• ,OPERATING · ENGINEERS Lflt!\! 3· · .. ' ·--- ~637 Vol. 21- No.7 - SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA ~ 151 \ July1 1962, • ea r e/' • • ts .K. 1n • :C I. I • By Al CLEM During · the past two months. it has· been extremely busy and you might say . Pact's Section trying-at times. The series of negotiating meetings ~~ld between the vc;arious crafts -and the ·e· mpl~yers over~hadowed most of the othe-r :activities in cur Lo~al Union. ·. - w .. R Your -negotiating committee. which consisted of' officers ana Dis~rict_ Repre .. • n ·a ge · sentatives of Local 3 and_ three representatives~ on .. special assignmentj attended -- · ates . _ _ _ . several sessions whi-ch lasted far in'to the morning. After 16 official .me.etings . (and many 0 _ " unofficial meetings) we finally arrived at a contract which we thought would be agreeable to 'our members. · SECTION NO.3- GROUP WAGE RATES · On all work performed, regardless of when s ~ id work was bid or As many of you ·know, the c~ntra:ct was approved in, a series of 10 meetings held through~ out California~ As expected, the turnout at these meetings was extremely heavy. Needle!)s to- let, the wage scale~ and classifications shall be as follows: say, all those in atten.dance wer:e interested in the contract by which they. will be working for CLASSIFICATIONS · · Effective Dates: the next three years, and with the overwhelming vote by which it was 15 ratified, we now feel -Juhe 15 ' Sept. 15 ' J~ne 15 · Sept. 15 June confident that we. have achieved the goal for which we set our sights prior to the begin· 1962 1962 1963 1963 · 1964 ing- of-negotiations. \ Group No.1· -~- The first meeting was held'_with the Employers ·on :(\fay 7, at a time when there was a Indentured Apprentices. strike in the industry as well as a shutdo\vn. In spit~ of this, your negotiating committee 1-st six months · 70% of Group· 7A Wages \Vas able to ~ontinue and take the lead in arriving at.an agreement to present to the mei:n- 2nd six months 75% of Group 7A Wages - bership, which had some b_earing ·on opening>tip the ·constructionindustry JQr settlement§ 3rd 'six months 80% ·of classifi~ation to . which assigned at . an earlier date. ' . 4fh six -' m<lnths ' 85 % ~f classifl~atiOIJ. to which assigned -.. · ' - I ~ n·. ... •·· ·" .• ~:~ :~ ;~~;;;\' ·<:' ~~ ~c. :~ . ~:;;~~~\l:~ ::t;;.~:~: ;:;::l;;;\ ~"T~e r!~~~\ffee4~- -~>~ ~ · A§~e :· ~' ~e~m · · · ~ n}~p ::N o. JA ' <; , ~-3.66 .. J; 3 .~J ~ ' ·: $~-~ 3 ~'> -h ·:: ·$?-88 . > - ~~·~ 5 :·· ;·_ dale Of -the con'ti•ad was 'set :11;~y~· ~ VI ,. · · - ~~ · ~\.., ·.. ' '·' e..:,:)c · · Assistan t' fu ~]l:n'gin_e~ r (fir'emai:).; oilex, No~e (1) si!p; alman, s~1tch - · b k d .• - . t th • man, , brakeman, deckhand, tar p'ot firejnan, heavy duty repairman ~c . 15. ays pnor o e ex ; -· helper). Partiman. ('heavy duty r~pair shop parts room when needed). ~nr~t10_n o! the old agreement .· · Note (4) _ Re~r :'chainman. _ . 1s 11}-dlc~hve that when t~e Grou No. 2 . .. · $3.80 · $3.85 $3.98* . $4.03 _~ $4.21 * par.hes s1t dow? to enga~e. m · P · -- · · · · · · · ·N ( ) senous collective bargammcr Mechamcal .conveyor (handlme- bmldmg matenals). ote 2 th t . t b~;~ · .. ' . ; ' ~ · , a an agree men may compressor. Concrete mixer (up .to 1 yard). Conveyor Belt Operator h d h' h · t ' f t ·.e (tunnel). Fireman Hot Plant. Mixer box operator (concrete plant). tr~acll el· w IC 1 ~tsa IS bac 0 ~Yd · . - . · o a . ·am sure 1 can .e sa1 Note (2) Pump Operator. Tar Pot fireman. (power agitated). Hydrau- 'th t f f t d'ct'o·n · . · . WI ou ear· o con ra 1 1 lie m~mitor. Spreader bDxman (w1th screeds). tha;t the proposed contract as ap- Group No. 3 $3.90 $3.95 .· $4.08'-' $4·13 $4:31* proved at , thls early date prior Boxman (asphalt plant) (moves to Group 4-June 15, 1963). Box to the expiration of the old Operator (Bunker). Note (4) Head ~hainman, Rodman, Gradesetter. 3 greetnent in spite of a strike .Locomotive (A~-sistant to Engineer required). Motorm~n. Ross . ~ar ; and lockout was· due to the fact rier (const. jobsite). Screedman. Self-propelled, automatically applied thC~'; Local 3, · its members and · _concrete curing machin·e (on streets, highways, airports. and canals). officers ..hav'e the respect of the Group N~ . 4- $4.14 $4.19 $4.33'' $4.38_ · $4.57\ ' contractors and the construction Boxman (asphalt plant) effective June 15, 1963. Note (4) Grad·e- industry. They know that the setter, Grade ch~ckei· (mechanical or otherwise) (dams, highways membership . only asks for I and and ·canals): Fork lift or Jumbeat stacker (const. jobsite)'. Material · expects a: dec~nt wage for a pr·o- ~ Hoist (1 drum). 