..S' . T' .■■■^/ ■■ ' ■ I l l l i ± . T f S fhle l 50 c c n ts g^vlalPi.ll^.'Ts a m a yciSrW 7jjo i ;■■'■. ~ !?!TiSnQ^oo^^ G o d b i MW ^ IN G r j l ■ t i a n n W e a t h e r , F . c ai n u s (e 9 1 11 r a d l e l lajc.M o s^ ,Hs. Jerome, oee- , after Twin Falls, Bitad«s! By WtoPwo )rder out of safifety concems> Gooding and Lincoltcoln counties Itoni^t Tim—Htwinsw ttter______________ _ •Judge issues irestraining or went together for emergencycm( dis- h d ia n c e [he patch scrviccs. I'ALLS - A te m p o ra iy safetysafi of Twin Falls residentsIts and th e issu e s u p3 on n which thc city instrtitructions to stop using th lg ord er issited oy S th ' pollpolice.officcrs. and SIRCOMMI acan’t agree is thc chaiuianncl for thc non-cmergenct>cy On Wcdiicfiday, tliuliiu city filed a c four counties, agh95,lowS9. udge Natlian Higer on ThereT had. been some quesicstion dty’s insistencece on taking over calls,Is, or 311, or he would repoi>ort lawsuit against thc foi G city to the Fcdcriru l cach of which has a cucommissioner P . « . * 2 allows tive dty to con- regarding th e d ty ’s access to th e non-cm ergencyr dispatchdi services, th e for on th e SIRCOMM boiiboard, Tlie city tin o e its ooolothemergen cy dispatch particular.p ai radio frequeueocy or 311, for its residents.res Thc dty Comnmmunication Commission fc !gal transmissions. daimed, among otiicrh e r things, that r t r v service on1 t]th e sam e rad io chon-. becausebe< of an ongoing dis]ispute has been in thee processp of taking illegal K(Ia g ic V a l lL/lLl e nelthereglisglonai dispatch centcr betweenbet the dty and tbe marimage- over tiut servicc:M since O ctober. BefiBeforc SIRCOMM s ta n e d uppin i giving up thc chiinhannel would 94, the channel in questioion endanger the livess of Twin Fidls ery.Tiie ^ , . ' mentm e and board of dircctoitors of On Tuesday,ay. S IR C O M M ’s 1994, New ttope for recovery [ge wrote tiiat h e issued thethc Southern Idaho Regiigionai deputy director,or, Ron Vogt, had belon;longed to th c d ty . But thc cit JISPUTE, Page A2 Walker Center is'agab o u t of concern for th e , CommunicationsCoi Center. Orbnc of sent a letter toto the city with let; SIRCOMMSl use the channi^nel hdp youdi battle addi PageBl ;t -— ---------- ~ Anti-wo^olf l^ONEY: — HomIE AT LASI itemwork: Local inveivestorsput • m h h h asp ^ " M | i l I group pplans ^ $143 million to fuif u n d th e n ^ Business Plus nim eco n o m - i l H iQ^evelopnient initiald a tiv e in I gatheriiing southern Idaho. Pi«eD6 H They seek fundmds to halt i^A T IO N - H reintroduction>n |program Tax uproar: The newtw t a x ' H By JennKer Sandmannann breaks specifically ononut help ^ H jj^ TlmefrNews wrtter fbir low-income vroAaIdiag fomi- f \. ^ •* in H TWIN FALLS - 'IThe Central l i^ , ■ Idaho Anti-Wolf CoC oalition isn ’t PageAfi ■ giving up. WM Determined to irid central i i P n ' Idaho of wolves, coi!coalition niein- W e e k e n d lK‘fs will m eet todaylay iin Twin Falls K w WfO to plan legal strategiitcgies and raise money for thcir caii.s<.au.se. “ I'm a hunter, a cc;im pcr and I i ' m F ' g f l like the outdoors,, amand tl is l)ecoin- ' BH in(> a safety is.sue,'ue," said Jack | rCJg OylcT, of Filer, a memember of the ] ■ 9 Anti-Wolf Coalitiuition Steering Committee. F ifte e n u ra y w(wolves were 1'elea.sed in centndal ItIdaho in l ‘)95 and by 2002 (he state;tate’s wolf popu- . 1 ^ Q w n o s . lation had reachedlied nearly 264, | - ■ ■ ■ the U.S. Fish and, WilWildlife Service 1 n^''.jaigyrtrmi:t h i s n ^ ^ reponed. • tfaeire irc a r s . Sincc tlivn, there;rc Ihave Ix-t-n no documented ca^e:uses of a wolf attaddnfTa hiynanan iiin Idaho, said Curt Mack.-Tlic gray3Tiy wolf projcct leader for tlic Nczz FerceFe Tribe, In 2001, Tim Sundim dles of Salmon twmnm/naiwi announced h e killedUed a wolf in thc ; lom Frank C hurdi-R iver'ver of No-Uetum I opening, Harlan Carver, right,t, rreinforces a stalnlass-tteelI kHkHchen Uble wKh a wood bottor CMtUngthethe MW senior cWisns center Infl TwTwin Falls resdy for Hs grand o| Wilderness becausejse iit was threat- ; wfthtlMhalhelp of Tylflr Csttro, Mt, and Ron:ton Sean Thursday. ening him and his wife. That report i.s the closestest iany has comc to a hum an attack.k. Livestock kills continuecor to bc a V c e n te iJL hot point of contendcntion for ranch- H S ee n io rs ni i o v e i ra to t h e; i r n e w ers. Last year, conconfirmed wolf kills of Idaho livesivcstock totaled nelping with the purchase of taBufkhart “ I ^ ~[ hell 5* nine calves and 1515 slsheep, the U.S. ByLorattal Ml G ran d o p enn ir in g rT re re a s u re C ove G olf ’N G ar H H IH pi.. ThwtHtwi The ^ it happennl af".