Japan Judo Experts Here "Unrecognized” At Home * ★ J* * * *, i , <, ■ * ** * *Page Five r^r^- 4OH Libras RECORD Vol. 3, No. 41 SINGLE COPY, 10 CENTS Thursday, May 10, 1951 ILWU Man Stops $4,000 Fleece Neighbors Seize T. H. Income Up, Sumida, Other Inmates Tap Fleecers After Shoemaker Says; Prison Phone, Call Outside Victim Is Warned Warns Spenders By EDDIE UJIMORI Alex Sumida, bigtime fleecer Only fast thinking by Timoteo now serving time in Oahu Pris­ By EDWARD ROHRBOUGH Battad, ILWU representative in on, and a few other inmates, in­ The war in Korea has pulled Village 3, Spreckelsville, Maui, cluding a “pet” of. the prison Hawaii’s income up by $85,000,000, kept Adriano Abaya, 61, planta­ authorities, tapped a telephone but already the Bank of Ha­ tion worker in the same village, and called friends, associates and waii’s expert economist, Vice from losing his life savings of others all over the islands, sev­ President James H. Shoemaker, $4,000 last week to three men eral months ago, the RECORD is looking for tough times in the who followed a fleecing formula learned this week. future if spending isn’t toned which has become familiar Prison authorities discovered down. That was the chief con­ throughout the Territory. that inmates were tapping tho clusion to be drawn from Shoe­ The three, two of whom were phone when an unusually large maker’s third report on Hawaii’s somewhat shaken up by Abaya’s toll charge for long distance and economy, issued this week in neighbors, have been identified overseas calls came with a bill booklet form at a press confer­ by Abaya and by Maui police.' ; from the telephone company, re­ ence held at the bank. It began, says Abaya, when liable sources said. A year ago the problem was is giving up the "practice” of two of the three came to his Reports that Sumida carried different. Mr. Shoemaker re­ home and lured him into their medicine, is not angry in this car talk of friend on phone conversations with par­ ported then that it was of prime picture. Instead, he is demon­ with a who ties in Japan were checked by importance for the Territory to “wanted to see me very badly.” strating for the RECORD -pho­ ' .' But' they drove the car . in the RECORD and found to be attract more Mainland dollars, tographer one of the four basic rumors. secure jobs for the unemployed, another direction and were hailed poses of kenpo, of which he is by a hitch-hiker carrying a bag. Alerted by the big telephone and correct the situation which a teacher. bill, the prison authorities be­ had the Territory spending $76,- Pick Up Pal gan checking the inmates. (more on page 7) “This is not a taxi,” they told Technician for the phone tap- the man by the road, but after (more on page 7) ALEX SUMIDA the hitch-hiker had given a sad story,- Abaya says he felt sym- Long Made 1 Oth Gov.; (more on page 7) Lanai Strikers To Get 2,000 Lbs. Rice Seeks Harmony In T.H. Oren E. Long, who came from Waipahu Gl Refuses From Marine Cooks & Stewards Union Kansas to teach school in Ha­ waii and who remained to serve To Shoot; Can't See Calling on the Hawaiian Pine­ Local 152 said: “We certainly as head of the Department of apple Co., “swollen with heavy . do appreciate it. Two thou­ Public Instruction and as Secre­ C. 0., Sent To Front profits,” to “cut out the double­ sand pounds will feed the strik­ tary of Hawaii, was sworn in talk and get down to brass tacks “I guess I wrote you I pro­ ers for about a month.” Tuesday to the Territory’s high­ tested my firing a weapon against and start negotiating a contract” Furuike said further: “The La­ est office—that of Governor of with the ILWU strikers on La­ the enemy. Well, it didn’t mean nai strike is fundamentally a Hawaii. a damn thing because today I nai, the Marine Cooks and stew­ very tough strike and that is ards Convention meeting in San After announcing a stand am at the front line . .” wrote why it may be a very long one. a Waipahu GI from Korea April Francisco last week, voted unan­ I am very certain we will need all against both blind prejudice imously to send 2,000 pounds of and communism, in his inaug­ 19, to Castner ‘ Ogawa, business the help we can get from our agent for the ILWU'.Sugar Work­ rice to aid the strikers. union brothers on the West Coast ural address, Long pledged him­ NOT PRAYING, but preparing Informed of the action, Pres­ self to cooperation with the to fight, Mitose shows another of ers on Oahu. and everywhere. The-outcome of the four kenpo