BOARD OF EDUCATION 13A JG 35 E H. DOMXJUC*. CLERK NATIONAL jEBUORIAL ASSOCIATION >19 3 6 - • MEMBER* Member Monmouth County Press Club 68th YEAR — 13th WEEK Founded In 1869 M ATAW AN, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1936 10 Pages — 2 Sections Five Cents Single Copy Four Lives Lost Is ACCIDENT VICTIM Keyport May Be In Matawan Tax Sale G .O .P. PATRONESS Government Picks Bayshore Record | For Garment Labor j Held At The Boro Site For New P. 0 . For Safety Week Trouble Disputes Hall This Morning In Matawan Boro Three Seamen Are Killed Communication In Praise Fifty Pieces Of Property Will Pay $10,500 For The In Belford Crash; One Of Police Courtesy Also Go Under The Hammer Simpson, Bank Plot; Is Is In Critical Condi­ Holds Hint That Aid As Those Interested Near Location Of The tion At Red Bank May Be Necessary Vie For Best Sites Present Building RAY THORNE! IS VICTIM CREEK HEARING DATE OUTSIDERS PRESENT SURVEY BORDERED | — Struck By Hit-Run Auto Will Take Place Oct. 20 At Several Plots Obtained By Topographical Study To On Route 36; Handle Of Washington; Body Asks Non-Residents; The M. Permit All Architectural Door Is Clew; Burial $10,000 Road Grant K. Lefferts Parcels Go Details To Be Ready Will Be Saturday For Street Repairs The Rev. and Mrs. Carl H. Koeker, To Matawan Bank Middle Of Month | Jr., who will leave Matawan shortly The bayshore area swung into the A highly laudatory communication | after bring residents here six years. The Matawan Boro Hall this Procurement division officials of observance of “Safety Week” Sunday j JOHN V. BURKE read at Monday nite’s meeting of --------------- ------- morning was the scene of active the U. S. Treasury Department have with the deaths of three Negro j _____ '____________________________ ! the Keyport Boro Council commend- j bidding when fifty parcels of boro ordered an immediate topographical workers on a Belford fishing boat, i „ „ survey of the Simpson property on and the hit-run fatality Tuesday| ASSEMBLYMAN BURKE i X X t T S S A S r i l l P A S I O R AND W,FE ™ HAVE FAREWELL RECEPTION Helen"rop" t-G. Shepherd,’ " e “ ldthru by MayorO011“ Ed­ “ r Main Street, and the house now oc­ nite which brot death to Raymond j n i r o i l l r 1 n o n i o n the same time held out a hint that ward W. Currie, for taxes of 1934 . cupied by Mrs. Clara Louise Seel, Thome, 56, of Palmer Avenue, East DIES IN CAR CRASH the boro is in for a siege of garment, Monday evening, Mr. Koeker gave and prior years. The sale had been ] next to the present postoffice, select­ Keansburg section of Middletown ___ __ labor trouble if a firm manufactur- ! “ r” „ an Illustrated address In the Park postponed twice before the plots | ed for the site of the new Matawan Baptist Church, New Brun.sick, in were finally sold this morning. J H F R M A N M I AH ITF!! R Y Postoffice building. S T S t S t VlCtimS 10St “ Middlesex Democ»t Was u"d“ ^ members and congregation*lven byof the connection with the church’s rally Originally scheduled to be held on IlLIUTIrtilH LrtUULLf D I Saturday the joint Treasury-Post­ Mr. Thorne was the son of the Also School Principal The letter which was signed by S First Baptist Church next Wednes-- week program. Pictures were shown Sept. 10, the date was advanced to ; R F P IIR I I f AN S H F R F office Committee of Congress recom­ late Isaiah and Eliza (Compton) | Jn H is Adopted City | Berger, of 96 Fifth Avenue, New| day evening in the lecture room. The of places in the Holy Land referred Sept. 17 with the sale finally held : ULil b U L lv m h J IU jIILi mended acceptance of the site, lo­ Thorne and had always lived in the _ _ j York. after praising "the courtesy, hour is scheduled at 8 o’clock. All to in the Bible which were taken by j this morning. ; ------- - cated on the easterly side of Main house where he was born. 1 John V. Burke. 