465000 470000 475000 480000 485000 490000 495000 27°20'0"W 27°15'0"W 27°10'0"W 27°5'0"W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 Activa tion ID: EMS N-018 4 4 Glide Number: (N/A) P roduct N.: 05TER CEIR A, v1, English Terceira - Portugal N Earthquake Landslide Risk Assessment - 2015 " N 0 " ' 0 0 ' 5 0 ° Transportation Networks at Risk Map - Overview 5 8 ° 3 8 3 P roduction da te: 7/1/2016 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 9 9 2 2 4 4 100 65 76 Biscoitos 187 Altares 89 72 Raminho Cartographic Information 246 259 249 243 Vila Nova 50 159 293 2 71 Full color A1, low resolution (100dpi) 0 1:50.000 25 284 171 0 0,5 1 2 3 4 251 K m 50 254 373 Grid: W GS 1984 Z one 26 N ma p coordina te system Tick ma rks: W GS 84 geogra phica l coordina te system 453 Agualva ± 403 265 321 461 473 62 Legend 153 472 435 Administrative b ou ndaries Transp ortatio n Po in ts o f Interest 501 Municipa lity 544 Sao Bras Risk Level Airport IC Hospita l 522 I4 Po pu lated p laces 633 703 103 V ery Low Jc P ort Ñ× Fire sta tion !. City 576 640 Low a¬ P olice !. Bridge & overpa ss 561 663 600 Medium Town 0 0 Educa tion ! IH 0 1 0 High V illa ge Tunnel 2 0 0 0 517 726 0 0 S ports 0 0 !(S 363 5 0 5 V ery High Highwa y 9 532 9 Build in gs 00 0 Government 2 399 5 791 2 G 4 62 4 First A id Areas P rim a ry R oa d !( Fa cilities 758 7 Airport 513 685 829 5 0 512 0 1 S econda ry R oa d Industria l fa cilities 5 8 599 0 First Aid Area s P ort Úð 7 0 0 0 Terceira Airport 786 718 760 Loca l R oa d t W a ter infra structure N 592 9Æ Ca mp loca tion Comm ercia l, P ublic & " " 847 591 72 N 7 0 " P riva te S ervices Other ' Serreta 0 741 S helter Electricity 0 0 OÆ ' E 5 687 Industry & U tilities !ô infra structure 4 6 71 5 ° Æ Field hospita l Ph ysio graph y 5 4 5 697 c 8 0 ° 5 6 W a ve pow er 8 634 686 P la ce of w orship 303 921 0 5 3 5 589 8 300 751 762 0 421 P rim a ry ÑØ 0 Helicopter la nding spot 3 ÃÆ infra structure 0 961 90 738 101 126 Other 0 0 664 7 797 587 3 964 587 S econda ry 0 Z¾ Ga soline ta nk d P ow er sta tions 0 0 Uncla ssified ! 702 771 0 # 980 644 6 101 S pot heights 0 939 736 W ind turbines 533 0 583 686 Mitigation M easures XY 976 9 974 5 641 758 703 84 965 5 Hydrog rap hy 9 0 0 Oil 557 0 65 673 Fontinhas 103 " 843 5 95 562 9 0 62 Fen ce / ba rrie r / wa ll 874 594 R ivers & strea ms Ma rina 431 0 V eg eta tion covera ge, g eom embra n es !¤ 956 5 796 713 584 621 649 678 8 672 574 715 661 Coa stline 759 674 !© Milita ry 8 593 702 50 693 594 550 592 829 746 7 735 566 0 1003 949 544 546 661 0 721 636 100 648 618 8 0 733 779 595 690 491 0 0 0 0 543 644 65 904 5 655 673 7 599 588 536 Consequences within the AOI Risk Level 0 725 5 535 713 992 541 5 151 605 Island: Terceira Very Low Low Medium High Very High 1 628 594 000 596 583 638 Road type Highway (km) 0,000 56,657 0,000 0,000 0,000 950 726 597 565 633 90 573 573 632 700 133 Primary (km) 15,154 84,604 35,562 4,577 0,000 0 5 6 5 50 850 0 691 50 Secondary (km) 3,082 77,313 17,500 0,000 0,000 577 6 0 60 532 578 0 Local (km) 25,899 154,142 9,284 0,000 0,000 620 578 55 473 60 536 573 498 750 0 550 Other (km) 0,000 434,058 236,323 52,565 0,000 727 532 0 544 452 442 5 541 507 700 5 617 Casa da Ribeira Bridges(nr) 15 75 26 0 0 526 531 529 594 524 529 527 502 511 5 1 60 0 5 0 0 526 4 0 Belo Jardim 0 5 0 0 5 35 0 0 479 0 0 Doze Ribeiras 0 0 0 5 457 5 8 5 450 380 8 2 00 2 4 468 4 6 376 0 611 464 0 453 550 Praia da Vitoria Port 4 50 463 536 400 453 431 441 Map Information 5 5 384 0 The purpose of the requested ma pping is to provide comprehensive knowledge of the 350 6 579 232 0 394 0 potentia l impa ct on Azores isla nds (P T), of different na tura l disa sters, including ea rthqua kes, 371 0 20 331 223 floods, volca nic eruptions, la ndslides, soil erosion, tsuna mis a nd storm surges, a nd coa sta l 3 54 00 erosion. 