WOODBRIDGE Al ,.AFRICA CITV WOODBRIDGE ALL-AMrmCA CITY EDISON JFORDS BEACON Woodhridgc, Avenel, Colonia, Fords, Hopelawn, Iselin, Keasbey, Port Raiding, Scwaren and Edison No. 5 <>>» Published Wfpll Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, April 9, Ifl64 •nined u 2nd C1«u Mill IV! On Thursday Ai P O Woorthrlrtm N J PRICE TEN CENTS WOODBRWGE - A new program aimed at who would have normally continued on welfare rc(iurln(! the community's welfare casfload In and we mpect thin number to go cflnslderably njfclinn with "womlrrlul success" according to higher." Mnyor Walter Zirpoln, "I believe this i» an excellent approach to re- oik-Not Relief The mayor Indicated, that the new progrnm, duce welfare Hits," wrid Mayor Zlrpolo. "It which seeks to lind titirmployment for indigent! does not barm thoie receiving welfare by elimi- thtwHflt to* flWTwmrthm ef hwaT tpdwrtry mnr Reduction of Tax formulated by Frank Murphy, head of the Divi- nating or reflating' WOTBtr «n* tfr putt to work sion of Welfare. people who, while on welfare, were not serving w Program to Assist a useful, productive purpose." Wflodbrldgc has no fam|||M „„ rei|e(. Specifically, no Industrie* in Woodbrldge The mayor indicated that In addition to were asked within the past two weeks for as- working with local Indutfry, the Division of distance In "M|)in|- us reduce the welfare case Welfare is also working with the State in seek- Welfare Recipients lonn," Mid Murphy. ing employment for others on welfare at the new "We requested them to Inform u« of Job op- Woodbrldge State School. Rate by 43 Points enings in their plants and we In turn would "Because of thU close cooperation," con- |{v Obtaining Jobs send them qualified personnel to fill these Jobs. cluded the mayor, "we do not anticipate any "Thus far, the results have been gratifying," problems in finding new Jobs for people who continued Murphy. "Within the last three dayi were laid off In the Department of Public we have already filled nine Jobs with persons Works." ii« New Police Officers Sworn In At Seen In 1964 Bill Municipal Building Yesterday At Noon Expect Rookies Will Attend Police School For Official 6 Weeks of Courses WOQDBRIDGE - Five new Report police officers were sworn in yes terday noon by Municipal Clerk woonmnnriF, - A new tax Joseph V. Valenll in the Council rale reduction in excess of 43 Chambers, bringing the police i-niiits for Wmwlbridge is In the department strength up to its lifting accordinR to an informed original quota — 115. Those who took the oath were: The Independent-Leader Teamed John Annesi, 27 Summit Avenue tnday that "chances are excellent Sewaren; Herbert B. Williams, that" the final 1984 tax rate for Jr., 84 Ridgeley Avenue, Iselin; Wondbrldpe would be under $18.00 Richard Alexander, 528 'Rahy per $100 of assessed valuation" or Avenue, Woodbrtdge; Carmen more than 43 points less than the Mar^iotto, 27 Second Street, Por .anticipated rate of $18.43. Reading, and Arthur \V. Dando, The same informed source Indi- 16 Third Avenue, Port Reading.. cated that the tax drop was a lath The five were congratulated by ! result of the prolonged efforts of both Police Director Joseph I the '/.ii-pnln administration which [fit < ! (ialnssi and Mayo- Walter Zir- has ken meeting regularly ever |K)lO. the pn^ few month;? with roun'cl- Mr. Galassi said today that five nal auditors and menvhers of the additional men will be named in local county and stale tax bnsrrli July to be used to fill vacancies to hammer out a final 1964 tax which will occur in the depart- rate figure. ment between now and Sep- Our informant sa'd the offirtal nnnotrtteement nf the "rrniof tax •Continued on ,rpduriion should be (orthcomins within a few days." . , from • »ll Iflffti'sUflns, . Wo^ bridw wfll be the only communilv" S.O.SJund FROM 'LOOK' TO MAYOR: Robert H. Martin, Geld manager of CurtM Publishing Company, fit Middlesex Ootrntv «' have a left, Is shown presenting a copy of LOOK Magazine, bound in leather with the mayor's name tax reduction for 1964. Inscribed, carrying the story of Woodhridge's selection as an All-America City. The major H>KI) TO 1'OMCK OKPARTMKNT: Jowph V. Vulinli. liams, Jr., Isrlin; Kichard Alexander, Woodbrldge, and Carmen When rpflfhed for comment. For Seward award for the Township will be presented at the All-America City banquet on April 18. miripal Clerk, administered the oath <rf office to live new MarRiolto and Arthur W. Dando, Port Reading; Mayor Walter Mavor Walter Zirpolo would olficcrs yesterday noon in uV Council ChaniDfis. l-rlt Zirpolo and Police Director Joseph Galassi. WOODBRIDGE - Residents of neither affirm or