®* Fish and WUdlife:e &Service rcport- : tVotsrs In Itovwibsr approved• d a •' IneontunetkmwWwtth Wectwn Days, suildingbuil at 530 Shoshone St.t. W., g j T h e re w ere: anotherar seven in awards banquet on - [heth e help of volunteers is be Oakley lM»nd;Long i PALLS- ThanVs to a ' $S0 0 ;ooOtudv«rTlde'tevyti^tohelp and (Ollowliig en { being cases of probablable wolf kills -TWINI Treasure Frtday.evening.tiv, the senior center’s 3-editedcre( w ith opening th e dc coachNeal\Vyattisiis stepping massives volunteerv effort, senior 'thdsehlOT buy’the former Tf doors involving calves.;. FoFour dogs were the city of 'grwitfopening.,rlbborvcuttlng Mb event 3oftlf the 14,000-square-foot fadh ight wolves were down after 39 yearsxs <on the dtizensI hhave moved into their .Cove Oolf 'N Games ftom th< killed. T^^•cnty-eighI Jatso will be Saturdayiybeglt)nlngat b 2 p.m., “We w ouldn't b e in this stat rol actions and emodeled facility - at lost, TWin Falls. The sbnlors hsds killed in control jpb. new lyrem h elppv - with tours continutInuIng until 5 p.m.f A occupancyocc without them,” despite some background sm^flboirt $200,000 to he Nix another three wewere killed by PaftDl Anddes (rt4iPsople wadtiftg to said.saic ction noises still hammer- for remodeling. humans. consmictij n te (o ( r«ittiMfMBItyf<ty for special occasions “People»; would walk in off a heat, activities at the InaMUttvthMiMnanuni “ Rep. B en Stevensk'onson, R-Rupert, in g o u t a isses.orgA' such as weddingngahniversafles . or ■ street,strc pick up a broom an d w rin Falls Senior Citizens d o e i ^ flwn area business chairm an of the HoiHouse Resources i O pin io n n ew Twin I.' receptions, orevieven dass reunions. untilu ni they accomplished w _ . Centerareare in fuU swing, nbstim and cfiMTCh vot^s.' ^hat Conservation;ion Comminee, DbostMltoffls Indudod Karbeb e r.tU e ^ can make arrange^ m e n ts by calling theyth e felt they could. It’s b 0 remove wolves I $ubildlMtoitrtM:HlBMeral “Wtoai we started the project, said attem pts to re waO Ule; Aitnlihii^ caipetlandcuh. ai 73A;60M. WOIwonderful,” she said. d in the courts, )totaxpay- wolawwv» we’d liave to look to vol- so far have failed in i tax cuts should go to ___________ __________ I VWhere construction isI con-c ..The best soluticlution we have at tes,tod«y%, . -tee-.*;I," said director Jacque fa^notaUii^^tes, “phenomenal”ll” donations of cash It the labor-force turnout eexpected. Please see SENIORS, Pag8ge A2 Please see:e WiWOLVES, Page A2 ; ^^torialsa;^ - [evy and and materialsIs iore responsible for PageAS lore than anyone' had While a public tax lei vey: Idaho __ KeeEPING ORDEIi R — UII researirchers cloi[)ne I iloM ING!KP I »No.lin I i" TimywMW f t 1 horse faiamily ^jmy offico-Jotoia ^ b I lla n 1s OUtd< first from coad opened Tn|i door interest I ^rtbvestttwfaiteitesetde- Tht/Useel■oolatsdPrws I H H B H IHe’s a genetic brothther ^ » l f i BOISE:E - Idaho residents are I of prized racing mulule \ . SttmdiyVJ" li . d»enu«^«t4 P$e}y to head, outdoors I r hNeWt when thethey W ut to have fun, a I lluThe Assoclatod Press iieWstudjiid y siv s. I .'The.te:tep«rti released by the I WASHINGTON - A hea I n d e x ■/ Outdpoi;:3t Indostiy.FouAdatioa's I and energetic mule named ItIdaho , Bui^t^isSfArWOderhenptog^ I GeGem is the first member of thc thisr 840,000 Idaho resi- ioining CtMeda-16 Msiia8C8r'..;.D5 hoihorse fam ily to b e d o n ed , joi -'abCFot s r pereent of the I . th<the barnyard of doned anii C aiila. ;.'.B8',N«tl(tatlon'AM,BS- Ition- paiticfpaie in at. I ththat t now indudes sheep, c Itesm o n i. .B7 .OM)bltuarie8 . .B2 ukst oneAeouufooraeavityeadi pispigs, cats and rodents.
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