DONALD BIRCHIP Phone: 5497 1222 Phone: 5492 2735 Email: The Buloke Times Fax: 5492 2863 [email protected] Email: [email protected] birchipblc@ Est. 1875 bigpond.com Published Tuesdays and Fridays PRICE (inc. G.S.T.) $2 PP331336/0000 1 Friday, March 26, 2021 For the Shire of Buloke, and the districts of Birchip, Charlton, Donald, St. Arnaud, Watchem and Wycheproof • The marquee sign says it all as the happy couple, surrounded by family and friends, pose for a group photo outside the Rex. Rex Hosts Movie-Themed Wedding (By Jenny Pollard) long-time passion – science their special day after suffer- drawn from numerous sec- The outside marquee read “Kristy and Pete’s Big Fat Greek Wedding”, fiction movies. ing previous cancellations tors of the Charlton commu- but this wasn’t the title of a forthcoming block-buster hit! And what better way of due to the pandemic. nity. doing it than in a genuine Family and friends travelled As established residents For the first time in it’s which drew on movie lore Janet) and Pete Matheos movie “palace” like the Rex? from across the state and coun- of the town, Phil and Janet 83 year history, the Rex was for a theme. (parents, Con and Helen) – Incorporating meaningful try to be a part of the were keen to showcase the playing host to a fully-fledged The happy couple – Kristy celebrated their March 20 snippets into the ceremony, occasion and, in the process, got community’s strengths and wedding ceremony – and one Stafford (parents, Phil and wedding with a salute to their the pair finally celebrated to sample country hospitality • Continued on page 2. Hop into Donald for an Easter Surprise Easter is traditionally a fun time of the year, with many former residents returning to visit family and friends. This year, to promote the local business sector, Donald Chamber of Commerce and Industry is offering those who shop locally the chance to share in $1,000 in prizes during its “Hop into Donald This Easter” promotion. Starting today, each time displaying the distinctive form, fill in your contact you shop at any Donald business poster, ask for a special entry details, and lodge your completed entry in one of the special collection bins located strategically in Woods Street, Mallee Redistribution at Johno’s Diner, the Donald Federal Member for Mallee, Anne Webster, Newsagency, Weir’s IGA, Mensland, and Donald Hard- has welcomed the proposed boundaries of an ware and Buloke Firearms. expanded federal electorate. You can enter as many “The AEC has released its times as you wish, and will be proposed boundaries for the in the running to win one of the electorate of Mallee, which will four $250 shopping vouchers see Stawell, Halls Gap and on offer. Great Western come back into The draw will take place at Mallee,” Dr. Webster said. 12 noon on Friday, April 9, in “During the consultation the Donald Mall. process, there was some dis- “Hop into Donald This Easter”, shop locally, and you • Pictured with the Bill Rose Premiership Shield, St. Arnaud captain, Jacob Patching, cussion around Maryborough receives from umpire Chris Guthrie the “man of the match award”. moving out of Mallee. I’m could be a lucky winner — pleased to see it will stay in with the Donald Chamber of Mallee. Commerce and Industry pro- “Jacob’s Ladder” viding the special Easter treat. “I thoroughly enjoy repre- • Dr. Anne Webster senting Maryborough and sur- rounds, and have been working “Because of the proximity “Climbing the ladder” is the ambition of every cricket captain. closely with Central Goldfields of Stawell to Mallee, I’ve This year, Jacob Patching led the St, Arnaud “A” grade team up to the next-to-top Shire Council on important already been working closely rung, before the semi-finals. infrastructure projects for the with residents and stake Victory at that level then took the Saints into the grand final against the reigning premier region, and will continue to holders in that region, and team, Jeffcott, and on Saturday they claimed victory in a thrilling contest at the Jeffcott oval. fight for the interests of small look forward to continue to To top it all, Jacob was named “man of the match”, after an outstanding all-round businesses, workers and fam- advocate for all of Northern performance. ilies in Central Goldfields. Grampians Shire.” Vecteezy.com linked to use of manures have been reported in Vic- Much Ado About Manure toria”. This is not a joke of “the horseman knew ‘er” kind. The paper states that, while Agriculture Victoria This is a serious business; once again, a “googly” regulates biosecurity, it does not specifically deal with from Chairman Dan. FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021 manures as a waste. (It is of interest that the relevant Victorian farmers, say the media, are