DIRECTORY,] DERBYSHIRE. HOPE. 261 Sims James, farmer Wright Samuel, beer retailer, TheMoor Knifton Francis, blacksmith Smith John William, frame smith COXBENCH. Knifton William, farmer, Birchwood Staton William, butcher, The Moor Heydon William, The Villa Selby Thomas Gibson, baker &; grocer, Stringfellow Wm. shopkpr. Bargate Bates George, butcher &; farmer Horsley lane. Vallis William, farmer Crookes Tom Brown, beer retailer Slater "\V. H. &, J. quarry masters Watson Samuel, farmer Hannable Sarn!. pork butchr.Horsley la Sneap Thomas, farmer, Castle farm Weston Joseph, farmer, Day park Heydon &; Co. color & paint manufn Whiteman Robt. Fox & Hounds P.R HOLMESFIELD is a township and parish, formed the tithes (then in the hands of the Prior of Lenton, ill 1857 from the parish of Dronfield, but anciently in Nottingham) were granted by Henry VIII. to William the parish of Bakewell, and is 2~ miles south-west of C{)ffin, on whose execution in the following reign for Dronfield station on the main line of the Midland rail- participating in the Devonshire risings, they were given way and 7 north-west from Chesterfield, in the North by Edward VI. to "his trusty friend and counsellor Sir Eastern division of the county, Scarsdale hundred, WilliRm de Cavendish." The Duke oil Rutland K.G. Eckington petty sessional division, Chesterfield union and G.C.B. is lord of the manor and principal landowner. county court district, rural deanery of Dronfield, arch- The soil is loam; suhsoil, variolls. The chief crops are deacorury of Derby and diocese of Southwell. The church wheat, oats, barley, hay, turnips and a few potatoes. of S1. Swithun, rebuilt in 1826 on the site of an old chapel, The area is 4,699 acre,s; rateable value, £2,866; the is a plain building- of stone, consisting of nave, with population in 1891 was 500. north and wes,t galleries and an embattled western tower Cursley, Horsley Gate and Millthorpe are places in with pinnacles containing one bell: there are 400 sit- the parish. tintg'S. The register of baptisms dates from 1724, mar- Parish Clerk, Samuel Bennett. ~:eg~~~:e:~~r'n:n~:ial;h:7~~in~~~~sv~~%g~~:~f~~~rf; Post Office.-Joseph Revill, Bub-postmaster. Letters ar- value £ro8, including 72! acres of glebe, with residence, rive from Sheflield, at 8 a.m. &, are dispatched at 5 in the gift of truste€s, and held since 1887 by the Rev. p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. Charles Bradshaw. Here is a. Wesleyan chapel. There The nearest money order & telegraph office is at are several small charities, viz. £6 II s. from the Gis- Totley. borne charity for flannel and two benefactions of £10 A School Board of 5 members was formed 30 Aug. 1893, each for bread. Holmesfield is an ancient maoor: and W. Levick, Dronfield 'Voodhouse, clerk to the board at the time of the Domesday Survey was in the hands Board School, erected 18g5, for 120 children; average of the Deincourts: at the dissolution of the monasteries, attendance, 80; Miss E. Platts, mistress Bradshaw Rev. Charles, Vicarage Elliott Frederick, assistant overseer & Lowe Samuel, farmer & landowner, Carpenter Edward, Milnthorpe surveyor of highways Horsleygate Harrison Frank Frost George, farmer, Moorwoods Matther William, farmer, Cartledge Silcock Daniel, Rose hill Gregory Alfred, farmer, Dirks Morgan Anthony, farmer, Cartledge Smith John, Common Gregory James, farmer, Fanshaw gate Oldefild Robert, farmer, Woodthorpe Walker Mrs. Horsley gate Haslam Sam, farmer, Milnthorpe Pinder Sarah (:\Irs.),farmer,Moorwood COMMI<~RCIAL_ Haslam Wm. beer retailer, }rlillthorpe Revill Joseph, shoe maker, Post office Barker Samuel, Robin Hood P.R Hellewell Kezia, farmer, Knowlcs frm Sharpe William, farmer, Horsleygate Bennett Joseph Henry, beer retailer Hellewell Mary(Mrs.), shpkpr.Commn Siloock Jane (Mrs.), farmer,Cartledga Booker Peter, wood agent Hill George, tanner, Millthorpe Smedley Henry, farmer, 'Yoodthorpe &oker William, gamekeeper to Duke Holmes John, blacksmith Somerset William, Angel f.R of Rutland, Thickwood lodge Hopkinson Charles, farmer Wain Mary(Mrs.), farmer, Millthorpe Brougham William Rutehinson, Pea. Hulley John, farmer Wilkinson John, farmer, Adam Field cock P.R. &; farmer, Owler bar Key .Alfred, farmer, Cordwell farm Wolstenholme Goo.farmr.Horsleygat6 Creswick George, farmer, Lydgate Lemon William, farmer, Olderlie Woodward William, George & Dragon Damms Henry, farmer, Unthank Levick Geo. farmer &, miller (steam) P.H. &, farmer Dunstan Joseph Shepherd, beer retlr &, water), Milthorpe Wragg John, farmer, Owler bar Elliott