UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Stewart L. Udall, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Clarence F. Pautzke, Commissioner BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES, Donald L. McKernan, Director BIBLIOGRAPHY ,ON THE BIOLOGY 'OF THE COD Gadus morhua AND RELATED SPECIES By JOHN P. WISE FISHERY BULLETIN 215 From Fishery Bulletin ~f the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 62 Published by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service _ Washinl1ton Printed at the U.S. Government PrlntlnQ Office _ WashinQton,1963 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government PrlntlnQ Office, WashlnQton 25, D.C. - Price 40 cents Created in 1849, the Department of the Interior-America's Department of Nattu'nl Resources-is eoncerned with the management, eonservation, and development of the Nation's water, fish, wildlife, mineral, forest, and park and reereational resotu'ces. It also has rililjor responsibilities for Indian and Territorial affairs. As the Nation's principal conservation ageney, the Department works to assure that nonrenewable resow'ces fire developed and used wisely, that park and reCl'eational resources n.re conserved for the future, and that renewable resources mn.ke their full contribution to the progress, prosperity, and security of the United States-now and in the future, II CONTENTS Page Introduction_______________________________________________________________ 483 Bibliography_______________________________________________________________ 484 Index by subjects ~________________________________ 535 Index by geographical areas__ ____ _______ ____ _____________ ____________________ 537 AddClldum __ - ._______ ____ ___ ___ _ 538 III ABSTRACT A bibliography of 1,020 references on the biology of the cod, Gadu8 morhua L., and related species of North American members of the genus Gadu8 whichis reasonably complete through 1959. An extensive subject and geograph­ ical area index is included. IV BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE BIOLOGY OF THE COD, GADUS MORHUA, AND RELATED SPECIES By JOHN P. WISE, Fishery Research Biologist BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES This bibliography was first assembled as an aid ture and salinity conditions. As a consequence, to biological studies of cod (Gadus mOl'h'l.U£) carried it has often been utilized by biologists and experi­ on at the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bio­ mentalists for studies on a "typical" marine fish. logical Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. It. was As a result, probably more is known of the planned to include only papers on the cod of the anatomy and physiology of the cod thffil Of any northwestern Atlantic, but it soon became ap­ other marine fish. In addition, physiologistS have pm:ent that such a compilation would have limited worked with captive fish in hatcheries both for value. Consequently, ·the bibliography was ex­ purely scientific reasons and to learn more about panded to include information on the general a particular phase of the biology of the cod for biology of cod. Papers on Gad'U8 species and the use of fishery scientists. Since a great deal closely related forms other than G. morh1la of the . is known about the general biology of these fish, Atlantic were included, but no special search was it is much easier to employ cod in studies of a made for them. particular phenomenon than to start blindly with Certain criteria were observed in assembling an unknown subject. this bibliography, namely: that, with few excep­ The bibliography is incomplete in some re­ tions, the material be in permanent printed form; spects. Specific weakness will be found in the that the subject matter be cod biology; that the literature published in the Scandinavian o.nd publication be available to me for reading and Russian languages. This is partly the result of abstracting. the unavailability of material, but more particu­ A few papers primarily on technology were in­ larly to my unfamiliarity with these languages. cluded because of information contained on basic Fort,unately, contemporary Scandinavian workers biological problems, e.g., the chemical composition often publish in English, and mo.ny Russian of the cod or its bacterial flora. Those interested papers carry an English summary or have been in the literature on technology per se are referred translated in part or in full. The lack of com­ to the excellent bibliography by McPhail, No. 657. pleteness is also partly due to the law of diminish­ No evaluation of quality or merit for inclusion ing returns. With the attainment of about a in the bibliography was mllde. Articles in print thousand references I find it more and more in scholarly journals, books, and more popular difficult to find those remaining, and t.here is works are included. Annotations are usually little hope that they may all ever be found. limited to cross-referencing as an aid in finding At the sanle tune, it is probable that