dismayed, Act in New South Wales has a provision for “biosolids and are planning concerted opposition to draft recom- to boost the soil’s productivity. It provides nitrogen, and manures”, but says the appropriate consent author- mendations of the Environment Protection Authority phosphorus, and potassium, and is used to improve ity is usually the local council (not the NSW EPA) ). (EPA) that would classify manure as industrial waste. crops, especially by farmers who adopt regenerative principles. The Victorian paper adopts the tired explanation, The proposal is part of the state government’s “Re- used in other cases of excessive red tape, that the pro- cycling Markets Acceleration Package”. The official The new definition of manure as industrial waste posed new legislation “provides certainty to industry”. story is that it’s time for the EPA to apply a new ap- rather than a paddock fertiliser leaves farmers uncertain of how they can store, transport and use manure. Inasmuch as the accent of the legislative changes proach to protecting the environment and people. is on the importation of diseases, they should hardly be But according to the Nationals’ leader, Peter Walsh, For example, the Kilmore farmer (and BlazeAid the subject of adverse criticism. The bit that gets Mr Andrews is obsessed with burying farmers in un- founder) Kevin Butler says it is disastrous, as he farmer anger, however, is the change to agricultural necessary green and red tape. In fact, Mr Walsh’s state- spreads annually about one thousand tonnes of poultry practice envisaged, after each industry sector has spent ment is headed “A Stench in Spring Street”. manure and litter on his property. In his view, he is decades developing standards to manage any problems. feeding the farmland with well-balanced natural fer- The government is seeking to develop new legisla- tilisers, but the EPA wants to change the nature of “best When asked whether it would amend the proposed tive tools called “determinations”. From July 1 2021, practice” farming. determination in order to allow farmers to spread ma- farmers will be forced to comply with new regulations nure as they now do, the EPA replied : “EPA is seeking on the way they use, store, and transport animal waste. A discussion paper put out by Victoria’s EPA in feedback as to whether there are alternative ways to February 2021 says the main risks of the present prac- manage the biosecurity and pathogen risks”. The current industry standard is to spread chicken, tice are the biosecurity risk of a disease outbreak, and sheep, cow, and pig manures on pastures, leave the pad- pollution of the environment. It gives as an example The Authority should have the answer by now : dock to rest for at least three weeks, then return live- from overseas the E.coli outbreak in cider produced farmers will find it difficult to implement the proposed stock to graze on the pasture at the later date. The from apples grown on contaminated land. Yet, it specifications, for which no adequate explanation is manure is seen as a valuable by-product, with nutrients concedes: “To date no significent pollution incidents given, beyond the desire for change. Colour Run at Tchum Lake Colour Runs are designed for participants of all ages to have fun running, walking, skipping or dancing their way around a set course while they have colour powder flung at them. Following the distinct lack Youth Group members, and of colour, excitement or fun in this is included in the entry 2020, the Birchip Youth price of $10 per adult, $5 per Group has decided to bring it child or $20 per family. back this weekend as restric- Parents or guardians of child- tions continue to ease around ren under 18 who participate the State, with a colour run at in the Birchip Youth Group Tchum Lake. Event will need to sign a per- This is an un-timed event mission form on the day. in which participants of all People, can still participate ages are encouraged to get in- in the event even if they do volved by wearing a white t- not wish to be sprayed with shirt to show up the colour powder. The youth sensational colours, and run group members will do their or walk as many laps as best to throw the powder at Tchum Lake as you choose in the torso; however, wind and • Youth Group executive members Hannah Cook (left, vice-president), Ella Hogan (president), Ella Walsh (treasurer) and the designated time. other factors can cause the powder Tadgh Lowry (Youth Room representative), preparing for Sunday’s colour run. Registrations to protrude on the face. You Registrations commence at may wish to bring goggles or 4 p.m., with the event com- sunglasses to protect your eyes Rex Hosts Movie-Themed Wedding mencing at 4.30 p.m.
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