wb i ... I Averugu Daily Net Piuas Rau WEDNESDAY, JANIJARY 25,19N Thu Weather rM i TwaNTr.10111 • Far the Wash BaM iiantl;fiBt«r lEv^nins J$(raUi Jam SI, ItSi Faneest *t V. B. Wsethsr Burme Few light SNOW flurries, osette- The cast for Center Thseplana' tions, corporations and buslHmss 11,888 usd ooM tonight. Low U to SSi ‘The Silver Cord" are reminded Dimes Drive Here Frost said tbs funds ars coming \ Msataar at tha Auilt Friday eBNsIdieahle About Town of the rehearsal tonight at 8 Retailers Must Buy, .Affix In at about th* same rat* as last Bn^ n at CltooIattsN High la tha low SOa. f o’clock in Woodruff Hall. Now over $6,000 year, when $14,000 was raised hers. Mtmchegtsr^A City of ViUago Charm Itaabm of Suiutt Rtbckth The Polio Ball, which srill b* hdd UxAgo a n nquMtad to nvMt to- Chairman Edward Sorrell of the Tax Stamps to Cigarettes Saturday, is expected to be a big ■WTfOO at 7:10 p.m., at th« Elks Valentine Charity Ball com­ The Manchester March of Dims* money raiser. * VOL. LXXV, NO. 98 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN,. THURSDAY. JANUARY 26. 1956 (Claaaifted Advsvtliiag ae Paga U f RatanM Funtral Home, 400 Main mittee has called a meeting for Last year,, th* Junior Chamber ROASTING CHICKENS PRICE FIVE CENTS Hartford, Jati. 25’ —Some ao.dodfestlmated 20,000 ^ckagea contain- drive has collected about $8,000 to of Conunsree affair provided the u ' ■ St., to pay their respect* to Mrs; Friday night at 7:30 in the lodge Connecticut retailer* will soon face ing more or less than 20 cigarette*. date in the local fight g ain st -D a n n y Rail Keeney, «1io was room on Btesell -S t All-fnemher* drive with $2300, and th* Jayesea Ont of 4wr gBstoMfiB hid futfis ^hsl slit the job nof-buying and affixing to Meanwhile, cigarette distribu­ polio. report that more than 850 reserva- ta w a tnamber. of the committee Ore requested to more than 10,000,000 packs of cigar­ tors, In pr*|)aratlon for meeting did to her chicken to make it ao deUcioua. didn't do attend this important meeting. George P. Frost, treasurer of the jioni have been filled for this ettes previously stamped at the old the disaster levy, will b* .using year's event. State Reds Peiping Aid St. Margarat-Mary Mother* rate, decal stamps which will show cigarette tax meters to mark drive, said about $800 of this was anything to it—Just put it in the oven,” she told us. Your State School Aides Ctaala wlU meet tonight at 8 that the.State tax Increase of one many more millions of packs with ‘ilte polio drive, which began g U M ts will compliment you, too, when you serve our Albert E. Brown, 105 Plymouth raised at the 2-day l[^ch*ster on Jan, o3 andana 'will continue through o’clock with Mra J. M. Corbett, 85 Lane and Gardiner T. Wood, 64 cent per pack of 20 cigarettes, ef­ Inked impression* showing that Automobile Dealers Asta, show fective Feb. 1, has been paid. they ton are "paid up." The Jan. 31;^^ belbeing sponsored locally chickens. We deliver Friday > mornings. Tried to Gut Charge Hit Branford S t Falknor Dr., were among the sales last week. Another $425 Jtaa been by the ManchiChester Lions Club. The leaders of International Business State Tax Commissioner John L. splendid cooperation received from Hit OH Pupil Policy collected through the schools. funds will'be used to provide care At the midweek lervice tonight Machines Corp. who were honored Sullivdn said today. the cigarette distributors and al­ ROGER OLCOTT a t the Covenant Congregational The increase was enacted by the lied groups in the change-over to The remainder, Frost saldX has for. those already afflicted with Enlistments at a regional convention of the November 1955 special aesalon of been In the form of advance special polio, as well as to purchase Salk 403 West Center Street NItchen 3-7853 By Britain Church, the Rev. K. BJnar R**k IBM.Hundred Per Cent .Club held the new rate was gratefully gifts, coin-card contributions and vaccine and to permit additional Hartford, Jan. 26 (4V-School superintendents in Connecti­ wlU deliver his annua) message Monday and Tues<»*y at s the the General Assembly along with acknowledged by Commissioner other revenue measures deslgnM Sullivan. '. donations from clubs, organisa­ research to improve the vaccine. New Haven, Jan. ^ (/f)— cut "are not interested in the education of our children” ac­ London, Jan. 26 (JP)—^The under the title. “Ashram Echoes." Sheraton-Park Hotel in Washing­ to amass a fund of 815,000,000 to .....iX Tomorrow at 1:80 p.m., a cottage ton. As a means of economy in put­ A government witness at the cording to charges made today bv the chairman of the Board Foreign Otffice today denied a prayer meeting wlU be held with pay for damage* sustain^ by Con­ ting the tax Into effeet at the re­ trial of eight accused Com­ of Education in New Hartford. Superintendents and profes- necticut communities In the floods tail level. Commissioner Sullivan U.S. Senate aubcommittee’a Mr, and Mrs. Frank Johnson. 