" Or%(%n&" ap)ro'&" signatures are on f%"e w%th the Un%'ersity o# Ore(on Grad$ate S!hoo"1 Degree a4arded June 2./- %% 7-./- T%*othy Fran!%s T %s work is l%!ensed under a Creat%'e Co**ons Attr%but%on8NonCo**er!%&"8NoDer%'s 31. Un%ted States L%!ense1 %%% DISSERTATION ABSTRACT T%*othy P&$" Fran!%s Do!tor o# P %"oso)hy S!hoo" o# Musi! and Dan!e ,une 2./- T%t"e0 Mod&" Pro"on(ation&" Str$!ture in Se"e!ted S&!red Chor&" Co*)osit%ons by Gustav Ho"st and R&")h Vaughan W%""%&*s W %"e so*e co*)osers at the be(%nn%n( o# the t4entieth century dr%#ted away #ro* ton&" h%erar! %!&" str$!tures, Gustav Ho"st and R&")h Vaughan W%""%&*s sought 4ays o# integrating ton&" ideas w%th ne4 mater%&"s. By an&"y;%ng the musi! o# Ho"st and V&$(han W%""%&*s us%n( a te!hn%+ue e<)ress"y des%gned for the an&"ysis o# ton&" *usi!&" str$!ture—S! en2er%an An&"ysis—th%s study looks at ways in w %!h the !o*)osers co*b%ned o"d and ne4 te!hn%+ues and w at that means w%th re(ards to our understand%ng o# the%r mus%!1 To do th%s, the current study fo!uses on the s&!red chor&" re)ertory be!ause it can for* a sty"%sti! br%d(e bet4een n%neteenth8!entury ton&"%ty and the co*)osers’ more e<)er%*enta" works. T %s re)ertory also pro'%des an o))ortun%ty #or inter)ret%n( te<t-*usi! conne!t%ons that he") us understand the mus%! at a dee)er "e'e"1 In order to estab"%sh gro$nd4ork for the an&"yti!&" methodo"o(y: I be(%n the study w%th b&!kground in#or*ation on the co*)osers and pre'%ous rese&r!h done on the%r mus%!: after w %!h I sum*ar%ze the%r most pert%nent sty"%st%! features (%n!"$d%ng the%r use o# d%aton%! modes and other p%tch co""e!tions: the%r har*on%!: me"od%!: and !ontr&)untal te!hn%+ues, and the%r for*&" str$!tures)1 I then d%scuss ho4 an an&"yst can %' deter*%ne pro"on(at%on&" str$!ture in Ho"st’s and Vaughan W%""%&*s’s mus%! by estab"%s %ng the ton%! or p%tc 8!"ass center: estab"%sh%n( the conte<t for har*on%! and *e"od%! stab%"%ty: and fo""o4%ng pred%!tab"e for*&" patterns. F%n&""y: I ap)"y the an&"yti!&" methodo"o(y in detai" to V&$( an W%""%&*s’s Benedicite and Ho"st’s The Hymn of Jesus: two substanti&" sin("e8*o'e*ent chor&" works that re)resent both the !onser'at%'e (Benedicite@ and e<)er%*ental (The Hymn of Jesus@ sides o# the co*)osers’ sty"e1 I also co*)&re the an&"yses w%th the te<ts and sho4 ho4 the co*)osers )ortrayed re"%(%ous ideas, e'en at dee)er le'e"s o# the pro"on(ation&" str$!ture1 The mod%#%ed S! en2er%an an&"yti!&" te!hn%+ues used in these an&"yses sho4 that e'en though Ho"st and V&$( an W%""%&*s used a n$*ber o# t4entieth-!entury !o*)osit%on&" te!hn%+ues, the%r pro"on(ation&" str$!tures st%"" fo""o4 e<)e!ted patterns and c"ose"y rese*b"e tr&d%t%on&" str$!tures. ' CURRICULUM VITAE NAME OF AUTHOR0 T%*othy P&$" Fran!%s GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOLS ATTENDED0 Un%'ersity o# Ore(on: E$(ene Un%'ersity o# Northern Co"orado: Gree"ey Br%( &* Young Un%'ers%ty – Idaho: Re<bur( DEGREES AWARDED0 Do!tor o# P %"oso)hy: Mus%! Theory: 2./-: Un%'ers%ty o# Ore(on Master o# Mus%!: T eory and Co*)osition: 2..B: Un%'ersity o# Northern Co"orado B&! e"or o# Mus%!&" Arts, Brass Ped&(o(y: 2..C: Br%( &* Young Un%'ers%ty – Idaho AREAS OF SPECIAL INTEREST0 Musi!&" Ener(et%!s Extensions o# S!hen2er%an An&"ysis Musi! and Re"%(%ous Re)resentation PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Gr&duate Te&! %ng Fe""o4: S!hoo" o# Mus%! and Dan!e: Un%'ers%ty o# Ore(on: -..BA-./- Assistant Lab Man&(er: S!hoo" o# Mus%!: Un%'ers%ty o# Northern Co"or&do: 2..EA -..B Musi! T eory Intern Instr$!tor: Mus%! De)&rtment, Br%( &* Youn( Un%'ersity – Idaho: 2..-1 GRANTS: AWARDS: AND HONORS0 Gr&duate Resear!h A4ard: Un%'ersity o# Ore(on Graduate S!hoo": 2./- Brass D%re!tor>s A4ard: Br%( &* Youn( Un%'ersity – Idaho Mus%! De)art*ent, -..C '% Se!ond Pr%;e in the Co*)osition Cate(ory: Outlet: 2..9 Magna c$* L&$de: Br%( &* Youn( Un%'ersity – Idaho: 2..C1 PUBLICATIONS0 Fran!%s, T%*othy1 -..F1 Family Gathering1 Ne4 Yor20 S &4nee Press, In!1 ?!o*)osition for f"ute: oboe: c"ar%net, bassoon: and p%ano@ ———1 2..91 The Reed at the Be&! 