wwitoiltijri ,-., •: SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1950 jiattrlfPBtrr Evnting If^raUi Avsngs Dally Nat Prsas Ron Tbs Wssthtr Feraeaat eC D. 8. Waathar Bsmaa. to Und on aa adjacent Mb where For «ha Meath of M y .' 1SS6 a small stack of mustard tins was Local Youths PINE PHARMACY PINE PHARMAL'Y About Town displayed. W eddings Tonight, M r and ebntlnued eeel| Heard Along Main Street A t once the shrewd purchasers 9,723 lou' near 58. Taesday, M r aad 09 somewhat warmer. T f « f C k m eeayK ^ 1; MancbM- started to snatch up the mustard. U. S. Delegates z IT aC «w Aadit Who Invented that sloppy tripe PINE PHARMACY D e p l^ e n t. hoM • And on Some of Manche$tei^$ Side Stree$9, Too Macesrone-Naekowsiti S ladi drin Monday ovonlny at «:M, fol- about "tho customer Is always Mantbeder— A City of Flttofa Charm, kiwad toy tho monttoly meetln*. ligh t?” Is Open Sunday AH Day Did you know that there is a . roar of the engine. ‘Th at’s got to Boy and Girl to Fly to be unhooked from tha outside.” ’The people of Manchester have s (daartSed Advartplag oa Paga M) PRICE FOUR CENTS Mr. and Mra. Gorald T ouhk and Junior Chamber of Commerce In ^alvation Army Con­ Free Delivery For AO Yoor Drug Needs MANCHESTER, CONN„ M ONDAY, AUGUST 7,1950 The nurse waited. Our friend (FOURTEEN PAGES) daughter, o f 76 Goodwin Manchester? Well, there la. not gone unaffected by the Korean VOL. LXIX, NO. 281 eased the bulk of his machine over have luat retumod from a month ■ ’This fact was uncovered dur­ war news, It seems. There has ference in London O vacation epant In Callfomia. ing the week when Information was to wrlthln striking distance of the been a sort of hysterical buying Od window, and then, aa gently as If PINE PHARMACY sought concerning the Junior of . splurge by the public of sugar, an Two local young people are fly- a. he had been smoothing the nurse's Item which was rationed during 664 CENTER STREET TEL. ^9814 s Tha thlrtaanth annual ouUng of Chamber Golf Championship at hair, he raised the shovel, klaeed the last, war, but which Is now on ing to London Tuesday to attend tho Rad Man’s Social Club will be Ames, Iowa, which will have two local youths entered. They are the windowsill with It, lightly hand in’ large quantities in ware­ the International Youth Confer­ PINE PHARMACY PINE PHARMACY held tonforrow at the Villa Louisa snapped the screen hook open. in Bolton starting at 10 a. m. Bobby LaFrancls and Billy Thorn­ house stores. ence of the Salvation Army. They A t this point our informant was A local grocer reported to ua ton. are Ruthelalne Jones, daughter of First U. N. Offensive of War Gains 2 Miles It seems that the Junior C. of C. called to drink his beer. the other day that he had receiv­ Thera »•« sUll opportunity to We do not know how much It Major and Mrs.' benjamin C. has a governing body all its own. ed a supply of 1,800 pounds of ’ iDAke r**®r^tlonB for the card cost to put the roof back. sugar. Within sis hours of the Jones, commanding officers at p ^ y sponsored by the cancer has its own slate of officers and AMESITE DRIVEWAYS has a bank account. But the or- I time that he had received the the local citadel, and Alton J. ilreaslngs group of the It seems a paradox to us. but we ganltaUon has been inactive since sugar at his store, his supply had Munsie, son o f Mr. and Mrs. • REDUCED RATES SINCE 1920 Columbus, to be held on the lawn learned last week that the men Betts Davis Will IBs Star Plane Blast Hurls Engine Hundreds of Feet before the last war. A t the com­ dwindled to a paltry 600 pounds. James V. Munsie of 107 Russell WORK of the KnlghU of Columbus Home who work in the town water de­ 6 GRADING FREE Paraplegic Vet Tuesday afternoon at 2 o clock. pletion of World War II the group A family of six was observed street. Of Rossellini’s Next Movie partment maintenance and con­ the other day entering one of the Fourteen hundred , delegates • POWER ROLLER USED GUARANTEED Leathernecks Spark Mrs. T. E. Brosnan is chairman of held several meetings, but since struction crews have to "borrow" • FREE ESTIMATES the committee, aasisted by Mrs. that time nothing has been done large self serve markets In Man­ from all ov^r the world are ex­ Rome, Aug. Mini a drink of water when on the job. chester one at a time to buy bags CALL John Daley. Mrs. Cain Mahoney. to stimulate the interest. pected to attend the conference. • TIME PAYMENTS Faces Hearing Director