01 Betty Turcotte. fourth grade of last August and October. Unlike munists here testified tciday ■ional educators, Johif P. Kinsey» For Fight on Disease said that 10,000,000 old decals assertion that Brit^iiv- is Strlcklaad St., and In the evening, pupil in the Buckley School, re­ some of the other tax measures, that during the Korean l^ar eald today, “are interested in the the Ruth Society will meet with were merely overprinted with the i bureaucracy of th* State-Board'of “making major contftbu-' ports seeing a robin in the pine, the effective date wa* deUyed un­ flgure "Ic" and those of other Connecticut party members Mias Ellen Johnson, 122 Maple St. tree n ear. the driveway at her til Feb.' 1 In order to permit time Education and in getting bigger tions” to Red China’s war denominations were similarly instructed to discourage en­ Jobe for Uiemaelves.” home, >4 Finley SU for printing the tax stamps. treated. This method, h* stated, economy, by expanding trade Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Monait, The jneresM, which brings the \ listments in the armed forces. “I have worked under three between the two countries. SO Oamplleld Rd.. left today for a total state tax on 20-cigarette pack, also helped to make certain tta t Thirr, dark-haired Miss Rowens auperintendenta,” Kineey said The kitchen social, which was to the stamps would be ready by the "and I'Should know.” A spokesman conesded at a daily Five Point two months vacaUon at Key West, ages to four cents, will remain In u m i, 41-yesr-Old Bridgeport new* confarenc* that British trade Via. have been held this evening at the force for nine months.- effective date. hairdresser who took the, ..stand AgFsea with Somers Beard home of Mrs. Katherine Ruttgers, The commissioner warned' that yesterday, tssUfied that the in­ with ika Patping ragima la In­ trJ'" 38 Garden St., has been canceled To facilitate matters. Commis­ the sale of cigarettes without the Kinsey mads his charges in stat­ creasing but he emphasised that ‘ ' Mrs. Horace B. 'Learned 1* a on account of her illness. sioner Sullivan said, the State Tax re<|ulred stamps a|n>t«l after structions were given during a ing his "entire agreement’-' with exports are only in ''nonatrateglc Plan Given mamber of the Connecticut Child Department will :plac* the new tax Wednesday, Feb. 1, can result in sneeting in June 1950, a t the the recent Somers revolt against goods." Wolfkr* Assn's committee on chil­ stamps on sale at 17 field locations the.forfeiture of the cigarettes, re­ '' Bridgeport home of Josephine Wil- the progressive educaUon pollciss "Wa era not aware of any facts dren under public care, who will The Golden Age Club will meet throughout the'State. (In this area, vocation of license and criminal litrd, .who wa* not further Identi- of the State Department of Edu­ which would Bubatantlata th* alia- aerv* as hostesses when' Hartford tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock the nearest temporary field office prosecution. Enforcement will be flediv cation. gation that th* 'Britiah ar* making in Orange Hall. It Is hoped that all where retailers may purchase the M i^Faum l, who said she wa* a The Somers Board of EducaUon County couples who became foster tax stamps will be 470 Cilapitol A'v*., in the handS^of the Excise Division major cpntribiitiona to th* Chinese parents’’duilng 1055 are honored members will be present, as plans of the State Tax Department. party msihbcr who worked a* an last week voted to rejec* the war economy'," th* spokesman By MABVDf L. ABBO^^nom will be mad* for the Valentine Hartford. FBI undsrbwdr agent, stated that process!ve philosophy of educs- at a tea Feb. 2 at the home of Mrs. The retailers' decal tax stamps stated. WMhingtQo, Jan, 26 (ff)— Robert C. Black m la West Hart-, party. the Instru.ctiups ware given by tlon advocated by the State De­ They hinted the whole question will be on sale Jan. 81 and Feb. 1, Jacob Gotdring-.pf TrumbuU, one partment of Education. The board President Eisenlwwar asked fmrd. 2 and 8. The 1-cent stamps will be of a poasibla easing of restrictions Congreaa today to voto $126,- The Brownie Leaders Club will of the eight derendsMs she had substituted a philosophy of educa­ on trade with Red China will be affixed to the run-oC-the-mlll pack- rnliiWElulsl Identified as : tltO.
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