November 28, 2010 1i vingch urch. org THE [IVING CHURCH CATHOLIC EVANGELICAL ECUMENICAL Anglican FACES ·Thomas Nettleship Staley First Bishop of Honolulu Christmas Giving I and Receiving THI LNING CHURCH Send this form or call us toll free at 1-800-211-2771. I wish to give (check appropriate box and fill in): My name: D ONE one-year gift subscription for $38.00 (reg. gift sub. $40.00) Name __________________ _ D TWO one-year gift subscriptions for $37 .00 each Address _______________ _ _ _ ($37 .00 X 2 = $74.00) D THREE OR MORE one-year gift subscriptions for $36 .00 each City/State/Zip _ ___ _________ _ __ _ ($36.00 X __ = $.___ ) Phone ____ _ _____________ _ Please check one: D One-time gift D Send renewal to me Email ___________ __ _____ _ Make checks payable to: My gift is for: 1l1e LivingChurch P.O. 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Our historic mi ssion in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion is to support and promote the Catholic and evangelical faith of the one Church, to the end of visi bl e Christian unit y throughout the world. NOVEM BER 28. 2010 · THE LIV ING CHURCH 3 news Five Bishops Form Caravan to Rome There are three possible roles for of Winchester, and th e Rt. Rev. the numbers likely to take it up. Catholic-minded people who cannot David Silk, honorary assistant Burnham is being cautious and accept women bishops and the bishop of Exeter. The journey of the probably realistic: "The Ordinariate agenda that goes with it, according Ordinariate "caravan company" is groups will be church-planting new to the Bishop of Ebbsfleet, the Rt. underway. congregations, congregations of per­ Rev. Andrew Burnham: "We have been dismayed , over the haps only 30 or so people to start • Non-jurors - "those who sol­ last thirty years, to see Anglicans with , but 30 enthusiasts noneth e­ dier on, knowing that and Catholics move fur­ less . Such congregations of activists they are a dying breed, ther apart on some of the will probably grow rapidly, but but are content to be wit­ issues of the day, and par­ there, of course, lies another risk nesses of what they have ticularly we have been There are many clergy and laity who always believed and , distressed by develop­ would love to possess the courage practiced." ments in Faith and Order for this pioneering venture but they • Solo swimmers - in Anglicanism which we simply do not . Not everyo ne is at "individuals who go off believe to be incompati­ heart a risk-all pione er." on their own" and join ble with the historic voca­ The Rt. Rev. Pete Broadbent, the local Roman Catholic tion of Anglicanism and Bishop of Willesden (part of the congregation. the tradition of the huge Diocese of London) and an • Members of a cara­ Church for nearly two influential longtime advocate of van - "By this I don't thousand years," said the women bishops, told TLC: "The RC mean a holiday home. James 8rad 1ey photo bishops' statement. option simply doesn 't appeal to The 'caravan' in biblical Burnham There were other elu- many Anglicans. " Ther e are many times was something like the trek of cidations. One accused the Church other traditional-Catholic Anglicans, the Children of Israel from Egypt to of England of adopting an increas­ he said , "who don't see the Ordinar­ the Promised Land, via Mount Sinai. ingly lax attitude towards issues in iate as the way forward , and want to The caravan is large and ram­ morality, both homosexuality and stay in the Church of England." shackle, camels and people trudg­ abortion. In mor e tabloid language "So we hav e to continu e to ing along, children running around Burnham said the Church of Eng­ attempt to make suitable provision and playing. There are newborns in land was like a chain of coffee shops for them when we pass the final leg­ the caravan and people dying. Peo­ going out of business. It may have a islation to make women bishops." ple join and people leave." recognized corporate brand, but On that, "nothing has changed in om Burnham wrote this in his confuses its customers with a dif­ determination to hold the Chmch of newsletter just two weeks ago. On ferent menu in every outlet. England together and keep us in fel­ Nov. 8 he fonnally took up the Vati­ How many people will join the