Roberto Rossellini During the scorching days of of sugar. Manchester Is very fortunate In MANCHESTER announced today that Holly­ Mrs. W. J. Finnegan. Mrs. Rich­ Earlier in the spring the Man­ • SAVE 10% FOR CASH ard Post and Mrs. Edward Mur- last week the water department Manchester Is only a sample having two delegates, as there 7691 wood actress Bette Davis has chester Chamber of Commerce diggers were busy In one of the of a condition prevailing over the arc only 45 from eleven Eastern For Gun Death agreed to star In his next phy. , ___ went out and "sold itself" to pros­ SAVE W ITH hottest spots in town—right in the whole United States. The people states. movie. , , Attack on Co m il Lunists; pective members in town. Since middle of Main sreet. They were a have talked themselves into cre­ Miss Jones and Mr. MUnsI* will The story has not yet been Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lappen that time the local chamber has mighty thirsty group of men. Yet. Mr*. Ralph Macenrone ating a mental shortage of the leave Manchester Monday for KiUi Fellow Patient Aft­ decided on, however, and under and son. Donald, of 44 Cone street grown considerably In membership although working for the water DeMAIO BROTHERS sweetening. N»w York where they will spend their agreement. Miss Davis and Mr. and Mrs. John Weir and 'And strength. A manufacturers department they borrowed milk St. James's church waa the scene OaH Now — We Pqraoaally SapervtM AU Work! one day In taking an orientation er Argument Follow­ has the right to see and read daughter, Nancy, of 96 Pine street, division has been formed and is ac­ bottles and . went Into nearby It will be a good idea for you. of the marriage thia morning of left for,Nova Scotia. They expect course there. Tuesday morning the script before msktng a tive. stores to get them filled with If you have beeil a steady user of Miss Jane Nackowski, daughter of ing Accident in Car; final commitment. Commando Units Aid to %'lalt Grand Pre, Shrine of water so they could have an oc­ the Adams street bridge, to they will leave for London by It would seem that now Is the Mr. and Mra. Frank Nackowski, of chartered plane. Had Been Drinking Rossellini already has for­ Evangeline. time for the Junior chamber to get casional drink. change your habits about-'tomor- warded'one script to Holly­ Judging from the water rates in row. Otherwise, you may g e t wet. Hawthorne street to Ralph Mac- Following the conference, 'the busy and ' re-actlvate Itself. A delegates will spend a few days wood for the American star to lliirrimnn, Truman Rev. Dorothy W. Pease'. Minister chamber of commerce is a good town.it seems to us that the de­ Monday morning Town En^eer carone of Hartford. White gladioli Relax — Enjoy Summer With Richmond. Va., Aug. 7 —(IP)— read. The movie, when final of Education at the Center Con­ touring England visiting many thing for any community, as long partment could well afford to buy James Sheekey is starting a bridge decorated the altar. The nuptial A paraplegic war veteran par­ agreements are concluded, .will Tee-off on Recruiting Aide, ^SccM Kick*o(( of • gregational church, has returned some water coolers to have right reconstruction job. He has al­ points o f interest, and will .also alyzed from the waist down faced as it IS active. It Is a medium mass was celebrated by the pastor, spend one day In Paris and-Ver­ be made In Italy. from a motor trip through the by which the town can "sell itself" on the job for the men who do the ready announced It, but In such 'Custom-Made Awnings y' a Federal Court hearing today on War's N e w IMiaac; Gaape, Prince Edward Island and hard labor. They.should be cop- things, some people always refuse Rev. John Hannon, assisted by sailles. They expect to return a murder charge In the fatal week­ to other towns in the state and home September 2. Thrust Heralded By Cape Breton. She was accom­ country. A good Chamber of Com­ tainers that would keep, the water to believe the truth. It would be Rev. George Hughes and Rev. Ed­ ESTIMATES GIVEN WITHOUT OBLIGATION end ahooUng of another parapleglo Drive to Build 43rd panied by Miss Helen Smith, Miss merce can be the backbone of the good and cool through the Job. too. a shhme if anybody fell in because patienL Giant Artillery Bar­ Elisabeth Olson and Miss Beulah he forgot the bridge ain't there no gar Farrell.
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