THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County Entered an Second JVTY-SIXTH YEAR—No. 46 P«it Office. W WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1956 Olympic Trophy Presented •layground Tether Ball Cancel August Bicycle Inspection Water Company To Seek 'ourneyWonByLambert The usual monthly bicycle inspectipn scheduled for All- §rutt hat been cancelled. Po- Trailside Film To lice Chief Albert PBrrmann 27 Per Cent Rise In Rates {egistration At announced today. He laid Depict State's Beauty that became of vacation fields Now Hits schedules the police depart- A filmed travel adventure with- ment is shorthanded thtl Market Appeal 20 Communities in the borders of the Garden month. The next inspection lark of 2,810 State will be offered visitors to will be held Saturday, Sept. t. the Trailside Museum in the Wat- The chief also has reported Hearing Tonight In Westfield Area chung Reservation Sunday. En- a few unclaimed bicycles still The town tetherball tournament I t;y d "New Jersey Journey" the e remain at police headquar. To Be Affected a! held at the Lincoln Play-1 fi|m depjcts the natural, historical ast ters, dated before the de- Group Opposes • •ound l Thursday^ afternoon and architectural beauty of the Ith Phillip Lambert of McKinley partment began registration. state in full color and sound, Building Permit The Plainfield-Union Water Co. areround taking first place lion- Anyone producing ownership starting at 3 p.m., the Union Coun- which serves some 20 communities s' Marty Howarth of Roosevelf identification may have his ty Park Commission announced. Public hearing on an appeal to in the Plainfield-Westfield area re- ayirrouiid placed second with birycle by calling at head- Featured during the 30-minute set aside the building permit vealed today that a new schedule aiidia Cagnassola of Lincoln quarters, municipal building. travelogue on New Jersey are granted to Grand Union for a su- of higher rates has been filed for ireround coming in third. scenes of the colorful pageant of permarket at 219-233 Elm street, approval with the State Board of th'er finalists were Jerry Post. will be held tonight at 8 o'clock 1 Atlantic City, cascading trout Public Utility Commissioners. rant Mike Love of Wilson; John streams, beautiful architecture and before the Board of Adjustment. of Washington; Jean Pet- The new rates, which increase the exact spot where Washington Y Campettes To The permit was granted June 14. sorseln l of Jefferson; and Kalph present prices by about 27 per cent, crossed the Delaware before the The appeal was filed June 28 by aim of Columbus playground. are designed to allow continuation Battle of Trenton. harles A. Reid Jr. of Plainfield, Renee Ricci of Jefferson play- Close Program attorney for the Westfield Resi- of the company's modernization ound, last year's champion, again In addition there are' many dents Association, with Town program and to further increase on the girl's division all-play- scenes off the beaten path to ro- Clerk Jane Jones, secretary of the supplementary water supplies to round hop-scotch tournament at mantic "lost towns" in fhe famous Day Camp Girls adjustment board. guard against future shortages, it . e Wilson playground Thursday, pine barrens and to the home port was announced. The building permit was issued onnie Bauman of Washington of the picturesque oyster fleet. To'Stagc "Alice" REV. CANON E. CARPENTER by Building Inspector Bernard Reviewing the period during - layground placed first for boys in /hich rapid post-war building ex- Jann after plans submitted by i event and was followed closely •The 195G Campette program of ansion outdistanced the area's, the Westfield YWCA ends today rand Union complied with the Donald Plenty of Wilson, sec- Miss Dorothy Rudzina, playground leader at McKinley i. shown rater supply and its ability to File Suit In with a dramatic presentation town's building codes. The site is British Canon d- and Richard Willoughby of at the right accepting the playground Olympic trophy from Jo- laintain pressures in drought pe- jnc'oln, third. Donna Dearing of "Alice" which was written by Mrs. n an area zoned for business. iods, a company spokesman out- seph Coleman, playground director, in behalf of the champions at Grand Union has an o;""^ to pur- 'ilson, and Lee Caroselli of Zoning Protest L. J. Peterson and directed by McKinley. Venessa Blackman, center, won two first places for To Speak Here ned recent and proposed Improve- losevelt tied for second place in Mrs. Robert J. Smith. All mem- chase the property from Dr. Davis, lents. , McKinley. tind Mrs. Sarah Farnam. girls' group. Miss Joanne bers of the day camp group will With the year-by-year extension nn, Mrs. John C. Sarace, and Boro Residents participate in the production and Mayor H. Emerson Thomas has Union