lowship. It would be foolish for can's offer of the Ordinariate. caravan now and in th e medium those of us who support, pray, and An announcement confirmed the term? Immediately it invites the long for women to be bishops to much-anticipated resignations of question of what the effect will be think we can use the Ordinariate Burnham and the Church of Eng­ on moves in the General Synod to option as an excuse for not acting land's other Provincial Episcopal legislate for women bishops. The responsibly towards those opposed ." Visitors (PEVs), colloquially known "solo swimmers" were less in the Not all voices were as sanguine. as flying bishops: the Rt. Rev. John spotlight amid the bishops ' depar­ Christina Rees , one of the leading Broadhurst, Bishop of Fulham , and tme, but their position is worth com­ advocates of admitting wom en to the Rt. Rev. Keith Newton, Bishop of ment. the episcopate, was unhappy about Richborough. Joining them are two Ever since Pope Benedict made the timing of the resignations. She retired bishops: the Rt. Rev. Edwin known his offer of an Ordinariate told TLC that it seemed odd that the Barnes, honorary assistant bishop there has been speculation about announcement came ahead of "wait- Visit livingchurch.org for daily reports of news about the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion . 4 T H E LIVIN G CHURCH· NOVEMBER 28. 2010 Ask for a clergy moving sjJecialist and disco ver why thousands of churches, clergy and seminarians have relied on us for nearly two decad es. ing to see the outcome of the final Clergy& SeminarianDiscounts • All MajorVan Lines Available vote on women bishops and also DirectBilling to Diocese& Churches before seeing the arrangements that will be contained in the Code of GuaranteedDates Backed by a DelayPenalty ~ Practice." She added, "I find it ironic Upto ThreeEstimates Provided with one Survey ~ that they will be joining a Church www.clergyrelocation.com • [email protected] that recognises neither their priestly nor episcopal ministry." Rees hopes the women bishops legislation will receive final approval within the next two years. "The Church of England has been debat­ ing the issue of women's ordination, including women's consecration as bishops, for 35 years and the cur­ rent legislation has been in the mak­ ing for over five years. We know the Churc h at large will overwhelmingly welcome women as bishops. "When women as well as men are able to share in the exercise of epis­ copal leadership, we will have a more com plet e picture of humanity serving and leadi ng in the name of Christ. Our House of Bishops will benefit from the presence of one half of the human race." There are wildly varying estimat es of who will join the caravan. Enthu­ siasts for the project talk of "thou­ sands" even "tens of thousands" signing up. • Doctor of Ministry Summer Courses 2011 Broadbent offers a different take. • Doctor of Ministry in The Old Testament In Christian Preaching "Personal ly, I don't think many will Preaching The Rev. Dr. William F. Brosend II and Dr. Anathea Portier-Young leave. Catholic Anglicans have lived • Master of Sacred Theology and breathed the belief that they can Judaism In the Time of Jesus Dr. Paul A. Holloway • Master of Sacred Theology Classics of Anglicanism The Rev. Dr. Benjamin King be authentically Cat holi c and in Anglican Studies J. authentically Anglican within the C Opening the Book of Nature: Creation, of E. Two or three years down the Ecology, and Economy The Rev. Dr. Robert MacSwain and Dr. Robert Gottfried line, I suspect that the Ordinariate The Pastor and Spiritual Formation: Resources will be a pretty small group in the from the Craft of Spiritual Direction U.K. It may have a greater following The Rev. Martin Smith in other countries." Distilling the most realistic views of both sides, GUEST SPEAKER, JUNE 23 AND 24 the first wave seems likely to com­ The Rev. Dr. Walter Brueggemann , pose about 25 groups, typically com­ Professor Emeritus Columbia Theological Seminary prising around two dozen converts, (1986-2003) 500 in all. There is talk of new energy for For more information visit church planting in the years to ~!',SEWANEE theology.sewanee.edu or come.
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