1 Outlet: 50G-AGF1 (!o*)osition for f"ute and ar)@ '%% AC3NOWLEDGMENTS I a* dee)"y indebted to Pro#essors J&!k Boss and Ste'e Rod(ers for the%r v&"uab"e )erspe!t%'es and assistan!e in the resear!h and wr%ting o# t %s d%ssertation1 I wo$"d also "%2e to e<)ress my grat%tude to my parents for sho4%ng me ho4 to be b&"an!ed and )ersistent, to my w%#e and c %"dren for stand%n( by me and sup)ort%n( me along the 4ay: and to the many other f&*%"y and fr%ends who o##ered a l%sten%ng e&r: sti*$"at%ng !on'ersations: and positi'e en!our&(e*ent. F%n&""y: I say thank you to Dr1 Ste'e Larson: 4ho passed away w %"e this d%ssertat%on was in pro!ess, for the insp%ration to seek e<!e""en!e in a"" I do1 Benedicite by R&")h Vaughan W%""%&*s © O<#ord Un%'ers%ty Press 1H-H1 Extr&!ts re)rod$!ed by per*%ssion1 A"" r%ghts reser'ed1 '%%% TABLE OF CONTENTS C &)ter P&(e I1 INTRODUCTION111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/ I1/1 The Re"at%onshi) Bet4een Ho"st and Vaughan W%""%&*s11111111111111111111111111111111111111- I1-1 The Co*)osers and The%r Re"%(%ous Be"%e#s1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111C I191 The Co*)osers and Musi!&" An&"ysis11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111B I1C1 Pro!ed$re for the D%ssertation11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/. II1 STYLE AND TECHNIIUE IN VAUGHAN WILLIAMS>S AND HOLST>S SACRED CHORAL MUSIC11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/9 II1/1 Resear!h on the Musi! o# Ho"st and Vaughan W%""%&*s111111111111111111111111111111111111/C II1/1/1 Syno)ti! Stud%es111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/C II1/1-1 An&"yti!&" Stud%es1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/G II1/191 Stud%es o# the Co*)osers’ S&!red Te<t Settings1111111111111111111111111111111111-B II1-1 S$**ary o# Pert%nent Sty"%st%! Features1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111-H II1-1/1 D%aton%! Modes111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111119. II1-1-1 Har*ony1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111199 II1-191 Other P%tch Co""e!t%ons and Har*on%! Te!hn%+ues111111111111111111111111111CC II1-1C1 Counter)o%nt111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111F/ II1-1F1 For*&" Str$!tures1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111FE II1-1E1 A Br%e# Sty"%sti! Co*)ar%son11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111EF II191 Con!"usions: To4ards an An&"yti!&" Methodo"o(y for the S&!red Musi!11111EE III1 APPLYING SCHEN3ER>S ANALYTICAL TECHNIIUE111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111EB III1/1 Resear!h on Pert%nent Extens%ons o# S! en2er%an An&"ysis1111111111111111111111111111EG %< C &)ter P&(e III1/1/1 He%nr%!h S!hen2er and Ton&" De'%at%ons11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111EG III1/1-1 Post8ton&" Pro"on(ation111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111B9 III1/191 S!hen2er%an An&"ysis in Other Re"ated Re)ertor%es1111111111111111111111111GG III1-1 So*e Ter*%no"o(y111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111H/ III191 The An&"yti!&" Methodo"o(y11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111HC III191/1 Estab"%s %ng a Ton%! or P%tc 8C"ass Center11111111111111111111111111111111111111111HE III191-1 Estab"%s %ng Har*on%! Stab%"%ty1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/.H III19191 Estab"%s %ng Me"od%! Stab%"%ty11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111//B III191C1 Fo""o4%n( Re!o(n%zab"e and Pred%!tab"e Patterns111111111111111111111111111/-H III1C1 S$**ary o# the Methodo"o(y1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/9B IV1 VAUGHAN WILLIAMS>S BENEDICITE11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/9H IV1/1 An&"ysis o# the Te<t and For*&" Design1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/C.

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