42, of Perth Amboy,! shown by “Officer No. I.” of the, parents of the Sunday school pupils him on his trip to Palestine. These The postponements were invoked, j Gov. Hoffman And Mon. Street, between Park Avenue and Besides the Sunday accident,;___ Democratic legislative^ representative | P||boro |force ^ | (Joseph Coward) icread«vi Hiin an^ friends are cordially invited to were enjoyed by a large audience. those familiar with the situation; i i A t t e n d D in n e r Little Street. It was offered by The which brot death to the three em- iof Middlesex County, was killed yes- I part: ’■'Since I intend to be in your | be_?res^5l,;' Tuesday. Oct 13. Mrs. Koeker will j say, because of the desire on the M t T B d Farmers & Merchants National ployes of the Lancaster, one of the i terday when his automobile crash- I town, I don't doubt that I will re­ meeting of the Monmouth ! Part of boro officials to forestall Bank and Francis F. Simpson for fleet operated by the J. Howard j ed into a truck on Route 25. Raritan ! ceive co-operation from you in pro- Association in Freehold. Site : properties being taken over by so $10,500. Saturday nite over 200 persons at­ Smith plant of Belford, another j Township, Middlesex County. Burke j tecting us from labor trouble.” ...... the middle of the month. On I has tendered her resignation as sec- 1 called “land sharks” who specialize The plot will give an irregular I Nov. 15, the Rev. Mr. Koeker will rctary and a director of the associa- | 1x1 obtaining properties thru sales. tended the dinner of the Men's and shaped building area. It has 92 feet ' | was seeking re-election this year. Other excerpts from the missivi Women’s Republican Clubs of Mata­ e charge of his r tion. These were accepted with re- I In a number of instances in the of frontage on Main Street, 226 feet Burke, who was not married, was j read: “On Thursday, the 24th of wan Township, in honor of Albert Church ini grot as Mrs. Koeker had been P*81 where these “aKents” have of depth, and a rear width of 142 critical condition in Riverview Hos- j pinnecj underneath his car and died ! September I came to Keyport to at lhe Calvary, BapU M. Hermann, candidate for Congress pital, suffering from a badly crushed | almost lnstantly. Police held Raiph I locate a place suitable for manu- | Sacramento, Cal. I extremely active in its interest I cured land thru this means, owners feet. pirn'll A fiffWi *viomKoi> f Tin norfir --- ---------1__________ _____________ __________ ’ I desiring to redeem it have been from the third district. Gov. Harold skull. A fifth member of the party, j chemick, of Newark, who they said : facturing children’s underwear. Not Survey Followed Approval i forced to pay from $200 to $600 more G. Hoffman was the principal speak­ Mrs. Nellie Schenck, of Eatontown, 1 drove the truck and Norman God- I being familiar with the town I ap- The order for the topographical than would have been necessary if er and Raymond L. Wyckoff, director escaped with minor bruises. frey, als0 of Newark, who was with proached an officer. I asked him if of the Board of Chosen Freeholders survey was issued after Admiral MARLBORO SCHOOL BOARD AFFIRMS ; the boro or mortgage holder had Christian Joy Peoples, director of Thome was killed Tuesday nite, as chemick, on manslaughter charges, he would give me some information taken the property. served as toastmaster. the procurement division, approved he apparently walked to the farm Burke, who in addition to being suitable for that purpose. I was Most of the plots were purchased Gov. Hoffman lauded the abilities the selection of the_ site made by the which he operates near Palmer Av« assemblyman, was principal of Pub- amazed to see the courtesy I rc- COMMISSIONER ON BUS CONTRACT by the boro because of the absence of Mr. Hermann and urged united joint Treasury-Postoffice Depart­ enue. It is not known whether he I lic schooi 8 ^ Perth Amboy, was ceived from him. He went as far as 1 j of bidders. Frank Decker, of Plain- support for his candidacy and also attempted to cross the road o r ; a]one m the car when the accident taking me around all over town for the election of a full Republican ment committee on federal buildings Patsy“ “ j Sarabuchello isIs vjiGiven y e n iPermission c i m is s io n Toi o uOperate p e r a i e ;leld- was another heavy *'***'-*«»«»•*purchaser l t i . the car ran him down as he walked , happened. Investigating authorities trying to find a place, which I did. id sites. along the side of the highway. H e; death was due to a broken neck., “I put up quite a number of fac- R0“ te Monday; Had Won Appeal On UmberUon | I T 'FJSS? The survey will show all existing was carrying a bale of chicken wire j Assemblyman Burke was born in ! tories in different cities and as a A w a r d A t H ig h e r K a t e ; B o a r d W o r r i e d O n B o n d | the Matawan Bank which held mort- |by Howard Lloyd, of Matawan.
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