Service f the Elizabethtown Water Co.'s lands Drake sewed as judges. their parents and friends have announced that Grand Union has 43-inch pipeline from its Rar- Daily attendance on the local Fighl Buffer Plan been invited .to attend. There will Bogus Check Warning Issued agreed to withhold using the per- At Baptist Church tan Valley supplies, he pointed lyfields reached 24,699 this past also be a display of craft items mit for five months from June 14 ut, for the first time the Plain- ek despite two more rainy days, (Other Story on Page 12) which the girls have made during to permit town officials to nego- The Rev. Canon Edward Car- eld-Union Co. has access to out- h 134 new registrants this MOUNTAINSIDE — Charging the four week session. Kefresh- Businessmen By Police Chief tiate with realty interests for con- penter, steward and chronicler of ide sources which can avert the k, the total registration is now that a recent amendment to thements will be served. struction of an apartment hotel on Westminster Abbey, London, Eng- ot weather shortages previously the. site. [the 2,810 mark, zoning ordinance is unlawful, six Members of the cast of "Alice" A warning on accepting checks pay for merchandise with a check, land, will be guest preacher at 'It by many of the communities n the process of being made •esKtcnts of Summit road have are: Deanne Hegyes, Janet Hum- was issued today to businessmen it is better to refuse him than to The appeal was signed by Hen- 9: HO a.m. union services Sunday serves. Although the Elizabeth- ' is a huge permanent bulletin filed suit against the Borough of phrey, Carolyn Wyatt, Charlotte by Police Chief Albert Pflrrmann. get stuck with a bad check! If ry A. McCashin, Hobert S. Jessee, in the First Baptist Church. The own pipeline will not be completed u-d which will display the names Mountainside, councilmen of theMartin, Carolyn Neimann, Janet We cited a recent influx of bad you do accept a check it is imper- Malcolm McTernan Jr., Erik B. services are sponsored jointly by ntil later this year, supplies from fall the Olympic champions and borough, Mayor Joseph A. C. Kom- Herfurth, Janet Toomey, Joan checks in the area and urged that ative that you get the following J. Roos, Miss Beatrice Warwick, tho Fust Congregational and First i portion of it became available lir town-wide records which will Ich and the Mountainside Plan- Budenbender, Ann Marie Schwie- merchants exercise extreme cau- answers lo this list of ciuestions Alexander Papp and Mrs. Clari- Baptist churches. o Plainncld-Union last summer, |nd till next yearls Olympic ning Board. The complainants gerath, Carol Ruprecht, Mary Ann tion when accepting payment of if you make a complaint to thebel A. Heaslip, members of the Canon Carpenter holds under- .nd resulted in removal of the This will be displayed on charge that the ordinance itself Debbie, Betsy Rohrbaugh, Martha this type. Police Department: association. The group opposes graduate and graduate degrees hosing restrictions which had pre- [(lie ptayflelda and in the West- prevents "appropriate" use of bor- Tomlinson, Carol Christiano and construction of the supermarket from KinRs College, London. He viously been imposed during hot, In a letter to all town business- "1. Date on check; date when on the grounds it would create a dry periods. d Leader office window later ough lands. Anita Kirchnej-. men the chief points out that: accepted. is also a Fellow at that institution season. traffic hazard to pupils of two and an author of several books o A., series of booster pumping sta- Their suit against borough of- Girls of the 10 and 11 year old "By the very nature of your "2. Signature signed or en schools and detract from the ap- 'Yesterday on all' the play- groups will sing and dance to "I'm business it is sometimes compul- men and movements in the Angl tions were constructed in 1954 and ficials calls establishment of a buf- dorsed in presence when tenderei pearance of the community. can Church. 1955 to make use of the new sup- fer, zone between, industrial, and Late" and will portray trees In sory oh your part to accept checks i for payment. plies, and engineering tests con- •evidential areas "without war- Wonderland."Eight-year-olds will for VaHou»« +e«gonsi • However, Prior to his present appoint inual doll model show. Winners 3ing and dance to "All in the Gold" there are unscrupulous persons "H. iffrticles or items purchased ment to Westminster Abbey ducted'last summer to determine the award ribbons will be an-rant in law." It states that the how much change? what further improvements were zoning ordinance "unlawfully re- en Afternoon" and will portray who prey on business every day Awards Rotary 1951 he served as curate of Hoi; mnced in next week's Leader.
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