REMOVE ME FROM ALL CONSIDERATION FOR THE COACHING JOB AT STATE COLLEGE. Jim Tatum fwfifi/j/"J‘f 797/ Jmnsfy 28, 199+ Mr. c. L. Bernhardt, City linger BowBem, Bottom Deu- Ont-Lg: Abmtthemaduotneomberymverektodenonahto newn- ideuconeermngtheotamwtootbul the month mototmtmehubeendwotedtothi problemond undone our very best to obtain a. qualified coach. We and-a.MW‘MW‘1' tour. mum} at though mrw‘mchm 0 Twmopprovalfrom the mate“. rem. thecapabmtieaormlommd mndovflmagooduoahereirvompotieut that“moat. Jim Totmn could not have developed a the m kindosrmpporb. ammumn, «:1» unbedustoswelloflflnyeuotromnow mwmumwwuflnw Very candidly We, a" . Chancellor \ iI..~uo . .v ALDERMEN: ' MACK L. LUPTON, WILLIAM l. GAusE , . MAY” . GUY L. HAMILTON ' ; C. L. BARNHARDr GUY E_ BOYD ' W CITY MANAGER HA . DURWOOD W. HANCOCK CITY CLERK-TREASURER" ':: Glitg of fish agent :Ncin giant, EN. (11. December 12. 1953 Dr. Carey H. Bastian, Chancellor North Carolina State College Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Carey: I certainly enjoyed the Opportunity of talking with you a few minutes the other night while in Raleigh and I hope that sometime soon, Daisy and I will have the oppor— tunity of visiting with you and Neita. There has been a great deal of discussion and some reading in the papers in regard to the football coach situation at State College. As you know for many years I have been in- terested in the athletic program at the college as well as the other phases of State College. I have discussed with mamr Alum- ni in this area of our football coach situation. Everywhere I hear the same comment, "Lets get a name football coach or get out of football". I don't believe that State College wants to get out of football and unless our gate attendance are greater. I am sure that this will be necessary. It is my honest opinion that State College Alumni and friends would welcome and support you and the administration in the hiring of an outstanding football coach. ' The name of Jim Tatum has appeared many times and if he were avail- able I do not believe State College could do better in the select- ing of a coach. He certainly has established a National record and if we are going to get an outstanding coach. lets get the best. I feel confident that the Alumni have been behind you since your selection as Chancellor and I am conflident that they will support you in the appointment of an outstanding coach. We wish for you a long successful administration and hope that we will have the privilege of seeing you for a visit sometime in the near future. With best personal regards to you and your family. Iam Very truly yours. know thw'n ta . 3%ng but Wtwbecmns inflamemm ‘ mar m m. ma m .m M w experience. , I ,Wt,,o,d.m “0.0 n 9 £05.. 0 0 0F... 1 o o. o .39 .6 a a .o n. o . “1-536‘66’366005‘660’ iddo‘oid .-.‘.,..._ -04.. 696666.060. 0.500000000000000 ML»..- 5331/;3%Ma$1: + .E h- E , °W:S_ZL;m :: Lfiofgéuflfiégiufl346~ F._._ ._._A. ._ ._._. .— _.—..—.... ___. .... -— — _.._... —-- *— m- ._ ...__ N ._.. w.- _. "9—...“ .—4 ~——-—.~ —-—- m - ._..___. W W Wm «um Mu W1“. WWWWW aWMw WWWW WWW“ m wwwm WWW WWWWW wwwmmmum MWm» ”Wu.“ WWW. mmm . ~ ,5». .:-- m0fl»v mm as, ism mauvawuém I , . ., mum-“W _ ‘ ‘ ' . , ' ’Wfl.‘m I , ‘ > ,1 -‘ IWmmlmuthuwmammmm j , «tun-.mwmmammtummu. ‘_ meuutommmmjammm K muummmwmmam Hana .mmuummmmmmmam , mammmpmwwm..mm '1 '. «Mtwmmwmmw. Iwmhmmmmvmumm ummmeM£wmm¢W ’ . mwwmwmmmmum , ‘ «flammuwmmmmuxm mmm THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 1 Consolidated Office University of North Carolina in CHAPEL mu. 1 North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering in RALEIGH , The Woman's College in GREENSBORO GORDON GRAY, Pruidmt C H A P E L H I L L September 27, 19 54 Chancellor Carey H. Bostian North Carolina State College Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Carey: As I indicated to you by telephone this morning, I approve of your recommendation to allow the Elks to use Riddick Stadium for a charity football game in early December, on the understanding that the Elks will fully reimburse the College for all expenses incurred. This kind of request presents many complications. However, I do not see how we could refuse the Elks, inasmuch as the Wolfpack Club was allowed to make commercial use of the Stadium. I hope you will take steps to correct the situation which resulted in neither your office nor this office being consulted about the use of the Stadium for commercial purposes. ' Sincerely, Gordon ray President cc: Mr. Carmichael Mr. Friday THIS PAPERISA PRODUCT OF NORTHCAROLINA November 23, 1951: he 0. Po ~10ka Athletic Director Univ. of North Caroline Chapel Hill, N. 0. Deer Chuck: I have reported the results of our conversation to the Athletic Council, 'V.