4 434 5 425 0 The a na lysis a ims to identify a ssets a t risk, focusing on popula tion, infra structure a nd the 0 0 64 5 480 3 0 621 4 383 environment to a llow informed decision ma king to ta ke pla ce concerning the pla nning a nd 0 391 4 0 432 101 Santa Barbara 302 605 432 203 recovery a ctivities of the involved sta keholders. To this end, specific risk mitiga tion mea sures 283 315 300 424 413 a re proposed, a long with the specifica tion of critica l first response informa tion. 248 404 20 605 4 0 0 436 The key users of the ma p series a re the R egiona l (Açores, P ortuga l) Authorities: (1) Direção 433 469 0 117 79 R egiona l Obra s P ública s e Comunica ções, (2) S erviçio R egiona l de P roteça o civil e 1 378 0 Fonte do Bastardo 0 166 286 449 179 bombeiros dos Açores, a nd (3) CIV IS A: Centro de Informa ção e V igilância S ismovulcânica 342 dos Açores. 273 388 172 171 186 393 311 3 0 268 311 0 Data Sources 327 369 10 Cinco Ribeiras 3 0 5 Inset maps based on: 0 W orldV iew-2 mosa ic © Digita lGlobe (a cquired on 2013/08/17), GS D 0.5 m, ~7% cloud cover 213 329 301 Porto Martins 321 Reference Imagery: R egiona l O rthophotogra phy © Direção R egiona l da s O bra s P ública s e 5 0 281 Comunica ções dos Açores (yea r of a eria l photogra phy a cquisition: 2003,2004), GS D 0.5 m, 208 407 272 sca le 1:10000 Regatos 279 132 00 Vector layers: R oa d Netw ork: prima ry source is the O S M duly upda ted/ digitized, from the Posto Santo2 4 281 5 4 Sao Bartolomeu dos Regatos 0 0 sa tellite ima ges, Buildings Footprints digitized from the sa tellite ima ges, Administra tive limits 0 Terra-Cha (CAOP 2015) © Direção Gera l do Território (P T), Census Da ta – Census Blocks geometry 124 160 a nd informa tion (2011) © Instituto Na tiona l de Esta tistica (P T). Eleva tion da ta a nd La nd 153 326 265 207 Cover/ Use Da ta (duly upda ted/refined on the ba sis of the sa tellite da ta photointerpreta tion) 0 191 161 0 350 0 0 0 0 3 N prima ry source © Direção R egiona l da s Obra s P ública s e Comunica ções dos Açores. 0 0 " 376 N 0 140 0 0 " ' The da ta provided is subject to the terms outlined in the a rra ngements concerning a ccess to 8 8 171 0 ' 0 284 2 0 2 4 0 135 0 0 4 5 4 a uthorita tive geospa tia l reference da ta for Copernicus emergency ma na gement service. ° 3 262 4 8 Vila de Sao Sebastiao ° 3 8 Ribeirinha 172 3 Sao Bento 192 Santa Luzia Dissemination/Publication 92 Sao Pedro 122 The products (ma ps) a re a va ila ble through the EMS Copernicus P orta l a t the following UR L: http://emergency.eu/ma pping/list-of/components/018. 191 Delivery forma ts a re GeoTIFF, GeoP DF, GeoJP EG a nd vectors (sha pefile a nd K ML forma ts). 117 No restrictions on the publica tion of the ma pping a pply. 113 Sao Mateus port 72 Feteira 105 Se Framework Serretinha Porto Judeu Salga 0 1 142 The products ela bora ted in the fra mework of the current R isk a nd R ecovery ma pping 5 0 0 66 0 0 1 169 a ctiva tion a re rea lised to the best of our a bility.
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