'ScO'opmobile (when . used as hoist). Schuttlecar. -ductive day's work. · Towermobi!e. Due to the increased produc- Group No. 5 $4.23 $4.28 $4.43* $4.48 $4.68* tivity of the individual members, A. J. (BUCK) HOPE AL PERRY Note (3) Compressors (2 to 6). Concrete Mixers (over 1 ya~d) . .handling :larger and faster ·rna. Concrete 'pumps or pumpcrete guns. Generators, gas_oline or diesel chinery, the Employers were . A. J. (Buck) Hope, financial Albert P. (A~) Perry, who ·driven (100 k.w.) , Note (3) pumps . (2 'to 6). Note (3) Welding aware and ·. we are cognizant of secretary of Operating Engineers serves on the executive board o.f -machines (gasoline· or diesel) (2 to 8). the fact that the members of our Local 3 since 1960, is an officer Operating Engineers Local 3 Group No. 6 $4.28 $4.33 $4.48~' ' $4.53 $4.73~' Union are entitled to the wage with broad experience in the - from District 9 (S.an ·Jose), traces Asphalt Plant Engineer (moves to Group 7-June 15, 1963) ..Boom rates agreed upon. ' craft and long service to his un- his IUOE membership back to ion . • Tru,ck or dual_purpose - A frame truck. Con_cr~te B.atch P~a~ts (wet . .It goes without saying, when 1923. or dry). Concrete saws (self propelled umt ·on streets, highways, in negotiations eac_ll side is en­ He was assigned as a business Perry was born on a ranch near airports and canals)'. Drilling machinery .(not to appfy to waterlines, P,eavoring to do what they think. representative working out of the King City, where he attended wagon dril_ls_ or jackhammers) (Assistant to Engineer required). is right for the people which San Jose district office ii). · 1951 · school, and· recalls that "in 1918 Highline cableway_ signalman. · Locomotiv:es (steam. or oyer 30 ton) they ·represent . In . my opinion; and has been :the district repre­ I · began my many years working (Assistant to Engineer r,equired). Mechanical , finishers (concrete) , the coil tract which was ratified, s'entative for about nine years. ·for wages." ~Clary, Johnson, or simi_lar types). Mechanical finishers or spreader while not containing all the gains · Brother ·Hope was named to He was working for Santa Clara machine (asphalt) (Barber -Greene .and . similar) (screedman re- which we hoped to achieve for the Local 3 executive board in Comity in July, 1923, when he quired). Maginnis inten;ial full .slab vibrator (on airports, highways, ~· our members, is a .good contract 1958. was invited by a group of engi­ canals and warehouses).' ·Power jumbo operator (setting slip form,s, 'and . we hope by working togeth_­ ,JOINS UNION neers to _attend a ni,eeting of Op­ etc., in tunnels). Portable crushers. Roller or self-propelled com- _er'-- an~ cooperati_ng with the em, Joining old San Jose Local 842 erating Engineers Local .842 fn pactor. Surface heater. Self-propelled pipe}ine, wrapping macll_ine ployers that we can ·continue to in 1936, lie worked as a catskin­ San Jose. (Perault, CRC or similar types). Slip form pumps (power driven achieve further economic ga'ins ner and blade operator and.later MEMBERSHIP hydraulic lifting de~ice 01'· concrete forms). Small rubber tired for the members. of our Union - held supervism~ y jobs . "After passing a stiff examina­ . tractors. 't I as time goes ori so tha: Cthe~ and . He served for three "years in tion, paying the Group No. '7 , $4.34 $4.39' · $4.55* ~4.60 $4.81 ~· their families may have a fuller . the Sea bees in the South :Pacific initiatio~ fee and the amount: of dues· required Asphalt Plant Engineer, .effective June 15, 1963. Deck Engineers . life. during _World ·war: II, achieving- , I Dual Drum 'mixer (Assistant to Engineer required). Fuller Kenyon ; BENEFITS the rank of chief. came- home that night with a card," pump and s-imilar types ..:.Handi-crane (Assistanno Engineer required, I dd :t. t th · t he says. , · . · . · · M t . - · n a 1 ton o e wage ra es, Returning to ·civilian life, he " Soon afterward Perrv went t() except on 10 ton capacity or less). Note (4) Instrument man. a ena1 h' h - '11 t . b. was a· fo-reman and later advanced • . · ) · · · h f h · t lVI · · b ·1 p t w 1c you w1 no e are emg work foi: a small 'contl'~ctor. · '\He hotst (2 or more drums . Mme or s a t OlS. Ixermo I e. - avemen bl' h d . th' .. f th .to superinten'de_nf on major proj- bre; ker. Pavement breaker with compressor combination. -Pavement · pu IS e m , Is tssue _ 0 _ e. had a ·. K'eystone skimmer steam · - -Continued on Page 2 -Continued on Page 2 -Contint>ed.on Page 2 -Contint>ed on Page 3 ·' Page Two E N'G I N E ER S N E· W S J,uly, 1962 tes Calif.
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