‘‘3"v. and later had 3 meeting with mencellor Bastien and Ir. Orsves Vern. w»,-"r‘""'-7""'",7,...m,.e,o.. State College Athletic Department would like to suggest that so enter 1!- to a four year contract, connencing next year, on e home and home err-us- nent. me Opposing schools be allotted a reasonable number of oomph-uteri tickets, 150 or more or less as you desire. 113st each teen hsve there- csipts from all incomes. Television and redio receipts so to hone tell. Students end reenlty m full price any from hoes. Television, however, 1' nybetskenoutoi’ourhendsendcontronedbyflzeconfsrencearm“ g; the very near future. é: Chancellor Bastien wrote (luncellor House lest yesr, end st that ties, it was suggested that it use too lets to stsrt this negotietion this year, L end thet he n.1- em. lorth Gerolins Stete 0mm should one one-m: k" of the expenses for Legieleture end Trustees petty. However, in future ; yeers, these expenses should be borne law the house teen. ”f the euthoritiee st atste college mists the eooperstive ettituds you hers seamed in this setter, end reel e workable err-nascent thst is g. setistectory to both psrties concerned will result. Looking rm to seeing you st Sedgetield. awn, 4am. 830” Director of Athletics GREENSBORO o'AiL‘v newvs,""cREr-:Nsaoao. 'NORTH’ CAROLINA .seoa'r‘s' SECTIONé—PAGEE101;3 Beat] Bu 0 S ; Panthers; Tribe ‘7 tOPS 'v 0 .I Hot First Period Wins! amt-amen: : Flynnfices ' HodgeS—Sparks ’l. Weep NO Mor , Indian Win Atlantic Christi/m Bows 85-51 Victory Alibi Row Boys DETROIT, Jan. 9 (11>) — met " By 77 To 73 With 32 Total" ’ President Walter 0. (Spike) . To McCrary By 80 To 61 Briggs says there Is just one “(It ' at his baseball park that be en- Catawba Captures ‘- Packard Leads Elon joys watching more than his club Bob Shoal High Scorer With First Loop Victory 3'1 22; 1 With 16 Markers on the field. It’s “Alibi row.” . “Every afternoon during tho SALISBURY, Jan. 9 (in—Grease} Eagles Hold Early Lead At'20-l GREENVILLE, Jan, 9—East Car- season I make a special trip to accuracy from‘the free throw 11: olina's Pirates, trailing 15-13 at the our row of pay phones, lean up ' gave Catawba a 77-73 North Sta. | ASHEBORO, Jan. 9—McCrary’s Eagles ran wild in end of the first quarter and given against the wall and watch tho Conference basketball victory ovfl the early moments of the first quarter and went on to a run for the money until the guys in line waiting to phone their High Point College tonight. é“ score an 80-61 win over Atlantic Christian College of the six-minute mark of the second pe- wives and tell them they’re being The win was the Indian’s first " North State Conference here tonight. riod, roared to an 85-51 triumph delayed and have to work over conference play this season. C e The semipro Eagles, hitting from over Elon here tonight in North time," says Briggs. tawba has an over-all record a almost all over the court in the State Conference action. “It never fails. ' Just as sooir u 3-6. High Point now has lost thr" Lanky center Bobby Hodges the poor guy has her convinced BasketbaIF first quarter, ran up 11-0 and 20-1 played a big part in the Pirates conference games. leads over the Bulldogs. he’s at work someone makes a bit. Kent Moseley ofCatawba pact winning their sixth consecutive the stands go wild find the guy'- both teams with 27 points. Bob McCrary went on to rack up a game and fourth within the league Whipped. » ScorehOard 33-36 halftime lead, after ACC ral- as be dumped in’32 points during Flynn, freshman forward, threw _ the evening, 18 of them coming “It’s such a sight I'm having 59 15 points for the losers. lied in the second period to trim on more special sound-proof phone ‘ _ State the margin .free throws. booths installed HIGH POINT (73) Carolina 66 ....... .. Wake Forest 65 to five points. The lead changed hands several for next season, Pom—Player FG FT PF TP FT But it was all McCrary in the times during Now we’ll have a 'real alibi row.” F—CrumpF—Lisk ............. 3 7 4 I3 21 Catawba 77 .......... High Point 73 the opening stanza F—Sykes ................. .. 40 40 40 120 9‘2,, Duke 87 .......... ......... State 83 last half again as they piled up a before the Christians finally pulled (Associated Press Wirephoto.) F—Stanton .......... 3 1 4 7 Sci Davidson 82 ........ The Citadel 51 comfortable margin again. into a two-point margin after the c_C—Simpsonhi ................... .. 21 01 51 4 .
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