most of the related papers. That the material is not all of more importo.nt works have been found o.nd equal value is partially reflected in the index, abstritcted. where the most inlportant contributions in various The citations nre largely self-explanatory. The biological areas are indicated. no.nle and initials of each author'are given as Much has been published about cod, probably for two reasons. Fu:st, the cod is one of the published. Because of inconsistency in spelling world's most important food fishes and its biology and in completeness of names, the work of the and ecology have been widely studied.'and reported same man may appeal' under slightly varying on. Second, it reaches rather large size, is com­ names. Unfortuna.tely, differing practices in mon, and is fairly easy to maintain in captivity tro.nsliteration also contribute to inconsistency because of its tolerance of widely varying tempera- of names.. 483 484 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE The language of the title is the language of the Liverpool and the Sea-Fish 'Hatchery at Piel, publication, with the few exceptions, where the no. 21, p. 43-50. authors have furnished English titles. The name, 7. ALI,EN, E. J. title, and place of publication of a journnl are 1917. The ltge' of fishes and the rate at which given as they appear in the issue containing the they grow. Jourual of the Marine Biological article. The place of publication is not given if Association of the United Kingdom, new series, vol. 11, no. 3, p. 309--124. explicit in the title. Coauthors and junior authors are cited with ALMY, L. H., 154. numbers following, referring to the included 8. ALVARI~O, A. publications in whieh they have a part. It was 1958. Zooplttnkton from Newfoundlnnd waters. felt that this would serve a useful purpose in (Author's abstmct.) International Commis­ grouping organicnlly related work published sion for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, Rpecial Publicat,iou No.1, p. 275. under the first coauthor's or senior author's nm11es. 9. AMBROSE, J. Assistance was given by Elizabeth B. Leonard, 1866. Some observations on the fishing grounds and fish of St. Margaret's Bay, N.S. Pro­ librarian of t.he Burenu of COlllmercial Fisheries ceedings of the Nova Scotian Iustitute of Biological Laboratory, by Deborl1,h L. Harlow and. Natural Science of Halifax, Nova ScOtitl, 1865­ staff at t,he Marine Biological Laboratory Library, 6, vol. 1, part 4, p. -33-43. both of Woods Hole, Mass. j by other librarinlls, 10. ANCELLIN, J. by my colleagues who cnlled attention to refer­ 1953. Summary report of the cruise of the ences found in their reading, and by Ha.rriett E. French research vessel President Theodore :Murray who cnrefully checked the eitations. Tissier in the region of Newfoundland lind Lahrador Subareas 2 and 3, August-September, BIBLIOGRAPHY 1952. International Commission for the North­ west Atlantic Fisheries, Annual Proceedings, A vol. 3, pl\rt 3, p. 34-37. 11. -.--. 1. ABBOT, C. C. 1954. Observations sur It\ mome de Terre­ 1871. Notes on frcsh-water fishes of New Jersey. Neuve et du Labrador. Conseil Permanent The American Naturalist, vol. 4, p. 99-117. Interlmtional pour l'Exploration de Ill. Mer, Rapports et Proces-VerbtlUX des Reunions, vol. 2. MLALO, F. G. 136, no. 13, p. 72-76. 1904. British salt-water fish€'s. Hutchinson and Co., London, 328 p. 12. --.-. See: Mtl.l"ston, 1904. 1955. Researches, c-Ul'ried out onboard [sic.] the French oceanographic vessel President Theodore 3. AGASSIZ, A. Tissier in t,he Newfoundland area, April-May, 1878. On the young stages of some osseous fishcs. 1954. Internat,ional Commission for the Nort,h­ Proceedings of t,he American Academy of Arts west Atlantic Fisheries, Annual Proceedings, and Sc.iences, new series, vol. 5, no. 4, p. 117­ vol. 5, part 3, p. 39-41. 127. ANDERSEN, H., 552. 4. ALA NDER, H. 1951. Cod. Swedish investigations. Conseil 13. ANDERSSl,IN, K. A. Permanent Intemational pour l'Exploration 1938. A study of t,he mte of growth of some fishes de la Mer, Annales Biologiques, vol. 7, p. 115­ in the Baltic. Conseil Perm:tnent International 116. pour l'Explomtion de la Mer, Rapports et Proces-Verbaux des Reunions, vol. 108, pm-t 1, 5.-·--. no. 11, p. 67-72. 1952. Fisheries hydrography in the Baltic. Conseil Permanent International pour l'Ex­ 14. ANDREWS, W. plomtion de 10. Mer, Rapports et Proces­ 1861. On the cod and ling fisheries of Ireland. Verbaux des Reunions, vol. 131, no. 9, p. 61-62. Dublin QUILrterly Journal of Science, vol. 1, no. 38, p. 382-396. 6. ALEXANDER, D. M. 1913. A review of piscinc tubercle, with a de­ 15. ANDBIIASHEV, A. P. scription of an acid-fast bacillus found in the 1954. Ryby severnykh mOl'ei SSSR. Opre­ cod. Report for 1912 on the Lancashire Set1.­ deliteli po faune SSSR, isdavaemye Zoolog­ Fisheries Laboratory at the University of ischeskim Institutom Akademii Nauk SSSR, BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE COD 485 53, 556 p.
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