deny the report lit. Mr. Valenti, John Allnesl, Sewaren; Herbert II. Wil- Woodbridge who wish to aid i but did sav "this has been the sister All-America City, Seward direction of this administration Alaska, will be interested to since we assumed the responsi- Woodbridge C of C Head bilities of office." The tax rate learn that an S.O.S. fund (Save Our Seward) has been started. deduction will mean n saving of \ublic Invited to All - America $10 to $15 a year for the average Mayor Perry R. Stockton Seward, in a letter to Mayor Wai small home owner. Zirpolo said that the City o Favors 'Oasis' Campsite A tax reduction of 43 or more ard "requests that all people points will mean a maior re- nty Award Banquet April 18th t versal of a 13-ycar trend which interested in helping the citizens Carterety P. Reading "A wonderful! has seen the local tax rate climb 4 Men Invited? to Luncheon;to J1B.55 par JJQO gaggled valu- trans to. the S. 0. To ation. Avenue Traffic Worries Parents Sewatd, Box 156, or through'the In the last two years, the tax Seward Branch, First National WOODBRIDGE —• Strong sup- To Pay $25 for"Privilegerate will have been reduced more Bank of Anchorage." port for, and equally strong ob- than 55 points. 1 WOODBRIDGE - The business *ii Woodbridg:irBe Armorr=::l0y onj / Pupils Who Will Attend School 27 Mayor Stockton further wrote: jections against the "Oasis," the : and professional men of the com- . Mayor Walter Zirpoto WOODBRIDGE - Residents of "You know the condition on classes be in School 27? "The City of Seward extends World's Fair campsite to be erec- Lake Avenue," Mr. De Maio said 4. Will the pupils who are nowits heartfelt thanKs to you for ted on Shell Oil property on Blair munity have been invited to Box H21 is Ready ••>• i Video Park Estates area of Col- lunch — and will pay $25 for theDebate Set |air,iir, which is open to the onia were given assurances by to Uic Board, "Lake Avenue is a attending School V and taking the your concern in this hour of sor-Road, Avenel, continued to be ex- For Tins to Copt row and disaster. We regret thai pressed today. privilege. vi tu start at 7 p. m..|the Board of Edrcation last night hazard and there are no side-!new math course have the new Got any walks." math in School 27? the stress under which the cit; Support of the project was The luncheon, to be sponsored tips for the noliee department of cocktails and that every effort will be made to government is operating does not For Tuesday ;im>s- (insure that their children will get He then presented a petition 5. When will the principal be voiced today by Charles Willey, by the Woodbridge Branch of the and don't want to bs invnlved? appointed? permit a personal letter to each president of the Woodbridge Perth Amboy General Hospital •''.-"i- called on all local to new School 27 safely. (Signed by 180 residents in j^e WOODBRIDGE — The problem Several months ago. Police area. He also presented a sur- In answer the group was told kind offer. However, our heart- Chamber pf Commerce. Guild, will be held at noon Thurs- tu support the affair Lawrence DeMalo, Jupiter caused by obscene literature will Director Joseph Oa'assi estab- vey he conducted, noting that 93 (hat the move is necessary, that felt thanks Is just as great. Mr. Willey said that in addition day, April 23 at Howard Johnson lished a, confidential box — Box " is not often that a Street, Colonia, serving as spokes- "We want each of you to know be thoroughly discussed In a de- "y receives this fine man for the group said "it waschildren from his section will be a* milk program can be arranged to offering a wonderful oppor- Restaurant. Proceeds will be 321 - h>it the resnonse has been attending School 27 and many are at the school, the new math course that all of our, Seward area resi- tunity for local merchants the used to purchase a special Iso- bate to be held at Port Reading onlv fair, he said. | desirous to have pupils on full dents are being housed and fed. in view of the session and we are honored that five and six-year olds. He then will be definitely^ carried over and campsite will bring in "upstand lette with positive pressure ap- School, on Tuesdayjat 8:30 p. m., If vou have noted anvthing asked the Board several ques- the new principal will be named The government through it mili- ing people from all over the coun- paratus to be used' in the pr'e- sponsored by the Parent-Teacher thing or group they have been selected to go to tary and federal agencies are suspicious you think could boar p""-ililt.> fur the award, but a new school." tions as follows: shortly.
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