poses. Following ident Takeo Furuike of ILWU (more on page 7) (more on page 7) The GI, in Iris .previous letter the protests of his outraged pa­ to Ogawa (RECORD, April 12) tients in Maui, Mitose says he wrote as he approached the 38th is going to give up medicine and Parallel, that “I sure as hell stick to teaching kenpo, a form don’t want to shoot .to kill.” He HEALTH INSPECTOR CAN'T STOMACH MAL; QUITS of self-defense. had seen a post commander while George Robertson, supervising tion to make Hawaii his home. Although Robertson would moving up front and told him inspector with the . Division of Now he intends to sell his!'house not be quoted, it is believed that he did not ■ believe -foreign Sanitation in the Territorial and return with his family to his action was motivated, at troops should meddle in Korean Board of Health since 1343, has the Mainland. least in part, by the appoint­ Mitose Tdks Reform, affairs. In closing his letter he resigned because, as he told the Stilt Ou lob said he had an appointment to RECORD, he "can’t stomach the In the meantime, until some ment of Robert Lam to be s^e his company commander and situation” in the Department of action is taken on his resigna­ chief sanitary engineer at a Promises Refunds he was going to tell him he re­ Health. tion, which is understood to be rating of P-5 and a starting B. J. McMorrow, director of James A. Mitose, who used to fuses to shoot at North Korean effective at the end of the month, salary of $565 per month. and Chinese troops. the Division of Sanitation, is call himself “professor,” told the he continues on the job. RECORD this week he wants to presently absent on the Main- The position be holds carries It is said that Robertson felt “Would Look Like Coward’’ r land and since Robertson’s an IN-8 civil service rating with his seniority and qualifications start life all over again—with­ In his most recent letter the letter of resignation is ad­ a maximum salary of $468.75 should have entitled him to the out any further attempts to Waipahu AJA GI reported he dressed to him, it cannot be p?r month, which Robertson is position. “practice” medicine. "went .into a couple of battles acted upon until he returns, receiving. When he originally Those who approve the ap­ Toward that end, he says, he already and came very close to subordinates said. took the -job, it had an IN-6 rat­ pointment of Lam say, however, is asking various organizations to being, killed at least three times Although Mr. Robertson would ing. Robertson has been pro­ that he is a civil engineer while which he has donated to return or more.” And he added: “Looks not elaborate on his action, he moted one grade by examination Robertson is not. the money , so he can refund it like they gave me the run-arourid 'did say he had now changed and another when the position Lam is the first appointee to to his former patients who feel back there ... I went to see the his mind about an earlier inten­ was reclassified. the position which is new. (more on page 7) (more on page 7) Page Two HONOLULU RECORD May 10, 1951 which has been built a system of politi­ Truman-MacArthur: Hurl cal hysteria and prejudice which to­ day pervades every sector of Ameri­ Blame At Each Other Hi-lights of the Week can life.” The U. S. should go it “alone” in Said Dr. John A. Kingsbury, Chair­ bombing Chinese bases in Manchuria, man of the National Council of Amer­ using Chiang Kai-shek’s forces against though GOP leaders and Democratic ing in London. The Confederation ican-Soviet Friendship: The court had the forces of the new Chinese govern­ leaders of the bipartisan foreign policy was set up with the aid of the U. S. taken “a long overdue step toward up­ ment on the Mainland and blockading have agreed on overall strategy. The and British governments in an ef­ holding the constitutional rights of the Chinese coast, if the other UN American organizations working for differences were on the matter of tac­ fort to counteract and oppose the nations would not go along with these World Federation of Trade Unions, democracy at home and peace in in­ ideas, General MacArthur- told the tics. which, it was said was left-controlled. ternational relations.” THE PRESENT go-around in the SAID THE International Workers* Senate which MacArthur said would Order: Its fight against the listing bring forth material for the 1952 presi­ "Subversive" List: Hit was vindicated.
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