John, carpenter & wheelwright Lowe Herbert, farmer, Unthank hall Wragg William, farmer HOPE is a village, township and parish, with a station oaken panelling of the chancel, originally forming part~ on the Dore and Chinley section of the Midland railway of old pews, are the dates 1581 and 1652, with others (opened in 1894), on the Peved and Noe rivers, the down to 1&)0: the stained west window is a memorial to latter of which is crossed by a stone bridge of two arches, the late Joseph Nicholson, of Sheffield and Brough: the B miles east from Chapel-en-le-Frith, 12 north from chancel was restored in 1881, at an outlay of £1,195 and Bakewell, 6 north from Tideswell, IS west from Sheffield the church completely restored in 1'887, at a cost of and is 1631 from London; the parish includes the £2,050, defrayed 'by Edward Firth esq. of Birchfield; the t{nmships of Aston, Thornhill, Brough and Shatton, floor has been lowered 'to the original level, and the OlIerton, Stoke, Fern~lee, :Nether Padley and the Lord­ church reseated in oak from the old pews, and: the fine sh\p of Highlow, and is in the High Peak division of the oaken roof opened and renovated. The register, whicD. county, hundred of High Peak, Chapel-en-le-Frith union, is in good condition, daws from the year 1559. The petty sessional division and caunty court district, rural living is a discharged vicarage, tithe rent-charge £88, deanery of Eyam, archdeacrmry of Derby and diocese of gross yearly value £245, net £170, including 10 aeres of Southwell. The church of St. Peter, standing on a glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter slight elevatron by the road side near to the river N oe, of LichfieId, and held since 1871 by the Rev. Henry and nearly surrounded by large sycamore and lime trees, Buckston M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. In is a building of stone, consisting of chancel, clerestoried the vicarage grounds ,there remains the stem of an nave of four bays, aisles, south porch and a wes,tern ancient cross of sandstone about 7 feet high, profusely tower with an Early English broaeh spire, and con­ carved' with interlaced work and foliage: a range of 6 taining a clock and 6 bells, all cast in 1733: the chief stone steps, once supporting a cross, still exists near charaderistics of the exterior are Perpendicular, the the church porch. Here is a Methodist chapel, built in onter walls of the clerestory, transepts and choir being 1855. Gisborne's charity, amounting to £6 12S. lId. is surmounted by ~battled parapets, with occasional distributed in clothing, and there is also a sum of crocketed pinnacles: the south porch with its parvise is £8 17s. 4d. for the education of a few poor children. also of this date: to the Dec{)rated period belong the .A. market for cattle is held the last Wednesday in every nave arcades, which have lofty octagonal piers and month, and a fair for cattle on the 13th of May. Th6 capiLals of the same shape: the chancel retains a single Hope Valley Agricultural Society also holds its anllual pi9Cina with trefoiled' head ,and, three sedilia of the same exh~bition here. It is said that there was a castle here date: the only rffiIln'<\nt of an older building is a piscina in the time of Edward 1. and that John Plantagenet or in the south aisle, which may be regarded as Early de "Varrenne, Earl of 'Varren ,and Surrey, was appointed Eng:.ish: the whole church, excepting the tower and governor in that reign. Birchfield, the seat of Edward spire, seems to have been rebuilt abont the beginning of Firth esq. is a substantially built stone house, which has the 14th century: in the east window of the sou.th aisle been several times enlarged, and is surrounded by very is a shield with the arm~ of Gell, and in the north aisle extensive grounds; it is situated on the southern slope! ~ another with those at Eyre: the pulpit, of carved oak, of ,\Yin Hill, and commands nnri'V'alled views of the pic­ bears date 1652: the font is a ma.ssive octagon of the turesque scenery in the neighbourhood. The trustees of 14th century: the church plate is dated 171 I: there is the late Joseph Hall esq. are lords of the manor of Hope, a brass against the north chancel wall to Henry Balguy, and the Duke of Devonshire K.G. of the hamlets. 'l'he of Hope Hall, ob. 17 March, 1685, with his arms and principal landowners are Edward Firth esq. Robert Row effigy in pointed bat, doublet and breeches: on the Ashton esq. of Castleton, and Charles Stephen Leslie esq..
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